Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My Sanctuary ❯ Things At The Springs ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Yami No Matsuei or any of its characters, but I would love to that way there would only be yaoi couples,lol. The only characters I own are Sanaka and Ketsu!
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic. And I won't have. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For angst, mature themes/ sexual content, language, and rape .
Note: I need a beta! So if you like the fic after just the first chapter and is online very often, then please assist!

Chapter Twelve
Things At The Springs
"Tsuzuki..." I murmured slowly coming out of my sleeping state. My eyes lifted suddenly and trailed over the darkened bedroom. It was eerily silent as my eyes adjusted to the dawn. The only familiar sound was the coursing of my own heart and the calm, steady breathing of the brunet beside me. Watching the blue blanket gently rising and falling over his muscular figure, I sat up on my elbow; turning on my side to brush a single strand of brown hair out of Tsuzuki's face. His eyelashes fluttered beautifully over two closed violet eyes. Oh god, how I wish I could stare into those eyes, while he was beneath me! Nothing would pleasure me more than to take him here and now, awake or asleep. I smiled, teasingly dropping my finger from his hair to his soft cheek, gracing it gently.
Tsuzuki twitched slightly at the feather-light touches, making a strained groaning sound. "Hisoka..." I hear him whisper in his sleep.
You should be happy, he thinks of you always.
Shut up!
Why, I thought that's what you wanted to hear? So you want him to forget you?
Than why are you upset?
You are always touching him! When you stop messing around, I'll chill.
Awww, you're no fun. Why can't I have fun with him in your body. It's just like you doing it, besides I know you want to.
Shut the hell up! I'm nothing like you! I've seen your thoughts, you have a one track mind; tainting Tsuzuki with your lustful ideas! What's your problem!
Your problem. We both want Tsuzuki. You're just pissed he kissed me and not you. Well you better adjust because I guarantee more before this trip is over.
I'd rather have Muraki have him than you!
Why? Because you know once he's with me he won't miss you. Simply, you're afraid of being forgotten. You want him just as much as I do an I'll prove it.
What, how? What are you planning?
I had to be careful as I removed the thin blanket that covered Tsuzuki so that his whole delicate frame was revealed to my hungry eyes like a tasty dish on the white plate of the bed sheets.
Once the offending fabric was removed I crawled ever so carefully to sit between his legs.
My expression cleared just in case he awoke with suspicion. I leaned gently over Tsuzuki, keeping his lower body a courteous distance away but letting my lips hover mere centimeters away. I moved in, gently moving my lips against Tsuzuki's, closing my eyes in drowsy pleasure. I lifted back up and looked at him tastefully. He hadn't slept in a shirt so the view was most enjoying. His soft skin colored like pure milk and surely tastier, soft delicate perfect features like a work of art, small nipples that begged for physical attention, curves that were to die for. In his sleep this lovely view rose and fell softly in sleep’ steady breaths assuring me that Tsuzuki was still asleep. Before I loose my nerve, I slid my hands down Tsuzuki's sides to his legs, hooking my fingers in the waistband of his pants as I did so and neatly sliding them farther to his hips.
What the hell are you doing! Get your filthy hands off of him!
I told you I would prove it to you, and I will. This should be fun for you to watch.
What? No! Leave him alone!
Ignoring the menacing voice in the back of my head which I had earlier concluded was Hisoka himself, my fingertips traveled across Tsuzuki’s chest, circling a nipple and another, noting the little jerks of pleasure from the body they were attached to.
Stop it! You bastard, stop touching him!
Shut up and enjoy the ride.
My hands moved as I bent down and began to kiss his chest. I started licking little eight figures from Tsuzuki’s neck down all over his chest. Whenever I found a nipple I’d lick it gently then bite down ever so lightly, making Tsuzuki jerk a little.
Damn, he is a hard sleeper. You would expect him to wake up after the draft of air to his chest.
Stop it, now! If so much as touch him again I'll-
You'll what? Kill me...or you?
As I sucked gently on the second nipple my hand hovered lower, the finger tips touching from time to time, down to Tsuzuki’s member, gently touching without real touch.
