Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My Sanctuary ❯ Reminisce Of The Heart ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Fourteen
Reminisce Of The Heart
"Hisoka.." A soft murmur repeated. Tsuzuki stirred soundly, though there was a lingering feeling that told him he was being watched. What felt like being carried abruptly ended when he was laid on a soft bed. Tsuzuki felt it shift, most likely Muraki was joining him. Immediately his body had gone cold, dry, and burdened with dread as ice like hands unclothed a pale, slender body. Muraki smiled lustfully, his skin was like silk, unblemished and perfect in everyway.
"Are you planning to sleep all day, love?" He whispered seductively in Tsuzuki's ear. Muraki received no answer. Blissfully smirking. "Just be warned I am impatient to waiting."
Hisoka...where are you? I'm alone...just like before. It scares me to be anywhere but with you. Even these past few weeks...they are lonely. I see you there with me...but I can no longer feel you. We are disconnected, you and I. How can we be reunited? Everything seems to be pushing us father apart, though you would be standing there right beside me. But you're not really there, are you Hisoka? You're not here with me. I need you! I need you here with me! I need to know you are still the same Hisoka. I need...
Suddenly a fearful gasp emerged as the covers fly off Tsuzuki with one panic swing of his arm. "Hisoka!" Tsuzuki out burst, now on his feet, his heavy breathing was short lived when he noticed Muraki sitting cross-legged at a glass coffee table, cupping a cup of streaming coffee in his palm.
"It disappoints me...to hear Hisoka being the first name to escape your lips when you're with me." He smiles, takes a sip from the small cup and stands up.
"Muraki." Tsuzuki hissed furiously, later taking notice to his nakedness and rushes back beneath the covers.
"Not bad. You're getting there. But when you say me name, try not to express it with pent up anger." He set the cup down and approached the brunet. He received a vivid glare from two beautiful violet eyes. "Don't look at me like that. It hurts me so to have you mad at me." His voice turn soft and playful. Tsuzuki didn't like how the space between them was gradually disappearing, so he there the very first thing he saw, a lovely white vase filled with red roses. Muraki immediately caught the vase before it had time to do any damage. He plucked a single rose from it and set it down on a nearby nightstand. "Are you giving me an invitation?"
"Go to hell!" Tsuzuki barked back. As Muraki got closer, Tsuzuki panicked. He leaped from the bed and tried to punch the creepy doctor. Unsuccessfully, his wrists were caught by two strong, cold hands.
"A strong will only gets a man's sexuality going. Or is that of your strategy?" He whispered, drawing the brunet closer to him until he could feel Tsuzuki's worried breathing. Tsuzuki's eyes quickly shut when he feels Muraki's soft lips nip the nape in his neck. "Are you worried, Tsuzuki? About that boy? You should really be worrying about yourself. Besides unlike that kid Hisoka..." He kissed the indention in Tsuzuki's neck softly. "I can satisfy you." Fidgeting more at those words, Tsuzuki tried to free himself of Muraki's grip. "Calm down, my love." Muraki forced him down onto the bed, with his own body. "Pain only last for so long." The brunet made several breathy whines as he kicked and wiggled beneath Muraki. "If you continue to struggle, I will be force to hurt you, love. At times like these I wish you were more like Hisoka." Muraki added, smiling evilly, knowing the statement would grab his attention. Just as he suspected, Tsuzuki stopped squirming long enough to question him.
"What do you mean?"
"He willingly gave himself to me all so that you may never be harm by me again. Though that prize is nothing compared to what you a worth. You are all I want."
"Than why bring Hisoka into this!" Tsuzuki hissed back, ready to bite at any given moment.
"Because it is the only way to get to you, love. Consider it a favor of my undying love for you that he has forgotten everything. After all if he remembers he would only continue to bud in and end up dead."
"A favor! It's hell!" One hand released his wrist and caressed the soft flesh of his face. Tsuzuki wants nothing more than to bite those long fingers and tare them from Muraki's hands. "Set Hisoka free! His mind and his body!"
"For you love, I would do anything. But as long as there remains a hatred between us, I tarnish the thought." Muraki nipped the edge of Tsuzuki's earlobe gently. "That is unless you agree to belong to me. Give me your body and soul, and I will let Hisoka go." Tsuzuki looked aside, avoiding Muraki's frozen glare. He wish all of this was merely a nightmare that he would soon wake up from, but he was not so lucky. He closed his eyes and nodded reluctantly. Muraki's smile widened. "See now was that so hard, love?"
