Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My Sanctuary ❯ Unexpected Visitor ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Thirteen
Unexpected Visitor
"You cease to amaze me..." A mature, sophisticated voice replied, hesitantly stopping the moment of his writing pen. His eyes shifted to the door of the comfortable study. "So predictable...Muraki." He grimaced as the door slowly creaked open, revealing a white hair gentleman with a cold, gloomy presence.
"Am I really, Fukushima?" He asked back delivering an eerie smile. "Than I shall try to avoid giving such an impression."
The blue-eyed man with shoulder length black hair, chuckled shortly. "And what do I owe the pleasure of you coming across my threshold, Muraki. After your care over me when I was ill, I have had no need of another doctor. Is it a favor you seek in return of healing me?"
"Actually I have a thorn I need temporarily taken care of, and I was hoping you would do the honors."
"A thorn?" His eyes slightly raised in suspension. "This wouldn't have to do with a certain brunet you've had your eye on for quit some time now, would it?" Muraki just smiled. "By the way, I've heard that you've taken in a young boy unexpectedly. That is so unlike you, Muraki. You are gradually losing your touch."
"Nothing is unexpected. Nor is the so called love affair he is supposing secretly having."
"You expect me to believe everything will fall into place? Maybe as much as your pass attempts to silence the Shinigami and win the heart of some fool."
"Regardless of what you both(him and Tsuzuki) think, I will get Tsuzuki." Muraki politely bowed and headed back for the door. "I'll pay him a visit, as long as you do your part." Fukushima nodded with a smiled, watching as the cold doctor left his room.
Bright orbs of sunlight through the window burn my eyes each time I blink them open, but they're wide open now as I suddenly hear a loud, disturbing knock on the door. I sat up in time to see Tsuzuki answer it. "Are you Asato Tsuzuki?" A middle aged delivery man asked. Tsuzuki nodded, suddenly gasping when a large bouquet (I never knew bokay was spelt like that, lol, its weird looking) of red roses are presented to him. The man left without another word, after receiving a small tip. Tsuzuki's expression was odd as he sat the flowers on a nearby table.
"Who would send you that?" I asked. Ideas of Tsuzuki having a secret admirer or worse, an actual boyfriend or girlfriend, filled my head.
Never once looking at me, he opened the card and sat down. I watched curiously as a light blush graced his beautiful cheeks. He sat there reading in measured silence, not even glancing over at me from time to time, and showing not the slightest emotion. Needless to say, I had to know what was going on. Finally deciding to move, Tsuzuki stood up. He wordlessly walked right by me and out to the balcony. I wait until he sighs and then I start walking toward Tsuzuki, his arms hanging motionless at his sides. I can tell by his shoulders shake that he is upset and crying inside. He does not flinch or struggle when I come up and hug him from behind and hold him there. I can feel his fear and cries, they scare me...so much that I want to cry myself. If I had been the real Hisoka, I would have been able to feel Tsuzuki's pain, to know his thoughts. I gently reach each of my arms to his front and cradle his hands in mine. "I hate it when you ignore me." I pouted with a fake smile. Tsuzuki suddenly smiles.
"Sorry about that." He turns to me and kisses me. Real soft, like mist. Like two rose petals pressed against my lips.
"I'll forgive you, this time." I said cheerfully, locking my arms around his waist, tightly. "You must be sick!" I outburst surprisingly. He nearly jumps out of my grasp in astonishment. "You are getting skinny. Which is practically impossible with all the sweets you eat!" Tsuzuki smiles and shakes his head. "What's so funny? I'm serious! Let's go pig out then!" I exclaimed, quickly grabbing him by the wrist and pull him toward the door.
"Wait, Hisoka! We aren't even dressed." He retorted, pulling back slightly. I ignored his comment and force him through the door.
"Like that matters? We are at a hot springs resort. People walk around with less on than we do." I closed the door behind us, making it hard for him to get back in since I have the key and his is inside.
"But Hisoka."
"Come on." I playfully jerked him down the hall, though he gave much struggle. "See you are even to weak to get away." I teased, finally getting him to the front of the hotel. I lead him to the side where there was a room filled with people and a large buffet table located in the middle.
"Hisoka." Tsuzuki stared around the room, receiving equal glances as we walked into the room. His eyes started to gleam the moment they spotted the verity of wonderful foods. Though it was breakfast time, there was a large amount of desserts, which I was sure Tsuzuki had his eye on. Almost forgetting he was still in his pajamas, Tsuzuki charged for the table and collected all the sweets he could. I giggled amusingly, he looked like child on Christmas morning.
"Tsuzuki. You aren't suppose to eat your own body weight in sweets." I jested, looking at the countless plates of cake and pie. He refused to take any of my advice and found a table, filling three-fourths of it with just his desserts. I sat down beside him and watched as the tooth rotting sweets disappeared one by one. "Don't complain when you get a stomach ache."
