X-Men Fan Fiction ❯ Origins ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The lullaby that Storm sings in this chapter is from the Disney movie Lady and the Tramp. Um...part of this chap was kinda a first for me & I hope y'all like it. Thank you LB for giving me confidence on that particular part!! *bites nails*

Words between / / are thoughts or mental speak
Words between * * are flashbacks
Words between ~ ~ are lyrics to any songs that may be used in the fic

CH 15

Logan didn’t need to turn around to see who was standing in his doorway. He shifted his gaze slightly to the right and stared at the boy’s reflection in the darkened window. Long, lean legs traced up to narrow hips leaning seductively against the frame. Fingers moved subtlety along a frayed waistband, drawing attention to a very specific region of the boy’s anatomy. The other hand lay relaxed along his thigh, idly rubbing up and down his jeans in small movements.

Remy leaned his head against the wood; his hair falling loosely around his jaw, teasing the creamy patches of skin along his neck. It was an obvious display of sexuality, that solicited the desired effect in the older mutant. Logan could feel his body responding to the sight; his groin tightening and the skin between his knuckles itching to release a blade and rip those clothes off the luscious figure. But, the boy had been avoiding him, running away at the slightest hint of interest yet here he was, standing behind him in open invitation, practically calling to Logan like some sort of siren. These were confusing signals and it was enough of a contradiction to give Logan pause, allowing him to regain control of himself, reining in his body’s responses to what it so obviously wanted.

Logan turned slowly to face the object of his desire. “I’m glad ya stopped by before heading off to bed. I wanted to talk to ya.”

Remy pushed himself off the frame and walked gracefully towards the older mutant, hips swaying enticingly as he moved. He stopped at the foot of the bed that divided the room in half, lowering himself to sit on the edge. “Talk? ‘bout what, mon ami?” One elegant, long-fingered hand smoothed the bedcover beside him, patting it gently in a seemingly innocent request to the feral.

“Uh…yeh.” Logan stared at the hand beckoning him for a moment, before moving to sit on the edge of the mattress. Rubbing the back of his neck in a nervous gesture, he felt the heat coming from the body beside him and decided to shift a little in the opposite direction. “Look…about the other night…I just wanted to apologize.”

Remy feigned ignorance as he moved his hand back to his thigh, once again gliding his digits along the rough texture of his jeans. “Apologize? For what?”

Intently watching those fingers move, and longing to replace them with his tongue, Logan swallowed hard as he struggled to maintain his composure. There was no mistaking the signals the Cajun was giving him, and it confused him all the more. “Ya know…for coming on too strong.”

“Hmm? How you mean?” Remy leaned his body forward, his eyes fairly glowing as he fixed the feral with a seductive gaze, slowly invading the older mutant’s personal space. He let a little of his charm ooze over the older mutant, the effect almost immediate as Remy saw beads of sweat break out on the other’s forehead.

Logan felt the warm body beside him drawing closer, the hairs on his arms standing to attention as if drawn to the younger mutant like some kind of magnet. Skin prickling, he was finding it more difficult by the moment to keep from ravishing the boy. Squeezing his eyes tight for a moment, he opened them to pin the boy with his gaze, determined to ignore the sensuous display and persevere with his attempts to explain. “Yeh, ya know, for forcing a kiss on ya. I…I’m sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me and it won’t happen again.”

One elegant auburn brow raised as Remy captured those ocean-colored orbs, seeing the maelstrom of emotion swirling just behind those deep, blue pools. “Seem like I recall participatin’ in dat kiss, chere. Can’t force de willin’.” He leaned a little more towards the man, bringing their faces in close proximity.

The essence of the Cajun male sitting next to him was so sweetly intoxicating, almost cloying to his senses. There was a tingling sensation at the edge of his awareness, an all too familiar feeling that set off his primal alarms and had him struggling to maintain control. What was the boy doing to him?

