Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My Purgatory ❯ Troubling Winds ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Three

Troubled Winds

The high pitched shrill echoed throughout the area, yet it remained unheard against the noisy night shuffling. Nether was the countless whimpers that followed after heard among the many cars and civilians. The deep flow or crimson was heavily overlooked and the once frantic breathing, had become a blur. All that could be recognized was the sonorous beep in the background, sounding off endlessly....

"Urgh! Shut up already!" I hissed having come out of my torturous dreaming again by the annoying alarm clock by my side. You would think I would be relieved to have it drag me back into a fearless reality, but the fragments of the horrible dream still remained fresh on my mind.

I turned in bed groggily and glowered at the clock that blinked its offensive red numbers in my face. It had all became a hassle to wake up to the sound of a drone beep. But barely a minute after being interrupted from my dreaming, another irritating sound thundered through the house. Nether which I was pleased with. Only the works at the head quarters would call us this early in the morning.

I merely stared daggers at the phone that sat beside the alarm clock. Together their noises blended and created an admiration of all sounds. To say at the every least, I didn't want to deal with ether of them. With a brief sigh, I reached over and shut the alarm clock off, but that didn't stop the incisive ringing of the phone. And soon enough I could hear the desperate footsteps of none other than Tsuzuki rushing to the phone in the kitchen.

I quickly turned to my side, finally realizing Tsuzuki wasn't still in bed like myself. What was he doing up again this early? And he has been calling me suspicious? It was only then that I felt the urge to answer the phone as well, since Tsuzuki hadn't bothered to yell out who had called. I quietly picked up the receiver and lifted it to my ears to hear the present conversation.

"Tsuzuki I need to see you right away." I could hear what sounded to be Tatsumi on the other end. There was an odd hint of relief in his voice. But why would he be relieved if it obviously sounded like something terribly wrong had happened.

"Okay, I'll go wake up Hisoka-" Tsuzuki replied in a calm tone, though I could still here his gentle panting from running to the phone earlier.

"No! Tsuzuki don't!" Tatsumi had quickly intruded with a frantic command. The objection had not only seemed to startle me, but Tsuzuki as well, for he had nearly dropped the phone and was joggling it with his nervous hands. There was a muffled sound, obviously Tsuzuki had trouble bringing it back to his ear.

"But why not Tatsumi?" He asked worried.

"Because I want to speak to you alone." Tatsumi stated, sounding stern and determined. "It's important, so please hurry and get over here downtown." He had informed.

"Alright Tatsumi, I'll be over there very soon." Tsuzuki answered back, his voice filled with immeasurable concern and fear. Clearly Tsuzuki didn't like leaving me alone especially with his new suspicion.

I hear the phone click, meaning they both had hung up. In a quick attempt to hide the fact that I was listening in on the call, I quickly laid back in bed and pulled the covers up to my neck. Closing my eyes, I tried to feign sleep. The footsteps returned and as I suspected, Tsuzuki had come into the room to check on me. All I hear is the hurried shuffling of clothes just before a gentle kiss is placed on my forehead. And then the door closes behind him.

"Tsuzuki..." I mumbled to myself with a slight sorrow. Sitting up, I trace the delicate kissed forehead with my fingers and can't help but stare at the door from which he left. Why did Tatsumi did to speak to Tsuzuki alone so badly, did it concern me? Should I be worried? It sounded important, so I should just trust Tatsumi will not be trying anything fishy.


Tsuzuki looked cautiously around as he stood on the sidewalk. Tatsumi had told him to meet at this exact spot, but he had yet to see the brown haired male.

"Looking for me?" Came a very amused voice from behind Tsuzuki. The brunet sharply turned to face his co-worker. "I'm glad you came Tsuzuki." Tatsumi gave a small smile.

"You said it was important, so why wouldn't I come?" He asked with a childish confusion. Tatsumi had merely answered Tsuzuki's question with a comforting gesture of throwing his arm over the other's shoulder. Immediately, Tsuzuki tensed beneath the weight of the long arm on him. "Tatsumi..." He murmured bashfully, his eyes trailing away from Tatsumi's as he stared at the ground.

"You couldn't come because Hisoka would have made you stay." Tatsumi explained with a certain dislike in his voice, obviously held for the male that had taken the one person he had worked so hard to protect and care for.

"What do you mean?" Tsuzuki suddenly looked up. He couldn't imagine Hisoka being that controlling if he already knew Tatsumi was no threat. "Hisoka would never do that." The brunet defended.

Tatsumi only sighed as his arm stiffened to Tsuzuki careful defense. "He might not have done it then, but certainly he has change in the course of a few weeks." He started with a distant glare. "Lately he has been acting very suspicious. Haven't you noticed his sudden aggression and sneakiness?"

Tsuzuki frowned, his brows furrowed in disappointment. He didn't like to be the one to point out things wrong with others, especially those he cared about. "What do you mean? Hisoka's not aggressive or sneaky." Tsuzuki lied calmly.

"Tsuzuki." Tatsumi hissed, trying to show the other he was being completely serious and it was no time to be protective. "I know that mark didn't come from a bee sting." He confessed with an obvious resentment at the actually cause of the mark.

Tsuzuki gasped fearfully. Though he was not completely surprised Tatsumi didn't believe him anyway. "But it's nothing really!" Tsuzuki retorted. How could a kiss come off as aggressive.

