Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ White Seduction ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Mr. Takahashi. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are his. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Yu-gi-oh GX Series.I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much. Thanks.

White Seduction

By HVulpes

Chapter Eleven

Jaden was sitting at the ocean surrounding the island which the school had been built on, thinking about what his next moves should be. He had a lot on his mind at the moment, from the Gen X to the recent 'games' duels he had with Alexis. With the first, it seemed that no one wanted to duel with him. Whether it had to do with him being one of the top duellist in the school or the fact he had defeated the Sacred Beast cards, the young man didn't know. The second issue was one of the more confusing issues he had to deal with.

'I don't know what Alexis wanted to play strip poker with me or the fact she went through with it so far as to get completely naked. I would have let her keep her underwear, so she didn't have to run across campus like she did. Someone could have seen her like that. I just didn't know what is happening to her. Could being a member of the Society of Light have messed up her mind? Could it be causing the changes in her personality like it's causing her nightmares?' thought the boy in red as he tried to make sense of past events.

"What'cha thinking about, Sarge? Anything us soldiers can help you out with?" asked Hassleberry. He and Syrus had been sitting next to him under a tree as they sat back and enjoyed the day which had been one of the nicest in a long time.

"Probably trying to figure out where to looking for a duel for the tournment. Jay could beat most of the people in the game without breaking a sweat, the complete opposite of my problem. With all of the pro duellist and whites out there, I'm wondering if I should be looking into a better hidding place." spoke the blue haired Ra as he looked to the horizon, as if keeping a look out for something.

It was then that Jaden saw his duelling partner, Winged Kuriboh, appearing in mid-sky. The winged furball was making it's soft cry as if it was trying to warn the human of something coming. It was then the skies darkened and the roar of thunder echo through the air.

"Where's that coming from? It was clear just a few minutes of go, where did the storm come from?" asked Syrus as he looked up to find the rain. It was just a few second after that, the sight of a stream of orange flame-like light erupted from a nearby clearing. Syrus broke out in fear at the image of the overwhelming force of energy.

"It must be some kind of card for us to see it from here." siad the boy in the glasses before remembering who he was with. Jaden knew that Syrus would likely want to stay away from a card as powerful as this one seemed to be, yet it was this type of card which called out to Jaden. Called him to duel against it and test his own skills. Looking to his best friend, he could tell the little man was wishing he kept his mouth shut.


Alexis saw the brillant beam of light, knowing instinctively this light was not the same as the one which lead the society. It was something else, yet also extremely powerful. Which gave her one thought, 'Whatever it is, Jaden is going to be heading directly to it. So I am going to have to find him as soon as possible, so I can see how this will affect the plan.'

'It could be of use to see what this new powerful card might be, since it could be used to help the society expose everyone to the cleasing force of the light. In this case, I should be able to decide how well Jaden is increasing his own skills by how he fights this monster. If this monster beats Jaden, I should try to see if I can get this duellist to work with Mastr Sartorius.' Thought the brunette as she began to make plans to advance her agenda.

'Besides it might be a change of pace from all of the duels I have been having, completely destorying my opponents with my skills. I have quite the collection of Gen X medals already, even to hold me for the next few days while I work on trying to get closer to Jay. I wonder how many he has racked up so far?'

Alexis continued her running to the shore line, hoping to find the young man near the spot her tended to think at, hoping she made it there before Jaden found the duellist. Or got in too deep with a duel with this new duellist. Especially before this unknown duellist brought out his card, or Jaden pulled out a new alien card to challenge this beast. Cards she wanted to keep an eye on.

While this was going on...

A black, unmarked helicopter was making it's descent on to a heli-pad near the school's dock. Moving out of the flying machine were two men. The first one was a thin, tall man in a signature red suit with a friilly shirt and bolo tie. His lavender hair was styled in a way so it was covering his right eye. The second man was shorter then the first and more rounded in shape. His face was unique with huge ears and a large noise. His hair was jet black with two pom pom shaped hair on the sides of his head. He was in a dark suit and tie.

The first man could have been recognized by anyone in the world as the famous Maximillion Pegasus, creator of Duel Monsters and Industrial Illusions. The second was a man who would have been recognized by the older students of the school. It was their former classmate, Chumley Huffington, who had gone on to become a card designer for Pegasus.

It was mere moments later when the two of them arrived in the office of the Chancellor Sheppard's office. Pegasus was about to speak when the doors opened and in ran a young man in red entered. He was followed by two men in yellow jackets, marking them as a Slifer red and two Ra yellows.

"Chumley, I thought I heard through the grapevine that you came back. How is it?" asked the brunette in the red jacket. The former student in the black suit opened his arms and ran to his old friend.

"Good to see you to, Jaden. It's been great, have you gotten you game on much since I left." said the larger boy as he seemed to hug the life out of his thinner friend.

