Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My Sanctuary ❯ Trapped ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Sixteen
"Morning, my love." Muraki unlocked the door and pushed it open to see Tsuzuki groggily staring at him through blurry amethysts gems. "I hope you got enough rest, my dear. I would hate to have you exhausted from yesterday's fun." He smiled, closing the door behind him. Tsuzuki hazily watched the man walk to the coffee table and sit down beside it, crossing his legs. "Come here, love. I have a present for you." Tsuzuki reluctantly pushed back the thick covers off of his sore naked body. He unwillingly approached the silver haired doctor with a sneer. "Darling, must you look at me like that?" He smirked, standing up and held out a long white box. When Tsuzuki didn't take it, he opened it himself. He pulled out a beautiful silk, white kimono. "I thought it would look divine on you." He gently dressed Tsuzuki and stood back to observe the clothing. "Beautiful, as always Tsuzuki." Tsuzuki gave no answer and merely turned his head to the side and stared out the window.
He was quickly snapped back out from his daze when cold, smooth hands went around his slender form. He quivered at the touch. "Love, don't give me the silent treatment." Muraki seductively whispered, pulling Tsuzuki into a tighter embrace. Wrapping his arms around his waist, a curious hand slipped its way into Tsuzuki's kimono and lightly graced over a sensitive piece of flesh. Tsuzuki immediately closed his eyes and yelped when the gently grace turned into a firm grip. Muraki smiled calmly and laid his chin on Tsuzuki's shoulder as he softly nipped at the tender neck. Adorable whimpers and gasped emerged from the brunet as Muraki bit down harder. "I will make you speak if you wish." As the first hand grabbed tighter to the limb flesh the other attached itself to Tsuzuki rear, squeezing roughly. "I want to hear you say my name..." He bite once more on the sweet neck.
"...Muraki..." Tsuzuki moaned. Muraki smirked at the desperateness in his tone.
"That's much better, love." He released Tsuzuki and sat back down at the table. "Now come and eat breakfast with me." He grimaced, holding up a clear glass grape juice. Tsuzuki made his way to the table and sat down on the opposite side. "What do you think you are doing?" Tsuzuki stared at him clueless. "You should sit closer to me." Sighing remorsefully, Tsuzuki stood back up and walked over to Muraki's side. The very next moment he forcedly pulled into the cold man's lap. "That's much better." He smiled, grabbing a sweet tart and waiting for Tsuzuki to open his mouth. Regrettably, he let the sick man feed him, followed by an occasionally groping of his butt, thigh, or hips between each bite. Muraki purposely missed Tsuzuki's mouth every now and then, and would lick the mess off Tsuzuki himself. "I must say you are sweeter than anything at this table." Muraki cooed, caressing Tsuzuki soft cheek with his finger.
I woke up abruptly, to a cold darkened room. Looking around made no difference, it was so dark I couldn't see anything at all. Trying to get up, I realized my wrist are roughly tied and so are my feet. Before I had a chance to even stand up I heard a door opening. A small light slowly illuminated the dark room as the door opened wider.
"Oh, you're awake now." The familiar voice said. "I was hoping you would be out for at least another day." A wicked smiled crossed his lips as he approached me. Kneeling down, he raised my chin toward him. "You are a very lucky boy."
"Why? Cause I didn't die from your attack!" I barked back, snapping my chin away from his grip.
He laughed briefly and stood back up. "Because, someone cares about you enough to give up everything. If not for that friend of yours, you might be dead or at least living in a cage wishing for death."
"Where is Tsuzuki!" I yelled.
"You can't save him. It's too late to protect him, so you might as well go on living the life he has given you." The man kneeled down once again. "I'll even let you go if you stay away."
Though it was not met to be one, I thought this to be an insult. As if I could actually go on living as if nothing had ever happened. I nodded in hopes of him letting me go. To my surprise he began untying me. This is too easy, they want me to escape. The moment the ropes around my wrist and feet were undone I kicked the man in the stomach viciously and made a run for it. My victory was short lived the moment I reached half way down the hall. A burst of sound echoed and an extremely close bullet went soaring across my cheek, just gracing it slightly. I came to a complete halt, knowing that the next shot wouldn't miss.
