Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ White Seduction ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Mr. Takahashi. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are his. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Yu-gi-oh GX Series.I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much. Thanks.
White Seduction
By HVulpes
Chapter Three

Sartorius was once again sitting on his favourite chair in front of the small round table that he used to read the tarot cards that would let him know what to expect so that he could make his efficient plans. Turning over different patterns of cards he was looking for the threads that would have to be woven together so that he could bind those that could be a threat to him to the cause of the light, the same light that had opened his eyes all of those years ago when he saw the hero card.
"The cards have a way of altering the way that you life is going, isn't that right my dear Chazz? One flip of firm paper and you life is sent down a different path than the one that you expected." Said the blue haired man as he called out to the young man without looking up from the cards. He had made the same match of of Sun, Lovers and Fool cards a number of times that told him that this connection was one of the strongest prediction of the future that he had.
"You called me sir. Is this about the fact that Alexis is moving out of the white dorm for the red?" Chazz asked, awaiting the truth of the man that he now idolized as his leader. The fortune teller could tell that Chazz was confused, likely do to the fact that the boy had carried a crush for Alexis for at least several months that he thought could finally be expressed with them as teammates for the Society of Light.
"I needed her for an important mission of recruitment, to bring us the chosen one that is said to stand by my side. The chosen one who has the power to alter fate, both against us and for us depending on his choices. As such she must play the part of traitor so that she can increase the power of the light, to perform acts that might be needed so that we can bring the light to the world. Light that will destroy the world and then cause it to be reborn in that light. You must understand that destiny has decided this path and we are all slaves to that fate, and thus must serve out it's will. Have faith in destiny and you shall be richly rewarded for you tasks." The leader of the secret society told his first true ally in the school before the great conversion of most of the students.
If Sartorius was to have looked up from the cards to see his ally's face, he would have seen a look of conflict on the face for a matter of nano seconds before falling to the light once again. The young man spoke to his master, "I understand, Master Sartorius. We must all do our part to follow the commands of destiny, to serve it's needs before our own selfishness. Such as the selfishness of believing that we each control our own path when it is really shaped by something outside our own power, something much greater than the sum of all humanity. I thank you for this lesson master, and how may I aid with this greater cause?"
"I will be meeting with the other members of the Society of Light that young Alexis is on a secret mission for destiny, one that we must keep covered by acting like she is betraying us. I will also be asking for the aid of the more technologically skilled members for their aid in creating a channel for me to contact Alexis without raising the alarm of those that oppose us. That is what destiny had already told me as I advance to our goal, however, I am also looking at a possible problem that we might be facing as the wheel keeps on turning. We have yet to completely convinced one of us to accept the light in their life." The master told his student, who looked at him confused. The tarot reader still didn't look up from cards as he flipped over the third card in his line.
"Who is it? I will make them see the light, even if I have to shove it in their face." Chazz said, rather emotional compared to the calm tones of the man wearing the only colour.
"I don't believe that will be necessary as I have just came up with a plan to increase the light that bathes him, by having him linked with another member of the society so that their singles candles might grow into a torch of the light. Bastion left his friends so that he might gain the spotlight, but the spotlight is not the same as the true light. We must draw his eyes from that personal light to the collective light that will blanket the world with it's divine power of destiny. So I have decided to have his gain a companion or two that could lead him to the light, much as Alexis will guide Jaden to our cause." The disciple of destiny spoke as he finally lifted his head from the card to look his adviser in the eye.
The servant of the light told Chazz of the name of two of their fellow members, "Plus encourage these young women that destiny has told me for them to begin a relationship with young Bastion, the fact that they are good friends should help with their sharing of the young man's time. From what I have seen from the future, they are his type. Beautiful, yet intelligent with pleasing personalities that should make them all the more appealing to him. They may be the missing pieces of his life that he has been searching for before he joined the Society of Light, the pieces that have been missing while he has been following Jaden. As a friend that was neglected and ignored, we must embrace him as much as we can as he needed by the light."
"I will do as you have asked me to, I will make sure that these two girls are given the knowledge of their greater role in destiny. I will prepare them to aid Bastion in his full conversion to the light." Chazz bowed to his leader and then moved to transmit the orders of that same leader. Sartorius nodded as he knew that his plans were just beginning, knowing that he had gather most of the strong duellist of the island. Yet the strongest of all was working against him, as well was followed by another that could not be converted by the power of the light. He would need the strength of these duellist if his plans were to make destiny real.

In the renovated red dorm area...

