Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My Sanctuary ❯ Luck Is On My Side ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Yami No Matsuei or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples,lol. The only characters I own are Sanaka and Ketsu!
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic. And I won't have. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For angst, mature themes/ sexual content, language, and rape .
Note: I need a beta! So if you like the fic after just the first chapter and is online very often, then please assist!

Chapter Nine
Luck Is On My Side
I filtered out the annoying lecture our teacher was giving. I really had no interest in safety guide lines to follow by outside of school, feeling that I would never use them. It did complex why me as to why he would be going over these rules. I sat my text book up on the desk so I could hide my head, that was lazy leaning on my arms that were crossed. I felt as if I would pass out from boredom any moment now. With an ironic twist, the bell rang just as my eyelids closed. Jumping right back up along with the rest of the class, I gathered my things. Everyone else rushed out of the room, but I was quickly stopped by a pulled on the shoulder.
"Hisoka, do you mind telling me where you were yesterday after you skipped my class?" The teacher asked seriously.
I smiled, quickly saying the simplest excuse I could think of. "Oh, yeah. Well there was a family emergency I had to attend to."
"Really. I was sure Dr. Kazutaka didn't mention anything like that when I asked him." He added trying to sound sure of himself. I gave a weak smiled and shrugged my shoulders. He seemed to buy it or just not want to deal with the problem. "Anyway, during your absence I announced to the class that the we will be going on a three day trip to the hot springs. You are welcomed to join us, despite your rude farewell. But I refuse to let you go unsupervised. You and some of our other troubled youth will need a guardian to come along with you. And since I know your guardian happens to be Dr. Kazutaka, I'm sure he will keep you in line. And its better to have staff on the trip." He handed me a contract. "Get your guardian to sign this and bring it to me tomorrow, since that is when we will be departing." He released my shoulder and I left.
-Walking Home-
“I can’t believe the trip is tomorrow!” Ketsu squealed. “I’ve always wanted to go to the hot springs!” He hugged Sanaka, who glanced at the contact. I snickered before Sanaka jabbed him in the ribs.
“So, have you packed yet?” Sanaka asked.
“I was up all night making sure I hadn’t forgotten anything,” Ketsu smiled, hardly containing the excitement the welled up inside him.
“Aren’t you excited, Hisoka?” Sanaka asked, getting my attention away from the yellow contract in my hands.
“Are you kidding?” Ketsu asked. “He’s never been to the hot springs, right?”
“In case you didn’t know, I'm a little disappointed.” I replied coolly. “I’ve never been to the hot springs, but I wouldn't like to go if it meant staying in the same room with Muraki for three days straight.”
“Why?” Ketsu demanded. "Muraki is hot! I would kill to spend that much time with him!"
“He's telling the truth. He would sometimes hurt himself on purpose just so he can have an excuse to go to the infirmary.” Sanaka spat. Ketsu blushed and murmured something that sounded like ‘smart ass’. "So how are you going to convince him not to go?" e asked, ignoring Ketsu's heart shaped eyes as he imagined Muraki in nothing but a towel in the springs.
"I don't know."
"What! Really!" I yelled, jumping from my seat at the kitchen table.
"Yeah. I have a conference in the morning that I can't miss, you I don't think I can go."
It looks like I lucked out on this one. I was jumping and screaming for joy inside my head. No Muraki! There truly was a god out there, and he showed me mercy. But that only brought one problem. I need a guardian to still go, but who would I get under such short notice.
“Tsuzuki, wake upppp!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. I jerked off the blankets from his bed in one quick motion. I smiled as I watched him squirm in his sleep.
“Mmm…what time is it?” He moaned.
“Almost five.”
He moaned loudly in protest. “Hmm…give me another hour at least, After all you did call me at ten at night, telling me to pack, which took another hour. Plus, you wanted me to take a shower and sleep in my clothes, so that I was ready first thing in the morning.” He yawned every few words in response. After several more minutes of yelling he finally smiled and got out of bed and looked at himself in the full-length mirror. His messy brunet hair needed combing. He had planned on going to bed earlier, but alas- my forwardness always prevailed.
I picked up the pillow and the suitcase Tsuzuki had packed the previous night. We left for school, knowing that I would be there early. But I wanted to see Sanaka and Ketsu's expressions once I brought in Tsuzuki and not the expected Muraki.
When we arrived, the teacher looked surprised. "Where is Dr. Kazutaka, Hisoka?" He looked suspiciously at my brunet friend. Tsuzuki smiled and waved politely.
"He had a conference, so he insisted I take his friend with me." I explained, making up the last part. Muraki never knew I had Tsuzuki come with me, because I told him I would just stay with a friend's parent. The teacher groaned and walked away after he told me he wanted some errands done, so I did them. We packed up the buses and helped some of the faculty. Fifteen minutes later, at 5:55, other people began showing up. By 6:05, everyone was there.
I easily stopped my friends, chatting over by the buses. I pulled Tsuzuki's hand and lead him to them. "Come on, I want you to meet my friends." He struggled a little, but eventually allowed me to drag him along.
“Hi Sanaka, Ketsu.” I told them. They both heard my voice and looked in my direction. Ketsu's eyes widen, as Sanaka just smirked.
