Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ What to do When You're Bored in a Chat Room ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I have no idea whether I actually titled about half of the stuff I'm gonna put up here or not..... But I am now so If you're confused by the chapter titles because they were something else before then.... You'll get over it XP
If you want a disclaimer you can look at the beginning of chapter one where Koji so kindly presents it in .... gibberish.... or some form of dialect which probably no one will ever understand.
Morning… who would have guessed? Hisoka moaned and rolled over, grabbing a pillow and snuggling up. So soft….. Pillow? His eyes snapped open. White sheets….a plant in the corner… red carpet…. Where was he? Something beside him rolled over, an arm thrown over the boy, feeling him as if searching for something, deciding it was what it wanted, then grabbed him tightly, a face nuzzled against his shoulder. Hisoka started, sitting up halfway, Tsuzuki's dead weight holding him down.
“Dammit Tsuzuki,” Hisoka muttered, hitting him with a pillow. His sleeping partner merely groaned, hugging him around the waist tighter. It dawned on Hisoka, slowly, as if putting a puzzle together piece by piece. They were still naked. Blushing, eyes wide, he jumped out of bed, dragging Tsuzuki halfway to the floor before his death grip loosened. Before he could shout in rage, there was a knock on their door.
Hisoka paused, somewhat confused. Visitors? Who knew they were here? Did someone bring them here? The door opened to reveal the ever punctually bad-timing secretary, Tatsumi Seiichiro. He stared at the scene, unsure how to respond, one hand still on the brass knob. There stood his old ex partner, Tsuzuki, still half asleep on the bed like a drunkard, threatening to drool on the clean pristine sheets, while his young partner in crime, Hisoka, took a defensive stance, completely nude and apparently questioning as to why the man stood in the doorway. Further inspected would have deducted that the also naked Tsuzuki had some how managed a one night fling with the boy but somehow none of that was comprehending in Tatsumi's mind. All he could do was continue to think of something to say.
Wide emerald eyes shone fearfully. Good God! Konoe's secretary was staring at his naked form! Lord don't tell me he was getting off on this. Hisoka quickly covered himself, had a second thought and favored for a pillow instead. He closed his eyes, a stern expression on his face, waiting for someone to say something. He cleared his throat to get Tatsumi's attention.
“Oh uh… good morning,” Tatsumi said, still somewhere far away in his mind. Hisoka was glad he couldn't eminently read the older shinigami's mind. He broke the ice.
“Well? Did you need us for something?” Tatsumi was shaken out of his reverie.
“Ah well actually,” he began, gesturing with the papers in the hand that didn't hold the door knob, “yes. Here are some files of women recently killed in this area that I'd like to you take a look at.” Hisoka sat on the bed, as far from his partner as he could, unsure of where his pants were and not wanting to risk his naked booty to anyone else. He tried prodding Tsuzuki awake, failed and smacked him with a pillow instead as Tatsumi approached the bed.
“Wake up!” he very nearly shouted. Tatsumi adjusted his glasses, vaguely amused but still curious as to why they were…. Not wearing anything.
“Mmmm huh where's the fire? I didn't do it?” Tsuzuki mumbled, blinking sleepily before noticing Tatsumi and instantly sitting up.
“Oh Tatsumi! Good to see you!” he laughed sheepishly, one hand behind his head. Tatsumi coughed, having it a little awkward that Tsuzuki didn't seem to notice that he was stark naked. The hint went completely over the purple eyed brunette's head.
“So um, why are you here?” he asked Tatsumi. The secretary shook his head, keeping his thoughts to himself.
“There have been several murders here in Ohsaka that might seem a little suspicious. There doesn't appear to be anything out of the ordinary but the boss wants you to look into them nonetheless.” He handed the papers to Tsuzuki who scanned them, scratching his head. There were profiles of the three women that had been killed. All of them were various ages between 20 and 35, but the only thing they had in common was that they were blonde and that they had been murdered in Ohsaka. It didn't seem to be anything but a police case.
“What if this is just ordinaries killings? Suicide attempts maybe?” Tsuzuki asked. Tatsumi shrugged.
“Guess you won't know until you look into it.” Hands in his pockets, he turned to leave. “And get some clothes on will you?” Hisoka covered his partner with a pillow. The brunette chuckled sheepishly, blushing.
