Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ White Seduction ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Mr. Takahashi. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are his. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Yu-gi-oh GX Series.I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much. Thanks.
White Seduction
By HVulpes
Chapter Four

The next day...
Atticus Rhodes was trying to get some sun on one of the beaches of the island as a way of relaxing, having to deal with the stress that he had to face with one of his worse nightmares come to life. For a long time he had been brainwashed and altered into a villianous personality known as Nightshroud, a kind of monster in human form. He had been forced to fight for a man that held the selfish desire to regain his youth by any means possible, sent to steal the keys that would release the Divine Beasts cards. That had been stopped by a certain red duellist which had freed him from his second personality, and had his memories returned by the skills of his little sister. Now, however, it was his sister that was under mind control and he couldn't figure out a way to free her. Atticus then noticed that he was being watched by someone, which caused him to look up to see the duellist that had gained him his freedom.
"Jaden, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? What can I do for you?" The idol wannabe asked the other student as they looked at each other.
"I need your help, Atticus. Alexis has just left the white dorm and moved into the red one, but I get the feeling that it's not for the reasons that she says it is. She told us that she was having second thoughts about joining the Society of Light, but I doubt that Sartorius would let her leave if that was true. So I can only guess that she is performing some task for him. But this also means that we have the best chance of trying to break her free of the mind control she's under, and I was wondering if you could think of anything that could help us help her?" The Neos user asked the older boy, obviously looking for some advice on the matter by laying out all of his cards.
The older brother was trying to think about the task that his little sister could be trying to perform in the red dorm. He came to focus on one thing, 'The thing that Sartorius has been wanting to get from that dorm is Jaden, since he seems to have to power to stump that loser's plans. The fact that he has sent my sister to the red dorm is the fact that he wants her to get Jaden for him, and since she's the only close female friend of Jaden that can mean only one thing. Sartorius, you sneaky bastard! You're using my sister as bait to catch the bigger fish that you want.'
Atticus knew that one of the best things to attract a teen-aged boy was a teen-aged girl, which made the older boy fear the power of this fortune teller's mind control. Atticus mused, 'Under normal circumstances, Alexis would not use her feminine charms to bend a boy to her will. She would rather be respect as the person she is, rather than just a beautiful face. Which I couldn't understand since she could do both, but that isn't how she thinks when she has her own mind. She doesn't have her own will, so there is a possibility that she will be throwing herself at Jaden. Which might not be a bad thing... '
He was a man who was a champion of love, no matter the form it was to take. Which was why he had tried to help Chazz win Alexis' heart, but he had soured a little on the Ojama player as he was the one who forced his sister into joining the society with their duel using Sartorius' power. Jaden, on the other hand, had his respect due to his personality on wanting to help and support his friends no matter what happened. Even Chazz that had caused most of their current problems with the society. Plus there was the fact that it was Jaden who was able to out duel him so that he could be set free from Nightshroud, so he might make an interesting match for his sister.
With those thoughts in his mind, Atticus advised, "Well, first off you're going to have to at least play along with whatever it is that Alexis is going to do if you don't want her running back to the white dorm. On the other hand, you're going to have to keep a distance from her goals at the same time to also keep her close to you. It's a trick game of balance between the two extremes, one that you'll have to play right to get the best results. While this is going on, you're going to have to keep an eye on her to see where to push to break the control placed on her. That is where timing comes in as you want to push it right or else she's just going to build up her defences making it that much harder to free her." Jaden nodded as he took in the words of the one man that might be able to help him with this task.
"So that's why I'll be visiting often to make sure that you're playing your cards right. I should be able to tell more about the situation by taking a closer look at what it is that she is doing, maybe even figuring out what it is that she is planning." The older man smiled at that last part in a way that he hoped that the hero player didn't notice. The other boy, however, was just focused on the facts of the matter as a smile crossed the other's face.