Vision wavering as his eyes flecked gold, Logan was only dimly aware of the younger mutant’s voice. “Remy t’inks he needs to recreate dat kiss, just so’s you can see it weren’t forced like you t’ought.” The boy closed the final distance and lightly brushed his lips against Logan’s. Logan’s eyes were closed, his breath labored and he was frozen as Remy pulled back to look. Smirking, he leaned forward again and pressed the advantage, tongue coming out to flick along the older man’s lips, requesting entrance. It was the final straw to break Logan’s control. He grabbed Remy by both arms, eliciting a startled gasp from the boy, and pushed him down on the bed. He straddled the younger mutant and attacked his mouth, ravaging that sweet opening like a starving man offered fruit.

Remy moaned into the kiss, and Logan swallowed it as tongues again dueled for dominance. Frantic hands roamed clumsily up and down as each explored the other, mapping out terrain like blind men; fingers clawing and soothing heated skin through the fabric of the shirts they wore. Logan pushed the kid’s shirt up and attacked a rosy nipple, sucking and teasing until it pebbled in interest. Satisfied with the response, he licked his way across the sternum to lave equal attention on the other. His blood roared in his ears and his focus narrowed to the luscious creature writhing below him. The moans pouring from the Cajun were sending the feral to the very edge. And somewhere in his mind, Logan was at war with himself. This was wonderful yet it was so wrong.

All the signs were there, the want and need. He could smell arousal, had smelled it before in the boy’s room the morning after they kissed. He could hear the increased heart rate, the groans of pleasure. He could feel the slight tremble in the boy’s hands, and taste the salt of sweat on the Cajun’s skin. But at the same time, he recalled how completely different this was from the previous encounter under the stars. The remembrance of hesitation from the boy, of caution over getting too close, the electricity that seemed to almost frighten him with the intensity that night in the kitchen – these signs screamed of a young man unused to a true connection with another, unaccustomed to the purity of feelings between two individuals that went so far beyond the physical.

Instead, the wantonness of the body beneath him told Logan something else, something practiced, rather dark and not easily addressed. It killed his desire faster than a bucket of cold water. He pushed himself up, looking down at the beautiful face, and waited for the boy’s eyes to open with awareness. Lost in the sensations, it took Remy a moment to realize that Logan had stopped moving, had stopped kissing him. Slowly cracking his lids open, he caught the older man staring at him with a strange expression. “What de matter Logan?”

There was a space of silence as the older mutant contemplated the Cajun. Finally, he shifted his weight to one arm and brought his other hand to gently push back the hair that was plastered to the boy’s forehead. “Remy.” he whispered, as if afraid to break some kind of spell. Swallowing hard, Remy struggled to understand what he was feeling from the older man. It was all encompassing, the emotions radiating off the man, and it was all directed at him. Remy almost shook is head in denial. Logan eased himself off the slender body and reached out a hand in offering. A pregnant pause ensued as Remy stared at the man, eyes widening slightly in wonder that the older man had stopped, but finally he clasped the proffered hand. They stood together, hand in hand for a moment as their eyes devoured each other until Logan broke the spell. “I think you should get some sleep Remy. It’s kinda late, and some of the others will be returning tomorrow, so we’ll need to get things ready.”

Remy could only follow mutely as the feral released his hand and guided him to the door. At the threshold, he felt compelled to apologize, though he wasn’t quite sure what he had done wrong. “Logan….Remy didn’..” he stammered before being interrupted.

“Shhh…it’s alright. Ya didn’t do nothing wrong. I just need a little time is all.” At the lost expression on the boy’s face, Logan reached up and cupped his chin, sliding his hand around the back of the slender neck and drawing him down. Placing a chaste kiss on the Cajun’s lips, Logan drew back before it could turn into something more. “It ain’t a rejection Remy. I do want this. But I want more too. Can ya understand?”

