Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ What to do When You're Bored in a Chat Room ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

*goes on a rampage, Godzilla-like*
Koji: ..... Um I think I'm going to have to fill in for her so here's your disclaimer:
Disclaimer: This fiction is written merely by the whim of the author, Elise, and the contents are strictly not hers, except for the plot, which in terms means the characters are not the property of the author of this fiction but strictly belong to the author of this particular series/anime.
Me: Is that even English?
Koji: Weren't you on a rampage?
Me: Oh yeah..... *continues rampaging*
Koji: ^ ^; Well finally, this fic went from a one shot to a continuation of the series...somewhat....
~If you don't like WAFF too much, dun worry, I have no idea how much I'll put in there.....
~glen! Whoohoo! Yes I plan on making somebody cross-dress but I won't tell you who. Yeah you figure Hisoka's more likely but you never know o.-;
~The title's confusing???? How's it confusing? You just haven't read the part where the obscure title comes into play
Somewhere in the city of Ohsaka two shinigami partners sat side by side in the bar they were investigating. Dimly lit lamps hung scarcely about the room, leaving much of it veiled in darkness with trails of smok twisting in curls from the lit up cigarettes and cigars that the majority of the people there smoked.
"Remind me again why we're here?" Hisoka asked one hand to his head in exasperation.
"Because! Tatsumi said before he thought he had heard of some suspicious character that hung around here a lot!" Tsuzuki replied, staring at the list of beverages the bar served, distracted by the scent of apple cinnamon and vanilla that the bartender was wearing. I was too much like apple pie.
"So the boss didn't give us this mission?" the boy demanded, looking grim.
"Lighten up! You're too young to drink here but--oh hey! They serve these margaritas with apple! Oh bar tender!" Hisoka muttered, standing and leaving the pup to his drink.
Music turned on, lights lit up on the stage where people cheered the strippers on to perform. It was nearly midnight, Tsuzuki was on his way to getting drunk and Hisoka was in the worst mood he had been in all month. He was hot, stuffy and thirsty, and, being under age in a bar, there was nothing he could do about it. With feathers ruffled he found an empty chair in a desolate corner by a water stained window and sat down, one eye searching for anyone who seemed suspicious. So far there had been no luck. But still the young shinigami wondered whether Tatsumi was telling the truth or had just wanted them out of his hair.
Song after song played and still he sat listlessly until a young girl introduced herself.
"Hello. You look lonely. Did you come here by yourself? You look too young to be drinking," she asked, long pink hair twisted up in an intricate knot. She looked like she was too young to be here also. She was only what…. 8 maybe?
"Yes unfortunately but it's alright. I'll collect my idiot soon enough and be on my way, now if you'll excuse me..."
"My name's Sherry. You look thirsty. Do you like fruit juice?" Hisoka regarded the girl quietly. She seemed innocent enough and her sweet smile and sad eyes only said she wanted some company.
Hisoka sighed.
"Yes I suppose so." Sherry smiled.
"I'll be right back." The boy surveyed the room in silence as the song switched with the strippers.
"Here you are. Do you like peach?" Sherry bobbed over, holding a bottle of peach juice before her. Hisoka took it, thanking her politely and shifting a little uncomfortably in his chair.
He noticed Tsuzuki on what had to have been at least his fourth drink by now. Ah how he remembered the one time he had been drunk over that poor centipede girl......
"What's your name?" Hisoka's new acquaintance asked, large maroon eyes searching Hisoka's stolid expression. The boy paused before answering.
"Hisoka." He opened his can and sipped his peach juice quietly.
Sherry watched him patiently as he quenched his thirst.
"Oh hey, sorry but my mom's finished so I gotta go okay? It was nice to meet you. Maybe I'll meet you again sometime. I wouldn't mind talking." She smiled softly, eyes glinting but Hisoka only nodded. Distracted by the enormous cat calls and cheering from the crowd around the stage, he didn't notice the pink haired girl walk out alone. He finished his drink, ignoring the crowd and searching the bar seats for his partner, ready to go back to their hotel and sleep.