"I see you convinced Muraki not to come." He added trying to sound smart. "So you lied and told the teach that your boyfriend is your guardian?" He asked in a matter-of-fact voice.
Tsuzuki jumped and looked at me. "Boyfriend?" He whispered, I just laughed at his pathetic expression. He looked terrified of me, but I found it extremely cute.
"Just calm down, Tsuzuki. They are just joking."
At 6:30 the teachers started calling students to the bus. We all got onto the bus, sitting with our roommates. Which meant I got to sit next Tsuzuki for the whole trip. Sanaka was a little disappointed to have to sit with a giddy Ketsu, he couldn't help fidget. On the bus, the teacher explained what would happen.
“We will be at the resort for three days. However, if you are exceptionally bad, you will be sent home. We will arrive at the resort in four hours. At the hotel, we will eat lunch and unpack. While we are at the hotel, you must stay on your gender’s side of the hot springs. Since we are an all boys school, we don't want you to be harassing the female guest there. There will be no ditching your group either, and you will check into your room every twenty-four hours. If you want to leave the hotel, you have to take your guardian or teacher with you. The mini-bars have been emptied, so there will be no drinking. I will be checking on all the roommates every five hours, and on the Monday we leave. Understood.” Everyone answer in an unison of 'yes sir'.
I had the window and Tsuzuki had the aisle. For the next few minutes before the bus actually went into motion, Tsuzuki was humming. It was so annoying tune so I ignored him. I resisted the urge to kiss him. He was so feminine, yet so non-girly at the same time. It was intoxicating to be near him. I was addicted.
He then suddenly put his hand on my shoulder and attempted to get my attention. “Hisoka?” I got the feeling that the attention I wanted to give his wasn’t the kind of attention he wanted.
I cleared my mind and looked at him, hoping I wasn’t blushing enough to be noticed. “What?” I snapped.
“Ah,” He started. “Never mind.”
I turned away. I wished I didn’t intimidate him so much. I thought. Most of my thoughts were about him. About him under me, half the time, however much I tried to get hid of these thoughts. They were the ones that made me blush with pleasure, and sometimes even made me moan. I hated that. It was embarrassing.
I heard a light snore from beside me. Moments later, I felt something on my shoulder. I looked at Tsuzuki, who was sleeping and leaning on my shoulder. He looked so innocent, so vulnerable. I tried in vane to not think of him in that sort of way. Images rushed through my mind. I fought them off, and simply enjoyed the moment. Soon, I too, fell asleep, dreaming pleasant dreams of the violet eyed man I had come to love.
I couldn't stay asleep long because I woke up to a sense of warmth. I opened my eyes, and remembered that I was on the bus. Then I took note of my position. Some how Tsuzuki’s head was in my lap from previously being on my shoulder, and I was leaning over onto him. I looked around to make sure no on saw us in such an intimate position, and carefully I tried to placed his head on my shoulder again. But I failed, he wouldn’t move from the comfort of my lap.
I was going numb to the feeling of Tsuzuki leaning on me like this. His hand laid next the is head, gently grasping my leg. And his other arm was tightly pulled around himself for warmth. Every time his hand moved closer up my leg I groaned, in embarrassment. I resisted the urges I was now accustomed to. He seemed like he was using this trip to temp me, though I knew he wouldn’t do something like that. Would he?
"How cute?" I heard a whisper for across the aisle and I quickened my attention toward it. Sanaka was watching the whole time as he sat in the aisle seat across from Tsuzuki. Ketsu just giggled, trying to contain himself once more. The situation was too cute from where they were sitting. I was sure they must have saw me blush a couple hundred times.
"Hisoka, you know better than to seduce a sleeping person." Ketsu teased, leaning over Sanaka so that I could hear him.
"I'm a little worried about letting you two have a room to yourself for three whole days, after watching you'll now." Sanaka replied coldly.
"Shout up! It's not like that!" I said in a very high whisper.
"Then how is it, Hisoka? After all you did bet you could get him laid. And it has been three weeks already. You only have one week left." He stated knowingly. I blushed and didn't speak for the remainder of the drive.
When we arrived at the hotel, we got room 207. The room had a short hallway with a bathroom on the left side and a small closet on the right. In the large room there was a queen size bed in the center of the left wall and a T.V. stand and a desk opposite that. On the far wall was a glass double door leading out onto the small balcony. We were on the second floor.
All of the school staff stayed on the first floor as everyone else stayed on the second. The first floor had a small restaurant, two mini bars (both empty), the lobby, a pool, and the door to the hallway that split in half, girls on the left, guys on the right.
Each hallway lead to changing rooms with lockers and showers, then into the large, outdoor hot springs. They were gently sloped, with the deep end being four and a half feet deep. They were yin-yang symbol shaped, with a hedge separating the sides. There were islands in the middle, where the dots would have been. It was as absolutely perfect as the school could hope to afford.
“Wow.” I said as I walked in, then again as I walked into our room. I set my bag on the floor and began unpacking. Clothes went in the closet. I got the left side of the bed and the left side of the drawers. Underwear and socks went in the bottom drawer on my side, and other assorted items on the top. I put my soap and shampoo in the shower, and then we were done.