Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My Purgatory ❯ Betrayed By One's Own Heart ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Five
Betrayed By One's Own Heart

I tossed and turned all night, unable to grasp the tranquil rest I dearly needed. I forced with no other option than to sleep on the couch, for Tsuzuki had looked himself upon our room and wouldn't even speak to me. Plus the scenes of before still haunted my very being. I could not fathom why I had did such a thing to Tsuzuki, yet I didn't feel as though it was really me at all. I had completely lost my mind, and now...my love.

His words still burned in my soul as they were repeated. "I hate you Hisoka! I hate you!" How could that be so? Just moments before he was speaking of our love and now he wanted nothing to do with me. It all seemed unreal, yet Tsuzuki had felt that it was very real indeed. How could I apologize when he would not give me the chance?

Throughout the night my thoughts remained on the incident, and it had even brought me to sleep. I cursed my weakness to sleep, for I shouldn't have been able to rest easy knowing Tsuzuki was crying his eyes out the very same moment. But my eyes refused to open until the morning light shown through the windows. I forced myself to sit up, wiping away the sleep from my eyes and slowly crawled off the couch. I wondered if Tsuzuki had got any sleep, I doubted it, unless he literally cried himself to sleep, which wasn't all that unbelievable for him.

I knocked lightly at the bedroom door, trying not to sound as urgent and desperate as I really was. "Tsuzuki? Are you awake?" I asked softly. Maybe if I pretended nothing happened, Tsuzuki could think it was all a dream. But that was too cruel on my part. How could I expect him to forget just to ease my own aching heart and regret? I lingered at the door for what seemed like half an hour and yet still I received no answer. Could it be he was still sleeping or giving me the silent treatment?

I knocked once more. "Tsuzuki?!" My voice a little more frantic now that there was still no response. After it seemed I had waited too long I started to bang harder on the door. "Tsuzuki?! Are you alright?!" And still no answer. Growing more frustrated, I finally started to charge at the door, trying to force my way in. My should grew sore from the bounding against the hard wood, but finally I managed to knock it open. "Tsuzuki!"

I looked around the round quickly, my head turning every which way, but Tsuzuki was no where in sight. The bed was still unmade and clothes were scattered everywhere. And suddenly my heart stopped as I noticed the widow was wide open. I rushed over, throwing my neck out and looking about, the fire escape was in close range. He couldn't have?! Tsuzuki ran away?!


Impatient blue eyes scanned the area angrily for any sign of the familiar sweets-obsessed male. Tatsumi was not at all in a generous mood for waiting since this past week had lead to three different killings for which they could not find the murder of. Though there were strong leads, they were not quite trustworthy. And now here he was awaiting his amethyst eyed friend to arrive. He had called his phone nearly half an hour ago, but he had yet to see Tsuzuki anywhere around the small cafe he had specified. Surely Tsuzuki would have been able to find the place alright, since he knew of any and every place in town that served great desserts and sweets, and this place so happened to be one of them.

Tatsumi shivered at the thought of Tsuzuki having a run in with misfortune or even worse their murder. Maybe it would have been best if he had picked the brunet from his house, but he was sure Hisoka would be most suspicious of why he wasn't to come along. A newly form habit of tapping his fingers across the table's surface, started to kick in as Tatsumi became more aggravated. If Tsuzuki didn't come in the next ten minutes, he would start looking for him on his own.

A few minutes pasted by slowly as Tatsumi sat at an empty table just outside the cafe. Couples and friends walked in and out of the building, occasionally glancing at the rowdy male sitting alone. He could sense they had feelings of pity for him as if he got stood up by his date, as if! Tsuzuki would never willing go on a date with him, no matter how absolutely fantastic it sounded to him. He knew of Hisoka's tendency to get hostile over anyone else being around Tsuzuki except himself, but that habit also had been developed recently.

Suddenly, Tatsumi's heart fluttered and his blue eyes widened. Just down the sidewalk, Tsuzuki had been approaching the cafe. Tatsumi was overwhelmed with relief of the brunet’s safety, but an eerie feeling settled in the pit of his stomach and the smile that had found its way to his lips had quickly faded. He noticed something odd about the male as he walked, certainly Tsuzuki didn't walk this slow when he knew he was going to a restaurant. And Tatsumi was definitely sure his steps were not that spaced out and somewhat light as if it were painful to even move. Tsuzuki was even wearing more concealing clothing, when it was barely chilly outside. Which was odd since Tsuzuki took every chance he could get to dress casually and relaxed.

Of course Tatsumi had memorized Tsuzuki's every motion over the long years spent working with the brunet. As his partner he had long ago recognized these unfriendly feelings of possession and desire, and no longer could he work with the male without thoughts of him in an undignified manner. He had never willed himself to tell Tsuzuki the true reason of him ending their partnership, for he was sure their friendship would end.

