Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My Sanctuary ❯ This Calls For Desperate Measures ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Yami No Matsuei or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples,lol. The only characters I own are Sanaka and Ketsu!
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic. And I won't have. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For angst, mature themes/ sexual content, language, and rape .
Note: I need a beta! So if you like the fic after just the first chapter and is online very often, then please assist!

Chapter Eleven
This Calls For Desperate Measures
I smiled oddly turning to Tsuzuki, who was still embarrassed for being caught making the first move. I grabbed his hand gently, beneath the water and dragged him to the edge of the pool. "Come on, or we'll be locked in here." I explained climbing up. He reached out his hand for mine and I pulled him up. He didn't speak to me as he grabbed his towel and dried himself off, which irritated me more. "Say something!" He jumped and looked at startled. He really is dense. I walked over to him and jerked the towel from him, leaving him with no other distraction. "You finally kiss me and completely ignored the fact you ever did it soon after." He blushed and remained quiet. "Dammit, speak to me!" And in a quick reaction I unconsciously pushed him over back into the pool. "Meet me at the room when you finally find your words." I didn't stay to watch him scrabble up from the water but instead left him alone.
"Tsuzuki is so clueless. He doesn't even know what he wants." Mumbling as I walked to my room, I opened the door.
"Hey, Hisoka." A familiar voice chanted from the hallway, just before I went into my room. I turned around and saw my two nosy friends again, teasingly popping up out of nowhere.
"What do you two want?" I said bluntly rolling my eyes.
"You are running out of time, Hisoka. If you want to win this bet you better start exercising your limits now, otherwise you’ll get nowhere." Sanaka chirped knowingly, Ketsu nodded.
"What do you suggest I do blockheads, hmmm?"
"Play hard to get." Quickly blurting it out, Sanaka pointed at me. "I know it is hard, especially for someone as forward as you. But no man wants someone who wants them, otherwise its too easy and not worth fighting for in the end. So get your ass in gear and start ignoring him." Ketsu nodded in agreement as well.
"Hmmm...I don't think that will work, especially since it is Tsuzuki we're talking about." I paused and thought of the outcome, none lead to getting intimate.
"Just try it!" Ketsu rushed out.
"Fine, fine. But if this doesn't work, you two are going to pay for making me look stupid." I walked into my room and slammed the door behind me.
Heading straight for the dresser, I pulled out a plain white T-shirt and shorts, placing them on a night stand beside the bathroom door. "I'll eventually have you, Tsuzuki." I walk into the bathroom and turn on the hot shower. Steam quickly floated through the air as I waited for the right temperature.
Tsuzuki on the other hand was heading back to the room after getting out of the pool. "What did I do, Hisoka?" He whined, recalling when I pushed him into the pool again.
"You are avoiding to much." Another similar voice chanted from the hallway. Tsuzuki turned around and saw my two friends.
"You're Ketsu, right?" He pointed questionably. Ketsu nodded. "What are you talking about?"
"Dense aren't you." He sighed loudly and laughed. "Hisoka has a thing for you and you are only making it harder on yourself by avoiding. We saw you kiss him in the pool, really you aren't that hard to figure out. You're scared to show that you like Hisoka because you are not open with how you feel naturally. If you like him back, go for it! If you continue to linger, Hisoka's going to ignore and reject you when you finally decide to give in to your feelings. No one can wait forever." Ketsu explained, holding up his pointer finger and waving it side to side like some mother.
"But..." Tsuzuki blushed and looked down.
"What? Why can't you?"
"...Hisoka isn't himself...I don't want to forget Hisoka..." Tsuzuki looked up at them.
"Forget, Hisoka? What are you talking about?" Ketsu and Sanaka both blinked curiously.
"I don't want to forget Hisoka...the one I first fell in love with. The one I loved because he was himself and not someone else." He curled his hands into a fist and shook fearfully. "If I forget the Hisoka I originally fell for, he may not come back."
"What are you talking about? Hisoka is Hisoka, how can he be anyone other than himself?" Ketsu suggested. "You really need to rest, you're too stressed." Ketsu pulled Sanaka by the wrist and dragged him to their room. Before closing the door behind him, Ketsu watch Tsuzuki go inside.
"You worried?" Sanaka questioned, sitting down on the bed.
"A little." He smiled. "Even though we don't want to do Hisoka's work for the rest of our lives, I can't help but give them the push they need. Know what I mean?"
