Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My Sanctuary ❯ Ways To Win A Heart ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

OK! DAMN! I got like no reviews! (Tears) I mean a simple “GOOD JOB!” or “I loved it!!!!” would have helped. But no one loves me! Except for the lovely readers that took a few seconds out of their days to review! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! Thank you! But I guess I deserve no reviews for how long it took me to update. (Sigh) WELL! This one is here faster! And it's going to start getting into who poisoned kagome! READ AND FIND OUT!!!!!
INUYASHA: (whimpers) come on Forsaken Faith! It's been longer than a week and still no ramen!!!! I'm dieing here!!!!!!!!!!!! You fucking wench!!!! I hope you die a painful death!
ME: (microwave dings) Well, I was just making you some…but not if you're going to act that way! MORE FOR ME!!!!!!! :D
INUYASHA: YOU EVIL WENCH!!!!! You're working for Naraku aren't you!? HUH! HUH!?!?!?!?
ME: Uh no. I'm the writer…..her works for me.
INUYASHA: Wait, then doesn't that mean that I…. (Gulps) …that I….
ME: YUP! You work for me! MWA HA HA!
INUYASHA: Wait….how come I don't get paid then? OOOOO I'm gunna sue your hairy ass!!!
INUYASHA: Keh! Could have fooled me wench!
ME: (smirks) how would you even know?
INUYASHA: I… (Blush)….I…I WOULDN”T! I was just saying.
ME: Uh huh.
INUYASHA: KAGOME!!!!!!!!! TELL THIS WENCH I'M NOT A HENTAI!!!(Opens bathroom door in search of Kagome)
KAGOME: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! HENTAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ME: Very convincing dog boy. (Eats ramen)
OKAY! SO….OH! I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA! He just works for me. (Evil smirk) MWA HA HA HA HA!!!! (Cough)
Yuki and Inuyasha both took a step back, then another, and another. Kagome and Mountain dew was never a good combination. They could only imagine the hell they would be in for the next few hours.
END RECAP!!!!!!!!
The Voice of a Broken Angel.
Kagome looked at the two men she had deep feelings for and smiled. She held up her right hand with the palm facing outward. “I hereby promise not to abuse the honorable privilege of drinking the almighty wondrous Mountain Dew by doing any of the following: running around in circles, jumping on beds, shaving of the hair….”
Yuki let out a pleased growl at the later one. “My hair still hasn't grown back fully” He finished it off with a glare toward the culprit.
Kagome batted her eyes and put on her most innocent face with a little of her puppy eyes thrown into the mix. This look baffled the minds of the two still cautious men as to how she managed to pull of such an effective look. She clasped her hands in front of her stomach. “Why, whatever do you mean my loving father?” Her voice was so sugar coated that you could make a sucker out of it.
Inuyasha looked back and forth between the two with a twinkle of laughter in his eyes. He couldn't help but wonder what this tall commanding man would have looked like with a thick strip of hair missing down the middle of his head. He let out a low chuckle at the picture.
Yuki's eyes snapped to Inuyasha as they blazed with the anger he was un-able to use on his daughter. “I'd cease that laughter if I were you, young man! She may have the power to bend me to her will, but you do not pose such a power.” Yuki said in such a flat tone that Inuyasha visibly shivered.
Inuyasha stopped his laughing at once and put on his puppy dog pout. His eyes just screamed WHO, ME?
Yuki let out a growl and took a menacing step towards Inuyasha. “Not working”
Inuyasha stopped the look and took an instinctive step backwards. “I guess not.” He let out a nervous laugh and scratched the back of his snowy head with this right claw.
“You guessed right.” Yuki said in a promising growl.
All the male ego was put to the side as kagome cleared her throat and began her list once again. “As I was saying before all the male testosterone got in the way….I will not: run around in circles, jump on beds, shave hair, operate a vehicle, go fishing, jump off of buildings…”
Yuki's eyes got big at that. “When did this happen!? Why did I not hear of it!? Were you ok!? Who saved you!?!” he demanded as he started pacing back and forth in between Inuyasha and Kagome.
“I did.” Inuyasha said with such casualty that it would make people think that he saved someone on Mountain Dew induced hyperactivity from jumping off of buildings every day.
Yuki stopped his pacing and let out a breath of air. He went back to his original position next to the hanyou with a now relaxed stance. “You had me worried there for a bit kagome.”
