Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ White Seduction ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Mr. Takahashi. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are his. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Yu-gi-oh GX Series.I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much. Thanks.
White Seduction
By HVulpes
Chapter Eight
Alexis stood in the middle of a class room, at the front where the teacher's desk could be found. She had two chairs set up on either side of that desk as she pulled out a collection of duel monster playing cards. Each suit of hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds had a certain monster theme, like Dark Magician for Clubs, Red Eyes Black Dragon for Spades, Blue Eyes White Dragon for Diamonds and Harpy's Lady for the hearts. Certainly the kind of deck that a lover of Pegasus' game would love these kind of cards.
She had a collection of games that she could play, all which would end with the game of poker that she was preparing for. She would also make sure that she could be the dealer, since that way the power of her master could be used to predict the next move.
'If Jaden was the one who dealed the deck, it's likely that his power to deny destiny would come into effect and make sure that I would not be able to follow the stream of fate.' Alexis had skill in many games, since her keen intellect allowed her to make strategies rather easy.
Jaden didn't seem like the type to have a keen intellect, but his gut instinct seemed to make up for that by allowing him to enhance his nature brain power and make amazing moves.
'Which makes him a perfect idiot savant. However, that kind of genius is usually focus on one area of expertise. Which means that if he was good at duel monsters, which means he might not be as well skilled in other games.' Alexis thought as she straightened out her outfit.
She had made sure that she was dressed as well as she could be while making sure that she had the right amount of clothing for the strip poker game. She had on a tight small jacket that was tight against her body, coloured by the blue of Obelisk as part of her disguise.
The top of the jacket was open to reveal a low neckline, high waistline t-shirt that was also blue as the Tormenter. The neckline also did a job revealing the swelling tops of her breasts so that one could get a hint of what it was that she was hiding beneath her clothes. Under that was a pale blue lace half-cup bra, that bearly contained her own nipples.
A short skirt was high on her thigh so that a lot of her leg was shown off for the boy she was meeting with tonight. A thick blue belt tilted to the side, showing off her hips and flat abs. Underneath she was wearing her match pale blue lace panties that had the cute little bow at the front.
Finishing the effect off where her blue high heeled boots and the short blue fingerless gloves that she wore on her arms. The heels were high enough to give her more high as well as cause her ass to wiggle when she walked in a way that would drive most teen boys wild with lust.
She has also applied make up to herself, trying for a mixture of subtle yet attention grabbing. Her nails were a soft shade of pinkish peach, with each nail being shaped to a defined oval. Her lips had the same pinkish peach with just a shade more pink in it to make it look a little more striking.
The blush was made up of equal parts tan and pink to make her look like she was blushing while looking health. She used near skin tone eyeshadow, but did darken the lashes of her eyes with it's own make up. She hoped that it would bring out the light brown of her eyes.
She had defined her eyebrows by careful plucking of any stray hairs in the arch formation she was making. She had washed her hair in a special shampoo to make it more lively with sheen and bounce. Then she had brushed it into shape, with a little added bonus of a few braids in the back and on the sides of her face.
She had never gone to those kind of extreme in her physical appearance, but she had been more interested in the game then in the romance department. Something that was completely different from her former roommates and friends in the blue dorm. Jasmine and Mindy had spent more time looking at dating opponents then training to fight them.
'Ironic, given the mission that I have now.' It was then that she heard the door open to the class room and the voice of Jaden calling out her name. She answered him with her own call, "I'm over here by the teacher's desk. I have a deck of cards all set up for the games that we're going to play."
The boy in red soon walked his way down the stairs to see her standing next to the desk. She noticed him looking her over, yet there was no sign of lust in his eyes. What she saw instead was a look of confusion, before he moved back to a friendly look on his face.
'Hey Lexis, what kind of game do you want to play first?" He moved to take a seat on the chair on the side closest to the student rows.
"I have a few card games that I want to try out. You have to promise me that I can be the dealer. I bring the deck, so I get to be the dealer." She said, smiling brightly as she hid her true purpose. She continued with, "let's have a little War!"
Minutes later...
Alexis was getting a little bit frustrated at the ability of Jaden to pull off the win in the couple of games of war they had been playing. The purpose was to get the most cards as one can. One would show a card with the player holding the high card winning.
However, there was an aspect of the game that would allow one to predict the cards that the other person would play. One just had to remember which cards were played and which way the other player placed them in their deck. It was hard, but logic could allow one to win at the game with enough work.