"Of course. Hisoka is are friend and I want what’s best for him, though forcing him to lose his virginity before marriage is the wrong way of going about it." Sanaka laughed and leaned back. "I really hope they get together."
Despite the refreshing sound of running water I could manage to hear the front door opening, along with foot steps. I just hoped Tsuzuki would hold a grudge against me. I was just about to undress when I remember I left my clothing out in the room, so I opened the door slightly to get them but stop dead. Tsuzuki had already started undressing from his wet swim trunks. I literally go weak at the knees as he stripped, slipping it off slowly as if he knew I was watching. My length pulsing like mad as he slides on some loose light blue pajama bottoms. My eyes wander uncontrollably across his perfect body, committing every precious view to memory. While in my trance, I didn't notice my hand on the doorknob, eventually leaning so heavily on it that I fell out into the room. Tsuzuki stares at me suspiciously. "Hisoka?"
"I was just getting my clothes." I stood up shakily and picked up my clothes before running back into the bathroom, shutting the door fast behind me. 'Now she'll never trust me again.' I turn the shower on steaming hot and get in, ignoring the pain for I know I deserve it. When I finish, I gather my courage to reenter the bedroom and open the door slowly. Tsuzuki was already laying in bed, asleep. I eased myself down onto the edge of the bed, hands folded on my lap, and I'm staring straight at him sleeping, my heart pounding. For the first time ever, Tsuzuki, the object of my affection, is laying, half naked, in the same bed as me. I squirm uneasily as a few daydreams filter back into my mind, causing an even more disturbing reaction. Why do I act like this? I can't control myself around him. It's driving me mad! I climb into the bed and pull the sheets over my head.
Tsuzuki shifts his position, bringing me quickly back to reality. He has moved right against me and I pray he hasn't felt something else, which has gotten so big by now it's beyond my control.
"Hisoka?" Tsuzuki whispered, leaning over closer to me. I simply ignored him and turn on my side. "Hisoka?" He whispered again, I could hear his voice crack between symbols. He sighed after calling my name five more times. "Are you mad with me?" He whispered again.
I finally gave in. "Why the hell should I be?" I said indifferently. I tossed over and faced him but was surprised to see Tsuzuki nearly crying over this. "Why the hell are you crying?" He gives me a fake smile and shakes his head. I can't stand watching him cry. "Look. I'm not mad at you." He seems to want me to hold him and I complied without hesitation. My arms slide gently around him and he comforts himself by increasing the intimacy of the embrace. I begin to wonder if he is purposely doing this to test me. If so, I'm sure to fail miserably. My arms tremble as I hold his soft body close to me, resisting the powerful urge to take him like I betted.
"I can't tell when you are upset." He whispered under breath, leaning his head in the cock of my neck. "When something is hurting you or affecting you."
"Why did you kiss me?" I simply said out load, wanting to get to the point. "You never seem to care when I kiss you, but when you do it it's almost nonexistent. Are you ashamed of me? Does it seem okay to you to be seem as me forcing myself onto you than the other way around?"
"I don't feel that way at all." He closed his eyes.
"Than how do you feel!" I yelled, suddenly pushing up onto one elbow, sitting up, and before I can say anything, he's kissing me. My eyes go wide as Tsuzuki's remained closed as his lips pressed forcefully against mine. This what I wanted, right? And now that I have it, I have no clue what to do next. Tsuzuki broke apart suddenly, going into shock. His face reddened quickly and he tried to roll back over but I grabbed him by the waist. Preventing him from getting off of me. "Tsuzuki...you always stop when it gets good." I teasingly giggled. "At least make it worth my time." I winked and wrapped one arm around his waist. I guess he understood me because the next moment he was kissing on my neck and chin and lips, and he rolls back on top of me, frenching my tonsils, and that tongue was now doing somersaults inside my mouth. I can feel his heart pounding and he was shaking after each breath.
"I love you, Hisoka...the real you." I could hear Tsuzuki whisper as he broke for his last breath, he rolled back over and stared at me. It stayed silent the rest of the night. I couldn't even sleep, because of Tsuzuki. When he had finally drifted to sleep I looked at him and was upset. He looked so sad and helpless in his sleep, almost like he was going to cry. But for what reason? I wanted to know? everything. Why Tsuzuki kissed me today and then again tonight? Why he looks so sad in his sleep, like he is thinking of me, but what would be so upsetting to taunt him even in his dreams? I want to know why Tsuzuki loved me, or even if it was really me he was in love with. I want to know all I can about you, Tsuzuki. Everything.