Kagome looked at her father figure with a happy smile. She let her hands fall back to her side as she continued her rapidly growing list. “I will not: shop on someone else's credit card, decide to turn into a Mormon (no offense to that religion and way of life), run for president, eat nacho cheese with ketchup, fly a plane, buy stocks, try to find Santa, and anything the requires water, electricity, snow, and frosting.” Kagome finished her long list with a large intake of air. Her lungs made their complaints known by burning furiously with every breath. She held her right hand to her heart and breathed in slowly and deeply. “Does that cover all of it?” she asked looking between the two shocked men.
“Well, you did forget about that pool incident.” Inuyasha said slyly with his left pointer finger held up to his chin. He had an evil glint in his eyes that kagome was none too happy to see.
Kagome flushed a bright red as her eyes grew as large as possible. “That was after like fifty bottles!!!!!! And I was hot!!!” Kagome defended. She stood up straight and planted her hands on her hips. She leveled an icy glare towards the white eared hanyou.
Yuki looked at Kagome with sheer shock. How could she even think of skinny dipping at the age she was when she knew Inuyasha? Yuki's eyes got dangerous as he glanced at the hanyou in question. He then snapped his eyes back to his “innocent” daughter. He took a deep calming breath and then let out all of his rage. “KAGOME!!!! You would even DARE to do such an inappropriate act at such an age!? No, disregard that last part, At ANY age!?” He yelled with fury glazing over his eyes.
Kagome looked shocked at first, and then she let a sly smirk pass her guarded lips. She seductively walked towards a now confused Inuyasha. She got to his left side and leaned against his broad shoulder with a smirk on her face. She let her left palm lay against his chest. She looked into Yuki's eyes with love shinning in her own. “Well you know Yuki; I was young and reckless back then. Don't worry though; Inuyasha took REAL good care of me. He made sure I was really well taken care of. He always had my best intensions when he made me happy. He's really GOOD to me.” Kagome finished the words with a wink towards Inuyasha.
Inuyasha smiled a sexy grin and put his arms tightly around Kagome. He bent down and kissed the top of her head. “Of course babes.” He stood up straight with kagome still wrapped in his arms. “I'll always be REAL good to ya.” He finished with a smirk. They both looked towards Yuki. He was standing achingly and stiffly straight. His face was emotionless and cold. His eyes were a darker shade of teal. He looked over all deadly. Inuyasha and Kagome took a step back, still holding one another. Yuki's youkai aura flared as his midnight hair whipped around in an unfelt wind.
Yuki clenched his fists so tight crimson droplets made their way to the no longer pure with tiled floor. He closed his eyes in an idle attempt to rein in his anger. No such luck. He opened his now matching crimson eyes and growled lowly at the two. He was angered at their undignified display. He was furious at the hanyou. He was angry at his Kagome yes, but it was overall the man's fault when such things were to happen. He took an impending step towards the couple.
Kagome gulped down an invisible bump in her throat as she looked in the lost eyes of her father. She was going to take a wiled guess and say that he was not happy with their joke. Inuyasha and she had never done such things. She released Inuyasha and took a step forward. Inuyasha reached for her hand in protest to such a reckless action, but she snapped her hand to her side. She glanced over her shoulder to look into the eyes of the man she loved, but had yet to share that love with him. She stood completely still with her eyes now trained on the youkai in front of her. She spoke quietly and softly to Inuyasha without looking at him. “Inuyasha, listen and listen closely. He is about to go into a blood rage if I do not stop him. I can handle this, but I need you to stay out of this. Do you promise me that?”
Inuyasha wanted to scream no, he wanted to fight off the threat and save her like he used to. But, he realized it was far too late for things such as that. She was a grown woman now, and could take care of herself. It stabbed relentlessly at his heart to know he was not there when she needed him. Now that he was here with her, she no longer needed him. It hurt. He let out a light sigh and straightened his back. He looked fondly at her raven tresses and smiled softly. “Yes, I promise.” He whispered back to her.
Kagome smiled lightly at this and took a few small steps towards Yuki. She locked eyes with his crimson orbs and smiled reassuringly. “Yuki, you need to control yourself. You need to turn back into the calm you. Then we can talk the problem over and fix it. Okay?” Kagome said softly as she inched forward. She kept her hands to her side as she moved.
Yuki's eyes briefly flashed with recognition, but soon faded into a deeper crimson. He cracked his claws as they started to turn a sickening green. The smell of his potent poison filtered into the air. He was pissed. He let out a dark growl in his ancient Inu clan language. Kagome could not understand any of it. She slowly looked over to Inuyasha and saw a blush adorning his cheeks and a shocked expression marring his face. Kagome turned her eyes back to her father and her eyes flashed as she got an idea. “Inuyasha, will you interpret his growls to me please?” Kagome asked in a soft and yet pleading voice.
