Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ White Seduction ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Mr. Takahashi. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are his. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Yu-gi-oh GX Series.I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much. Thanks.
White Seduction
By HVulpes
Chapter Five
The brown haired boy was more than a little surprised at the appearance of his female friend when she came in and sat down beside him. She had always been pretty, but it was in a passive way like a flower that waited to be seen. This new Alexis was more up front with her appearance, aggressive like a cat looking for attention. Then there was the way that she seemed to be more interested in him than usual, with the strange way that she kept rubbing his arm. It was making him feel things that he hadn't really felt like before, at least not at this level. But Atticus had told him to humour his the older boy's sister as a way to get to her and breaking the hold the evil hero card spirit had on his friends.
So he was trying to control his emotions like that martial arts guy did in that manga with the spirit of frost technique, so far it was working but he wasn't sure how long that would hold. What he thought to himself was, 'I could use a cold shower after all of this over, all by myself. Still, I gotta get a hold myself. This might be my chance to help Alexis, my friends and even Sartorius. Still, I don't know why Aster seemed to smiling about something.' He continued to listen to the comments that Alexis was, telling him how both Belowski and Damon had come out from their hidden training locations to participate with the tournament.
"Those two should be hard to beat given their special duelling abilities. If Belowski's relaxed 'tude doesn't relax 'em to the max, Damon's draw power will crush them Tarzan style!" Jaden was glad that his two friends were willing to battle, even as some of the last remaining members of the lost blue dorm. It was then that the hero duellist notice that his female friend move her hand a little low to his thigh. It took all of his power to prevent the red to flow to his cheeks. He gulped hard as he held back feelings that was making him fill with heat, trying to use the spirit of frost technique to control his fire.
'Now I know how Burstinatrix feels, ' He thought, before an image of Alexis dressed a his only female monster card giving him a sexy pose entered his mind. 'Stop thinking of that. Think of something so disturbing that it will stop these feelings.' His mind answered with images of Bonaparte and Crowler in speedos. That was when Jaden screamed like a little girl in a nightmare, as his friends all turned to look at him in total shock at his unnatural behaviour.
"Just remembered a scary scene from a horror movie that always gives me nightmares at night. I would tell you guys about it, but it is too scary for words. Too, too scary!" Jaden tried to explain, hoping that no one would ask about the images. Since he might have to explain why he was picturing the temporary principal Crowler and vice principle Bonaparte. It did help with the effect of keeping him from feeling the heat from the Cyber Angel user. Even with her massaging his thigh.
"Perhaps I could tuck you in tonight, and make sure that you don't have any scary thoughts before you go to bed." Said Alexis with a playful, yet mischievous smile on her face. That caused everyone to get really quite for a few minutes, as they all looked at him and the woman next to him. He could feel the heat of their stares, but wonder what it was all about.
It was Hassleberry that got things back to normal as he said, "Who, in tarnation, are these Privates Belowski and Damon? Did you soldiers face them in a duel before?" It was Syrus with mentioned the duels that Jaden had with these two Blues as well as their strange behaviours, needing only help with the Belowski duel as the Roid user had over relaxed due to the Belowski effect.
Alexis seemed to shift for a moment before she leaned on the Hero player and placed her head on his shoulders, with felt strangely good with it's weight pressing down on him. Which was causing him to feel warm inside, but that was balance by a sense of control over his emotions. He knew that there was something not right with this, he still had to continue with accepting it was happening till he could get his real friend back.
'Of course, I just have to find the right way to beat this. Then I can find the way to remove this evil spirit of light from everyone including Sartorius, who had been the first to be warped by the power of the unknown hero card. Who would have thought that the villain would be using a hero to take over the world? Now, I also had to take care of the daily duels of the tournament. Normally, I'm all for duelling, it's what I live for. I have to keep another eye on the Society of Light while I am doing this, another eye on Alexis and whatever it is she is planning to do to me, and a third eye on the prize. I'm going to run out of eyes if I'm not careful.' The man in red took that as a challenge that he had to gain a victory out of since his friends were counting on him.