She had noticed that Jaden tended to randomly collect the cards. Sometimes the high card was on top, sometimes the low card was. The fact was the way he placed them into the bottom of his half of the deck just happened to be in the right position to beat her own cards. Which was amazing in it's self since she should have the more powerful cards when she had the fewest cards.
He also seemed to have the knack of drawing the right card to defeat the war that occurred when they pulled out the same kind of face card. Even pulling out the aces as the highest card as they had agreed to with this variant of the rules.
She was holding her lip with her teeth, looking like she was bitting it without actually bruising the skin. She had selected War as an opening as she had expected to be able to win the first round, then they would play a second round with Jaden winning, before moving on to the final game of poker.
Now everything had changed and she needed to use the plan be that she had set up in case she had managed to loose the first round. Another game with an ability to predict the results of the game. It would be harder as this aspect of winning worked better when there were a number of people, allowing for an easier knowledge of which cards were left in the deck. That was what the power of Sartorius was for.
"Looks like you win again, Jay. I was wondering if you would like to play a completely different type of game. Ever hear about a game called blackjack." she asked, blinking a little quicker as she did so.
"I think so, it's that game they play in casinos. But I have to admit that I don't know how to play that game." Jaden said as he looked at her in a jolly, but confused way.
"I deal you and myself cards, two first then more if you want to be hit. Your goal is to make the cards add up to twenty one. The face cards are worth ten points and the ace can be one or eleven, depending on whether it would bust you or not. When you don't want anymore cards, you say stand. You can double down which means you take one more card and then stand. Split to divide the two cards you have into two hands if they have the same face value. Those are the basic rules to help you get started." She told him, hoping that he would take the bait. With fate dealing the cards and her ability to estimate the face values of the cards over time, she should be able to win. With that knowledge, she continued to smile at her prey.

"Well, I might not know much about this game but I think that I can give you a run for your money." Jaden said as he smiled and waited for the cards to be dealt by the women before him.
Forty-five minutes later....
Alexis couldn't believe Jaden could be so lucky, having won most of the rounds of blackjack they had been playing. He always seemed to have at least a one point lead over her even as she keep careful count of the cards that she had been dealing. She had even gone as far as to keep track of the shuffle since she didn't shuffle the cards well after each round. It was a way that she could keep track of the high cards as she played. Still, he was beating her!
'I should have been able to win most of the rounds since I know what cards are going to come up, but he keeps on winning. I'm surprised at how many natural twenty-ones that he keeps on getting from the cards.' Alexis was working hard at keeping the mask of romantic interest on while she was becoming more frustrated at the inability to defeat the red student.
She dealt another hand of blackjack as she dealt herself a nineteen, a high number that was hard to be. The nine of spades and the ten of diamonds, by her cound it should be impossibe for Jaden to beat it. She was pinning all of her hopes on this last hand as she figured that she couldn't lose.
"This is twenty one, right Lex?" Jaden asked as he filpped over a ace of spades and the jack of spades. A literal black jack, one of the rarest card combinations within the game. At times it was worth ten to ones odds in some gamboling circles. It defided the laws of chance that he could get this kind of win.
Alexis took a deep breath as she answered him as nicely as she could with her rising wraith at losing once again. She spoke, "It is, so that means that you win again. It certainly shows that you have skills with most games, not just duel monsters. Still, I want to try one more game that will really show your skills with games."
"We play a few rounds of poker, well known for it's combination of chance and skill. Becoming a master of that will definately show that you can master any game." Alexis said as she looked for any reaction on Jaden's face. He seemed to remain that kinda doopy look on his mug that was cute if it wasn't kicking her ass so hard.
"Well if you want to, But I might want to make it the last game of the night so the two of us aren't missed by the teachers. I don't know if I can handle any more detentions from Crowler or Bonaparte." Jaden said as he passed his cards to Alexis for shuffling.
"Okay, but let's make this interesting. We make this a game that we wager in. Since we don't have any money with us now, we'll just have to wager our clothes." Alexis said, watching as the young man's jaw dropped as he heard what it was that she was saying.
"I don't think that I heard you right. You said that you want to wager our clothes for the next game that we play. Isn't that a little extreme? " Jaden asked, as he looked surprised at the out come.
"Poker is a game of risk, if you don't risk anything then you don't get the full poker experience. Besides it's late, so who is going to see one of us get naked? Or is it because you're afraid of me seeing you naked when you loose?" Alexis challenged as she hoped that he could take the bait.
"I never back down from a game, so I guess that it's time to get my game on." Jaden gulped a little before he said the last two words as if he was nervious about something.
