Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ White Seduction ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Mr. Takahashi. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are his. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Yu-gi-oh GX Series.I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much. Thanks.
White Seduction
By HVulpes
Chapter Six
At the Red Dorm...
Jaden was trying to come up with a reason for Alexis to try and sleepwalk into his bed, not coming up with anything other than to find a save spot from the light. It gave him some hope that she was shaking off the influence of the society during her stay that the red dorm. He did have a feeling that it would be a long road to finding the way to free her from the control of Sartorius. He just had to find that one thing that was linked to the true Alexis in side this whited out copy. So far all he had was the friendship that they shared before her defeat to the 'new' Chazz.
'A duel got her into the society, it makes sense that a duel will get her out. The thing is the risks involved makes it a chancy move. It is possible that my beating her in a duel could free her completely from their control, but it could also just drive her deeper into their clutches. That's why I have been avoiding duelling any of the whites until I can find a way to break the control during the battle.' Jaden thought, going over the facts. He knew that he was one of the only people to get pass a duel against the power of Sartorius and remain his own person. The only one that he knew that didn't have Dino DNA. All others had been taken over after a loss.
'At least I have to focus on the friends that I have lost to the society since Sartorius used them as the heads of the white dorm. I think that the thing in him did it so that it would cause me the most pain when I had to face them when I got my game on. This only makes me think that if Alexis is on a mission for the light, it's going to be something to hurt me emotionally.' Jaden's then turned the idea of how the light worked.
'That's how it gets you, it convince you that you have no control over your life or that it has no meaning. After that, it shows them that their lives are better off following the light rather than go through life with their own power. To free them from the light, you just have to help them find their real self behind the white veil they wear.' Jaden then looks at his cards and the only chance to get his friends back.
'Still it's strange that Alexis is not acting like either her old self or her white self now, she has seemed to developed a brand new version of herself that is a lot more... outgoing than her those versions of her. I'm not sure what has caused that to happen. Is it the conflict between the original Alexis and the white Alexis? A new personality that Sartorius gave her? Or something from deep in his mind that is overtaking the rest of her in this time of confusion? ' Jaden was quite confused at the image of Alexis that was appearing, and why it was that it was centred on him. The fact that he was one of the major pain in the necks for the master of the whites was the reason that he could come up with. Nothing else seemed to make sense to him.
He would just have to watch and wait for the signs that he could do something to help her more than he was doing now. He was prepared to move to the common room to be closer to her room so that she was not as likely to sleepwalk into his dorm room. The fact that Aster would be closer as well as a sort of buffer helped as well. He was also curious about how Aster was adapting to the dorm room. That was another mystery to the hero duellist, but one that not a threatening to him than Alexis being in the dorm. With Alexis, there was a chance that she was under the control of the creature of light.
'Well, I can go to Atticus for help with his sister and get advice from the Neo Spacian about what my next move should be. Maybe tonight, I'll ask them for any help that they can give me. Since they're spirits, they might be able see things that I can't. Plus they more about the light than I do since it's trying to hurt their home, so they might know a weakness that I can use against it. They might even be able to explain why Alexis is acting so weird all of a sudden.' Jaden brightened at the idea of getting more help for his friends.
'The only thing I can't stand is the idea that I am causing my friends any more trouble or pain. Given the things that I have experience, I don't want anything bad to happen to my friends because of me.' Images of his past came to the front of his mind as he tried to replace it with the hope of saving his friends. They were counting on him and he do his best to everything he can to prove those hopes were well founded.
His thoughts turned to the tournament, and was surprised at the lack of people trying to duel him to get the medal that he held. He figured that he would have been one of the first duellist to be targeted for his medal, but that didn't seem to be the truth. It seemed like everyone was purposely trying to avoid any duels with him, which given his love of duelling was kinda annoying.
'I'm going to have to ask the others for the reason that nobody wants to duel me. Maybe they can figure out a way for me to get into more duel, and give me something to do while I plan. Nothing like a good game to make the old brain start working. Then I might get a clue on how to free everyone! ' Jaden was getting pumped to try and duel his way to an idea.
"What I am really looking for is strong opponents that force me to pull out all my best moves and cards. Something fun like an super-powered card or two that will need me to use my gut to bust. With all of these top pros out there, that shouldn't be much of a problem. I might even get another chance to try my heroes against Asters at one point, another clash of the heroes. That would be one sweet duel! ' Jaden was getting more excited at the idea of having some great duels. Something that would give him a lot of fun even if it's the hardest battle that he were to have in his life. Those were always the best kind of duels, and the ones that he wanted. Besides, it would prepare him for the final combat against Sartorius and the spirit of light.
The Dino and Roid duellist had slipped away from their best friend for a moment to talk to each other about their discovery. That the woman that they had called friend before her mind alteration was now trying to seduce their idol. Syrus was trying to figure out what it is that they should be doing. He kept coming back to one thing, "We can't tell Jay about this."