"If so, it will be your fault for taking me here." He managed to say between mouthfuls. I had never seen him so adorable, affectionately hugging all of his dishes before sending them into the black hole he called a mouth.
I barely ate the food I had collected for myself, due to the way Tsuzuki was eating, I had lost my appetite. Taking my attention away from my plate I saw Sanaka and Ketsu heading toward the main area across the room. "I'll be right back, Tsuzuki." And without another word I rushed from my seat and after my friends.
Ketsu, with his normally perky morning attitude, spotted me the moment I moved from my seat. "Hisoka! You are actually up before twelve? And no one had to force you?"
Sanaka stared at my appearance. "It seems no one was there to force to get dressed either."
"Shut up. So where are you two headed?" I asked.
"We're going to sightsee while we still can. We're all going back home tomorrow, Hisoka." Ketsu explained.
"Really? It seemed so short. No fair." I pouted crossing my arms.
"No looking forward to going back to Muraki?" Sanaka asked.
"Always. I'm telling you, when I get home it will be like he was there. He knows everything. He even knew about Tsuzuki, without even seeing him."
"He's a doctor, he should know everyone." Ketsu explained.
"I don't think that's a good enough reason for him." The two snickered silently at my paranoia. "Just forget it."
"Hey, Hisoka. Do you want to come with us?"
"I guess I could, okay." I rushed past them and down the hall to get dressed. "Be back in a sec."
"What about Tsuzuki?"
"He's to in love with his sweets to depart with them to go sightseeing." I yelled back. After rushing into some clothes I followed Sanaka and Ketsu out. I still hoped Tsuzuki wouldn't mind me leaving for awhile. After all I'm sure I sometimes get on his nerves.
"You look beautiful, Tsuzuki." A eerie voice whispered suddenly.
Tsuzuki quickly stopped eating and jumped from his seat. His eyes widened as they stared upon one silver one and one darker one shield by light hair. "Muraki."
"Like before...I'm drawn to those eyes. Like embedded amethysts, glorious and addicting." A cold hand found its way to Tsuzuki's cheek, stroking it soothingly. "It has seemed like an eternity since we last met. But of course you don't remember, nor does Hisoka."
Tsuzuki frowned, giving him an evil glare. "What have you been up to?"
"Nothing my love. All that I do, I do for you." He smirked, cupping Tsuzuki's chin. "For you I would even kill." Tsuzuki immediately jerked his chin from Muraki.
"You're a lieing bastard, Muraki. Still pretending to be innocent and pure as the doctor everyone thinks you are."
"Oh, love. You can say some hurtful things. It pains me to see you so tense and cautious. You suspect me of lying to Hisoka, am I right?" He walked closer to Tsuzuki.
"You did more than lie. You are enslaving him in a fake life."
"Fake? Everything Hisoka is experiencing is real. Including the happiness. You see, I have rather saved him from the hell he was living as a Shinigami. He no longer fears failure of not being able to protect another life. Most of all he is satisfied with having just saved your life." Muraki leaned in, allowing his lips to press along Tsuzuki's earlobe. "To him, I am a savor. But its you, who I wish to save."
"I need no rescuing. Especially not by you!"
"That’s where you are wrong. Its killing you inside. You don't want to accept it. That you are happy Hisoka has forgotten everything. Because you know he is happy without remembering his painful life. When was the last time you've seen him so happy and at ease? Never." Muraki chuckled, toying with Tsuzuki's ear with his lips.
"Shut up!"
"Quiet now, my love. You are making a scene." Muraki said teasingly. "I can tell when you are upset and sad. You are lonely and lost because the past is all you have to dwell on. The past is all you knew, and all that seemed right. But the past, may I remind you, has never been to kind to you Tsuzuki." Tsuzuki looked away, forcing himself not to think of the truth in Muraki's theory. But the more he resisted the more it intensified, releasing its wrath with a single tear from Tsuzuki's violet eye. "Shhhh, now my love. Let me remove your pain and suffering, and cure your despair for good." With those words, almost casting a spell with there meaning, Tsuzuki felt weir. Weak and woozy, his eyelids heaved. Slowly his eyes fell hazy and closed, his body going numb. His legs gave in beneath him and he felt himself fall without any control to prevent it. Just before he could reach the ground, two strong hands caught him halfway. They cradled him and lifted him up. One reached beneath two of his legs and the other cupped his back, allowing his head to fall back and hang drowsy. Tsuzuki felt his sense vanish as he fell into unconsciousness.
"Hisoka..." He could only manage to whisper before he was swept away with the mysterious doctor.
No one in the room stopped or questioned the man's actions for they thought he was a real doctor and was tending to the patient who had fainted under some weird illness. Everything and everyone was silence as the figure faded away in the distance, holding the helpless Tsuzuki.
A/N: Oh, no! Muraki has Tsuzuki and Hisoka is nowhere around. Plus there is that Fukushima guy is suppose to take care of Hisoka, while Muraki has Tsuzuki! Its the climax of it all!