'Luckily I still have some friends left plus my new friends in the form of Neos and the Neo Spacians. They give me a lot of new moves that no one has seen before that could come in handy. It means that the people I'm fighting against can predict my moves, which is handy when you're fighting a fortune teller. Though being able to see the future would be cool, especially if it could tell me what to do with Alexis. Is it me or has see gotten harder to understand, especially in the last few minutes.' Jaden looked at all of his friends, wondering what it was that his hero Yugi would have done in his place.
During their visit to Domino, Grandpa Muto had mentioned that Yugi's friends had been brainwashed before when the King of Games battled his strongest foes. But he had always found away to get to the friend being imprisoned inside their own body, through duelling. That had to be a key to getting pass the power of the evil spirit, to the truth behind them.
'But I have to figure out what kind of cards to use in the duel, and for that I have to get closer to Alexis. To that I have to accept this new Alexis, so that I can return the old one.' was his thought before he continued with the conversation.
That night...
Alexis was having mixed feeling about the results that she had gotten that day on her mission, having spent most of the day next to Jaden. She had practically tried to merge with the side of him that day and Jaden didn't seem to notice her at all. It was driving her nuts as she wanted to have him fall all over her at the moment that she used her charms. He, however, seemed to have a will of iron. This was causing the young woman's natural competitive nature to start to overcome the calm of her mind alteration, as her fire started to burn.
"I'm just going to have to work harder to break him out of ignoring me. What should be my next step in beating Jaden's willpower? I'm still trying to perfect the timing of walking in on him during his bath, in a way that would avoid showing off my body to the other students. I didn't get a chance to show off my panties to him at all today. I need something that could get me close to him, but could be explained away." Alexis thoughts went to work with this idea. As her mind turned, a mischievous idea started to grow within her brain that was something that could be pulled off by her.
'My hero playing friend and his buddies think that I have been brainwashed, so I might be able to use it to my advantage. Tonight, I'll sleepwalk into the dorm room that holds Jaden and slip into his bed. I'll get nice and comfortable next to him, and when he wakes up I will be there. In my most 'relaxing' new sleep clothing, something that looks sexy yet doesn't reveal all of me because of the others there. I'll tell then that I was having a bad dream about Master Sartorius, not remembering how I had gotten into the bed. Since I am "brainwashed", it might explain my strange behaviour in travelling into that room. If I play it right, I might be able to due this nightly.' The Cyber Angel duellist was already designing the outfit that she would be wearing that night to 'bed' .
She slipped into the collection of new clothing that she had bought for the mission at hand, looking into the sleepwear that she had bought. She decided to wear a pair of rather lacy panties of a light azure colour with the patterns of roses on then and a small t-shirt with an image of a Harpy's Lady on it. The harpy image was directly over the swell of her breasts that caused a person to look directly at them when they tried to see the image on the shirt. The top was also short enough to reveal that tight belly that she had been showing off to everyone all day. On her feet were a pair of ankle length white socks with little pom poms on the back of them like a little girl's socks. Bring a sense of innocence to the naughty girl that she was trying to be. She looked like something out of a teen-aged boy's dream, which was what all of that work had been about. To give Jaden an image to build a dream around when he slept.
Prepared for the night's work, she set an alarm to allow her to wake up after everyone had fallen asleep but before they woke in the morning. There was no classes the next day, but that didn't mean that there was nothing to do on that day. There was still the tournament to deal with, with strong duellist from all corners of the Earth to battle. Alexis knew she could take all challengers that would try and face her, with a few exceptions that kept things interesting. One of those was her master, another was the boy that she was after. Before that boy could challenge anyone to card combat, he would have to wake up. When he did that, she would be there with him. She would be holding tightly on to him as he did so, or that was what she hoped.