Remy nodded, though his mind was still in a daze. He wasn’t sure he knew what the older man wanted beyond sex. And he wasn’t sure he could give it to him. But, he could feel there was a connection; had been since the first moment they met. It scared Remy more than anything ever had before. He shuffled across the hall to his own room, pausing briefly in the threshold to look back at the feral. The whole scene was just too confusing. Never before had anyone resisted his charms in the throes of passion. Logan gave him a small smile of reassurance before closing his own door.


The longer he stared at it, the more it twirled in hypnotic effect. He imagined that the optical illusion could solicit the effect of dizziness on the viewer, keeping one off balance as the pattern swirled about. Whoever chose the wallpaper for this room had a warped sense of style, or perhaps no sense of style at all. Remy turned over, placing his back to the wall as he shifted his contemplation to the door. Is that real wood or simply wood grain veneer over pressed board?

“Wonder if I could put my foot t’rough dat?” he mused. “Wonder how much it would cost to fix de hole?” After a minute of debating the pros and cons of solid wood, Remy gusted out a hefty sigh and turned away, rolling onto his back to stare at the ceiling. That was pointless; he had already estimated the amount of acoustical texture the panels might hold. “Dammit!” he hissed as he rose to a sitting position, slumping over his legs. One forearm rested heavy on a thigh while the other hand came up to run slender fingers through auburn locks, his hand coming to rest on the back of his neck and rubbing at the tension forming as he hung his head. It seemed another sleepless night was in store.

He was amazed that the older man had spurned him. Never before had he been turned away when approaching someone for sex. It was a new experience for him and he wasn’t exactly sure if he should be upset or pleased. There was a warm feeling in the pit of his stomach for the man that said no. It made him feel somehow respected, especially in light of the older mutant stating his desire for Remy as more than a fuck-toy. But, despite all that, it left him feeling frustrated…and horny as hell.

Taking a deep breath, he decided to see if he could feel the feral in his sleep as he had previously when the man had a nightmare. Flicking his eyes quickly to the clock, he decided that the Professor was probably asleep as well and, therefore, Remy felt safe to lower his shields and focus on the mutant across the hall. Eyes closed, and breathing deeply, he reached out with his talent and concentrated on the feral. Almost immediately he was slammed with lust, causing his eyes to snap open and a sharp intake of breath. But there was more; an underlying current of a deeper, more powerful emotion that Remy didn’t want to think about just now. So, he focused on the lust. The man may have asked Remy to leave without having sex, but he wasn’t apparently going to deny himself release.

Remy fell back into the bed, moaning slightly as the feelings took over. One hand glided down his torso of its own accord, teasing his nipples and circling his navel. The other hand moved up to caress his face, two fingers slipping between his lips allowing his tongue to encircle them lovingly. Further down the fingers slid, twining gently through wiry curls of auburn hair to tickle the tender flesh beneath until, “Oh…merde!” at last, they reached their prize, stroking slowly along the rising shaft and gripping it at the base. Remy could sense the older mutant’s desire for him and desperately wanted to reciprocate the feelings. Pushing his own growing lust towards the feral he instantly sensed where Logan’s hand rested. But, he was afraid of the other man discovering. At this distance, with walls between them, he wasn’t sure if he could control his charm so precisely, so he didn’t risk it. Instead, he basked in the glow of the older man’s hunger as they both worked themselves in unison.

Hips began to move, building a steady rhythm as his hand worked his engorged cock. Beads of liquid pearled at the top, and he slid his thumb over the head to spread the fluid around, easing the burn of friction against the tender flesh. Logan was getting close, he could feel it. Pumping faster, he brought his moistened fingers down to fondle his sac, cupping and lifting them to reach his entrance. Legs bent, bracing his feet against the bed as he began bucking his hips in earnest, his fingers dipping just inside his passage. He could no longer restrain himself, his moans growing loud and free as he completely lost himself to the erotic sensations. Remy imagined Logan moving within him as he thrust harder into the tunnel created by his hand. Sweat ran in rivulets down his chest.

