Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ what is real future past colide ❯ The big news we are moving?!!? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer I do not own Danny Phantom or Yugioh. I do own however Jessamine and Ann Marie. I also am making this fiction for fun and non-profit purposes only.


A/n: this idea like most of my fics come up rather unexpected and spir of the moment. Thease turn out to start slow but in the end turn out to be my best.



Chapter 1.



It was early one Sunday morning as the sun made its appearance through the window of a young teenage boy's bedroom bits of black hair the only part of him visible from under the blankets he kept himself wrapped in. He tried with much effort to ignore the sounds of his parent's knocks and calls for him to get up. Normally, they would have let him sleep in, but this morning was different. Danny groaned as he continued to ignore his parents for as long as he could, but in the end had to give into their attempts at interrupting his sleeping. Tossing his covers aside he got up muttering a coming mom and dad to the rattling door as he rummaged through his dresser searching for something to put on so he would look sum what presentable. School had finished and he along with his friends were now enjoying summer, or so Danny thought to himself before his parents had broken him from his sleeping.

Yawning he left his room fallowing his parents and his sister Jazz downstairs into their living room where the normally talked. When it was early in the morning and all members of the family were together, Danny knew that good news was not going to come out of this conversation. He tried to focus on his parents as he rubbed sleep from his blue eyes which remained closed as he tried to perform this task. "We have something we have to tell you kids." His father started which in turn received a couple of groans from his son and daughter.

"This is going to be some preaty bad news." Jazz said with a deep sigh.

Their father continued on as if he had not been interrupted. "I got a new job…" he went on but was cut off by jazz's excited question.

"You mean a REAL NORMAL job?" Jazz asked hoping that her parents would quit their hunt for ghosts which she thought was not only stupid, but it was making her and her family look like a family of side show freaks considering her parents didn't mind going public with their `ghost' hunting.

"Yes Jazz it's a research type job. I will still continue the ghost hunting with your mother, but this will fether assist us in our hunt, but it requires one catch. We will have to move." He said.

Both Danny and Jazz turned pail white as the shock of what their father had just said sunk in full force. "We are moving?!" Dany exclaimed once the ability to speak once again reached him.

"To where?" Jazz asked as soon as she recovered her own voice unable to think of a protest.

"Well Domino City Japan." Their father replied still ignoring his children's reactions as if they had never said them.

"You mean to tell me we are moving halfway across the world?!" both Danny and Jazz shouted at once in horrified shock.

"That's right kids….Japan has a lot to offer in our hunt for ghosts. They have experienced a high amount of super natural occurrences with reports of real monsters roaming about the city and roomers about people living with ghosts inside them, but in this case they refer to them as spirits." Their mother cut in as she took hold of her husbands hand.

"That's fine for you, but what about us your children, don't you think it could have some damaging effects on us?" Jazz asked as she tried desperately to convince her parents not to make the move. However, her complaints and comments fell on deaf ears as her parents continued on.

"Think of it as a big adventure." Their father continued on.

"Now the reason I got you guys up so early is because we have a big day of cleaning ahead of us because tomorrow someone will be by to inspect the house. Which means the basement needs to be secured we cannot let them inside the ghost zone." Their mother instructed.

Danny and Jazz both nodded as everyone got started on cleaning something. Danny headed to take a shower before he got started his mind full taking in everything that his parents just told him and his sister. He did not want to leave his friends behind, and he also felt that he could not leave. Not ever since that accident that had changed him a few months back. Once his shower was complete, he changed into some cloths for the day and started to clean up the mess of cloths to be washed. Out in the hall, he could hear Jazz not only clean the hallway, but try many times to get her parents to change their minds, but with no such luck. They kept telling her the same thing that she and her brother would get used to the idea, and they would make new friends in no time.

While Danny cleaned his room he was having a 3 way conversation with his best friends Tucker and Sam. He had just finished telling them move and needless to say both of them were in complete shock. "So when are you moving?" Sam asked after a long unnerving sliance.