Inuyasha's eyes went wide with embarrassment. He shook his head back and forth. “Nuh uh. No way.” He said with the blush coming through with his words.
Kagome let out a sigh. `Does everything have to be a flippin fight!?' She thought with despair. “Inuyasha, please. Please, for me?” Kagome said trying her hardest to get the same effect as the puppy dog pout with her voice.
Inuyasha stood stiffly still. His eyes were amazingly wide. `How and the hell does she do that?' He asked himself the question that no man will ever get an answer to. He let out a heavy sigh. He knew when he had and hadn't lost. And he lost. “Fine. He said, “There's nothing to talk about! You slept with a man you were not even being courted by.”” He finished with a sigh
Kagome sucked in a deep breath of air at this. Her eyes were still trapped in the gaze of her father. She took another step forward and was rewarded with a growl. “No, I didn't. I promise Yuki. I did not sleep with him. I did not have sexual relations with that man.” She said with honesty in her tone. (LMAO! I'm sorry I couldn't resist. If you didn't get it…then I feel bad for you. :P)
Yuki took another step forward and let out a loud series of growls. He narrowed his eyes at Kagome and snarled.
She waited for Inuyasha to tell her the meaning, but it never came. She took her chances and quickly glanced back at Inuyasha. His eyes were dark with anger and hate. His lips were set into a silent snarl as he clenched his fists. Kagome didn't take this as a good sign. “Inuyasha? Tell me.” She requested with a small, fearful voice. She looked back to her father with questions lacing her worried eyes.
“No” Inuyasha growled out
Kagome did not like where this was going. “Inuyasha tell me now!” She raised her voice in desperate aggravation.
Inuyasha knew she was loosing her cool. He let out a small whimper at the knowledge of knowing how these words would maim her. “He said, “Don't lie to me bitch. I know of your lies. You are a disgrace, a common whore!” I'm sorry kagome, so sorry.” Inuyasha finished with a sad tone. He knew he had delivered pain straight to her.
Kagome's eyes got a little large as she gasped for air. Her eyes burned with heart breaking tears. She was so sick of crying, and here was her father causing more tears to resurface her already tired eyes. The sparkle that had slowly come back to claim her eyes now fizzled out with a damp, black blanket covered in pain. She felt like collapsing and letting her soul finally leave her battered body. `How could he? How could he? How…' the thought resonated in her mind as she let go of the hold on her tears. Streams of her soul flowed down her raw cheeks. She looked helplessly into the hate filled eyes of her father. She gasped again as the numbness clouded over her heart once again. Her father had done this to her, both of them. Kio had broken her heart, mind, soul, and body and here was her loving father doing the same. She couldn't help but wonder when he would hit her too. It seemed she deserved it. Every man she loved had hit her. What did she do that was so wrong? `Why can't I just be loved?'She asked herself with regret. “How could you? You come here and tell me how much it pained you to leave me and how you lived in regret ever since you left me. Now, now you've come back only to break what was left of me? What I have worked so hard to put back together? Are you happy now? Are you happy now!? You've taken everything I had left! You've taken EVERYTHING! Kami, why can't I hate you? WHY!? It's not fair! It's not fair. I want to hate you so much. I want to wish you were dead, but I can't. You want to know why? It's because you took me and made me feel loved when I had nothing there for me. You took care of me. You made me feel the love of a father. The one thing I've wanted as long as I have lived. I was so desperate to be loved and treated as a real daughter that I became blind. Don't you worry though; you have taken care of that problem. I will never trust again! I will never feel love again. But that's not true because I STILL love you!!! WHY!?!?!...” Kagome was now on the floor with her knees held tightly to her chest as if it would protect her now bleeding heart. Tears stained her heart as she spoke. She would never forget these tears. She would never forget this hurt. She wanted to, but her soul and heart would not let her. She was cut off by a very concerned Inuyasha.
Inuyasha listened to her words with a breaking heart. Every pain filled word that left her lips cause a part of his heart turn black. He couldn't take it anymore. He wanted her to be ok. He wanted to help her. He needed to save her lost soul, he just didn't know how. “KAGOME!! Please, stop.” Inuyasha pleaded almost close to tears. Yes, he was close to crying. Not from his own pain, no in the pain of the woman he loved with his whole dieing heart.
