Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ what is real future past colide ❯ things that go bump or crash in the night ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer same as always I don't own Yugioh or Danny Phantom. I do however own Cynthia, Jessamine, and Ann Marie. Suing me will get you absolutely nothing.



Chapter 3


Jessamine sighed as she entered the house after bidding Yuugi a goodbye. Although on the outside it didn't look like it, Jessamine spent most of her time depressed or feeling used…today being no different. Taking her things to her room, she sorted them out so she could get started on her homework most of which had to be completed by the next day. Even though she wouldn't want to admit it, she was already missing Yuugi. He was the first person to notice her after she had returned from the states and the first person to make friends with her even if at times she didn't feel like she was doing a very good job about it.

Cynthia her Yami of sorts, appeared beside her in a ghost like form not aware that Danny was making plans to visit that night. She watched her counter part for a few moments before she opened her mouth to speak. "There is something unsettling about Danny that I can't quite put my finger on." She started getting directly to her point. Unlike Jessamine, Cynthia was more out there and open with her thoughts and feelings and would not hesitate to point them out.

"If this is one of those `your getting over your head getting feelings for someone dangerous speaches' save it. Danny is just someone I want to make friends, and its not right for you to judge someone just because they are new or different." Jessamine said trying to cut the girl off.

"No he has power that could mean the end of us all." Cynthia protested.

"I think your buying into this just a little to much. Yes I synced it too, as did Yuugi, but neither one of think we should worry." Jessamine argued back.

"Demo Jessamine!" she shouted a knock at the door stopping her from finishing her complaint.

"I don't want to hear it Cynthia." Jessamine replied as she took off her pendent she always carried on her person and locking in a dresser. "Leave me alone….I am a big girl and can take care of myself." She finished as she moved to answer the door. "Yuugi?" she asked approaching the door.

"No its Danny … I was wondering…." Danny started but found himself stumbling for words.

"Oh hi Danny what can I do for you?" she asked as she moved to let him come in.

Danny took the invitation with a soft smile as he thought about what to say. "nice place…" he started but his ghost since had gone off yet again. "is there someone else here?" he asked….."I thought I heard voices...thats all." He finished quickly.

"Oh that's my sister She just doesn't think that you and I should be friends One of those over protective types." She lied.

"Oh where is she?" Danny asked.

"She has gone out we got into a fight about it and she decided to leave." Jessamine replied not quite lying this time.

"oh ok…um…well I came over to um…ask for help with my homework…" Danny said as he held up the book shrugging off what Jessamine had said.

"ok what subject are you having trouble with?" she asked unable to see the book he was holding.

"its Biology…" Danny said after turning the book over in his hands to look at the cover.

"homework isn't the real reason you came over is it?" Jessamine asked which took Danny off guard. "You have questions about me and if I have magical powers don't you?" she asked.

"no… homework really, but if you want to share that's fine too. Just one question though, how did you know?" he asked as he struggled again to find the right words to say.

"Your dad's interest in ghost hunting and studding the strange goings on here made the hedlines. Yuugi told me it was in the paper this morning since Joey brought one in." she said as she walked into her room and traced her hands down until she found the book that she would need and coming out with it tucked under her arm.

"well that's my dad for you…. He makes a big deal out of things that aren't real." Danny replied suddenly uneasy about having come over in the first place. There was something different about her that was for sure, but Danny couldn't quite place his finger on it. ::What if she knew he was half ghost…too..:: he thought as other thoughts flooded his mind. Pushing them aside he took a deep breath and sat down studying with Jessamine until Jazz came over to pick him up for something.

Later that night after most of the town had gone to bed for the night, the sky grew dark the stars seemingly being blotted out by the blackness street lights shattering as it covered the city. Danny awoke to the sounds of people's car alarms going off and the sound of shattering glass. Going to his window he concentrated as a beam of light in circled his waist separating a moment later, one of the rings going up while the other moved down. As they moved his night clothes changed into a black suit of sorts with a silver waist band and his hands were covered in gloves the same silver material as wdid his feet. His once Jet black hair was a shining silver like the silver outlining his outfit, and his once blue eyes were shining a glowing green color. Turning invisible for a moment he flew through the closed window not making a sound.

Once outside, Danny hovered over Jessamine's house taking notice that the girl appeared to be living alone save for the sister she claimed to have, but he saw no one. It was then he felt a ghost and looked in the window. Cynthia had come out of jessamine's pendent and was now trying to wake the girl. Danny strained to listen unsure if he could go in or not but realized that this ghost didn't seem to take on a more solid form. Turning invisible again he slipped into the house where he hoped he would not get caught by the ghost unsure if this ghost could feel or see him even if he could not be seen by the normal eye. "Jessa wake up!" Cynthia all but screamed as she tried to wake her counterpart with little to no effort. The girl did not budge and only shook off Cynthia when she tried to shake her. "Who is there?" Cynthia called out accusingly when she felt Danny entering the room.

"Its just me Danny, I only wanted to come check on Jessa here since she appeared to be all alone." Danny said quickly hints of fear in his voice as he chose his words.

