Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ White Seduction ❯ Chapter 02 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Mr. Takahashi. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are his. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Yu-gi-oh GX Series.I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much. Thanks.
White Seduction
By HVulpes
Chapter Two
Alexis had spend much of the night coming up with plans to seduce Jaden into joining the Society of Light like most of the school had, using the advice that she had gathered from the girls who had joined their side as a base for her mission. They ranged from sending him erotic photos, having Jaden catch her in the shower, letting him get a look under her skirt or 'sleepwalking' her way into his bed during the night so that the two of them would be together. But it become clear that something had to be done before she could try most of these ideas out on Jaden, that was the fact that she would have to get closer to him than she might normally be if she remained in the white dorm. She would have no choice, she would have to return to the red dorm and try to complete what needed to be done there.
'Master Sartorius has been avoiding that dorm as it didn't have any powerful duellist that could help convert people to our cause, that they would fall when the world is awakened to the light is something that fate has told my master. The red dorm is the stronghold of Jaden and his friends, where they feel the safest in their defiance of the light and their shelter in the darkness. The master has told me fate has decided that I must go there so that I may bring the light into the darkness. I must make nice with those who are blind to the greatness of the society, so that they can see the purpose that destiny has in store for them.' Alexis thought to herself as she then faced the fact that she would need a major reason for her move from one of the most perfect dorms on the island to something just this side of a roach motel. The previous reason that she had given of avoiding being made into an idol by Crowler and Bonaparte would not work while she had the protection of Sartorious. The truth would also not work as she needed to keep her mission quite while she tried to wrap Jaden around her thumb.
'I need a good reason for "getting away" from my side, one that Jaden's trio can believe if only a little bit. Perhaps, I could explain that I need some place to stay while I think about my commitment to the societies goals. Tell them that I am having second thoughts about the path that fate has foretold for me and I am having some second thoughts that I need to face. That might be my best shot at a cover for the mission my master had asked me to accomplish, but it may mean that I might have to make more sacrifices for the light so that I might aid that same illumination. I will be a living Trojan horse to bring the master's desires to those who foolish enough to reject it.' Her thought over what she had to do told her that it would require great acts of duty to the cause that she had embraced. Whispers in her mind asked her when she became so dedicated to this cause and why she had left her friends in the first place, but she ignored them as they didn't reflect her true white shining self.
So that was why she was currently packing her bags for the move when she managed to convince Jaden to allow her to move into the red dorm, or at least the renovated section that Chazz had created before he had left that dorm for the former blue dorm. She made she that her best outfits were placed in those bags as well as the other necessary items that should need including her deck and duel disc. She had kept a few of the cards that her master had given her, but she still preferred to use her own deck of Sporty Girls and Cyber Angels. Her white uniforms were the ones that she packed except for a single outfit of the old blue uniform that she wore before her eyes had been opened. She still didn't have anything that the girls suggested for the seduction technique like the tighter uniforms, make up or fancy underwear. She would have to get those through the school store, which sold anything and everything a student could want. If she could get the door open, she could slide those last parts into the building.
'All I have to do now is to act out a convincing performance to convince Jaden that I am having second thoughts. If I can get him to accept me, then his little sidekicks should follow his lead and let me into the dorm. Then I just have to get past Sergent Dino and Vehicle Boy to my target, then turn on my feminine charms on him and try to melt his mind enough so that Jaden could see reason. That the future has been foretold and we merely serve the path of that predicted reality.' Alexis knew that it might not be as easy as it first seems as Jaden was known to be thick with certain things like the romance department. Then there was his wing-men that would likely try and block her from getting to close to him for fear that she would 'brainwash' him.
'Like those in the society have been brainwashed by Master Sartorius. We decided to join the society of our own free will, after having our true selves revealed to us by the brightness, ' She told herself as she finished with her packing. But those quiet whispers came back again, saying, 'Are you sure that it's our true self that was revealed or have we just been cloaked in the illusion of bright lights? Our mind under a mirage of truth, hiding the fact that we have lost control to a man who we don't know much about.' Alexis gritted her teeth as she let the light wash away those whispers of doubt.
'I can not allow the lies of the darkness to lure me away from the light, I must remain firm in my purpose of aiding my master and my light. I am like steel that will not bend or break as I make my cut against the enemy. I must bring Jaden to our side so that the world will discover it's fate as servants of the light. He is the only one with the ability to defy destiny, making him the greatest threat to those who have seen the truth of the world. I can not fail in my mission.' Alexis took a breath and then moved to act with the plan she had created to seduce a young red student away from the darkness and into the light.