"I would love any help that you could give me, bro. With your help, I should be able find the weakness in Sartorius' power and set all of my friends free of his control. Then we can stop his plans, once and for all." Jaden said as he was all excited that he had a new ally in this fight. The hero user continued, "I would let you move into the red dorm, but I already offered a room of your sister and to Aster. So there is probably not enough room for all three of you. I will try to find a way for you to visit every day. Any last tips?"
"Just hang loose and prepare for the big wave, dawg. The ocean is going to get rough before it calms down." Atticus said as he continued to get his sun, as Jaden left to prepare for this next battle.
However, Atticus was still thinking of the hint that he had about the leader of light's plan. He organized his thinking, "If that second rate psychic is planning to use my sister to seduce Jaden, our red friend is going to need my help when she comes to her sense and finds out what it was that she did. So she's going to need documentation of her behaviour as a mind controlled minion, to keep her from fighting her friends for things that her 'master' had talked her into. She's going to need film of her actions, as well as pictures of those same action. Besides, it would a heck of a lot of fun too."
A few days later in one of the renovated red dorm rooms...
Alexis opened the boxes that held one of her newest variant uniform that she had ordered through the school store and was impressed at the speed of the delivery. The top of the first outfit that she was going to use was like the one that she had been wearing, but it was much shorter at the bottom so that it showed off her tight abs that she had gained from all of the exercise that she did to keep herself limber and health. As Ms. Fontaine said, a health body lead to the health mind needed for duelling.
'Besides, if you're going to use a Sporty Girl deck you have to be a little bit sport.' she told herself, as she wished that the neckline could have been a little bit lower to show off her lovely breasts. But that might have been asking much for a school uniform. She had order a skirt that was made for a shorter person so that she could flash Jaden a pick of her hidden treasures in the right circumstances, which would make her have to decide on whether to wear underwear or not. Or which underwear she was going to wear to give him the maximum thrill for his peek. The fact that the skirt had a slit of the side that had the ability to flash a little bit of luscious leg also helped. To finish it off was the boots, which were specially made to have a higher heel than those of the normal ankle boots that was standard issue. With a thin two inch heel, it would not be the most pleasant thing to walk around in but it would get her noticed.
'And that was just one of the outfits that I selected to wear for my 'boyfriend'. I still have a couple of other things that I can put on to catch his eye, if I need to. I think that it was a good idea that I went for the blue versions instead of the white versions. It makes my cover look more real than if I continued to walk around in the white uniforms that I have been in the last few days, it makes it easier to gain Jaden's trust and convince him to join us.' Alexis thought to the actions of the other society member that had been treating her as a traitor to the cause. Just as the plan had called for, which had also brought the result of Jaden defending her in front of the former Ras and Obelisks. She was even surprised to see that Chazz was treating her like a fool and traitor, which was surprising given the former crush that he has on her. But that only proved to her the power of the light and the society's devotion to it.
The fact that Aster Phoenix had decided to move into the some area of the dorm as she did, which given his attitude towards most of the students of the school, was a bit unusual. There was also the fact that her brother was constantly visiting the dorm to 'hang with his dawgs' and get away from all of his 'fan'. He mentioned that most girls tended to avoid this dorm at all costs for some reason. Given the shape of most of the dorm and it's treatment of the school, it wasn't surprising. She wondered what it was that had brought those two here at the same time that she was performing her mission, but figured that it must be some kind of test that destiny was giving her to prove herself. The smiles that they had on their faces when they saw her were a bit weird though.
The fact there was two extra male bodies around the dorm, with the addition of Jaden's shadows, made it a little more difficult to find the times that she could catch him alone. She was getting an example of their daily routine and it hadn't changed much from when she was an unenlightened girl in this same room. The major problem was the fact that Jaden tended to move in a group with Syrus and Hassleberry, with the trio performing most of their actions like bathing together. There were examples of times when the three of them were separated instead of together during daily actions, and that was when she would have to make her move. She had made notes to aid her with those times so she could get ready ahead of them, and turned them into her favour.