"And why not soldier? He's our leader and has to be kept informed about the enemy's plan. No one reason we shouldn't tell him about the young filly's plan." Tyranno asked, obviously confused by the reaction of his ally.
"Jaden's not that good an actor," Syrus said as he caused the Dino boy's eyebrows to raise up. Syrus signalled to him with his hands that he had more to say. "If we tell Jay, he's going to act differently than he would if he didn't know. He just not that deceptive when not in a duel, he just doesn't have the ability to mask his true emotions. It's one of the things that I like about him, but it's not something that helps when trying to perform cloak and dagger work. If we tell him, Alexis is sure to notice a change in him and try something else. Even going back to the society and that might cost us our chance to beat the thing controlling everyone."
"Good point, private. When you put your mind to it, you're quite the tactical thinker. Kinda like your brother, except you didn't turn nasty after losing." Tyranno said before noticing that he managed to hurt the other boy. He started to speak again for an apology, but he was stopped by the younger boy.
"I know that you just stuffed your knees into your mouth, but I am aware of my brother's change in behaviour. It reminds me of the way that the whites have been altered by the light creature, but I'm not sure that it's something as supernatural as that. Someone or something got to him when he was suffering from that loosing streak, something that warped his thinking so that only winning matters. Not his old way of having respect for your opponent and having a honourable duel. It just means that someone is going to remind him about his old path, even if it has to be me!" Syrus said, trying to look self-assured.
"That has to be the bravest thing that I have ever heard. Too bad that your shaking arms and legs ruin the effect." Hassleberry said as he grinned, but in a way that showed his respect to the younger duellist. They both knew that Zane was one of the most powerful duellist they had ever seen, even being able to either defeat or tie with Jaden. That was when Zane was in his respectful duellist mindset, now with his win at all cost it was much more frightening than before. There was even the rumours that he duelled using more extreme methods that caused massive amounts of pain in the underground circuit.
"So what do we do about the little lady that's in our barracks? We know what it is that she's after, but we can't tell sarge just yet. Who are we going to report to?" The muscular boy was obviously looking at the events that could occur while they kept the secret of what was happening. They were basically keeping their leader in the dark, and they needed help to prevent him from getting into trouble.
"We know that Jaden was getting advice from Atticus since he knows more about his sister than anyone. He might be able to give us the information that we need to help protect Jaden. He might also be able to give us some ideas about how to get close enough to her so that we can wake her up from Sartorius' control. If she's back to normal, she won't be seducing Jay, right?" Syrus said, trying to make logical sense in his choice of help.
"That does have a ring of truth to it. Get rid of the brainwashing and she's not gonna get after our boy. Do you have any idea how to reach her, without causing her to run back to the whites? Cause I haven't got a clue about what it is that we're gonna do. Ain't got a lot of experience with mind control, so I'm not sure how to break it." Tyranno answered as he looked to the smaller man for any clue that might help them in their new mission of protection.
"I'm still working on that part too, but maybe Atticus could give us a clue about that. Because other than that, I'm not sure how to get to our friend trapped in her own mind. The only way would be to reach the real Alexis inside her white shell, use something to wake up her true self and remove the fake that has taken her place. For that we will need her brother, cause family usually know you best." Syrus said as they made their plans to met the elder Rhodes.
Atticus was keeping track of everything he could about his sister using his own secret weapons, a string of secret cameras that allowed him to view most of the events occurring near the red dorm and other high traffic locations. He has seen his sister flirt with Jaden with her clothing, her body and her words. He has seen her sneak through the red dorm so that she could slip into the bed of the man she was after, then claim ignorance of those action. In all act completely different from her normal behaviour of keeping love and lust at bay for the sake of the duel.
'The power of Sartorius must be powerful to do this or else he has found a long buried part of my sister that he rose to the surface. I'm not sure that I want to believe that former is true, but if the later is true it brings up an interesting image. That means that my sister has a sexy side that she's been repressing all of this time, something wild beneath her serious face that she kept in check. It's like the old saying goes, it's always the quiet ones that you have to keep your eyes on.' Atticus thought as he got ready for visitors, since he had also caught the conversation between Jaden's two wing-men.
He had to admit that they had a good reason for not telling Jaden as he was definitely not star acting material. But he had to admit that he wasn't sure what device to use to wake up her old self. The idea of some of the cards that they shared together came up, but that would mean a duel and given the price of loosing to a society member... Well, he would just have to try other options first. If he could come up with some.
At the white dorm...
Bastion had just finished his duel for the day to keep on track for winning the Gen X tournament for the Society of Light, with ability to plan out most moves that his opponent could make he was on a winning streak. Which only caused him to go over the past defeats that he had experienced in his career at this school, only to come to the point only one man was truly a challenge for him. Jaden Yuki, the major figure that was in the way of the society and possible ally for Master Sartorius. The former yellow was trying to come up with a strategy for counting the new cards that he had seemed to gain from 'trip' to space. So he had not been looking were he was going when he bumped into a female white student.