"You have allot of guts, for someone who is having their life handed to them on a silver platter, free of charge." I turned around slowly, glaring at him furiously. He had a coy smirk and a hand gun pointed directly at me. I heard it click the very next moment, already preparing himself for another shot. "But unlike Muraki, I kill you, deal or no deal. Do you want that? Everything Tsuzuki's given up to be a waste after you're dead. You both would be better off if you just walked home now."
"I don't have a home." Still staring daggers at him, I retorted. "Tsuzuki is the only thing I have left. I have nothing or no one to return to, so what’s the point of leaving."
"For you can live, damn it! Don't be an idiot! Would you prefer to be shot?"
"I don't care." Suddenly running towards him, he fired and the immensely painful bullet imbedded itself into my chest. But I continued running.
"What the hell! You aren't suppose to be moving!" He hollered back, pulling the trigger three more times. Each time I made no attempt to dodge, and I finally reached him. One punch to his head, caused him to wobble enough for me to retrieve the gun.
"These wounds are nothing to a Shinigami! But for you, that's another story." Pointing the metallic weapon at him, he was now fearful and shivering.
"You're actually going to kill me! You, a bratty kid. I don't believe it!" He laughed mockingly despite his current condition. Sneering up I shot his right arm and then returned its direction to his head. As he wailed in pain, I saw tears collecting in his eyes.
"Do you really want to try me! If I'm going to kill Muraki once and for all, and you are trying to stop me, your life will be pointless to spare!" I saw myself reflected in his quivering eyes, I was scary. I didn't like the way I looked or who I had become, but for Tsuzuki...I would even kill.
The man fell to his knees and nodded. "Then go, I won't stop you."
A steady knock on the door, distracted Muraki from Tsuzuki. He slowly crawled off of the brunet and off of the bed. He heard a relieving sigh escape his lips the moment he was no longer pushing him down onto the bed. "Don't worry, Tsuzuki. This shouldn't take long." He smirked, "but just is case..." He watched his silver haired capture attach some restraints to the four corners of the metal headboard and footboard of the bed, and tried not to twitch as the restraints were tightened around his ankles. He moved up to the wrists, making certain each was very secure. "I can't having you trying to escape while I'm gone, now can I?" He smiled seductively and rubbed the soft skin of Tsuzuki's cheek before leaving to answer the door.
His eyes widened at seeing a bleeding Fukushima, leaning heavily against the wall. "Sorry, Muraki. He'll be here any moment. And he's rather determined to kill you once and for all." He struggled to say, cupping his bleeding arm.
Muraki's expression quickly dropped to a frown. "I think its about time to get rid of that brat once and for all." He strolled away after locking the door behind him.
I limbed my way down the hall, still baffled by why Muraki would still be inside the hotel and not somewhere far away. Holding the wounds from the bullets, the excruciating pain didn't last long as my Shinigami ability started to take affect. Leaving only faded blood stains as the holes closed up, I swiftly made my way to where I thought that jerk would be staying.
I found a glass vase center placed on a table in the hall, and decided it would be safice enough when I run out of bullets for Fukushima's gun. If I was going to kill him, I was going to make sure it was done right. Breaking the vase quickly, I gather the largest, sharp piece I could find.
"Hisoka." I heard my name being said with annoyance. "You truly are my biggest threat, not to mention the most frustrating." I saw his cold expression, and it made me scared for just a moment.
"Where's Tsuzuki, you bastard!" I snapped back to reality.
"It's no longer your concern. Tsuzuki belongs to me now. I offered you a chance to leave and forget this ever happened, but you insist on making Tsuzuki's efforts worthless. And now because of your stupidity, he will suffer more for your lost."