He felt the crash of the feral’s orgasmic bliss against his shields and it overwhelmed him, causing his own release to burst free. A strangled cry escaped his throat as he grasped the pillow above his head with his free hand, back arching, hips pushing the last few strokes; freezing in mid-air to completely spill his seed over his stomach and chest. Gasping for breath, he fell back to the bed, his cock still in hand as he slowly returned to himself. A sated smile made its way to his face and he wriggled in the bed sheets basking in the warm after glow. The feelings from the older man had been intense, and directed fully at him. Remy’s smile faltered as the reality of the situation took hold.

“Logan” he whispered. Remy wasn’t sure he liked where his heart was trying to take him. There was no room in his life for that kind of hope. He decided to ruthlessly clamp down on those feelings and lock them away. The boss would not be merciful if he failed in his assignment and Remy had no doubt the sadistic bastard would find his greatest weakness and use it against him.

He felt a stinging sensation behind his eyes and quickly rubbed his lids before hauling his carcass out of bed. A quick glance at the time caught him by surprise when he realized that more than an hour had passed. Yet, he was even more restless than before his body’s release. He needed to cleanse the stickiness from his skin and attempt, yet again, to get some sleep. Moving into the shared bathroom at the end of the hall, Remy paused briefly to see if Logan might venture from his room with the same goal in mind. But then he recalled that the older mutant had his own private bathroom, one of the few in the mansion who did, and he sighed as he proceeded to rinse the evidence of his passion from his body.

After showering, he donned a pair of sweatpants before walking back towards his room, rubbing a towel over his head to remove the excess water from his hair. He was half-way down the hall when he stopped. Cocking his head to one side, he thought he heard a noise. Listening intently, he picked up on the faint sound of humming. Legs were moving before he had time to think as he made his way to the stairs leading to the loft. The sound of a female voice grew louder as he climbed the stairs and he paused just outside her door as he listened to the song she was crooning. It was easy to find his smile again as he lightly rapped on her door.

“Yes?” Ororo’s questioning voice filtered through.

“It Remy, chere. May I come in?”

She bid him entry and he strolled into her room, taking a moment to appreciate all of the feminine touches that marked this as her domain. She was standing on the far side of the room, next to an open window, her hands paused in pruning some sort of small tree-like plant.

Remy looked around for a place to sit. Considering the size of the loft, and all the plants and decorations that gave the room a welcome feel, it was surprisingly sparse of furniture. Deciding the only place to sit was the floor or the apparently unkempt bed, he sauntered over to the edge of the mattress, and plopped himself down on top of one lump. A panicked cry was heard from under the covers, startling the Cajun until he hopped away as if burned.

“What de…?” he threw a shocked look towards the weather goddess and noticed her giggling. The lump began to move, heading for the edge of the mattress, following the bedding to the floor, until a small furred calico kitten ran out of the covers and towards its mistress, crying all the way. It took a moment for the entire scene to play out before Remy found himself chuckling. “M’sorry. Didn’t mean to squish your cat.”

Ororo reached down and scooped the little fur-ball in her arms, one finger stroking between its eyes to calm the creature. “It’s fine. He enjoys playing hide-n-seek in my bed, unfortunately.” She turned a brilliant smile towards the Cajun before continuing. “His name is Patches. I found him when I was visiting my friends in the city. The Professor said I may nurse him back to health before we have to find him a home.” She looked down at the small animal, adoration shining in her eyes. “I’m hoping to convince him to let us keep him. I think having an animal around for the children to take care of will teach them responsibility and compassion for other creatures.”

Ororo moved to the window bench and sat down, turning her full attention to the young man sitting across the room from her. “To what do I owe the honor of your visit so late in the evening?”

He caught her eye for a moment before looking at the floor, flushing slightly. There was no way he would share his real reasons for insomnia. “Heard you singing. You have a beautiful voice, chere. Peaceful even.”