The girl from the white dorm had just finished her quick unpacking of her things in her old room within the renovated red dorm area, where she had came to avoid being made to look like an object of desire. Now her thoughts revolved around being an object of desire so that she could complete the mission that she had been given as her purpose for her new life. Which was why she was using the book that her 'light' girlfriends had given her as when they were discussing the attracting of certain men in their lives. Which was a book of variants of the common uniform that the school sold their students in addition to the necessities that would be required of this type of education, like Duel Monster packs, school supplies and food.
'It's a lucky thing that this academy gives their students the freedom to choose their own style, rather than the more strict uniforms that other schools force on their students. This will give me a chance to change the boring old thing that I have been wearing for more than a year for something else more striking. I just have to note the product numbers so that I can pick up the clothes that I want, I just hope that I don't screw up the size numbers or else I might be wearing something that is a couple of sizes too small.' Alexis thought to herself, as she held a naughty smile on her face as she marked numbers on a spare piece of paper. She was also glad that she could afford to make the changes that she wanted to make in her image, creating a new image that would be more appealing to the man that she needed to impress.
She had to admit that she had an advantage over many other girls as she had a firm and healthy bosom as well as a tight ass that could still shake in a way to drive men wild. Clear skin with the lightest hint of the pink of health, and lips that were yelling out to be kissed by the right man. Her hair was long without being too long, and a nice shade of light brown that matched the colour that was in her eyes. Both were sexy on the beautiful face of the young woman who gave more of the boys of the school their wet dreams at night. These attributes would be put to the test when she faces on the tough nut that was Jaden's libido, which seemed to flux from flirting with her to being totally ignorant of all romantic and sexual terms.
'I wonder if he even thinks about sex, or is it all pushed out of the way with his urges to duel? He should have those desires, he is a teen-aged boy with all of the out of control hormones that race through his body. I'll just have to be the one to find these urge and bring them into the light of day, so to speak.' she thought as she enjoyed the little pun that she had made. She wrote down the numbers for a couple of new boots that had more heel than the practical ones that she had been wearing since her first year, hoping that the extra height would cause her body to move and shake in a way the inspired growth.
'This will take a few days to get here, even with the express delivery that Mister Kaiba enforces within his multiple operations. That leaves me with a few more days to use the materials at hand to dig at the hidden lusts of my target, which makes it fortunate that the girls gave me plenty of ideas to use. Many of those ideas will need deeper knowledge of the actions of my 'boy' friend as he goes on with his normal life in the dorm, which means that I will have to keep an eye on him as much as possible why making plans for him. Those good grades that I get with duelling strategy are going to be put to the test the next few weeks, which makes it lucky that I have the time to do this.' Alexis finished with the numbers that she would need to create her new sexy image, and holding back a laugh at the idea that Crowler and her brother had been trying to get her to do this months ago.
'If I had listened to them earlier, I might have made this mission much easier to accomplish than I have it now. Who knows I might have picked Jaden up as a boyfriend then and convinced him into joining the society at the same time I realized that I was destined to become one of them.' Even as she thought that, the whispers in her head were asking her again if she had really wanted to join the society or had been forced to join by an outside force. She ignored those false ideas, only to be hit by a new whisper that wonder if being Jaden's girlfriend wouldn't have been a good thing.
The quite voice started to talk to her, 'It's not like Jaden doesn't have his good point, when you stop and take the time to think about all of them. He's quite handsome for a teen, especially the way that those brown eyes light up when he's with his friends or is having a good duel. He's kind and compassionate to all people, including his enemies as long as they don't harm his friends. He is also a skilled duellist that has fun with his battles rather than ignore the beauty of the game. He's funny with a joke on his lips to cheer up his friends when they are feeling down. When it comes down to it he's quite a catch when compared to some of the other students of the school who see you as an object to be won, he sees you as a person that is precious to him just like the rest of his companions.'
That whisper was overpowered by a louder voice which told her that if Jaden was destined to be the right hand man of Master Sartorius' new world order, then she would be even closer to the truth of the light. Given a role of respect and awe to the other members of the society greater than that she held now, she would also learn more of the wheel of fate's forecast to the future and what her role should be in it. Perhaps even being given secret knowledge directly from her master and his future partner that would open her eyes more to the light that she embraced. The idea that she could increase her importance to the light by becoming a partner to Sartorius' future champion as well as pick up a man who could make good boyfriend material made her fade into daydreams of the future that fate had given her with this mission. All she had to do was complete it as was her destiny.

In Jaden's dorm room...