She laid down and prepared to fall asleep quickly so that she could be an early raiser. Because once she had gotten into Jaden's bed, she could rest again till the morning light would wake everyone else up. Images of Jaden making out with her filled her head as she slipped into the land of nod with supernatural speed.
That night just after midnight...
A lone female figure was trying to navigate throughout the dorm in the darkness of night, trying to find her way to a certain bed. The fact that she had done similar to this the first year that she had been on the island, heading to abandoned dorm where her brother had disappeared from before becoming a Shadow Rider. Using the night vision she had developed then, she managed to avoid making any noise or sounds that would wake anyone up before she accomplished her task. Moving out of the comfortable renovated dorm, she ran up the wooden platforms that held Jaden's room. The object that stood between her and that room was a simple wooden door.
Studying it for a moment, she opened it slowly so that it made little noise or let in only the tiniest amount of light. The room was filled with the breathing of the three males that slept in the room, occasionally breaking into snoring and mumbling during their rest. She took care to know which bunk each one of the male friends used, with the one that she wanted being on the lowest of all three of the bunks. It amazed her ever since seeing the arrangement, how the reds were stacked like pancakes while the other dorms were allowed to at least have their own beds. It was also fortunate that the Neos creator had the ability to remain unconscious while the world around him exploded, which made everything easier.
She raised the blanket that was covering her man and entered the bed with him in it. It was not very roomy, not surprising given the way that these students were treated, but that might also help her as well. She had pushed Jaden closer to the wall for a moment, with the only answer being the boy saying that he summoned Bubbleman in attack mode. She thought to herself, 'He must be serious about duelling if he even dreams about it during his sleep. I guess that's part of the reason he's such a strong duellist, he does his planning at night so that he can use it when he's awake the next day.' She was just getting use to the harder bed, when Jaden turned over and wrapped his arms around her tightly in an embrace. He muttered something about Burstinatrix looking pretty, before he held Alexis firm and warm. Alexis relaxed and accepted it as she thought about what it would be like in the morning when he awake to find her there.
Tyranno woke with the sun that he always did, even if his friends usually didn't rise that early. It was just something that he usually did, which seemed to have been charged up by the Dino DNA in his leg. The urge to get up with the sun so that he could get the most done with his day was something that he had come to accept. Strike with first light to attack the day, was one of his mottos. He jumped out of bed and was about going to brush his teeth, when turned to looked at his bunk-mates and noticed that there was one more than there should be. One more that was different from the others that had gone to bed last night. Moving quickly, to wake his other amigo.
"Please don't eat me, Slifer." was the reply of the young blue haired man as Tyranno covered his mouth and lifted him to his feet. Syrus was about to yell when he was shushed by the Dino boy, who directed his gaze to the third bunk. Laying in that bunk was Jaden and Alexis holding tightly to each other, like lovers after a long night. Grey eyes widened like the hazel ones had before him as the hand slipped from the boy's mouth. The two young men turned to look at each other.
"What the world is happening here? We were all alone last night, and now Jaden has a girl in his bed. A girl that is on the other side." Syrus whispered, as he tried to understand what was going on. They has noticed that Alexis had been dressed more... out going than she normally did. They also noticed that she had been all over Jaden in a way that was resembling a fan girl. This was, however, a little more extreme than that.
"It means that we are getting a view of Sartorius' battle plan. Clever in it's simplicity, really," Tyranno said as he placed a hand on his chin, nodding in an understanding way. Syrus looked at him with a confused look that the other boy noticed and added, "The fact of the matter is that Sartorius is playing dirty than a old sow. He's using Jaden's sex against him by sending a woman to convince him to join his society. He thinks that by sending a pretty face after him, he can make our buddy feel more at home in the white barracks."