An overwhelming wave of sensation blew over me almost immediately. It had came so unexpectedly that I nearly gagged on the air that was halfway up my throat. Never before had I once felt a presence like this one. The unknown emotion, it scared me. I mentally was shaking with great intensity. What was this feeling? Why did it have such an affect on me?
Though I had no clue what had caused this new revelation, I concluded it had something to do with Tsuzuki. I just felt him connected to this feeling somehow. And if he was, what did this new feeling mean? Was Tsuzuki trying to reach me?
"Hisoka?" A concerned voice yelled out to me. I was quickly snapped out of my thought and brought back into what I suspected was the reality. When I turned my head, I saw Ketsu staring at me. "Are you alright? You just froze up there?"
I looked around, recalling the time I left the hotel in the morning. It was now sunset and I had been exploring all day with my friends. We had started to walk back to the hotel, when I just stopped. Glancing back at them and then the hotel that I could now see at least five blocks down the road. "Yeah...I just thought...never mind, forget it." I brushed off the scary thought of the off chance of something actually happening to Tsuzuki the one time I leave him alone at the hotel since our arrival.
"It's our last night here before we leave tomorrow." Ketsu said disappointingly.
"Its about time. I thought they might actually make us live here." Sanaka stated bluntly.
"Oh, come on! Don't tell me you didn't have any fun, while we were on this trip!" Ketsu protested, waving his arms far above his head. Sanaka shook his head, saying he hadn't. "You liar! Fine if that is true, we all still promised to go to the hot springs one more time today with Tsuzuki." Ketsu pointed at me furiously. "Hisoka go get Tsuzuki for we can go!" I nodded cheerfully as we finally made it to the hotel.
I rushed to our room upstairs and hurriedly opened the door. "Hey, Tsuzuki! Come on, we are going-" I started out yelling but stopped when I saw the room was empty. It was in the same state we had left it this morning. I searched the room, the bathroom, the balcony but had no luck in finding him. "Tsuzuki?" I replied in dismay. Suddenly I spotted a crumbled up piece of paper on the dresser, it looked similar to the one Tsuzuki had received in the bouquet of roses this morning. As I picked it up and opened it, I realized it was the same card. I glanced over it intensely, hoping that it would clue me in on where Tsuzuki might be.
Dear Tsuzuki,
It has been nearly an eternity since I had last laid eyes upon you. It has wounded me to know that you since hold past grudges against me, when all I have done is given you my heart. I wish to eliminate our disagreements and start a new. That is if you will allow me. Love, I only wish that you will forgive me for what I've done. For it is my obsession for you that drives my actions. If you would, I wish to see you again so that apologizes may be exchanged, along with some unmentioned affections.
I do hope that you are enjoying your trip with Hisoka at the hot springs. But you must remember the trip will end soon and Hisoka will return to me, that is if you continue to resist me.
Much Love,
"Muraki?" I questioned myself as to why he would be writing this to Tsuzuki. I was still curious as to why Muraki requested Tsuzuki's presence so much. It seemed impossible for such a cold hearted person to actually develop feelings much less love for another being. "Than maybe Tsuzuki is with Muraki, but where?" I refused to wait there any longer, and rushed to the door. I just had to find Tsuzuki. Knowing Muraki, Tsuzuki was without a doubt in trouble. I mentally slapped myself for disbelieving my previous feelings that had long before told me the story. The moment I opened the door, I was startled by a tall dark haired gentleman in front of me. "Who the hell are you?" I yelled, almost bumping into the man. "What do you want!"
"The name is Fukushima, and as for what I want..." He violently jerked me by the arm. "I want you." In reaction to his touchy attitude I punched the guy in the jaw, but he seemed unaffected. "Sorry, but I can't have you disturbing Muraki and Tsuzuki any more." Before I had a chance to question him again, I was knocked sharply in the head with want seemed like a hand gun.
"Tsuzuki..." I mumbled before completely drifting into unconsciousness.