A little later...
Alexis finally found the trio that opposed the light laying around while the classes were on break for the day, with Jaden being under the shade of a tree with the two Ras on either side of them. She knew that this would be a major moment, for if she couldn't get into the dorm she would lose major access to the prey she was after. Trying to gather any and all skills she had in acting, she moved forward to the three young man that were the only thing that was blocking her from her mission. She made an effort to look good while she was moved, making sure that he body in motion was pleasing to any male eyes that were on her. Especially if those eyes belonged to a certain Elemental Heroes duellist, as that would make everything much easier to finish her task.
"Jaden, I need to talk to you about something important. I was wondering if I could stay at the red dorm for a while." She asked him, making sure to sound honest about her desire to enter the lowest dorm on the totem pole.
"Um, why would you want to move back to the red dorm? Don't you want to be with the rest of your friends in the white dorm?" Syrus said as he started to stand up in a way that suggested that he was trying to protect his best friend. He was soon joined by his counterpart Hassleberry.
"Yeah, why ain't you with the rest of that Society of Light brainwashed club that Sartorius is forcing you to join?" Hassleberry said as stood on the left side of Jaden, with Syrus on the right. Both of them were blocking her view of Jaden who was starting to get up himself.
Alexis used the will that she had to hold back the rage that she felt at the two, for not respecting those people that had shown her the two of the world. But she kept it off her face as she replied with the cover story that she had created. She spoke, "It just that I have been having some second thoughts about the society, I need some place to go and think about what is the truth." She hoped that they would accept the line that she was placing for her future bait against Jaden.
Syrus and Hassleberry were about to say something that would have been another insult about the society or words to the effect of rejecting her, but they were stopped in their tracks by Jaden himself slipping past the two of them. The brown crazy haired student said, "You're our friend, Alexis. Of course, you can stay in the red dorm if that is what you want. We would want to help you, no matter what. You go get your stuff and we'll help you move in. " She couldn't help but smile as she saw her chance to get to the target.
"Thank you, Jaden. You won't regret this." she said, turning so that as she left he could get the image of her ass shaking as she left. Turning her head slightly so that she could see behind her, she noticed that Jaden was not watching her. He was discussing something with his two upset friends. Sighing as realized how hard this mission was really going to be.
Meanwhile, with the Slifer trio...
Hassleberry was the first to speak his mind, saying, "Have you lost your mind, soldier? She is one of the enemy, even if she is a girl we should be fighting them."
Syrus nodded as he said, "How do we know that she isn't a spy or on some kind of secret mission that we don't know about? She could be dangerous!"
"Chill, guys. I know that it's likely that Sartorius still has some control over her and probably sent her here on a mission. But he also made a mistake in that he has sent her away from his direct control and back her with us. We should be using this opportunity to figure out how he is controlling all of the other students and then find the way to break them out of his control. Sometimes you have to risk it all on the draw of a card, and if you have faith in your cards you'll pull out a win in the end." Jaden told his friends as he tried to show them that he had a plan, even if it was one that was not quite completed.
"So you're bring the enemy on your home turf so that you can do a recognize mission on how to beat the general's greatest tactic. Clever but something that risky could lead to defeat, soldier." The dinosaur duellist mentioned as he looked over the strategy that Jaden was going to use. The bandanna boy nodded his head in understanding of the task that was ahead of them.
"You're going to need some back up if you're going against Sartorius's mind control, plus a could of extra eyes couldn't hurt to avoid whatever it is that Sartorius is planning. No offense Jay, but he seems to be better at planning things out than you are." The shorter boy said as he started to give advice, only to be interrupted by his larger ally.
"What are you insinuating, solder? Are you defecting to the other side?" The eyes of the dinosaur expert transformed into something that looked like it belonged on a reptile as his minor rage was being hold back.
"I'm not, I believe that Jaden can beat him. We just have to be ready for anything from the weirdo, especially since he's a powerful duellist. He seems to always have a plan for the next move, he always knows which buttons to press to get his opponent to fall in his traps. Like when he duelled you, Hassleberry. He was taunting and leading you during your duel till you lost, if it wasn't for that Dino DNA in your leg you would have been wearing white right now." Syrus said, trying to prove that he was on his best friend's side.
The muscular boy stood back and looked like he was thinking it over. He nodded and said, "You have good eye for the enemy's movements, private. That just means that we have to figure out a way to make this plan work, cause we don't have any other ideas what to do to kick that psycho-nut's butt."
Jaden just shook his head, "Just have a little faith in me, guys. I might not be the best at making up plans, but I am smart enough to come up with something on the fly. If I learnt anything from my fight against Zane, I'm not a guy for coming up with long strategies. I'm more a guy that listens to his gut and relies on my instincts to win the game. Plus I have you guys, my Elemental Heroes, and the Neo Spacians on my side. What could go wrong?"