You don't mind me touching here, do you?
What the hell are you doing? You can't molest someone in their sleep!
My hand then moved lower, running up his inner thighs until they met Tsuzuki's length, yet still avoiding it.
"Hisoka..." Tsuzuki mumbled, his words soft and peaceful. "Hisoka...please...come back..."
I hesitated shortly to his request. Why does he have this affect on me? I want nothing more than to take him, but now that I have my chance I'd rather listen to him than Hisoka's cries. Dammit, I can't do it without his consent. I sighed loudly and groaned in frustration, when suddenly a knock was on the door. I crawled off of Tsuzuki regardless of my wanting and answered the door. "Yeah, what is it?" I looked up sleepily and saw two annoying friends of mine.
"Hisoka, come on, the class is leaving for the hot springs in five minutes!" Ketsu burst out, but then noticed Tsuzuki peacefully sleeping being me; being suspicious of his attire.
"Okay, I'll be down soon." I grumbled, closing the door behind me. "Come on, Tsuzuki! Wake up!" I yelled heading toward the bed, shoving him roughly on the shoulder. After several violent pushes he eventually woke up.
"What is it, Hisoka?" He yawned drowsily, wiping sleep from his eyes.
"We're going to the springs, get ready."
I look over and see an empty spring, steam rising and looking delicious. "Wow this really is some amazing spring." I exclaimed, walking to the changing rooms with Tsuzuki and the rest of the students.
Everyone split up and chose basket to put their belongings in; me and Tsuzuki doing the same.
"Let's hope it feels as good as it looks." Sanaka murmured, finally choosing an area beside Ketsu and me. Everyone stripped of their clothing with great anticipation, but there was only one person I was interested in watching. Tsuzuki looks at his basket bashfully and slowly undoes the buttons on his shirt. Me and the others were already undress, by the time Tsuzuki finally got to his boxers. Stripping as we go, I catch a glimpse of his slim hips and a naked buttocks before he covers with a towel and gets in. I blush, trying to ignore the effect seeing him unclothed has on my body. I was slightly glad I was still wearing my towel around my waist.
"Aaaah," he moans softly, his eyes closed and lips parted slightly and that doesn't help my situation one bit. Putting the other towels on the ground, I then look at him. I want him to glace my way and see me exposed, but he's resting against the bank of the hot spring and has his eyes closed, a smile curving his lips.
Slipping into the water, I too sighed in pleasure. It feels amazing. "Is this trip worth the effort," I asked moving beside him, sitting so that I can relax fully. He nods, wordlessly.
It's nice to sit in comfortable silence with him, accept that it is not silent with all of my other classmates talking and peeking through the fence, dividing us from the girl's side. I lift one eye open and peek at Tsuzuki myself, unable to stop admiring his handsome features. He has a sweeping, elegant collarbone and a beautiful long neck. His limbs are long but comfortably lanky rather than gangling and awkward. He is so tempting now. All I can imagine is what could be under the surface of the water, I sigh.
"Everything alright, Hisoka?"
"Huh? Ah, yeah. Just fine." I stammered nervously. "Umm...is this your first time at a hot springs?"
"Is it that obvious?" He asks, lifting an arm out of the water and watching the soothing liquid drip from his fingers.
"Pretty much. Actually my only clue was how you were hesitating to get undress."
"I'm never naked in public." He laughs without any humor at all and his eyes are almost cold. He looks down at the steaming water and the far-off look in his eyes is back. "It just seems risky or illegal...strange."
"So you are just embarrassed of your naturalness?"
He blushes. "Something wrong with that?"
I frown, annoyed. "Yes! If you can't even be comfortable here than how are you ever going to-" I cut off before I expose my future plans.
"How am I ever going to what?"
"Forget it." I answer warily.
"You're acting weird today."
I can only stare at him. "Am I? I didn't notice." Is all I can manage to say without it being a complete lie. He goes quiet and back to enjoying the view. Sitting back he looks into the distance, perhaps remembering. Hair, dampened by the steam sticks to his forehead and I almost reach over and wipe it away. Instead I stay still and try to remain unsuspicious.