The fact that there was now a tournament going on at the same, with the announcement of the Gen X thing that Principal Sheppard had told them upon his return. They were to try and gather a number of medals so that the ones with the most medals could meet each other in combat for a prize. One that hopefully would not be a kiss from Ms. Dorothy like the last time there was a major contest. The real surprise was the inclusion of pro duellist into the tournament as well as student of this and other schools. That automatically caused the levels of battles to rise about those of the ordinary students of the school, which left most of possible winners in either the white dorm or one of Jaden's friends. Which just meant that she had more than one thing to multitask as she continued with the Lovers plan that her master had ordered.
'Master Sartorius had mentioned that he might have a secondary plan for making the wheel of fate turn finally after all of this time. However, with the two plans running at the same time, there would be a double effect on the movement of the wheel. With that increase moment, true destiny would be revealed to the world in a short period of time. So she was to continue with the mission until she could bring success back to her master. Besides, a large part of her want to be victorious over Jaden in some way ever since he had beaten her in their first match all the way back at the beginning of last year.
"Like any true duellist, I want to go against the strongest duellist to test my skills. After watching Jaden all of this time, I know that he's one of the best and someone I have to beat." Alexis told herself as she changed into her new outfit. She prepared to show herself off for the man that she wanted, that her master wanted, that destiny wanted. She would bring him back by any means necessary, even if she had to play the siren and endure the looks of other men.
In the common room of the renovated red dorm...
Aster could not believe that kind of friends that Jaden had chosen to surround himself with, as he looked at a garbage can that had taken a seat next to the other hero duellist. "So explain to me again why you're in the can, Truesdale?"
The lid popped open as a blue haired boy was revealed from his hiding place within. He was holding a book with the title, "How to become a Master of Disguise" by C. Dana which placed back down in the can. The Roid user responded, "It's just with all of those pro player's on the island and the level of my game, I don't want to be forced into a duel I can't win due to the rules. Remember that you can turn down any challenges if you want to remain in the game. This way I can keep my eye out for those duellist in the same league as I am."
This caused both Aster and Hassleberry to shake their heads as Jaden laughed a little. The Dino boy even gave out a cry of, "Pitiful."
It was then that Aster heard the clicking of something over the noises that were normal when they boys were using this room for their enjoyment. Out of the hallway that lead to the room that Alexis had been using since she had moved in, came the said girl dressed in a man that was designed to make a boy's eyes burst from their sockets. Having been a pro duellist that was surrounded by fan and super-fans, Aster was use to girls that dressed like that. So it didn't phase him as much as it did the two yellow dressed men in the same room, who were wide eyed in shock and desire. The fourth boy in red was not as stunned by the sexuality, but a closer look on his face told that he was noticing the outfit that she was wearing.
All of it was tight and taunt on her figure, with a combination belly shirt and skirt version of her normal outfit that was in Obelisk blue. The ankle boots were the same as her blue ones, but with much more heel than they normally had. She also wore the blue gloves that she sometimes wore, especially in duels between opponents. She was moving like a wild cat with grace and sensuality that only a woman could pull out when she wanted to, as she approached closer to the couch that Jaden was sitting on.
"What's with the new look, Lexis?" Jaden asked her as he seemed to hold a certain amount of cluelessness on his face, which surprised Aster as he could tell that she was trying to catch someone attention. Which was obviously the man in front of her if the destiny duellist's guess was right.
"Like it? I was trying to get a new look to break from the identity that I had created when I joined the Society of Light, something that was completely different from what I would have worn in that club. I figure I give this a try for a while until I found something that was more me." The sporty girl told the Neos player as she moved to slide next to him on the couch so that were close enough to touch each other. She seemed to linger with the slight rubbing that had to happen with the two of them fitting in a tight space.
