Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My Sanctuary ❯ Fate And Destiny ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Yami No Matsuei or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples,lol. The only characters I own are Sanaka and Ketsu!
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic. And I won't have. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For angst, mature themes/ sexual content, language, and rape .
Note: I need a beta! So if you like the fic after just the first chapter and is online very often, then please assist!

Chapter Three
Fate and Destiny
I was dreaming...in my dream, I was laughing very happily. Although inside my heart anger was burning. A blazing fire of rage, and at the same time in my heart there was also worry and sorrow, but in the dream I...no, that person was so strong that they could laugh out loud and forget about anger and sadness. That person was talking to me about something. Something that happened in the past...something I couldn't remember. I wanted to know what he was talking about, but my mind wouldn't let me grasp the event. He kept telling me about something that happened to me...which was why I couldn't remember anything he was telling me. I laughed at his explanation...it seemed almost impossible to comprehend, yet I so badly wanted to believe him. I want so badly to believe...that the life I was living now was not the life I was accustom to. That in my old life, he was somehow involved. I wanted to believe it, I wanted to have that kind of strength, I truly do, I wish...
Bolting upright on my bed and stared at the sun that had barely come from hiding, my heart was pounding. "He seemed so real, and then not real, but strangely familiar." My dreams have come back again; it has been two days since I had any. I was wandering if they'd ever come back, and now they're back, but different. These new dreams are nothing at all like the ones before.
I twisted under the sheets and gently removed Muraki's hand from my waist. That bastard had the nerve to crawl into my bed as I slept again. He rolled over and I remained still, until I heard his low, smooth snore. I wiggled from the bed and stood by the edge, searching in the darkness for some clothes, and then I remembered-my shirt and pants were by the front door, right where Muraki peeled them from my body last night. Even though he managed to get me in my boxers, I eagerly declined from his offer last night. "Love, you are a sight to wake up to," Muraki crooned, his voice still full of sleep. "Come back to bed." He could only see my silhouette, but I still felt his smile. He pulled me down onto the bed despite my frustration to get away. His lips nuzzled against my neck. "Where were you going on your only day off?" My head fell back as I let myself enjoy the sensation of his tongue gliding up to my face. Regardless, I hated the feeling, knowing it was him that was touching me and not the guy from my dream.
"I-I was going out with my friends." Muraki leaned back suddenly and clicked on the nightstand lamp.
"Where are you all going?" His eyes narrowed and he pouted slightly.
"Just to a restaurant I promised them I would go to two days ago."
Muraki frowned. "Why not go two days ago then…I wanted to spend today with you?"
My eyes opened wide, "you were the one who called me home before we could go!"
Muraki relaxed and kissed me, eager to end the conversation. He pulled me back against his chest, resting my head on his shoulder, stroking me until bumps rose on my arm. "Are you cold?" he asked, as he wrapped the sheet around me.
"No, it's just your touch." I rolled over onto him. "I have to go."
"I want you to stay. I enjoy being with you, Hisoka." His eyes told me he meant what he said. "Come on, Hisoka. You denied me last night. How long can you keep me?" He asked, as his hands moved from my shoulders, caressing and kneading the rest of me. I could feel the heat of him as he pushed me against the mattress; which was weird sense he was normally extremely cold like the living dead, and laid his weight on top of me. Desire shined through his eyes. Moments ago, I would have mistaken his stare for love. But now I knew he wanted nothing more than the pleasure my body could bring. "You are so beautiful." The tips of his fingers brushed against my face. My plastic smiled disappeared.
"Tatsumi!" Tsuzuki's voice echoed through the hallway as he barricaded the door. He took short, quick breaths once he had found him.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Tatsumi wined crossing his arms.
"I need you to ask the chief if I could get a day off! Please! It's very important." Tsuzuki was now getting on his knees with a pathetic puppy dog face.
"Why! For you can go waste money on some sale at a pastry shop?" Tatsumi spoke sarcastically, becoming very irked by Tsuzuki's pleading.
"I need more time to get Hisoka!"
"Hisoka! But just yesterday you were telling me he was a lost cause. Even though you knew where he was, he didn't have any clue who you were. And you even tried reminding him in his sleep, which just convinced him you were crazy."
"I know, I know. But Hisoka still needs to be saved, regardless if he remembers or not. I can't stand by while that pervert Muraki cares for him. Plus, I'm sure he will notice me face-to-face, right?" Tsuzuki popped out his bottom lip and let tiny tears carry to his cheeks.
"Fine. If you think it will work, I'll get the chief to let you off."
"Thank you so much Tatsumi!" Tsuzuki jumped to his feet and embraced the taller man.
Me and the guys were so intent on checking out the new place that we didn't mind it being a bar. But despite our eagerness, they wouldn't let us in so we ended up going to Ketsu's place. His parents weren't home and we were going to play poker. Unexpectedly that plan was ruined too when Ketsu inveigled us down into the wine cellars, which we entered by means of the secret spare set of keys. Together we crept through the great vaults where bottles of all sorts were lying under cobwebs for ages, most I didn't even know how to pronounce. Ancient stone arches rose above them supported by pillars as thick as ten trees, irregular flagstones lay underfoot, and on all sides were ranged rack upon rack, tier upon tier, of bottles and barrels. It was fascinating. With poker forgotten, we tiptoed from end to end holding a candle in trembling fingers, peering into every dark corner, with a single question growing more urgent in my mind every moment: what did the wine taste like? Muraki always had some type of exotic drinks around the house, but of course I was forbidden to tasting any of them.
There was an easy way of answering my curiosity. I-over Ketsu's fervent protests-picked out the oldest, weirdest, greenest bottle I could find, and, not having anything to extract the cork with, broke it off at the neck. Huddled in the furthest corner, I sipped at the heady crimson liquor, wondering when I'd become drunk, and how I'd tell when I was. I didn't like the taste much, but I had to admit how grant and complicated it was. I remained there quietly trying to explore the full affect, until Ketsu and Sanaka found me. Ketsu was furiously commanding me to leave the wine alone, but was over ruled when Sanaka joined me and took a bottle. Before I knew it Ketsu was drinking it too. The funniest thing was watching Ketsu and Sanaka, they seemed to be getting more and more muddled: falling over, giggling senselessly, and changing their faces, each trying to be uglier than the other.
Finally, and almost simultaneously, we discovered what it was like to be drunk.
"Do you like doing this?" gasped Ketsu, after vomiting copiously.
"Yes," I said, in the same condition.
"And so do I," Sanaka added stubbornly.
"Why are we doing this anyway?" Ketsu continued, finally throwing the bottle aimlessly into the air, only to watch it shatter into hundreds of pieces.
"I don't know..." I giggled, "but I have to be going now. I promised Muraki I would spend half of the day with him. It was the only way to get him off of me this morning."
Ketsu and Sanaka both groaned in disappointment as I wobbled to my feet. I carelessly knocked over a couple of barrels as I headed for the door and into the sidewalks. I felt unusually warm and care free. I was beginning to think I was seeing things when I noticed that same violet eyed man walking on the of the sidewalk in front of me. And as thinking that I didn't bother to stop and ended up walking straight into him. I landed on my butt and waited for the world to stop spinning.
"Sorry...about that...I-I l..little ..d..dizzy." I stuttered.
"Hisoka?" He looked at me concerned and confused.
"How do you know my name?"