Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ what is real future past colide ❯ the new transfer student/first full day ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer I don't own Danny Phantom or Yugioh, so get over it. I do however own any characters that you don't recognize from either show… so…keep that in mind…onegai?



A/n: I was going to put all of this in the first chapter, but I chose not to. Keep in mind I do crossovers, but not quite like this.



Chapter 2


The Next day came all to soon for Danny and the news he had been dreading came to him much faster then he had wanted it to. He had to go to school, and he hated the place with a passion. ::Why can't the people here have a nice three Month summer?:: he thought to himself as he eyed the school uniform his Mother had given him during breakfast that morning. The outfit consisted of a white shirt with dark blue long sleeved jacket and matching pants. ::At least the uniforms aren't half bad:: he thought to himself leaving the jacket unbuttoned.

Upon reaching the school the confusion started once again for him. In His pocket, he had found a piece of paper with a locker number on it and blinked at it a moment. He was knocked off balance as two boys rushed past him One of them with blonde hair who appeared to be chacing a taller brown haired boy looking about ready to smack him with the newspaper he had on him the last one from the blonde's root that morning. He had planned on bringing it in because of one of the headlines and he wanted to share it with his other friends.

Danny seemingly approached the boys as he searched the rows of lockers and located the one that matched the number on his paper. "this can't be right he thought as he looked at the small locker. "How is one person suposted to fit anything in here?" he thought allowed. It was then he noticed what the other students were doing and opened the small locker. Inside of the locker was a note and a pair of blue bedroom slipper like shoes. Placing the note in his pocket, He took of his shoes and replaced them with the blue bedroom slippers before fallowing the rest of the students inside the school building.

Once inside he became aware of that same feeling he had noticed when he moved in, but this time it was when a short boy that looked like he was too young to be in high school walked past him not seeing him. The boy seemed normal enough except for his hairstyle which from Danny's current point of view was mostly black with traces of what looked like a deep purple and tipped off with a few strands of blonde. The boy's appearance was not spooked Danny though, no it was the fact his ghost sinceses seemed to not be working properly. If that was not enough, a girl in a black and silver wheelchair clipped Danny and as she did the same feeling washed over him. "gomanasi…" the girl said quickly her brown hair hiding her face as she kept it bent low.

Danny did not understand what she had said to him, but guessed it was some form of appoligy considering she had said it after nearly rolling over his foot. "its alright." Came his reply before he disappeared inside of the office.

"Ah you must be the transfer student." Came the voice of the vice principal as he spoke in thick accented English.

Danny had to concentrate for a minute, but found that he understood the man well enough to form a reply. "Why yes I am…" He said his shy nature taking over.

"Classes have already begun, but its your first day so don't worry about being late. Here is a pass and your class sedule. Your first class should make you feel right at home." The principal said while he watched Danny look over the paper he had handed him.

Danny was shown where his first class would be but at the same time felt a little bit nervous. Here he was in a new school and yet it wasn't turning out so well. Not in town one full day and he was already feeling ghosts around, but the strange thing was the ghosts were not flying around in plain view waiting to cause trouble. No sooner had he entered the classroom, the feeling washed over him stronger then normal, and on reflex, he covered his mouth acting like he may have to sneeze. "excuse me…" he said to no one in particular.

"Well take a seat in the back, Miss Hisa -San would you please raise your hand?" the teacher instructed.

The girl in the wheelchair raised her hand as the teacher had instructed her to do, but now Danny could get a better look at her. She was sitting up now her face visible and no longer hidden by her hair. Aside from the female uniform, she had brown eyes to match her brown hair and had a black wristwatch on her left wrist. Around her neck hung a pendent of some kind that admitted a soft gold glow for only a moment before fading. "Hi my name is Danny Fenton…" Danny said extending his hand to the girl after sitting down.

"He is trying to shake hands with you." Yuugi whispered as he tapped the girl on her other arm.

"Gomanasi…Fenton -Kun. Watashi wa…. Hisa, Jessamine. Pleased to meet you." The girl now known as Jessamine replied as she introduced herself remembering to extend her hand.

Danny blinked at what she just said taking and shaking her hand. "Um…I…didn't understand what you had said to me." He admitted sheepishly after taking his hand back hoping she understood him.