"I am not really sure, soon I think Mom and dad are starting the process of selling the house. We are going to have someone come over and check the place out." Danny explained giving them all the information he could.

"Sounds like your parents have been planning this for a while now, man that is fast." Tucker commented with a deep sigh.

"Tell me about it, Jazz has been trying all morning to convince my parents not to move, but they seem dead set on moving." Danny said.

"Harsh…and not like them." Sam said as she lay back on her bed.

"GO figure they are my parents. I'll stop by and see you guys before I go though." Danny promised as he unhooked his computer and started packing it glad he had saved the packing material. He figured that he might as well get started on some of the packing and get himself ahead. It was then he got a call from his parents and had to let his friends go.

He was right when he told Tucker and Sam that it wouldn't be long before the made the big move. Between the packing and what not, it only took a good two weeks. Finally the day Jazz and Danny were dreading had finally arrived and they prepared to move to their new home.

On moving day, Danny stopped at Tucker's house and bid good bye to his friend even though he didn't want to have to say goodbye. "Here.." Tucker told him as he handed him a hands free divice like they used when they chatted with each other. "Now even though you will be halfway across the world, we can keep in contact and our parents won't be complaining about international phone charges." Tucker explained hugging his friend one last time.

Danny thanked Tucker before he headed over to sam. The three of them had been best friends for as long as Danny could remember, and he knew that Sam had a strong feeling for him that went deeper then friendship, but she would not out right admit it. Never the less with knowing this, Sam was the hardest to say goodbye too. He took the long road home not in any hurry to move.

Waving goodbye to his old life, he got in back of the family van, which looked like a moving computer lab then a van with the walls lined with different computer screens and push buttons. The ban only had 3 seats two up front where Danny's parents sat, and a long three person bench seat in the far back. The roof of the van had many different rador and satellite equment attached to it all moving in different directions making little to no sound say for a few squeaks here and there where some of the insterments needed to be cleaned. ::At least there is no way we can drive there:: Danny thought as they reached the Airport and everyone got out of the van.

The trip itself took longer then Danny and Jazz had thought it to be seeming to span over a good day or so. Neither of them had been one place for so long, and Jazz was starting to feel cramped. "So how long should it take?" Jazz started to ask when the airplane speakers blared to life announcing their arrival in Domino, as well as the current time and tempura. The jolting of the plane touching ground awoke Danny a few minutes later, and he was greeted with a nice bright sun rise as his blue eyes focused to his surrounding environment.

"great I get to wake up to yet another sun raise." He groaned as the plane slowed to a stop and passengers were instructed both in English and Japanese to gather their things which they may have stored in the over head compartment.

After gathering their things, they drove to where their new home was to be. Their house was normal like all of the other homes on the block although it could have used a bit of touch up paint. For the rest of the day, Danny and Jazz unpacked their things and begun the task of moving in. As Danny reached the window that he chose to use for his bedroom, a feeling washed over him, and a blue mist floated out of his mouth and hovered in front of his eyes before vanishing. ::Dad was right ghosts do live here and just when I thought I was going to get a break from them.:: he thought to himself as he looked around for any sign of the ghosts he was all used to fighting back home. Finding nothing, he returned to his task of unpacking, but his mind was still on the odd feeling he kept getting.

In the house next door, a teenage girl slightly older then Danny sat on her back one of the windows of her large home slightly opened…her back against the wall headphones on as she listened to a cd. She did not notice the neibors moving in, and even if she did she ignored it as she enjoyed her one day off from school. Her brown eyes remained closed as she easily ignored the sounds of the movers next door, but snapped out of it when an odd feeling washed over her.. ::I since the presence of another spirt..:: a voice inside her head worned the young girl.

::I feel it too, but right now, I can't determine much…we had better remain on full alert… and I thought we could rest from the forces of evil once again… I guess not:: she replied keeping the last part of that to herself.