Oddly enough, he noticed six empty glasses the bar tender had failed to collect, no doubt from Tsuzuki, but the older shinigami was nowhere in sight.
'The bathroom maybe?' he thought, beginning to get annoyed at the pressing lustful thoughts of the crowd. He stood, empty can in hand but swayed where he was. Confused, he took a step forward. The crowd's emotions were getting stronger, seeping past the barriers of his mind. He hiccupped, catching his breath. Could he be drunk? Surely not on peach juice though! Sherry... had she slipped something to him? But the bottle was unopened? He couldn't remember!
Stumbling slightly, blushing at the passing thoughts that several people unknowingly passed to him, Hisoka made for the bathroom, catching his balance on a barstool. He had been slipped something! Dammit and now it was fogging his brain. All he could feel was the lascivious, dirty thoughts of his peers. Who was this? The feel of some wily brunette…. They found him gorgeous and all the better that he was completely drunk too. Hisoka sat on the stool, trying to catch his breath, pained at the lust he was feeling. Tsuzuki! Eyes snapping open, Hisoka attempted to stand once more. Dammit what had that fiend put in his drink!
Peering above the heads of dozens of lustful sex driven people, Hisoka found to his horror, a mostly nude Tsuzuki drunk and dancing on one of the poles like there was no tomorrow. Blushing deeply at the thought of his idiotic partner, he collapsed into the nearest chair, panting. It was too hot, too stuffy, too lustful-- he couldn't bear it. Of course he couldn't walk up there and steal Tsuzuki down, nor could he just walk himself to their hotel. Tsuzuki had their keys anyway. Sighing, resigned to his fate of having to wait until Tsuzuki was finished parading in...... good lord the boy only wished his partner wore underwear.
With hoots and hollering fading as the beat of the music slowed down some, there was more cheering as Tsuzuki bowed, jumping off the stage with the help of several people of various genders already suggesting sleeping places for him.
"'Soka!" Tsuzuki slurred, falling onto the chair the boy was sitting on, at least half clothed. "Did yoo shee me?" The brunette giggled as Hisoka tried to push him off, pouting.
"I saw you act..... act.....Tsu, let's go," Hisoka flustered, eyes closed and trying to put all arousing thoughts out of his mind but to no avail. Tsuzuki only laughed. They were like animals. Lusty little animals… all clawing at each other, all wanting their satisfaction...their satisfaction. Hisoka couldn't catch his breath. Being an empath was hard enough but being drunk as well? And on top of that his stupid brain was screaming at him to give in.
'Can't,' he panted to himself.
"Hey 'Soka, you look peachy...." Tsuzuki observed, amethyst eyes blinking blearily. Hisoka smiled, cheeks still deeply blushing. Peachy. Yeah that was it wasn't it?
"I like peach," Tsuzuki pondered, simply looking up with one finger to his mouth. "It rhymes with beach and leech and teach and--"
"That's nice," Hisoka sighed.
Hisoka felt indefinitely calm as if some portion of logical rationalization had just went out the window. His breathing had slowed, his body was moving with the beat. Images of horny strippers flashed through his head. He couldn't help but think, why was Tsuzuki always crooning over him? Always worrying about him? He wasn't a little kid anymore. He could take care of things himself!
"--and bleach and breech and reach and preach and beach... wait did I already say that?" Tsuzuki rambled on, still rhyming words. Hisoka wondered how he thought his partner could look cute, like a little child having fun. He also wondered whose brain had taken over his but at the moment he didn't feel as if he cared.
He was annoyed that Tsuzuki always thought that of him, that he was just a little boy wasn't he? Just like him rhyming peach and bleach and screech......
"'Soka! How long have you been here! I just had the weirdest thought! You know the bar tender lady looks like she has a mustache--" Tsuzuki began, smiling in his drunken bliss but was cut off as Hisoka struggled to stand, leaning over him and balancing himself against Tsuzuki's chair.