Jaden was trying to figure out what his plan would be for breaking the mind control that Sartorius had placed on his friends, starting with Alexis who was at least a distance away from the leader of the Society of Light. The thing was that he wasn't the best person for coming up with a plan for future events unlike his opponent in this conflict of minds, he was use to using his gut to feel his way through the road blocks that kept him from his goal. The greatest idea that he had so far was trying to get some help from Atticus, Alexis' older brother, who might know more about his sister's original mind and how to bring her back to that kind of thinking.
'So if I can get Atticus on board with this plan, that means that I have one more set of eyes to watch her as well as another brain to figure out one of Sartorius' weaknesses. Then we can use that weakness to break his power over her and set her mind free. I just wish I knew what it was that I was looking for.' he thought to himself as his mind started to become confused at what it was that he needed. Then there was a knock at the door of his dorm room that surprised him.
"Who could that be?" asked the hero duellist as opened the door to see that Aster Phoenix was standing on the other side of the doorway, looking at Jaden with a thoughtful look on his face.
"Aster, what are you doing here, Bro?" asked the brown haired boy asked the grey haired young man. The Neos duellist was confused at the reason for the arrival of the Destiny Hero users, who had been at odds with him for most of this semester. From their different types of heroes to the friends that they kept, they were not on the same page for most things. So that made the reason for the visit much more interesting than if someone else had been the one on the other door. So Jaden was all ears for the conversation that Aster was about to make.
"Sorry to interrupt you Jaden, but I was wondering if it would be alright if I was to move into the red dorm with all of you." the man in grey asked him as the other duellist looked around at the room that was shared between three other people, before shaking Aster shook his head for some reason.
The Neos duellist was stunned for a minute as he could not figure out the reason for Aster to move out of his yacht to the more cramped and run downed dorm room. So he asked, "Why would you want to move into the dorm? I thought that you were enjoying living on your boat, rather than have to live with the rest of us on the island."
"I just figured that I might be able to figure out what it is that I should do next in my quest to find out what happened to my father if I was on the island. Plus since the only two dorms that are left on the island are the red dorm and the new white dorm, and the relationship between me and Sartorius is... strained right now, I figure that this is the best place for me to stay for now. So do you have a place for me to stay for the moment, or is this place overloaded?" Asked the man in grey, looking at the man in the red jacket with a questioning in his eyes.
The elemental hero duellist thought about question for a moment before he answered, "Well, you can move into Chazz's old room in the new part of the dorm. You just have to look out a bit since Alexis is in the same area, so you might have to share some of the common areas of those rooms with her. Also Hassleberry, Syrus and Me use the common room to watch the TV there. We like to keep up with the pro league, especially after the change that happened to Syrus' brother Zane. Syrus is getting worried at the strange reversal of his brother's behaviour, turning from a duellist that respects his opponent to one that is only worried winning at any cost. We are hoping that we might find a way to bring Zane back to his senses." That caused the Destiny duellist to freeze for just a second, before he spoke again.
"I hope that Syrus can find away to get his brother back, I know what it is like to feel apart from your loved ones. I also thanks for letting me have the room, I'll try to be a good roommate. I'll see you around." Aster said as the young man left the room. It left Jaden in a state of confusion, but he knew that wasn't too much a stretch from the state that he normally was in with complex homework that Crowler would give him.
'I wonder why it is that everyone is wanting to move into the red dorm? I thought is was suppose to be the worse dorm on the island, even if I think it's the best spot on the island.' The man in the red jacket thought over the words of Aster when he said that the academy had divided between two dorms, white and red. He knew that the blue dorm had turned white and that it was taking students from the yellow dorm, but he didn't think that it had gotten this far with the rise of the Society of Light. This made it more important that he try and find out a way to reverse the mind control that the society had over it's members.
'I guess that I'll have to kick up my plans, to watch the society members for any kind of hope that they can be freed from Sartorius' power. The fact that Alexis is under the same roof as us mean that we might be able to find that spot that will cause the brainwashing to come tumbling down if we make the right move, ' Jaden thought to himself as his mind moved to another fact.
'I just have to also be on the look out for whatever it is that Sartorius has sent Alexis here to do, since I doubt that he would have let her out of the white dorm unsupervised if she was really having doubts about joining them in the first place. I hate to be suspicious of one of my best friends, but Sartorius has been known to use my own friends against me in his plans to get what he want. I just wished that I knew more about his plans, so I can act ahead of them instead of just react to them.' With that he prepared to finish his homework in time, then continue with his plans for the the future that he hoped included all of his friends.

Author's Notes:

A little note that Alexis might seem a little out of character in what to be Jaden's girlfriend because of the position that he might be in once he joins Sartorius, remember that she isn't in her right mind at the moment and has been brainwashed to look at the light like it was a figure of religious devotion. So standing next to the man that is next to the man who is connected to the light has it appeal, especially with all of Jaden's other good qualities that she is looking at in response to the whisper in the back of her brain.

I am thinking about what next step to take in the direction that the fic is going to take as it would likely take some time for both sides to known what moves they should be, whether it is Alexis getting Jaden's routine down so she can use it to seduce him or Jaden trying to figure out how to approach Alexis to free her without her getting away to avoid such a fate. I am also designing alterntives to the plot of season two since there has been an alteration of the plot. That means redevelopment of the principle characters and adding greater roles for secondary/new characters, as there are aspects of the plot of season two that have to happen, even if they don't happen in the same way they did in the anime.

I hope that it isn't too much of an annoyance to have the lime parts of the fic push back for a while, but I am building the frame work for those scenes in the future.

Also this is being updated more than I would have normally done due to multiple reasons. They include having limited access to internet for a long period of time, an upcomming move at the end of April, concentrating only on the threads that are story connected and an urge to express myself. So this is causing those fics to move ahead faster than the rate that I would normally make for fics, but there is also the fact that I have been writting bite size sections of writing that allows me more time to type as the ideas are closer together. Let's hope that this continues to work out.

Continue to write in, giving me you opinions and feedback. I am interested in your thoughts, but remember that I might not agree with them. Thanks,