“So what <i>is</i> known about these murders? Anything?” Hisoka asked, leaning over Tsuzuki to look at the papers.
“Doesn't look like anything suspicious… not something for the bureau to handle.” Hisoka took the papers.
“Tsuzuki where are our clothes?” he asked as he shuffled through the papers. Tsuzuki had gotten off the bed, stretching.
“Ummmm…let's see.” Hisoka read through the profiles.
Case #: 1
Gender: Female
Name: Brenda Sawanaguchi
Weight: 46 kg
Height: 143 cm
Ethnic Background: Caucasian- Japanese
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Waitress
Blood Type: A+
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Cause of Death: Knife wound to lower abdomen, excessive blood loss
Case #: 2
Gender: Female
Name: Emi Yotoko
Weight: 58 kg
Height: 165 cm
Ethnic Background: Asian- Japanese
Marital Status: Single- Divorced
Occupation: Floral Designer
Blood Type: O+
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Cause of Death: Strangulation
Case #: 3
Gender: Female
Name: Sai Miyashi
Weight: 53 kg
Height: 150 cm
Ethnic Background: Asian- Japanese
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Housewife
Blood Type: A+
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Grey
Cause of Death: Blood loss due to numerous cuts and abrasions
There were follow up papers of police reports and witness interviews but there didn't seem to be any valuable information that might lead to the arrest of a murderer. No one had any kind of description of the criminal. A white shirt landed on his head, followed by a pair of blue jeans. He huffed.
“Here you go `Soka. Oh hey wanna tell me what we did last night?” Tsuzuki asked as he pulled his shirt on, his black pants already buttoned up. The boy ignored him, changing the subject.
“According to police reports they weren't far from here at all. Only a few streets over, or a block away. The most recent one was only a few days ago and it was a street behind the bar we were at last night,” Hisoka stated, quickly dressing himself in record time.
“We were in a bar?” his partner asked.
Hisoka wanted to slap him but gave in to his less violent ways and rubbed his temple instead. Despite his mind telling him not to ask, his curiosity got the better of him.
“Er Tsuzuki?”
“Hm?” The older shinigami was having trouble with the buttons on his shirt. Apparently some were missing. He looked through the small hole that had been ripped into the fabric when the button had popped off, wondering where it went. Hisoka blushed faintly at the thought of last night. Shaking the memory out of his consciousness, he took a quick look around the room, as if there was anything they had brought.
“Just how did we get here?” he asked, hands on his hips, the papers Tatsumi had given him folded and clutched in one hand.
“Oh well…. I don't really remember,” Tsuzuki mused, shrugging as attempted to straighten the wrinkles from him shirt. “I think I dragged you here.” Dragged?
“Never mind,” he mumbled, then in a louder voice, “Maybe we should investigate more around here.” Hisoka was thinking about how Tatsumi had really given them a mission to do and not just get out of his hair, but he could still bet that the secretary was glad for some peace and quiet.
“Yeah,” Tsuzuki said absently, playing with one of his button holes. Thank goodness this goon wasn't affected by hangovers. Hisoka was already getting a headache and some fresh air sounded good.
“Let's go outside already. Do you actually have the money to pay for the tab?” he asked as he left the room, followed by an eager puppy who face paned at the mention of not having money.
“Er well.... Actually… yes!” he said happily, grinning like only an idiot would and coughing to change the subject. “So what about breakfast?”
“There's no time for breakfast! Besides what bank did you rob to get money?” Hisoka interjected, paling at the thought of food.
“Bank? Oh no it was well… I don't entirely remember it… but there were a lot of nice people around me that were throwing money so…..” Tsuzuki explained in broken speech, unsure of how to say exactly what he didn't remember. Oh yeah last night's strip tease. Hisoka grumbled, pushing past the doors of the hotel's entrance and leaving Tsuzuki to pay the girl at the front desk. It was midmorning: not quite afternoon but not quite past the morning either. The air was cool, despite the shining sun and it helped clear Hisoka's head. The streets were fairly busy, filled with people here and there, roaming the sidewalks and flowing into and out of shops. It seemed like any other day in Ohsaka with nothing out of the ordinary. Hisoka wandered down the sidewalk before Tsuzuki could catch up, scanning the crowds for any unlikely strangers. Before long he spot a cotton candy pink head bobbing along. It stopped, and turned. Maroon eyes started across the street at Hisoka as a car passed. He blinked. She smiled and waved. He lifted a hand of acknowledgement back. A woman's hand jerked at hers and she was taken away. A blonde woman.