Pegasus who had been watching the events occured, learned closer to the Chancellor and asked a question, "Who's that boy?"

The answer came instantly, "He was Chumley's roommate, and still is one of his closest friends... Jaden Yuki."

Pegasus lightened up at this mention, remembering just who the boy was. He moved to the now released red, his arms out like he was going to hug him as well. Only to stop when he reached the duellist and place his hand out to shake. He spoke, "So your the famous Jaden-boy which young Chumley-boy has been talking non-stopped about."

The young man returned the handshake, yet looked confused at who it was he was talking to. Pegasus waited for Sheppard to give the introduction, yet it was a little refreshing to no be recognized once and a while. Sheppard told them, "This is Industrial Illusion's CEO and the creator of Duel Monsters, Maximillion Pegasus."

Jaden's face brightened as he said, "Cool, dude. But why would a big shot like you being doing here? Unless you're here for the tournment."

The lavender haired man turned to his old friend, waiting for him to explain it. The leader of the school began to explain, while at the same time turning to the window which overlooked the school, "Actually, in a short answer, yes. Still this doesn't explain the whole story."

"We have reason to believe the card known as the Winged Dragon of Ra has been stolen from Industrial Illusion and brought to this island by a duellist disguised as a pro." The balding man had just moments to finish before he was interrupted by the young man.

"The Winged Dragon of Ra, the same Winged Dragon of Ra that Yugi had? It's one of the most legendary cards in all of Duel Monsters. How could it have been stolen?" asked the young man.

"The real Winged Dragon of Ra had been lost many years ago, but my company had a rare copy of the card for research. To understand the great power such cards hold in the world. Yet even as we studied it, it was taken by one of our designers. We have heard rumours he was looking for a place to test it out. Such as a major tournment like the Gen X showcase." spoke the maker of the game.

Pegasus was looking at the young man in red when he got a look in his eyes like he had noticed something of great importants. The lad spoke up, "I think I have seen it. There was a giant explosion of light in the middle of a clearing. It's the reason we can here, we wanted to tell the chancellor about the powerful new card on the island. It has to be the Winged Dragon of Ra! "

"We'll have to move quickly. The tournment will have to stop for the time being while we hunt down the card. Thanks for the alert boys. I suggest that you get to your dorms and keep away from... who am I kidding? Jaden at least, is going to go straight after the card as soon as possible. Right, Jay. I suggest you still go to your dorm and make sure you strengthen your decks as strong as possible if you're going after Ra." spoke Sheppard as the boy looked at him, a little shamed faced at being figured out by the headmaster.

"Right! " came the trio of boys as they left the room.

"I'll go after them. I want to show Jaden something." said Chumley as he followed after the red and the two yellows.

'There's interesting about those boys. I wonder what it might be?' Thought the one eyed man.


Alexis was watching the group which had gather in Jaden's room. It was while this was happening there was an announcement which stated the tournment would be suspended for the time being. After learning the reason the whole thing was being stopped, she was more then willing to stop duelling... for the moment.

'The Winged Dragon of Ra, possibly the most powerful of the Egyptian God cards. Master of the One Turn Kill ability. Defeated in battle by the king of games, not once but twice if the rumours are true. Certainly a threat to any ordinary deck a normal duellist could build. Of course, Jaden isn't what you would normally consider a normal duellist,' thought the female card player. Ra was a great symbol of light and could be a force for the society, yet she had her mission for the moment. Ra would just have to wait till she had a moment to take it to her master.

"So Jaden, what kind of cards are you going to use against Ra? He's not going to be a push over, even if he's not the real Ra card. The legend says the counterfit Ras have the power to knock out people, sometime permanently. You're going to need to use your best cards for this fight." she mentioned to her 'boyfriend', waiting to see what he did.

"With Neos and the Neo Spacians on my team, it shouldn't be any trouble to defeat even Ra. If that doesn't work, I still have my Elemental Heroes to back me up in a pinch. Still, it would help to have a secret weapon I could use when the going gets tough." said Jaden was he looked up from his deck to his friends.

"If that's what you need, Dude, I got something right up your alley," said Chumley as he dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out a card. The large man continued, "I designed this new card with you in mind. I think it might come in handy when fighting Ra."

Alexis watched as Jaden looked at the card with a speechless look in his eyes. Chumley handed over the card and Jaden took a better look at it before he placed the same card into his deck.

"So where do we begin, Sarge?" asked Hassleberry, looking to his leader.

Moments later, Alexis found herself in a grassy plain with a few rocks and bushes on the fringes before it became a forest. In the same spot they found the man who created Duel Monsters, Maximillion Pegasus.

"Pegasus?" asked Jaden as he rushed up to the billionaire.