I yelled angrily and took no time to draw out the gun, pulling the trigger rapidly. I watched in pure bliss as two bullets hit their target. Unfortunately enough, Muraki was not dead just badly hurt. I ran over to him as he was still caught with surprise, and punched him in the face. He fell to his knees from the brutality and force, but this was not nearly enough pain he must receive.
I let him scramble up onto his feet only to be shot down by yet another bullet to his left knee. "I won't let you get away for what you did to Tsuzuki!" After letting Muraki suffer awhile, surrounded by his own cold blood, I prepared to make the final blow. I jerked him by the collar and held out the glass, I'd rather slice his throat and watch him bleed to death then allow him the pleasure of a quick blow to the head.
Just as I was about to slice him, he burst into cruel laughter. His eerie voice echoed through the hall, making hesitate. "You expect it to be this easy. Even if you managed to kill me, I will only come back with more fury than before. I dare you to end my life, but I swear it will not be last you hear of me. Tsuzuki will be mine once again." I sneered as a trickled of blood ran down from his mouth.
"You know what..." I let his collar go roughly and pulled a long wire from my pocket. "I've thought of how I would in your life for so long now. And I've decided I would do it in a way I would have to listen to your crappy voice." I wrapped it around his firm looking neck. I wrapped it around my fist as well. My hands swiftly pulled the wire. I listened to him squirm and gasp for air. His sentences cut off every few seconds. I knew what Muraki did was unforgivable, and what I was doing to him was just as bad. Unfortunately the sound of his screams and pleads, brought warmth to my ears, a warmth only brought when you enjoy taking lives as much as you enjoy living.
I pulled tighter, hearing his screams become softer. I was actually smiling as I did so, but inside I was just as helpless as he was. Inside I was helpless to control myself from bring what I thought as a equal punishment. Inside I screamed and begged myself not to kill him, but one part of me thought it was the only way out. At the very top of my voice I screamed for his freedom, our justice. Another way to avenge Tsuzuki's suffering.
Sadly to say my screams weren't enough on the outside. Their was no one to hear my screams, my faint cries for help. Hope of being pulled back into the real world. Muraki tossed and turned like a worm. His legs twitched in a delightful way to me. His body slowed, and almost came to a complete halt. I pulled so hard the wires cut my hands and left small, thin blood lines to remind me. Finally, the absolutely satisfying silence came. Muraki's squirming limbs fell slowly at his side, his neck askew as there was no remaining breath. I released the wire and watched startlingly as the lifeless body fell beneath me. I didn't bother stand back up as his blood from the shots, spilt across the floor. My eyes now covered in a hazy disbelief, stared at the dark red blood. My hands were stained in his blood, his evil blood. Muraki's expression was mutilated and breath-takingly scary, as if he would come back to life the very next second and laugh at this cruel, sick joke.
Suddenly realization struck me and my eyes flooded with tears. They carried relief and sorrow. I cried, because I knew what I had done and did nothing to prevent it, also I cried because Tsuzuki was finally free, but me on the other hand was still imprisoned. I was trapped between my two selves. The cruel, merciless, selfish me and the kind, merciful, and giving me. I was blinded by hate and let that side of me take hold. I actually killed somebody...I actually killed another living being. Regardless of him being evil, I still took another life. Not only that, I have been cursed. Muraki had managed to win once again. I was now tainted with his blood, with his sin. I was to live carrying the burdens he's left me with.
I slowly approached the door, using the key Muraki had on him, I unlocked it. It squeaked loudly as Tsuzuki steadily came into view. I saw him lying there, chained to the bed, he was astonished to see me. I raced over, immediately undoing the locks. The moment he was freely he embraced me, crying all the more. I held the tears that still possessed me to cry so pathetically in the hall just moments before.
Murmuring sorrowfully I said, "...I killed him...I actually killed Muraki..."
To Be Continued...
A/N: Wow, a raise of hands, who actually saw that coming? But of course this is not the last chapter! And I hope all of you will be happy to know there will be a squeal! That's if you all want one after the final chapter which is next!