Kagome took a ragged breath as she slowly and shakily lifted her head. She slowly stood up on unstable footing and faced off with her “father”. “Let me finish Inuyasha.” She spoke with such a cold tone that it could have frozen over hell. “I need to finish this.” She looked back at Inuyasha and gave him a watery smile. A smile that made his heart break all the more. There was no life in it. It was dead. She turned back to the now still Yuki. She walked up to him softly and gently rested her hand on his cheek. She looked deeply into his eyes with pain dripping from hers. She stayed that way with him for a while.
Yuki had started to come back to his senses when she had started crying. Oh how he hated himself at that moment. He heard every word that she said. His soul wanted to comfort her, but his beast was not done. As soon as she touched him it took back over him, but not without a fight. He fought with his beast for a good five minutes. He tried to focus on Kagome's hands warmth as he battled. He was loosing. And with a final tug, his beats snapped the chain that held him in control. He snarled at Kagome as he slapped her right hand hard off of his face with his right claw. He growled lowly at her.
Kagome took a couple steps backwards as she cradled her now bleeding hand. There were five long claw marks adorning her no longer creamy skin. No tears formed this time. Her once lively eyes became hollow with torture. She stopped moving backwards as she bumped into an angry and concerned Inuyasha. He gently grasped her bleeding hand to inspect it. She numbly allowed him to proceed. She felt his fingers lightly graze the claw marks. It hurt, yes, but she did not flinch. She no longer felt anything but the pain in her heart. The very same pain her father caused her to feel every moment she was alive. The pain she grew so accustomed to feeling. The pain she hated with ever piece that was left of her heart. She looked lifelessly back into Inuyasha's pleading eyes. He was pleading for her to be ok. He was pleading for her to feel. He was pleading for her to simply live. She did not care anymore. She just needed to know what Yuki had said. “Inuyasha. Tell me.” She said in such a dead voice that it made him shiver.
He started to crumble. A tear slowly made its way down his cheek. Such an innocent looking thing, but it held so much misery that it should have been blood. He whimpered at her demand. He didn't want to even repeat the words. “Please don't make me say it Kagome, please don't.” he asked in a pain filled voice.
Kagome smiled a dead smile and touched Inuyasha's cheek with her now frozen touch. Her right hand made small traces of blood transfer to his face. “Please tell me.”
Inuyasha flinched at the feel of her blood. He didn't want it to be this way. He didn't want her to be this way. He shook his head slightly. “No. Don't ask me to, please.”
Kagome cupped his right cheek in her hand. “Please tell me. I need to know.”
Inuyasha looked into her eyes and saw nothing in them. It made him want to kill anything and anyone to bring the life back into her. But, He knew it would never work. He sighed broken heartedly. “He said, “You disgust me, you whore. Your…” I can't kagome, I can't.” He let his head fall as another tear escaped without his knowledge.
Kagome lifted his head and smiled at him. She whipped off the tears with a brush of her finger tips. “You have to, for me.”
Inuyasha struggled within himself for what he was about to say to her. It made him want to slit his own throat. He took a deep breath and continued. “You disgust me, you whore. Your father was right all along. You deserved ever punch, every slap, and every word.” He finished with a whimper.
Kagome's body went slack in his hold. Her will to live had just been ripped to shreds. Inuyasha grabbed onto her with concern. She looked dead. His eyes grew wide as he felt her heart slow its beats. `Could she be dieing? No! That's not even possible. Is it?' He looked into her eyes with his own begging ones. “Kagome!? Kagome! Answer me damn it! ANSWER ME! Kagome please don't do this. Please. Just be strong. I love you! Damn it! I LOVE YOU!!! Did you hear me!?” His eyes were over flowing with bloody tears as she gave no response to his words. He snapped his now crimson eyes to Yuki. He let out a loud snarl and a series of deadly growls. {Translation of his growls: You fucking bastard! It was all a joke! All she did that day was decide to cool down the pool with ice cubes, and then go swimming with a pool full of them. She was in her swim suit. She was only ten years old! And if you would have taken a second to sniff her, you would realize she is still pure! You broke her all over your own stupidity! You broke her! And now she's letting herself die!} He finished his growling with a deadly look in his eyes. He loved her, and now she was going to die because of this man.
Inuyasha's words hit Yuki hard. His eyes widened in denial. No, he wasn't wrong. He snarled back at Inuyasha. He took a few steps towards the couple. He felt Kagome stir and was some where deep relieved she lived. He clenched his hands tighter as she smiled up at Inuyasha. That was all the proof he needed. He moved faster than a blink of an eye and had Kagome held against the hospital wall the faced the bed. He snarled into her face.