"Oh that, I just introduced myself to you. What I said was I'm sorry Fenton-Kun and then saying that I am Hisa Jessamine. Or in the English world it would be Jessamine Hisa. In japan, we use last name first quite often. The sufex after your name means that we have just met and we know each other as aquantances." Jessamine explained in perfect English with little hint she was even from Japan.

"Wow… you can speak English?" Danny asked.

"We all can and are expected to espically in English class." Jessamine explained. "The reason I speak it so well is I spent a good portion of my life living in the USA. If you want, I'll introduce you around and even help you with your langue classes." She finished offering to help him.

Danny smiled. "Thank you…." He said before turning around in his seat to face the front.

::Watch yourself…there is something about that boy…:: a voice worned inside Jessamine's head. However, she chose to ignore it and not space out as her fingers danced across the page of her English book. She knew the voice, but at the same time, she also had a good feeling about the new transfer student.

"Hey Danny…would you like to join us for lunch?" Yuugi asked after introducing himself when the lunch bell had rung.

"Thanks….that sounds great." He replied as he gathered his things. It was then he noticed that Jessamine was the girl that had clipped him on her way to class and thought about saying something, but couldn't think of a thing to say. He felt bad about seeing her in that wheelchair, and found he had so many questions to ask as well, but again his voice failed him.

Fenton-kun…? Are you alright?" Yuugi asked as he turned back and saw that Danny had not moved from his spot after watching Jessamine leave.

"OH I'm fine thanks, but…is …she?" he found himself asking. "I mean…what happened to her?" he finally got the nerve to ask moving once again now walking in step with Yuugi.

"She is alright, and she just has some disorder that won't allow her to walk very well or for very long. She uses the wheelchair for long distances or for school." Yuugi explained as he stopped at his locker before heading to get his lunch then finishing as he picked out what he wanted to eat. By the time Danny and Yuugi had gotten there Jessamine was already at a table with Joey and Tristain. The two boys were fighting about something or other as was normal for them.

"Are they always like that?" Danny asked as he suppressed the urge to laugh.

"Yeah pretty much." Yuugi replied telling the two of them to knock it off.

Danny froze as in his lunch both when Bakura and Seto Kaiba passed by them the ghost feeling passing through him, but not as strong with Kaiba then with Bakura. Yami and Cynthia's nerves jumped when the display of power was released, but said nothing. Yuugi and Jessa were doing everything their power to ignore them and knew that they would listen better after school.

Lunch moved quickly as it always did and school resumed. But with all things, school in its own time came to an end. Yuugi decided to walk Jessamine home while Joey rushed home to check on his sister. After everything that the pair had been through in the past couple of years, it had brought them closer even though they lived far away in two different cities. Tristain was bugging Joey trying to find a way to get a date with Joey's sister which of chores Joey wouldn't allow. Serenity was much younger then either of the boys and that was another reason Joey felt he had to be so protective. Danny walked with Jessa and Yuugi finding that at least she lived near him..but it wasn't until they reached home he discovered she was the girl next door.

After saying a quick hello to his mom and dad, Danny went to his room and looked through the stack of homework that he already had. ::Wow they sure lay on the homework:: he thought to himself as he started to unpack some things and set some things up so he could do his homework considering his bed was the only thing in the room that wasn't covered in boxes Opening one of the boxes he saw the ear piece that he used to contact his friends and thought about giving them a quick call, but quickly realized that until he had figured out the time change, he would have to wait. His mind was full of worry about all of the strange feelings and they kept conflicting with his feelings. He first tried to shrug it off as being home sick and not used to the idea of the big move, but dismissed that because of his ghost powers acting up. He had felt it again, this time when Jessamine had gone to her window and closed it.

Picking up a text book, he thought about going next door and talking to her having the book as an excuse to get out of the house. "mom dad…" he called as he entered the living room where they were unpacking some things. "I'm going next door to get some help with a homework assignment." He told them showing the stack of books.

"Alright son, but don't be gone to long we need your help to set up the ghost hunting equement." His father called from a stack of boxes.

"Thanks dad…" he replied before he left the house. But once he reached the front door he had discovered thathe was losing his nerve. He knew it was to soon to be having feelings, but the real reason for being there was what made him so uneasy..