At first Cynthia didn't know what to Make of Danny but concentrated on the type of power his body was giving off. When she discovered that his power was more like hers in the respect it wasn't created to cause evil, she relaxed a bit and replied. "I am Cynthia, a spirt, or ghost sort of speak that shares a body with Jessamine over here. I was reborn and dwell within her pendent and am here to protect her." She explained to the best of her ability.

At the turtle game shop, Yuugi had already been awoken when the lights in the house suddenly went out and the sounds of glass shattering caught him off guard. The skylight in his room right above his bed had shattered leaving his bed covered in a sheet of broken glass. It was just pure luck he managed to get out of his bed alive without getting bits of the glass in his face or eyes. "I wonder what is going on?" he asked as an older and taller version of himself stood beside him only with a few minor differences like the deepness in his voice.

"I feel it too, something dangerous is coming I can feel it." Came the reply of the older version of Yuugi.

"Do you think Jessamine is alright…what if it is that new kid?" Yuugi asked suddenly afraid. "Didn't Cynthia feel that he may be more harm then good?" Yuugi finished with that question.

"Somehow I don't think that's going to be a problem. I mean I got a strong power sorce coming from the boy but it didn't feel evil. I think Cynthia is just being over protective of Jessa. I seem to recall you doing the same for the girl in the past." Came the spirits reply.

"How did you know?" Yuugi asked remembering a second later that due to their bond, Yuugi could feel what his Yami was feeling and the same went for the other way around.

"If your worried we can go over there and check on her if you want." Yami offered which brought a smile to Yuugi's face.

Just as they had set out to go over to Jessamine's place, a light cut through the darkness that the sky had become. It started small at first but grew by the second forming a hole of sorts through the darkness. The sounds of screeming could be heard off in the distance but the sound could not be pinpointed as a with the crash a few seconds later. The sky then returned to its normal nightly glow traces of what had caused the crash or crashed completely gone. The light display had caused jessa to stir but she shrugged it off when it didn't last. ::I swear this girl can sleep through everything:: she thought as she sat by the bed chosing to keep watch rather then try to wake her anymore tonight. Danny on the other hand flew around and above the city in a huge circle spaning just about every part of the city. Yuugi had run faster Yami taking over at the last minute when it seemed like Yuugi couldn't run the distance from the game shop to where Jessamine lived.

Panting he nocked on the door but did not get any type of reply. Waiting for a few seconds, he tried again louder this time and still no reply. Fearing the worst, Yuugi broke in to the house and raced into Jessamine's open bedroom and checked for any signs of life. Finding she was just sleeping, he sat in the chair Cynthia retreating to her soul room a smile playing across her lips as she saw Yuugi take watch over her charge. You didn't need magic to know that over the years Yuugi had grown attached to Jessamine and fallen for the girl. The only thing was nether party had admitted their feelings for each other still on a deep friendship level. Danny had flown by a smile on his face at seeing them together and him taking care of her. He had only been in town a day, but it wasn't hard to feel that the two of them shared a bond. He returned to his bed finding nothing but broken glass scattered about here and there where had broken off of various structures including lamp posts and select windows.

Not far in the woods outside of town, smoke filled the air as a fire started to die out. Mettle lay scattered amoung the broken tree limbs leaves, and trunks that broken when the object had crashed. As the smoke cleared the remains of what looked like a space ship of some kind lay in a ditch it had created upon inpact all of the windows broken out of it. A few flames flickered in out of life before they had eaten away almost all of the material the ship was constructed of. Amoung the wreckage a girl climbed out of the ditch and over a tree that fallen at its edge. Her body was covered in soot burn marks, and dried blood most of which came from crashing in he first place. She removed her helmet letting her hair flow over her shoulders and down past her mid back. Aside from matted in dried blood, it was brown with what appeared to be blonde and purplish highlights. As she shook her head her bangs seemed to form the signure motou bang cut that Yuugi and his grandfather seemed to have. She left her helmet and space suit at the crash site leaving her clad in only a shirt that looked a hair bigger then a sports braw, but covering to her waist line save for the holes some of which having fresh cuts and gashes on them. She was about Jessamine's height her pale skin save for her top and her pants that once resembled geans, covered in healing or open wounds.

By the time Danny and Jessamine had left for school, the strange girl had arrived at Danny's house fainting as soon as she reached the welcome mat. The sound of her landing face first on the pavment, attracted the attation of Danny's older sister Jazz whom had just opened the door to leave herself being late for school as it was. "mom and dad come here quick!" Jazz called to her parents as she knelt by the girl.

"what is it dear did you see…" Jack the father in the family started to say as he looked down at the girl.

"oh my lets get her inside and into the guest bedroom." Mattie, there mother said as she helped Jazz to pick up the girl.

Once inside Jazz helped her mother clean up and bandage the stranger as best they could before she ran off to school a note from her parents explaining why she was late. "the best thing we can do is keep an eye on her and try to find out who she is when she wakes up." Matte said closing the door letting her sleep.

Jack nodded in agreement and the went downstairs to finish unpacking while the strange girl slep upstairs.