He glared intensely as the male finally stepped before him and sat down. Tatsumi was in dismay as those beautiful purple eyes neglected him and found greater interest in the ground. What had caused this once so perky and lively male to be so dismal and mope? "Sorry I'm late Tatsumi..." Tsuzuki mumbled softly. The blue eyes narrowed distinctively as he noticed the trembling of Tsuzuki's bottom lip as if he was holding back something. "I accidentally fell back asleep after you called." He lied, obviously Tatsumi had noticed that as well.

The timid brunet suddenly gasped in fear as Tatsumi slammed his hands down on the table the next moment. The action had so easily scared Tsuzuki, he nearly jumped out of his seat, surely he didn't think Tatsumi would be this mad over his absence. "Cut the crap Tsuzuki!" He hissed, his eyes squinting dangerously and his palms clutched into fist. "Don't that me for a fool, not to notice the slightest change in your behavior." He demanded sternly.

Gritting his teeth, Tatsumi stood up and stepped over to Tsuzuki's side of the table, causing the other male to coward back into his seat. Those amethyst eyes were filled with such fear and worry as he got near, Tatsumi could barely stand it. Tatsumi grabbed Tsuzuki's wrist as he used it to shield himself from whatever anger relief method Tatsumi would have used. "Tatsumi!" The brunet wailed, tugging his arm back unsuccessfully.

But Tatsumi's determined look assured Tsuzuki there would be no escaping. His eyes closed instinctively in shame and pain as his blue eyed co-worker roughly pulled back is sleeves. Tsuzuki's eyes squeezed all the more as he could vividly imagine Tatsumi's astonished yet angry expression looking down on him. "Tsuzuki what is this?!" He heard the voice yell, barely able to hold back what true rage that was within.

Tatsumi was not at all pleased to find beneath the safe covering of Tsuzuki's clothing, were dark bruises all over his arm. As if a dead, tight palm clung to him mercilessly all through the night. His head snapped back to look Tsuzuki in the eyes, but apparently the brunet was too afraid to return the gaze. "What happened?!" Tatsumi hissed. But when Tsuzuki stutter helplessly, still giving no definite reply, the furious male pulled the other up gently and dragged him away into a bathroom just inside the cafe. Forcing the brunet into one of the large stalls, Tatsumi locked the door behind them.

With his fearsome eyes, he pierced Tsuzuki with fear, petrifying him in place against the wall. "Who the hell did this to you?!" Tatsumi hollered, his brows furrowing with impatience as Tsuzuki was still too fearful to answer. Having been given no feedback, Tatsumi started to examine the brunet himself. Without warning, he lifted up Tsuzuki's shirt, revealing several other dark red and purple bruises over his body. Surely they would have healed themselves, unless it happened recently and Tsuzuki had no energy for it.

Tatsumi glared back at Tsuzuki, awaiting some answers, but the male could only blush in shame and embarrassment. "I-it was an accident Tatsumi..." Tsuzuki mumbled terrifyingly. Tsuzuki's fear only heightened as he noticed the look of recognition in Tatsumi's eyes. He had all too easily figured out the person responsible for it. "He didn't mean it Tatsumi!" Tsuzuki yelled in Hisoka's defense, before Tatsumi could jump to conclusions.

"What are you saying?!" Tatsumi asked, still opted with resentment. "How could he do all this by accident Tsuzuki?! How can you be so forgiving when you know he has hurt you?!" Frustration was boiling within the blue eyed male, he had wished Tsuzuki never got with Hisoka. It was Hisoka's fault Tsuzuki was raped by Muraki and that he was nearly killed. Now he was being abused by the emerald eyed male too?! Tatsumi could somehow imagined this all different if only he had stayed with Tsuzuki for protection instead of allowing him to run around wild with Hisoka.

"Hisoka isn't like that!" Tsuzuki claimed. His gasp echoed throughout the room as he suddenly found himself heavily pinned to the bathroom stall wall by Tatsumi's body and hands. He wiggled against his sudden bondage, but even then he hadn't the strength.

"Why can't you see that he has changed?! Tsuzuki, he's not the same Hisoka anymore." Tatsumi tried to convince the brunet. "Why aren't even sure if that is even Hisoka at all? Every murder case lately has been leading us to only one suspect-Hisoka. And with him now abusing you, I not all that doubtful of the evidence and idea. I think it would be in both of your best interest if you kept away from Hisoka for awhile. We don't want you ending up like the rest of his victims." Tatsumi explained sternly, his voice softened now that he had got Tsuzuki to stop panicking.

But even then he felt regretful for all he had sad, since Tsuzuki was nothing but tears at the moment. Sighing softly, Tatsumi removed his hands from the other's wrist and lightly wrapped it around Tsuzuki's form. He stepped back only a little and drew the sobbing male into his arms. He caressed the back of Tsuzuki's head softly and 'shh'ed him into calmness. "It's alright Tsuzuki, everything will return to normal as soon as we figure all of this out. But for now, I think it is best you stay with me so I can keep an eye on you." He replied soothingly. Tsuzuki weakly nodded without a word. After all what more could he say.

To Be Continued...

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, it won't happen again. And I look forward to reviews. I was kind of disappointed I received none for the last chapter I updated, of well. But how am I suppose to know you like the story unless I get feedback.