Quickly looking around Hisoka could spot no other blonde women in the crowds. Would this woman with Sherry be in danger? Surreptiously, casually, he ran across the road at a stopped light and stalked behind them, keeping several people between him and the object of his pursuit. Sherry's hair was down in shoulder length long waves. It matched her red corduroy dressed, white stockings and shiny black doll shoes. She seemed so sweet and quaint that it'd pain the boy if anything bad were to befall her or her mother. Although she did slip him something last night…. But was that possible? The drink hadn't been open when she had given it to him. Maybe it was like a wine cooler… but it was the kind of can you get from a vending machine. Could it be so old that the peach juice had fermented? He didn't think so, but the thought of a young girl sliping him alcohol seemed unlikely too. Maybe the bartender had given her the alcoholic beverage. But why would a common drink of peach juice be in a bar?
Questions without answers crossed his mind but maybe he'd find out soon enough. He followed the couple into a book shop, pretending to browse through some poetry as they looked at magazines. Nothing unordinary. Next they went into a coffee shop where he swore he felt the girl's eyes staring at him through his menu. Could she see him? But when he looked her back was too him, in her seat, barely visible over the top of the seat back. He order coffee which he had to drink in a hurry as his prey left the shop, back into the streets of Ohsaka. Hisoka momentarily wondered if Tsuzuki would find him, but if all else failed a messenger bird would follow him and they'd be reunitied, unfortunately for the boy, once more.
A pawn shop was next. Good luck cats greeted them at the door. He waited a few moments before entering behind a group of elderly people. Excusing himself he hide behind a low shelf, peeking at them through some old tattered books about sharks and marriage counseling. They talked inaudibly to a store clerk. He couldn't see the woman's head but the little girl, Sherry seemed to be looking around, as if searching for something. There was something odd about her. The girl was jerked by the hand as the woman was lead to a narrow door, painted white to match the walls, as if trying to blend in and failing horribly. They vanished. He couldn't just follow them in there. He didn't even know why they went there. He waited for long moments. In his boredom he began building a book castle, de-shelving half a bookcase in the process. Still, Sherry and her mother weren't to be found. He'd have to find out more about the shop. His first suspicions were that the pawn shop doubled as a crack joint or party house, but some how he doubted it. His best guess was that the room lead to some rather rarer finds, something of a storage area where only rich people could browse or people that knew the shop owner very well.
The store owner seemed to be a very amiable old man who meant no harm, and upon interrogating him with casual conversation about his store, Hisoka was able to conclude that the store had once been a general store and that the cellar, found through the white door, also lead to a back alley outside to a shipping garage where food had once been brought. The garage used to store whatever produce the general store had shelved but now it had been built up to a veranda to house old junk that hadn't been sold. All of it there was free for anyone who liked but the only way there was either a thirty-five foot drop over a surrounding fence or neighboring building, or through the white door. Hisoka opted for the door. If the only way in was through that door, then the only way out was through the same door. So far, they hadn't come out.
“Would you mind if I took a look sir?” Hisoka asked. The old man chuckled.
“Well certainly young man, but only if you put my books back where they belong.” He smiled warmly as Hisoka flustered.
After shelving the books quickly but orderly, Hisoka was granted permission to the storage area. Cautiously he looked around. The veranda was filled with old stuff piled up in no particular order. Stacks of ancient, illegible books, old dressers, rocking chairs, old toys, tools, lay scattered about. The place seemed to be empty. Above his head a messenger bird trilled, and vaulting over the chain link fence mounted atop a thirty foot high stone wall, as if to save the day, came Tsuzuki.
`Why me,' he thought. Good thing for him though, he wouldn't be found out that he had been stalking a young girl and her mother; the place was completely devoid of human life.
Review chapter 2 for me! Because I'm partially lazy and because I'm unmotivated I ask for five reviews to bring you the next chapter!
And if you're curious.... I actually have no idea how much yaoi the rest of this will have but it will have some shonen ai!