"Let's deal! " She said as she passed out the five cards they would need to play the game. She had decided on a straight game of draw poker as something simple and easy.
"Just remember, Jaden, if you need help your PDA should have the rules for this game within it. Including the ranking of the hands, from most valuable to weakest." She told him as they looked at their cards.
Elsewhere, in a hidden location...
Atticus has just gotten a call from Aster from the link of their PDA, a gift from the school so that students could comminicate and make duels on their own time.
"So Atticus, what the news around the school? I see that Jaden and Alexis aren't in the new red dorm so I figure that your sister is up to something. Then I remembered that you are keeping an eagle eye on her, so I called you up." Aster asked the future popstar.
"For a while it looked like she was trying to beat Jaden with different card games, card games that she could use her mind to predict the results before he could play them. But Jay seems to have a knack for driving sis insane with his ability to win against the odds." Atticus mentioned before continuing with the lastest move.
"Now, it seems that she's playing her real game. A few rounds of strip poker for her and old Jay. Of course the most surprising thing is that our friend agreed to it, but then he has alway been one to not back down from a challenge." The brown haired boy had to stop as he continued to hear the belly laugh from the boy in grey.
"So let me get this straight, Jaden is betting the shirt off his back in a game of poker. Does he know that the game is likely to end with one of them ending up naked? Cause I'm not sure that Jaden is ready for that." Aster's mouth a twitching as he tried to stop himself from bursting out at the idea of the Elemental Hero duellist stripping down before Alexis. When the Destiny duellist thought about the reverse, he couldn't help by fall backwards on his bed with the idea.
"I think that he knows that one of them might get nude after their game, but I don't think that he believes it will happen. He might try to find a way out of this without nudity. However, with the way my sister is acting that might not be an option for a couple of reasons." was the replied from the elder Rhodes.
"What reasons are those?" Asked the other young man, becoming curious at the words of the elder boy.
"First, it's sis mission to seduce Jaden. So showing off flashes of her body before she wins or even showing off her nude body to Jaden if she loses would certainly help that mission. Hoping that images of her body dances within his sexual fantasies." Atticus pointed out as they both knew the real reason that Alexis was sent to the red dorm.
"However, it seems that Sartorius' brainwashing hasn't removed all of the personality traits of my sister. Including one of the major faults of my sister, her hatred if losing too many games. I mean that she can take a lost now and again, but repeated beatings over a short period of time or losing of game with huge stakes drives her batty. The only exception I saw was when she lost to Chazz and become whitewashed." The boy in the Obelisk Blue uniform said with a smile.
"You said that Jaden was kicking her butt with the first two set of games, right? So I'm guessing that she's getting to the end of her rope. I have to admit that I know the feeling, since Jaden and I have battle against each other I am constantly trying to figure out a way to beat him. So how do you think, Lexis is going to take it?" Aster asked as he wanted to know what was going to happen next.
"Even if she had planned to lose in the first place, her competive nature is now up and she's going to do what she can to win. I don't think that she wants another major lost against Jaden. If she wins, she's likely to mellow out a bit and continue with her plans. If she loses, she's going to keep with the letter of the bet. She's going to run across the campus naked till she hits the red dorm. So I would recommend staying in your room for as long as you can, cause if she finds out that you saw her naked when she gets her mind back... It's not going to be pretty." was that answer as Attiucs finished up his accessment.
"I'll keep that in mind, but I guess that you're recording it to give it to her later? No, don't answer that. I'll call you tomorrow for the reactions of our two poker players to the endgame. Seeya." The grey haired boy's image faded out of the PDA as the other young man turned to the image on the screen which showed his sister and their friend.
In the White Dorm...
Chazz was not liking this at all, not liking this one bit.
'I can't believe that Master Sartorius has sent out Alexis to seduce that loser Jaden. I don't see what he needs that dork when he has Alexis and me at his side. What's worse is my Alexis senses are tingling, I just know that she's getting herself into trouble.' Chazz thought to himself as he looked out to the night sky from his window.
'I had thought when I had shown Alexis the light during our duel that she would be at my side forever. Now she's out on a mission to get close... to Jaden of all people. He doesn't deserve her, not after all of the work that I went throw to win her.' The black haired boy in white began to think that Sartorius might not be as right as he had thought before.
'Maybe Sartorius made a mistake when he sent Alexis to the red dorm. Maybe he made a slip in judgement or misread of card during one of his readings.' called out a quiet voice in his head, one below a whisper.