Tsuzuki stiffened, his body rigid beneath the awkward touch of Muraki's steady palms. His hand softly caressed Tsuzuki's body moving from his shoulder to chest, stopping to gently tease his tiny nipples. Tsuzuki stifled a cry as the hand continued down to his stomach, dipping into his navel and drawing lazy circles around it. Then it traveled further down, reaching its final destination: his groin. Tsuzuki gritted his teeth, gasping softly in his throat.
"Don't be shy, love. You are beautiful." Muraki whispered seductively as his long slender fingers cupped the soft flesh just between the brunet's thighs. A tiny restrained groan escaped his lips.
"Do you like that, love?" Muraki gave just a whisper near his ear. Tsuzuki's eyes were raw with seething hatred. Muraki ignored the man's glare and reached his fingers again to his groin, continuing to stroke it temptingly. Tsuzuki held back what shameful moans resounded in his throat. "No, no." Muraki admonished in a soft, feathery voice. "I want to hear you, Tsuzuki." Tsuzuki panted nervously as he awaited the cruel fate upon him. "Don't be like that, love. It's no fun having a one sided love." He whispered, licking snail like trails along Tsuzuki's lean body. Gentle lips made their way back up and lightly kissed at Tsuzuki's chin and then met his lips. Tsuzuki gave no response as he allowed a slick tongue to intrude his mouth. Breaking a part slowly to recollect his breath, Muraki looked at him upsettingly. "You resist me still? You may but your body will say otherwise."
Suddenly a rough, cold hand grasped Tsuzuki completely. Tsuzuki squirmed from side to side, as much as he could, which wasn't much. The hand moved up and down furiously, resurrecting the limp member. Muraki continued his rhythmic stroking and Tsuzuki's length responded, discharging drops of clear liquid. Muraki spread the liquid over the turgid length and was rewarded by another deep moan. "You are easily pleased Tsuzuki." He smiled, kissing the side of his neck softly. "I love that about you."
Tsuzuki gave a high-pitched whimper of complete surrender. As he gave into the feelings of his own body, his release spilled, pumping out in jerky spurts. Muraki stroked his throbbing member hard, bringing more and more out of him, and he gave one final shuddering thrust. Muraki paused for a moment, watching his desperate writhing, the veins popping out on his neck and the sides of his skull. He was enjoying this, savoring the moment, wringing it for every possible bit of pleasure. Moments of joy like this were few and far between. A fresh trickle of sweat dripped down the side of Tsuzuki's face. Muraki bent over and licked it off with his tongue. Later licking the white from his fingers that had spilt from Tsuzuki. "You're delicious." A brilliant, evil smile crossed his face. "Now time for the best part."
And without much warning, Muraki kindly shifted the brunet onto his stomach, inserting a single finger at Tsuzuki's opening. A moan escaped him, but not of desire; but of burning shame. Tsuzuki bucked, trying desperately to get Muraki's finger out of his body, but the finger kept steadily pushing until it was completely buried inside of him. Tears squeezed from his eyes, and he swore to himself that he would make Muraki pay for this humiliation! "Shhhh...love, the awkwardness is only temporary." Muraki whispered softly again, leaning down against the brunet's back. With his fingers still deep inside, he pulled Tsuzuki's hips up so that he was kneeling, but with his shoulders and head still on the bed and spread his legs wide. Tsuzuki struggled but he had no leverage. The fingers scissor widely inside of him, preparing him for what was coming. After a few minutes, although it felt like long hours to the tortured man, the fingers slipped out and he heard him removing his pants. After seeing the white fabric, aimlessly thrown aside he felt the blunt tip of Tsuzuki's member pressing against his opening. Muraki smirked and gave Tsuzuki's member a gentle squeeze. "No matter how resistant you are, the body is always more willing."
Tsuzuki closed his eyes, trying to think of anything to get his mind off of Muraki, but nothing worked. Tears of humiliation squeezed from Tsuzuki's tightly closed eyes. In very short time, his length was against his own flat, well-muscled stomach, swollen and erect. The hasty hands came off of him and Tsuzuki opened his eyes cautiously. A cold wave of fear crept up his spine...
To Be Continued...
A/N: Muhahahahahaha! Okay I really do fill sorry for Tsuzuki and the Hisoka and Tsuzuki supporters! So I shall spare us all the details of this horrible outcome. Review