"You're right, that is a dirty trick. Especially by using our own friend against us. But Jaden told us that he wanted to humour Alexis' actions so that he can get close enough to break Sartorius' control. Now we know that Alexis wants to get closer to him too. So what is it that we can do?" Asked the Roid duellist as he looked like he was trying to come up with a plan, something that would be more common with the boy's brother than the little man before them.
"The only thing that we can do now is watch and figure out an attack plan. The thing is that in romancing our sergeant, she opens herself up to falling for him in the counterattack. That might cause crack to appear in her whitewashing, if we play our cards right we can make those cracks wide enough to march a Dino through." The muscular boy told his little friend as enlightenment hit the grey eyed one's face.
"We let Jaden do what he's good at, turning enemies into friends. While he does that we keep an eye on him so that he doesn't fall for her tricks," Syrus then got another look on his face as he added, "So you're going to wake them up? I woke Jay up last time, so I think that it's your turn."
Tyranno growled as he moved to shake his idol's boy on the other side of Alexis, while trying to avoid waking up the woman sleeping beside him. He was answered with, "I play a trap card!", as the boy jerked awake. That also had the side effect of waking Alexis up from where she had been sleeping, as the two of them moved to the groggy stated that occurred upon waking. Jaden turned to look at the his friends when he noticed a head in his way that looked familiar. Rubbing his eyes for a better look, he noticed that it was Alexis in the same bed as him. It took a few minutes before he yelped and jumped back to the wall against the bed was set.
"W-w-what are you doing here?" his brown eyes looking like those of a dead fish, due to their opening and size. He seemed to be having a nervous breakdown over the event that had occurred while he was not aware in the night.
"I don't know, I don't remember how it was that I got here. All I remember from last night was having a bad dream that I was being chased by a bright light that seemed to be trying to swallow me. I was so scared of it, it seemed frightening for some reason. But then a shadow came along and blocked out the light, protecting me from the light while I rested in the shadow. Then my dreams turned into something much more happier than they were when the light was hunting me." The voice of terror that had marked much of the explanation was highlighted by the relief of the shadow. Tyranno was not sure if it was the truth or a psychological tactic meant to gain sympathy as part of her mission. He could tell that Jaden had already forgiven her of her actions the minute that he heard what she said.
"Well, it's going to be alright, Lexis. But you're going to have to avoid crawling into bed with me, we don't want people saying bad things about you even if it's not under your control." Jaden was thinking as Alexis shivered in what was expected to be fear of her dreams. The leader of the trio said, "I know what, I'll see if we can make you a doll or something to help you feel safe at night. That might keep you from sleepwalking. Or I could sleep on the couch in the common room for a couple of nights so you start to see that you're safe in your room." The hero duellist smiled at his female friend, as she smiled back at him in a shy manner.
Tyranno was already looking at this from a tactical manner, seeing that it could be seen as a lose for now. Alexis seemed to get what she wanted, which was to get closer to their sarge. But one didn't have to lose the war by losing one battle, a defeat could lead the path to a greater victory. They just had to find that path now.
Author's Notes:
I have written most of the next chapter, so that is done. I have been listening to ideas that people have been giving me, including an alterntive version of the strip duel. Replace it with a regular game like poker, with the suggestion of it occuring after a series of games trying to prove if Jaden is the next king of games. A twisted idea was the image of the carpet ride in Aladdin with Alexis as Aladdin and Jaden as Jasmine, remembering that this person was half-asleep when written. So odd things do come up with writting.
I have also created the first girl that will hook up with Bastion and she will be revealed in the next chapter. She is a hybred of several ideas that the fan have written in about, but with my own take. I will be creating the second girl shortly, but I might just create her from my own mind. Then we shall see which girl is the more likely to be future love interest of Misawa, not counting the events that are occuring in the current third season of GX, which seems to be including some major plot twists. I see this series running the length of season two before ending, so it will not touch on season three until I have more details. Then I may choose to make a sequel, or not depending on the requirements of that season. But I have a long way to go till then.
Thanks for reading and I hope you have enjoyed this,