Sartorius greeted the woman that was standing before him as they met in the privacy of her own room, while he tried to avoid being seen by anyone who might be asking too many questions. She stood up straight as she awaited his commands, which he gave by nodding his head in expectation of her report. From the smile on her face, it was obvious that she was about to give him good news about the mission that he had given her.

"Master Sartorius, I have managed to begin the plan by moving back into the red dorm with the permission of the target despite the objections of his friends. I used the cover story that I was having second thoughts about joining the society and needed to isolate myself from the rest of the white dorm. I am prepared to move with in the next day, and begin the next stage in the seduction of the target a short time after that. I have gathered the information that some of the other female members have given me as a base for the planes that I will use to try and gain his attention. The only issues that I can see that might cause a problem with the mission is the fact that I will have little contact with you and the reactions of the other members of the society to my cover story." Alexis told him as she prepared to listen to any last minute orders that he might give her on her mission. He looked thoughtful for a moment as he tried to see what fate was telling him by the turning of the cards and the actions of his servants.

"I will inform the society that you are on a mission and are still a member of the team, but they are to react as if you are losing your way to help with the cover. They will be given commands to treat you like a foe, yet be more gentle to you than they have been with Jaden and your brother. We can disguise that by saying that the society members are trying to act like gentlemen in the face of a lady. I will inform Chazz about you mission and that he is not to stop you in anyway, in fact he is to aid you in any manner that you think is fit. I may also inform Bastion as soon as I am sure of his complete loyalty," Sartorious told her in his mild voice held it's hypnotic tone. He continued, "As for me, I will have the more technologically skilled members of the society to create a secure connection between me and your PA. I will, therefore, be able to give you guidance while you try your best to aid the light with your task." He gave her one of his smiles as a comfort to her, knowing that she would need strength for this dangerous mission.

She bowed to him as she said, "As you wish, Master Sartorius." She then continued to gather her bags for her move out of the safety of the white dorm.

The multicoloured hair man left as he began to figure out the plans that fate lead him down, trying to figure out the best way to have his fellow pawns of destiny to play out the game between the light and it's enemies. He thought, "It is best to have a few back up strategies to fall upon if this plan is met with failure. I have returned to Jaden one of his friends, in my own way. I still have two of his other friends to aid me with my plans, so I have better make the best with them. Perhaps I should tighten the control that I have on Bastion, perhaps with a plan similar to the one that I am using on Jaden. To give him some female attention in exchange for his loyalty to the cause. I will have to go through the list of choices using the cards to guide me with the choice." With that he headed to his sanctum where he would foretell destiny's will.

Meanwhile, in a boat docked at the island...

Aster was trying to figure out what it was that his former friend was planning to do, especially after the meeting he had observed between Alexis and Jaden. He mused on that meeting, 'I doubt that Sartorius would allow her to have second thoughts about leaving his Society of Light, so that means that she was sent to that dorm for a reason. He's always one step ahead of his opponents with his ability to see the future with his cards, well almost see the future. He does seem to have a blind spot when it comes to Jaden, which is why sending one of his pawns to the same dorm as him is a major event. He must be after our elemental friend once again, but how is my old friend going to get this pain in the butt this time.'

The fact that it was the female member of Jaden's friends in the society made him wonder about the purpose of having her share the same roof as the brown haired duellist, the fact that she had different means of bring the hero boy into the society. Which caused a spilt in the thinking of the well-dressed man, 'I really should tell Jaden to be prepared for Alexis trying to seduce him into the society, but on the other hand, it would be amusing to see how someone as dense as him to a girl coming on to him with full force. Especially if that rumour about him not knowing what the word fiance means turns out to be true. A battle between Alexis' feminine charms and the ignorance of my fellow hero duellist is likely to be one of the most hilarious conflicts that the world has ever seen.'

Making up his mind, he knew that there could only be one choice, 'I am just going to have to keep a close eye on Jaden. If our white femme fatale's mission is to use her sex appeal to gain his loyalty, I will just have to make sure that he is given some protection against that kind of tactic. Plus if I was to see some embarrassing or humorous while keeping my eye on that boy, well that wouldn't be my fault now, would it? This might also help me know what it is that my old friend is planning and why Jaden is such a threat to him and those plans. Then I can get more out of Sartorious, perhaps even the name of the man that stole my father's last card and cause my father to disappear.' Aster took a glass of fruit juice and took a sip as he thought about whether he should try and enter the same dorm that was the source of the coming conflict.

Author's notes:

I have been lucky enough to have the time needed to produce this fics, as well as get much of a couple of other fics and ideas ready for their viewing. I was a little bit of a hurry when I posted the fic with out the author's notes. So hopefully people will be able to view this either when reading the chapter for the first time or during a re-reading. I have had troubles with the name Sartorius as I have been spelling it with an extra 'o'. Many of the threads that are the base for this story have that mistake, but I have edited the chapters to get rid of this mistake.

I am still looking for any suggestions of other ways that Alexis could seduce Jaden. I have been thinking of altering the normal uniforms that she tends to wear into something that could be seen as more sexy or even more pop idolish like those in Japan where the anime is from. I have also thought about the idea of having Aster moving in to the red dorm so that he could be part of the chaos. One of my readers was looking for a larger role for Bastion, and I have given a possible way for that to happen. I have another idea that they don't know about that might interest them, but I am keeping it secret for now.

I am still moving, so updates may not be as regular as they have been in the last week or two. I will be wanting to continue this, but I may not have computer access between the end of April and sometime in May. Plus that and the fact that I have multiple stories in the air including my lemons, and this might take sometime to update.

I hope that you have enjoyed this and if you have any suggestion, just send me a comment. Thanks,