The white haired mutant beamed with the praise. “Thank you, Remy. I enjoy singing to my plants. I am also practicing.”

His brows rose at that. “Practicing? For what? Gonna go pro or somet’in?”

Her laugh was a pleasant sound, warming in its sincerity. “No. Practicing for when my adopted niece and nephew arrive.” At the puzzled look on the boy’s face, she smiled and picked up a bottle of water, spritzing some of the leaves with one hand while cradling her little pet in the other. “One of our team members is pregnant with twins. You’ll meet her and her husband tomorrow. I’m looking forward to babysitting. The nice thing about being an adopted aunt is that I can spoil them rotten….” She turned a sly glance his way, conspiracy written all over her face, “…and then give them back when they’re all worked up.”

Remy laughed with her. “Oh dat be cruel, chere.” He fell back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. “Just too cruel. I t’ink you and I gonna be real good friends.”

The laughter died down between them. Smiling over at the boy, she put down the bottle and resumed stroking her purring kitten. “Yes. I would like that very much. Now tell me Remy, why are you really here. Can’t sleep?”

Remy swallowed hard, deciding he would have to tell her enough to keep her satisfied without sharing more than he was prepared to deal with. “Oui.”

“Ah. I can understand. This must all be new for you. You seem to be under a lot of stress” She didn’t bother to acknowledge his sharp gaze. Remy wondered exactly how much the beautiful weather goddess had deduced on her own. He sighed heavily, wanting so badly to just tell her everything and see if together they could come up with some sort of way out of the nightmare his life had become.

She paused for a moment, biting her lower lip as if to decide whether or not to say what was on her mind. “Logan told me about the food. He thinks you are worried we might let you starve.” She looked up at him then, pinning him with her gaze. “But, I’m not so sure. I think there is more to it than that, perhaps contributing to your stress.”

Lips pressed together in a thin line, Remy didn’t answer as he continued staring at her ceiling. The thought that the feral had talked about him after all didn’t sit well with him. Though he had to admit that the older mutant talking with the wind rider was a hell of a lot better than sharing suspicions with the Professor.

“Whenever you are ready Remy, you can trust us.” Frowning slightly at the lack of reaction from the Cajun, Ororo turned her attentions back to the creature in her arms. “Cats are interesting creatures. They are so self-sufficient, yet need to be taken care of. They act like they prefer their solitude, wanting nothing to do with anything or anyone. Yet, unconsciously seek out a companion if only to be in the same room with another. Plants are similar. They can survive on their own, but they thrive and grow to their full potential when I nourish them and talk or sing to them. It can be so frustrating sometimes. But it is just as fulfilling.” Remy listened to her ramble on about her plants and her kitten, her voice melodic and even. Though he realized she was probably trying to make some kind of point, his mind began to wander and eyes glazed over in exhaustion.

Turning her attention to the kitten in her arms, Ororo started humming softly. She began to sing a lullaby to the animal, lulling it to sleep.

~la la lu, la la lu

oh my little star sweeper

I'll sweep the star dust for you

la la lu, la la lu

little soft fluffy sleeper

here comes a pink cloud for you~

She glanced over and noticed Remy’s lids drifting closed. Her voice was hypnotic and waves of peace washed over him and he found it hard to hold onto consciousness; choosing instead to let go and float to the welcome embrace of elusive sleep.

~la la lu, la la lu

little wandering angel

hold up your wings, close your eyes

la la lu, la la lu

and may love be your keeper

la la lu, la la lu, la la lu~

Ororo continued to hum a while longer until she was certain that he was well and truly asleep. A soft smile touched her lips as she quietly moved over to the bed, pulling an afghan from a nearby drawer to drape over his body.

“Goodnight Remy.” she whispered as she floated down the stairs, avoiding the creaking noise that the steps were prone to make. Tonight, the guest room would suit her needs just fine.

<><><><><><><><>&l t;> on to part 16

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