She looked up at him with her grey eyes as she raised a hand for him to pick her up from the ground that she had fallen on. She had a short pageboy hair cut that was a soft shade of brown, with a petite form that looked elfin from where he was standing. She was dressed in the common female white uniform that while thin was not an unhealthy bone thin, with flesh in the right places to accent her female form. She came out looking like a cute beauty that had an otherworldly quality to her, like a figure from a fantasy novel.
"I'm sorry for bumping into you, I was just thinking of my battle plans for the tournament. I was trying to figure out what kind of cards I should keep in my deck and what new cards should be added, if I need them. Sorry, I'm Helena. And you're Bastion Misawa, correct? The duellist that battled against Jaden Yuki and Chazz Princeton?" She asked with a refined voice that hinted at a high culture background.
"Yes, I am. Did you see those duels?" He asked noticing that she was looking at him with a looked at seemed to show respect. It was something that he had been looking for when he joined the light, and was pleased at finally receiving it.
"Yes, I was quite impressed at the levels of strategy that you showed with those battles. I am not sure how Mr. Princeton beat you in that last duel, I get the feeling that you just surrendered after seeing the light. You could have won, but that would have harmed Master Sartorius' plans. But the planning that you developed to use against Jaden was quite excellent, using his greatest strength as his deadliest weakness. It was only the luck of the draw that he managed to draw Wildheart to counter your well-developed trap." The elfin girl said sounding impressed at the battle tactics that he had shown.
"It was just using my eyes and brains, careful observation and deductive reasoning. Everyone of his Elemental Heroes have a fusion combination in some form, so by taking away the method of combination you take away most of their most dangerous powers. The only problem was that while I had seen most of his cards in previous battles, I had not seen Wildheart before and could not have know his abilities. Still, now that I know I can use that in my calculations." Bastion said proudly as he could feel that he could brag about his development of a way to trap Jaden's deck.
"Which is why he changed it those different heroes, most likely. He figured out that if he could keep you guessing at the powers of his monsters, he might be able to prevent you from finding a new way to trap his cards the same way you did in that duel. Not quite fair, but the only thing that he could do against a duellist of your skills." She nodded her head as she gave him a look of confidence at his skills.
"It's not that unfair, we are all trying to improve our decks to either improve our skills or reflect more of inner selves. It was the reason I created a seventh deck, made of fragments of my six elemental decks. Deck construction is a little hobby of mine, as the careful computations involved is quite stimulating." Said the black haired boy as he explained his way out of making his rival looking bad, as it might make him look bad.
"Well, perhaps you could give me some tips on the design of my deck. I use spellcasters in my deck and I was looking for some more useful spellcasters plus some major card combos. You might be able to tell me which cards I should be looking for and which cards that I should remove from my deck as something that lowers the quality of my playing." She moved her hand to cover the deck box that she kept on her hip and the cards held with in.
"I should be able to enhance the spellcasters in your deck after a careful examination and perhaps a duel between the two of us to see what strategy that you use during battle. That would completely change the kind of cards that you would need depending on the tactics that you use." He told her as he looked more interested in her than he had been before bumping into her.
"Let's make some time for us to meet with each other. I would love to introduce you to a new friend that I have made, she could also use some of your help in deck design. We both want to last longer in the tournament, and a tip from an expert might be able to give us that staying power. Otherwise we will just be tossed out of the game after just a couple of duels." She told him as she gave him the information to send a message to her PDA, so that they could make a meeting for their discussion on decks.
"I will love to met your friend and give the two of you help with your decks. I should be able to come up with something to strength the two of you. If fact, it might be able to give me some idea about how to improve my own deck for combat with the more powerful students and pros on the island. I might even have to thank you for your help." He said with a smile and a laugh as he wrote down her information about her PDA. He was getting the feeling that joining the Society of Light was the right thing for him to do for him to get the respect and admiration that he deserved.
Author's Notes:
I have created Helena from pieces that people have given me, a lot of which was given by Princess Lena. But I modified it with my own views of that information to create an unknown character. I am also thinking of the next female character, which I will be constructing during my break. I was thinking of working it out on my own, but I am willing to recieve comments about the next character. It might be easier to post in the forum any development in the character.
To point out the timeline, these chapters have been occuring between the days before the Gen X tournament being introduce and the duel between Jaden & Ra. This should give me plenty of time to develop the seduction between Alexis and Jaden before I decided to release her from her conversion to Sartorius' side. With a cable being hooked up after I move, I should be able to catch most of the episodes that I want to see so that I can better write this fic. Especially since it would be easier to use Cable TV then Cable Internet.
I will be willing to discuss the fic as much as I can, while I can.
Thanks and I hope you have enjoy this fic,