"Jaden-boy..." was the reply from the lavender haired man.

The two of them soon sat on rocks as Pegasus explained the history of the card. Most of which confirmed the legends which Alexis had hear from her school days. It was then that a voice called out, "Pegasus, so we meet again!"

Hearing the voice, all of them jumped to their feet. The billionaire called out, "Franz! " A man arrived from the bush in a grey overcoat and blue shirt. His hair was grey and his eyes were brownish grey underneath his glasses. He held up the Ra card before them all.

"The Winged Dragon in the cardboard!" shouted out Jaden with some awe.

"Give it back, Franz! It's much too dangerous to have it out in the open. It could injury someone badly if we don't get it back to the lab." said Pegasus, obviously trying to reason with the man.

"Dangerous, yes it can be dangerous if it's in the wrong hands. In the hands of someone of my genius, it's is being used to it's full potential," said the man named Franz in a germanic accent. He began to shuffle his deck as he continued, "If you want it back, you'll have to take it from me in a duel! "

Alexis watched the master card player sign and spoke up, "I guess I have no choice then." He then staretd to activate the duel disk on his arm in preparation of a duel. This excited Alexis since Pegasus was a master of the game, even if he had been defeated by Yugi. He still knew every rule and card in the game, could make master strategies based around those cards.

Before the one eyed man could step forward, Jaden rushed ahead of him with his duel disk active and his deck in the machine. The brunette said, "I'll take him on. I want to test my deck against Ra. I don't know who you are Franz, but I'm going to take you down."

The girl in the blue noticed Jaden looking into space again as if he was seeing something they couldn't. Pausing for a moment he said, "You're right, Winged Kuriboh! Time to get my game on!"

Jaden has his disk out as Alexis thinks of the fact he was facing one of the three most powerful cards. Able to win a game for a player with it's first appearance. She could tell Jaden was nervious as sweat dripped from his brow.

'This should be a real test for his skills. Master Sartorius would be most interested in the results of this duel, no mater who wins or loses.' she thought as she used her mind to memorize every move.

"Now face the ultimate power of the legendary Ra!" called out Franz as he placed his cards in his disk.

"It's time to Duel" cried out the two combatants as the moved into position for the battle. One of the games of the centuries was about to begin and Alexis had a front row seat.

In the duel...

Jaden looked at the cards in his hands as he tried to decide which one to use first. He made the choice and said, "I use Polymerization to combine my Elemental Hero Wildheart with my Elemental Hero Necroshade to summon elemental Hero Necroid Shaman in attack mode."

The figure which appeared on the field was a tanned man with racial tattoos on it's body and what looked to be war paint on it's face. Long red kubuki hair ran down it's head. It was dressed in baggy pants and held a staff with gold rings on the end of it. Long cord formed a belt as well as rings around it's shoulders. The figure thrust out it's staff, ready for battle.

"Of course, in summoning Necroid Shaman, I also placed my Necroshade in the graveyard. Which activated it's special effect, allowing me to summon an elemental hero without the need for a sacrifice. The monster I summon is my Elemental Hero Neos, also in attack position." said Jaden, bring another powerful monster to the field.

Neos is a creature who looked to be made of liquid silver. It was trimmed with red and blue with sharpened arrow like spike on each arm and on it's head. The only facial features were it's eyes and a nose. Neos had twenty five hundred attack points, while Necroid Shaman had nineteen hundred attack points.

"Elemental hero Neos? Is that even out yet? I don't think that's out yet, so how can he have that card?" Jaden heard Pegasus cry out as the creator say the alien card which Jaden had found in Neo-space.

Jaden finished off his turn with, "I end my turn. You're move, Dude." Jaden was still feeling nervious about meeting with Ra, yet he was also sweating with anticipation. He knew that with the next move, Ra could pop up.

Franz started his turn, drawing his newest card with his set of six. A surge of wind seemed to follow it's drawing. Looking at Jaden, the older man asked, "Do I sense your fear of the Winged Dragon of Ra?"

"Who's afraid!" he said defiantly to Franz as he waited for the next monster to be summon.

Author's Notes:

I am starting to recover my store of fics which are held back for future months. I am going to have to make some clearing out of my files to make more room. Most of them are in the first half character setting, but I think they are going to work. I have also been posting and reposting ideas from my files and the sites I placed them on. Plus I have been working on threads in the Maximum addventure which could be used to make future stories as well. I have also been trying to update some of my older ideas which I have posted in the Ranma previews.

I have been reading about the end of the GX series and the beginning of 5D, I hope this continuation will help even after I loose the source for the story, since I have detailed summaries of the Japanese series. To be honest, this fic is not on my top inspirations at the moment, but I will promise to update when I can or tell you when I can.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will stay tuned for the next chapter,