(When Kagome woke up.)
Kagome stirred in Inuyasha's arms. Inuyasha let out a deeply held breath and tugged her to his chest. “I'm so glad you're ok. Please, please promise you won't leave me Kagome. Promise me.” He said in desperation. He lowered her back to her original position to look into her eyes.
Kagome looked sadly into Inuyasha's eyes and gave a sad smile. “You know I can't do that Inuyasha.” She whispered to him. She gripped the front of his shirt as she stood on her own feet. She pulled away from him and removed her hands.
Inuyasha took a step towards her reaching out his right hand. “You mean you won't.” He whispered back. He was so broken right now that he didn't know what to do anymore. He let his hand fall limply to his side.
Kagome gave a frosted smile and nodded her head softly. “Yes, that exactly what I mea…” Kagome's words were cut off as she was shoved up against the wall she was standing by. Her back hit it with a loud crack. She flinched this time, but she did not cry out. She looked into the eyes of the father she never had. He held her by her shoulders up against the wall. His claws dug into her flesh as the smell of her blood flooded the air. She looked so helpless. She searched around for Inuyasha, what she saw made her blood boil. He was lying on the floor with a large bump already forming on his snowy head. She snapped her gaze back to Yuki with anger burning in the depths. “You know, it was only a joke. What we said. I am still pure father. I have not slept with any man, demon, or hanyou. I was too busy being beaten to even consider such things. Are you happy with yourself father? You draw my blood with such a vengeance towards things that have no reason to be avenged. You broke me and smirk in the face of my anguish. I told you that it was all a lie, but you insisted that it was true. I knew though, this love you say you have for me is nothing but a lie. If it were true you would have considered sniffing my scent to check and see if I was still pure, but no. You just decide you are right. Now I'm back to where I was with my father. Now I'm back to the numbness I've always hated. And you are the one that has caused all of this. You and only you. I hope it was worth it.” Kagome said in a whisper that portrayed how dead she was with the tone of it. She laid limply in his hold as nothing but numbness resounded in her soul.
Yuki took in all her words with a feeling of dread washing over his beast. He knew it was true when Inuyasha had said it, but now that the words came from her mouth his beast knew it too. His beast took a deep intake of her scent and froze. She was pure. His eyes became wide as his whole world came crashing down upon him. His beast let out a pleading whimper as it bowed its head. That's all Yuki needed to gain control. There was no battle this time as he put his beast back on a leash. He knew though, he knew he was far too late. The damage was done. He could not fix things this time. His eyes faded into their original teal color and tears began to form at the edges. `No. No! NO! I'm sorry my sweet daughter! So sorry.' The scent of her blood made it way into the confines of his nose. He felt sick. He had done this. He had drawn her blood. He let out a whimper and nuzzled her left cheek. His heart gave a painful clench as she moved her face away. He looked at his betraying claws and retracted them as he moved a few steps back from her. He looked into her guarded eyes and visibly flinched. She was dead inside, and it was completely his fault. Tears leaked from his eyes as he watched her push off from the wall and take steps away from him. Every step brought more tears as his heart broke more and more. He uselessly reached his hand out towards her as if he were trying to stop her from leaving, but her knew he could not. He no longer had the right to do so. “Kagome, please forgive me.” was his strangled plea.
Kagome stopped her progress with her hand on the doorknob. He shook her head lightly. She spoke with a voice he never wanted to hear again, the voice of a broken angel. “Not this time Yuki. Take care of Inuyasha, it's the least you could do for him. You are everything my father was, my killer. I love you, and it is this love that makes me wish for death.” She opened the door and walked out of the suddenly cold room. There was no love in the room anymore. The door slowly closed with a soft click.
Yuki stared at the door in regret, denial, and pain. He had lost her, no, he had made her leave. Again, he had caused her pain. The only difference was that he knew it would never again be ok. He silently fell to the unforgiving floor. He let out a strangled gasp as he wept. He wept for her pain. The pain he caused. What he didn't know was that somewhere the voice of a broken angel wept for his pain.
Ok! So what do you guys think!!! I worked REALLY hard on this chapter. I hope you like it. I know it may seem like Yuki over reacted, but once a demon's beast is out it reins control. At least that's what I think. Please review. I need reviews. Review and I'll give you Inuyasha ramen! :D I promise. Please tell me what to think. I don't really know where to go from here. I love you all lots. Please review. Thanks a bunch! -Forsaken Faith