'No, of course he's right! Anyone who questions him is a fool, and I'm no fool. So I shouldn't be questioning him. After all he's been right about everything else. If it hadn't been for him, Alexis and me wouldn't have gotten as close as we did. If it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't be on the winning streak that I'm on. Beatining all of the weaklings in the Gen X tournment. Jaden hasn't even won one medal from the tally board.' called out a louder, more dominate voice in his head. It forcefully tried to drown out the voice of doubt in his head.
Still, the smaller voice remained. It kept on whispering about how Alexis hadn't want to join the society until she lost to him and the power of Sartorius.The only thing that was keeping her on their side was their master.
'Shut up, shut up, shut up! Alexis joint because she wanted to, because she saw the light. Just like everyone else who's jointed the Society of Light. They have seen the way that Master Sartorius has made everything better, has made all of us better through his knowledge of destiny. Everything has happened because destiny wants it to happen, I just can't see it because I am not as enlightened as Sartorius.' His mind screamed out as the tiny voice started to fade completely from his mind and leave it in new state.
'I just need to get some air, to allow the moonlight to guide me closer to what fate has in store for me. Besides, I can help the master by keeping any of the dork's so called friends from popping up on Alexis. We don't need her failing in her mission if it is truely important for the plans the master has made.' Chazz thought as he got up and put on his white trenchcoat and headed out of the white dorm.
Soon he was beneath the bright moon and looking for the path from the dorm to the school. He knew he would have to keep out of sight, hidden in the darkness in an act of irony. If Alexis' prey was to catch him in the area, he might figure out the female duellist was still on the white side rather then his side.
'Still this is Jaden we're speaking about, he's more likely to think I'm trying to get a duel rather then watching out for the two of them. So it's not him that I have to worry about, but those other losers that he hangs with are more likley to be mistrustful of Lexi. If I appear near her without looking like I was trying to insult her for being a trator to the cause, they might learn that she's still on our side.' Chazz knew that he would have to use all of his guile to make it through this walk.
So that was why he was keeping to the underbrush, even while he wore his bright white outfit. He hoped that the leaves in the nearby vegatation would keep him from being seen, even with his colour theme.
Soon he was waiting in the bushes around the entrance of the school closest to the main path, the one that lead to all of the dorm rooms including the white and red dorms. He waited to see the results of the battle that Alexis was conducting with in the main building, hoping that she was getting closer to finishing her mission. Closer to coming back to him and the white dorm.
Author's Notes:
Well, this has not flowed as easy as some of the other fics that I have been writting in the last little while. Yet I have produced the next chapter of the fic for publication. The next chapter should have the first case of nudity in the series to gain the lemon tag which has been promised from the start. I have also used some of the interesting idea that Alexis has a natural nack, especially after being whitewashed, of figuring out the probablity of winning a game. Which means that she could become a pain in the neck for casino bosses when she turns eighteen. It's just ironic that Jaden has a natural ability to counter those legal but complex ability to control the game.
Also been having a new Yu-gi-oh idea of having Yugi end up in the world of Pokegirls and gaining his own personal harem. Of course a side effect of that idea is the thought about Jaden going to the pokegirl world and gaining his own harem of pokegirls. An interesting idea, but not one that I have gotten time to flesh out yet unlike the Yu-gi-oh idea. There is the question of who would be in Jaden's harem (perhaps creating duplicates from the pokegirl world who just happen to look like GX characters like an Alexis Pokegirl called Asuka?) and what kind of Pokegirl they would be? Also would also GX characters of GX (Bastion, Syrus, Chazz) get their own harems?
Also had an idea for the thrid season of GX where a certain troublesome card was to merge with Alexis to get to Jaden, like it has with other main characters of that season. It might be interesting to see Alexis in a villianess role more then just the one she had as a Society of Light Adviser. Something closer to a main villianess, especially of she gets a sexy outfit out of the deal.
I am not sure that the next update of this fic is coming too soon as I have a couple of chapters of Phantom Blood ready and one chapter of Sakura 10 up as well. I am trying to keep a minimum of six chapter fragments in my records so that I can have an update of half a chapter/full chapter once a week for my site. Occationally I have odd things like lemons and story previews that I put up for reading out side of my main stories, although there have been cases where I have posted entire chapter/half chapters more then once a week.
Hopefully, I will get some inspiration to write more of this fic in the coming weeks. Especially if I get some comments about this chapter. I will seek to improve my schedules, but there are still real world events that will occur. Like my birthday next week as well as doctor appointments. I just have to find time to get writting.
Thanks and I hope that you have enjoyed my fic,