"You are probably too stressed today," he says eventually. "Good thing we are at a springs, that should clear you right up."
Now that he mentions it, I think he's right. Lately all I've been doing was planning and avoiding him, which is more exhausting than you would think. I've over come more than a thousand temptations he's set for me since day one. At least I've over come them until this morning. I was sure I would get him that time, but I failed again.
Suddenly I was startled out of my thought by a wonderful sensation on my back. I looked over at Tsuzuki. He was giving me a massage! And damn it felt good. All my stress just evaporated like the steam from the hot spring.
"You worry just as much as you did back then, Hisoka." There was a soft smile on his lips now and I realized he was still recalling times with 'Hisoka' all this time. I try to fight down a wave of jealousy.
"I'm only worried when I'm thinking about you," I say honestly, desire coursing through my veins.
His cheeks redden in embarrassment. "What about me?"
I smile and lean forward a little so that my lips brush his. He has such soft, luscious lips and I kiss him again, harder this time and position myself so that it's more comfortable. He too moves, an arm wrapping around me, long fingers playing with the short hair at the base of my head. My own arms reach out to him, making me aware of how slim he is, and his mouth opens, tongue darting out to stroke mine in a deliciously deep kiss. Pulling back, I grin at him. "Oh, just on how to get you unclothed." He suddenly goes into shock and I smirk wickedly. He is not expecting my forwardness, when I quickly stand up out of the water and pull him up along with me. "Hey!" I yelled, catching everyone's attention. Sanaka and Ketsu looking more surprised than the rest. "Public meet Tsuzuki, Tsuzuki meet public!" And just as fast as I stood up, I jerked back the towel Tsuzuki had tied around his waist and tossed it to Ketsu, who caught it with excitement.
"Hisoka!" Tsuzuki hollered, rapidly covering his crotch with both hands and turning deep red.
"Aww, come on, Tsuzuki. This is a nude hot spring, get with the program." I yelled back, removing my own towel with spirited anxiousness. My friends didn't see that coming, because their faces were so twisted I nearly gagged on my own laughter. I grabbed Tsuzuki's hands and removed them from his front, holding on tightly for dear life. "Now if anyone is embarrassed by the way they look, than why the hell did you all come here! This is all natural, yet everyone still has a towel, lose the damn thing and be relieved!" The guys looked at one another strangely and then some seem to have decided, 'oh, what the heck?'; and began to remove their towels as well. Tsuzuki went all wide eyed when everyone was in the same state as him, including me. I giggled at his expression. "Do you feel embarrassed now, Tsuzuki?" His blush seemed to fade slightly and he shook his head shamefully, never once looking at me like I had hoped him to do as result of me stripping just for him. "Okay then! Shout it loud and shout it proud! I'm free to be me!" I yelled, starting an unexpected chant with the remaining guys. We all had a good laugh the whole time.
"You are truly awkward, Hisoka." Sanaka replied, getting dressed as we all returned to the changing rooms.
"I don't know, I thought it was exhilarating." Ketsu giggled, also getting dressed.
"I do tried my best." I bragged, knowing the whole conversation was only making things more embarrassing for Tsuzuki. "We should do this more often." I laughed, patting Tsuzuki on the back.
He sighed and gave me weak smile with a nod. "Why not?" His reply cheered me up rather quick, because the next moment I hugged him affectionately.
"Alright, how about tomorrow?"
"How about tonight?" Ketsu interrupted. I nodded, excitedly.
"How about never?" Sanaka budded in, trying to get rid of the wacky atmosphere.
"I think I'll stick with tomorrow." Tsuzuki chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.
"Alright! Everyone in favor of tomorrow, say I!"
"I!" Ketsu yelled.
"I!" I replied quickly after.
"I." Tsuzuki said with a smile.
"..." When Sanaka did not reply we all gave him the evil eye. "Fine, alright. I."
"Yay!" Me, Ketsu, and Tsuzuki cheered; Sanaka still upset he agreed to another of my ideas.