The young lady turned to look at the male red with a look that was a mix of sexy and gratitude. She spoke, "I like to thank you again, Jaden, for being there for me when the other members of the society treated me so badly. Who would have expected them to turn on me like that when I wanted to have some time to think about my actions." She placed her hand on Jaden's arm in a way that looked like it was unconscious, but which Aster really doubted. She had a smile on her lips that could melt most men's resistance, but Jaden seemed to be made of harder stuff then anyone could expect.
"I'll say it again, Lexis, you're our friend. I would do anything to help you, just like I would with any of my other friends. Like when Gravekeepers took everyone hostage, or when Professor Banner took you, your brother and Chazz into that dimension while he duelled me. It's just stuff that happens when you have to duel to save the world, even my small part of it made of my friends." Jaden said with a honest smile on his lips as he looked at his female companion.
"It's those acts of kindness and bravery that can turn a man into a girl's hero, and get him noticed by her. It's a wonder why there haven't been a number of girls going after you, if you keep acting like that." spoke the angle user as she tried to combine the looks of innocence and naughtiness. She began to rub her hand on the arm that she had managed to get a hold of earlier.
The looks of desire that had crossed the two yellow boys had transformed into confusion, trying to figure out what the single female in the group was doing. Everyone was noticing that Jaden was laughing a bit nervously as his hand reached up behind his head. Aster could even swear that was a slight change in the colour of the other boy's cheeks for a couple of second to pink, before it vanish. Alexis then switched topics to the Gen X tournament in a moved that seemed designed to relax Jaden. She continued to keep her hand on the boy as they talked with each other, with the hero boy not pushing it off at any point.
This caused Aster to look over the situation, 'It seems that Jaden is not as immune to the charms of a lovely lady as I had heard. He does seem to have a hardened will against being seduce that is going to make Alexis' job that much harder. I wonder why it was that Jaden seemed to be going along with the sexual tactics of this woman. Does he know what it is that she's planning and trying to use that against her for some reason? Trying to use it to break the power my old friend has on her? ' Still this was amusing to watch, even if Aster wished that he had a camera.
Still, it was something that Aster had to plan around if he was going to find a way to his old friend. Aster had a feeling that Sartorius knew something about the disappearance of his father, either from experience or from his power of prediction. Alexis was a key to getting to the head of the society, to the secret of gaining his vengeance. Even if it was just finding a way of avoiding the psychic's power.
Author's notes:
I have begun the seduction of Jaden, even if it is in a small way. I am trying to decide which point of view to explore first, Alexis' or Jaden. I want to show both sides of the coin, but one does have to be first. I wonde if Jaden has realized what it was that Alexis was sent to do yet, or will that take a little more time and a greater display of sexuality. I will have to keep an eye on that part of the fic. Aster and Atticus know, but both are planning to watch and enjoy the effect of a sex kitten Ms. Rhodes. I can see Atticus leaving cameras in areas that could catch his sister behaving in this forward manner for review later since he did similar actions during the cosplay duel in season one.
I have been trying to develop the two new characters that will be the girls that will flock to Bastion, it will involve an important part of the coming storyline. I am open to suggestion for name of the girls or even decks that could be used by these ladies. So far I have them as beautiful and smart women, who should be a female match for Bastion to convince him to become more involved with the society. One one will remain a match for Bastion, with the other just being there to boost his ego.
At least one person mentioned the idea of a strip duel between Alexis and Jaden, which is an interesting idea, but not something I think I could pull off with this fic. One, it might be hard to strip with a duel disk on. This could be corrected with a table top duel instead of the more dramatic duels of the series, or even the duel platforms of the Duellist Kingdom days. But the other fault is the fact that duels have been the method of freeing people from the society, and Alexis being naked after the duel may help the humour factor, it does help the romance that I was aiming for. However, I do have a GX Lemon at Mediaminor that might work with this kind of idea and I will hold it for that fic.
I hope that you have enjoyed this chapter and continue to give me your support and feedback.