"Eh? Sumin wrong 'Soka?" He was playing dumb! He was only mocking him! That was it... Tsuzuki thought he was so much better at his job just because he had been there longer. He'd have to make him pay. Make him realize that he, Hisoka Kurasaki, could take care of himself! His plot formed. He was feeling confident alright and the lustful ambience was still getting quite irritating....
"'Soka?" Hisoka stood, wavering, enraged with the thought that Tsuzuki still was mocking him!
"Tsuzuki," he breathed, hissing almost. He couldn't here. "We're going to the hotel." He dragged Tsuzuki out of the bar by the collar of his shirt, leaving the smoke filled room and thundering music behind, staggering as he dragged his partner outside into the cool night air. His body was on fire and the thoughts of revenge were too tempting. Roughly, Hisoka pulled Tsuzuki into a small alleyway where surely they wouldn't be found. He pressed his partner against the pale brick wall.
"'S-Soka?" Tsuzuki appeared flushed faintly at what the young shinigami was doing. As short as Hisoka was, he seemed to be towering over the brunette a lascivious glare in his eyes.
"Sumin wrong 'Soka?" Tsuzuki hiccupped. Hisoka shook his head, trying to get a grip, to knock away those stupid scenes that Tsuzuki was creating inside his head.
"Tsu......Tsu... shut up!" Hisoka murmured in a short cry, and before he knew what he was doing, his brain had failed him and his lips were locked with his partners. They slid down the brick wall, Hisoka in Tsuzuki's lap, but the bastard wasn't helping by hugging him close and kissing him back just as much; tongue dipping in and out.
Hisoka still angered at the thought that even now, in the hopeless state they were in that Tsuzuki would dare try to put the situation in his favor. He complied by holding Tsuzuki's shoulders back, pinned against the wall, forcefully pushing his own tongue against the brunette's biting at Tsuzuki's tongue whenever it seemed to be taking the lead. The battle broke abruptly leaving Tsuzuki slightly confused, mouth open in what once was a kiss. Hisoka lifted him back up, only enough though to where they were nearly eye level.
"You think I can't win my own battles?" Hisoka mumbled cheeks still flushed red, eyes still longing for something he'd never quite yearned for before. Tsuzuki stared dumbly at the boy for a long second before grinning.
"That whatcha think 'Soka?" Pangs of infuriation twisted Hisoka's face in a snarl and, guided by his fogged up brain of nothing but lust, Hisoka pursued his goal to show Tsuzuki who was boss. Tsuzuki's breath caught as he felt Hisoka's fingers clamped tightly against his body. He groaned, the blurry thoughts of him being back on stage not helping his aching feeling.
Hisoka smirked at the noise and continued to fondle his partner through his tight black pants, noticing the faint blush in Tsuzuki's cheeks, the way he swallowed hard, the way his breathing murmured. Hisoka leaned deeper into Tsuzuki, mouth just near his ear as he continued his assault; Tsuzuki's hands roamed Hisoka's back. The boy found the button and zipper to the brunette's pants and occupied himself momentarily with that.
"You think I'm just a boy?" Hisoka breathed, anger rushing back in again and he plunged his hand a little more forcefully than intended into Tsuzuki's pants, making the man cry out in surprise more that pain. With long slender fingers woven in his honey colored hair, Hisoka proceeded to nip his way down his partner's neck, annoyed that the stupid shirt Tsuzuki was wearing had so many buttons.
He saved some time by merely ripping the shirt down the middle, several buttons popping off.
"'Soka?" Tsuzuki asked, slightly alarmed but only took to moaning as Hisoka took a perked nipple in his mouth. The blond might have died young but he wasn't THAT inexperienced. Tsuzuki shifted beneath him as Hisoka pressed one leg against the shinigami's crotch, rubbing erotically and succeeding in making Tsuzuki moan that much louder. Hands clutched around Hisoka's face as he slipped his hands into Tsuzuki's pants and pulled them down, leaving them aside on the ground.