"Tsuzuki don't be ignorant. Just because you don't want to see a change in Hisoka doesn't mean the signs aren't there." Tatsumi seriously said. "Hasn't he been leaving the house at late times?" He questioned, receiving a timid nod from Tsuzuki. "You have to keep an eye on him. Something stranger is definitely going on around here. Just last night there was another killing. We found the body this morning." Tatsumi sighed remorsefully.

"Really?!" Tsuzuki exclaimed surprisingly. "Someone else has been murdered?!" This was too strange. Hisoka had been leaving nightly and this attacks were happening more frequently. Suddenly a loud gasp emerged from the brunet's mouth. "Do you think Hisoka might get attacked too?!" He hurriedly asked.

There was a brief moment of pure frustration going on in Tatsumi's head as he heard Tsuzuki speculation. How could the male truly be that blind to the obvious suspicion. Tatsumi took a deep breath and looked back over Tsuzuki worried form. "That's a possibility Tsuzuki, but our biggest concern is this killer has a similar MO to Muraki's."

"Muraki..." Tsuzuki repeated, his voice fading as he remembered the pale skinned doctor and his evil manners of torment and molestation. "Tatsumi..." He muttered sorrowfully, his head dropping as the pain seeped through. "Do you think he has really come back...to get revenge?" He asked fearfully. Not only would this mean he was at a high risk of being taken again, but Hisoka would most likely be Muraki's number one target to kill.

Tatsumi quickly noted Tsuzuki sadness, and reframed from speaking his mind. He knew the truth at the moment would hurt the brunet more than a lie. "Muraki may have came back in the past, but I'm sure Hisoka did a thorough job of killing him." He smiled warmly and drew the other into a comforting hug. "Believe me Tsuzuki..." He whispered delicately, his head falling in the cradle of Tsuzuki's neck. "Me and Hisoka will never let anything happen to you again...I promise."

Tsuzuki blushed as he was held softly by his friend, but his eyes soon became hazy with tears and he quickly buried his face into the other's chest. Sobbing gently, Tsuzuki clenched tightly to Tatsumi's shirt. He knew the two would do anything to protect him. But that was exactly what he was afraid of. If they both were so determined to rescue him and keep him out of harm, the two would only end of hurt themselves or even dead. Hisoka had already risked his life many times for Tsuzuki, exactly how many more times will he have to?


I had been paranoid since the moment half an hour past and Tsuzuki had yet to return. There was always the taunting though that Tatsumi was somewhere with him alone and trying to seduce Tsuzuki. Or there was a great chance Tsuzuki had never reached Tatsumi and had run into trouble, maybe even that killer! The more I tried to fill my head with positive thoughts, the more negative ones flowed into my head.

And soon enough I had spent nearly a hour sitting on the couch near the door and staring at it with great unease. I hadn't even bothered to turn on the TV, I could only wait. In the eerie silence of an empty apartment.

The silence finally broke as I heard the definite sound of a key being pushed into the lock. My eyes remained pinned to the door as the knob turned and my beloved brunet walked into the room. My heart had stopped momentarily as I looked over his beautiful features; they had remained unharmed. In a brief flash I was at the door tackling Tsuzuki to the floor with a worried embrace.

"Tsuzuki!" I screamed out in a panic. I was on the verge of tears, but knew it to be stupid to cry over something this insignificant. He had returned, so there was nothing to worry about.

"Hisoka?!" He gasped as I remained above him, my arms encircling his neck. He seemed to notice my near sobbing eyes and returned the hug. "I'm sorry Hisoka...I should have said where I was going before I left. I didn't think I would come back after you woke up." He explained, a hint of regret in his voice.

There was this certain uneasiness within Tsuzuki, I had immediately sensed. I relaxed from my death hold on Tsuzuki and looked him seriously in the eyes. "What's wrong Tsuzuki?" I asked, but the question had went unanswered as his amethyst eyes turned away from me.

"Please Hisoka..." He whimpered finally, his voice shaking with tears that threatened to run. My brows furrowed in suspicion. What had I done to frighten Tsuzuki so badly. "Don't ever go." My emerald eyes widen as I felt his desperate hands clench at my sides and his frail form as convulsing. His head found it's way into my chest, feeling me with an overwhelming fire inside. "Don't ever change..." I heard him whisper.

The request seemed so distant to me. Why would I ever leave Tsuzuki? Why had he thought I was changing? I am still the same Hisoka I was in the past, right? Did he still fear I would forget him again like before?

"I promise..." I murmured back, cupping the back of his head with my hand. "I promise Tsuzuki." My heart had ached as I so those perfect violet eyes swell with tears and confusion. I wanted to protect him from the fear and worry he now had. Gently raising Tsuzuki chin with my other hand, I brought his gaze to me. Lingering in the air was a completely silent, unmoving moment. As if the scene played slowly in my mind, I had brought the head closer to my own and gracefully pressed my lips to the trembling ones before me...

To Be Continued...

A/N: Well how did you like, please tell me it is everything you hopes it to be! I will be posting the next chapter either tomorrow or later today, so everyone cheer! Sorry for the delay, lately I have been in a writer's block and just plain lazy. Forgive me! And I shall make i up to you! Lemon in next chapter! And I'm looking forward to reviews!