Quivering hands slid down Hisoka's thin frame, grabbing his ass and pressing the boy firmly against Tsuzuki's bare body, eliciting a lustful, throaty moan. Hisoka hissed with pleasure, allowing himself to move against his partner--it was like that song he had danced to, the rhythm picking up its beat... Hisoka let out a short cry of pleasure. He wanted so bad to have all of him, of Tsuzuki, but he couldn't let him have his way. He bit the shinigami's ear, nibbling gently but nonetheless leaving marks.
Gasping as he felt hands pulling his own jeans down, Hisoka growled as Tsuzuki attempted to take his own lead. He instead wrenched the playful hands away from his groin, pressing them against the wall and forcing the brunette into another wet and prolonged kiss. Leaving Tsuzuki gasping for breath, Hisoka fleetingly thought that he hadn't ever been with a man, but not willing to give up or embarrass himself now, he allowed his thoughts to roam, fingers finding their way down Tsuzuki's back to his perfectly shaped ass, rubbing, fingering until Tsuzuki clutched him desperately and moved against him, moaning with pleasure when Hisoka experimentally slid two fingers inside him.
Smirking still at the reaction he was getting, Hisoka took Tsuzuki's "Ohhhhh... ahh... 'So....'So..kaaaaa's" as encouragement and delved a little deeper rubbing pleasurably against Tsuzuki inside, working his body almost painfully against the outside.
Tsuzuki clutched at Hisoka's waist, begging him to stop teasing. He couldn't muster anything past a moan, verbally, cheeks flushed and eyes misty.
"Want me to show you?" Hisoka asked, calmly, though lustfully, as if asking a doctor about an abrasion. Tsuzuki nodded against Hisoka's neck as the boy allowed his body to finally be freed from its cloth trapping, the cool night air almost stinging. Body on fire, Hisoka couldn't resist any longer but his partner took mercy and helped him a bit, angling his body forward, all too eager to please. With a soft cry and a moan stifled by a kiss, Tsuzuki twitched as Hisoka penetrated him, deeply, smoothly, his anticipation of the awaited domination finally being fulfilled.
How could Tsuzuki agree so easily? Was he still mocking him? Heart racing, one leg draped in his arm, Hisoka braced Tsuzuki against the wall at a comfortable angle, despite his height, and proceeded to thrust into him, slowly, teasingly at first. Muscles tensed and contracted with every one of Hisoka's thrusts, Tsuzuki could only hold the blonde by his shoulders, vision spinning as sparks of pleasure ignited behind his eyes. He'd show him. He had to... his only chance. He was always being saved by Tsuzuki. Now it was his turn to make Tsuzuki finally realize that Hisoka could handle himself. Tsuzuki's breath and moans were cut short as Hisoka's relentless pace quickened, deeply penetrated him each time, heated bodies pressed together, Tsuzuki writhing under his grasp as the boy's hands clutched the shinigami's waist and thigh.
The blonde braced himself into the brunette, crying out with lustful moans as Tsuzuki slid a little farther down the wall, all his weight pressured against that one spot that was being pleasured so much, so good. Tsuzuki threw his head back in loud moan as he tensed pressing Hisoka firmly against his body in a last thrust, his body's essence flooding between them like a small hot river. But his moan was prolonged as Hisoka came deeply against him, biting his shoulder and pushing against him, whining and moaning slightly, tears of fierce pleasure lining his eyes. He had showed him.... finally...
Collapsing wearily against the floor, Hisoka whimpered as Tsuzuki shifted beneath him, laying spread eagle on the ground. The moments of panting soon ceased and the cold late midnight air around them finally had some effect. Hisoka snuggled against Tsuzuki's warm body, no longer worried about how he had showed his partner who was boss but instead over the headache he was sure to get soon enough. Tsuzuki, on the other hand, seemed to have given up on trying to sort out the vague confusion from his head.
"Hey 'Soka?" he asked, still unsure of whether his speech really rhymed or not. "That was fun. We should come back some time." Hisoka only groaned.
Please review for me!!! Thanks a bunch :)