Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ what is real future past colide ❯ Going into battle stage 1 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer, I don't own Yugioh or Danny Phantom, but I do own Kayla. I am making this story for pure fun and non profit purposes only.
A/N: still fighting that evil thing known as writer's block, but I'll get through it. Thanks to the reviewer that made the suggestion, but I'll have to wait and see how the story goes first.
Chapter 6
Danny groaned as he stretched in his sleep morning coming all too soon to him. He could hear Sam moving about as she prepared to go to school, a place Danny was lucky not to have to visit, but then again he may yet depending on how things went. It was then he realized that he had his arms around something or rather a someone and for an instant forgotten how he had gotten to be holding the person. He jumped up quickly standing on the edge of the bed as the person in question slowly rolled over on her back her hair scattered in her face. Danny couldn't help but to smile at this as he pushed the strands out of her face and kissed her on the forehead. He was glad this action didn't wake her, smiling he headed into the adjoining bathroom and started to take a shower.
A few minutes later, Ann stirred feeling slightly neverous until she remembered where she was and who she was with. Fear crept through her for a few seconds when she didn't see or feel Danny beside her, but it didn't take long for her to hear the shower water running. She sighed in relief when she heard it shut off and Danny came out a few minutes latter fully dressed. “I didn't wake you did I?” Danny asked as he continued to dry his face and hairs his cloths sticking to his still wet skin.
“Iie..” Ann whispered forgetting for a moment Danny couldn't speak Japanese very well, but his nod proved he may have understood that word.
“I made sure to leave you some hot water if you want to get cleaned up.” Danny said as a blush stained his cheeks as he looked at the young girl beside him.
“Thanks…. For staying with me like you did last night and for leaving me some hot water.” She said as she quickly kissed him and retreated into the bathroom to shower and wash up. Danny couldn't help but smile as he watched her naked form disappear through the door before it shut behind her.
That same morning Yuugi was the first to wake up as he recalled the events of the height before. He didn't know what to think or feel since he had just made love to the girl of his dreams completely shocked at himself for doing so. ::She looks so calm and piceful…sleeping like that.:: he thought as he pushed a strand of sweat soaked hair out of her closed sightless brown eyes. It was times like this that he wished that the new found love of his life could see, but sadly she couldn't. He reached down and kissed her softly happy that she remained sleeping because he knew once the fighting started once again she wouldn't get enough of it. “I'll be in the shower.” He said in case Jessa could hear him before he departed for the bathroom some dry clean cloths tucked under his arm.
The show water woke Jessamine who like her future child was a little confused as to what was happening around her. She sat in bed for a few minutes her brown eyes still closed as she tried to get the sleep out of them. However, it appeared she was failing at this task. Groaning she opened her brown eyes blinking sleep out of them as they came into focus as much as they could. After hearing the shower water turn off she entered the bathroom in search of the bath tub. Her bones and muscles hurt for the oddest reason, and as long as it was calm, she was going to take full advantage of it. “Is everything ok love?” Yuugi asked as she stretched her bones cracking after she entered the bath room.
“Hai…” came her reply as she found the tub checking for remaining hot water. Finding it she let the tub fill a knock sounding at the door moments later.
“I'll get it…” Yuugi stated leaving his girlfriend to the tub and the bath he knew so desperately needed.
Taking the sheet off the bed, he used it to cover himself since he hadn't time to finish dressing before the knock got louder. “can I help you?” he asked.
“I just wanted to let you know that Tucker and I are off to school. I thought you could tell everyone for me.” Sam stated not bothering to pry the door open afraid of what she might see on the other side if she did.
Yuugi nodded and Sam left. Once he felt himself alone he made the bed again and quickly dressed wishing he had time to get a clean outfit on. But the up coming war didn't give much time to pack properly for an unexpected trip. When Jessamine finished she joined him along with the others “So what do we do now?” Joey asked taking a seat on Sam's over stuffed couch Tristan across him in a chair similar to it.
“Well using duel monsters to fight is always an option.” Tristan offered.
“Duel monsters?” Danny asked.
“Duel monsters is a type of card game, the cards are very unique and contain mmany different kinds of monster magic and trap cards.” Yuugi explained handing his deck over for Yuugi to examine.
“The game itself can become quite complicated with so many different ways to play, but with the right kind of power, the cards can become quite dangerous.” Jessamine chimed in explaining what little she knew about the game based on her very much un wanted experiences.
“don't remind me..” Joey said as he shivered at the past memories that were provided.
“Gomen....Joey- Kun.” Jessamine replied.
“Well I think that we should go back and see what is left of the town.” Danny offered.
“I don't know about this…” Mattie started as she looked at her son.
“Not all of will go… Danny can go in his ghost form and only take one of with him for added protection.” Joey put in.”
“Wow, Joey said something smart for once.” Tristan laughed.
“Boys don't start now isn't the time.” Jessamine warned giving them the evil eye.
“I'll go with you. After all it is because of me that this war is starting.” Ann offered.
“This isn't your fault Ann, he would have come back weather or not you came or not. What you have done so far is good.” Yuugi said trying to consul her as if he knew already.
“I'm not sure anyone should leave….” Mattie continued.
“I'll be fine and I can hold Ann so we can stay intangible or go that way if need be.” Danny added.
“Danny makes a very good point, and I think Ann needs to do something to feel needed.” Jazz added after joining everyone in the spaces living room.
After much arguing, Mattie agreed to let Danny go Ann right behind him. The trip through the ghost zone was faster this time or so it seemed, until some of Danny's old “friends” showed up. Ann screamed as one of them grabbed at her, but couldn't because she was a human, and in the ghost zone ghosts couldn't touch Humans, except for Danny, using his powers to make one hand human so that it could latch on to her. If anything, Danny was glad for once that he was a Halfa. Upon reaching the ghost zone portal door leading to their basement in Japan, he found that the doors must have been Jamed from the force of the destruction above it. He then went ghost completely taking Ann turning intangible flying the both of them through the closed doors and up through the rubble that once served as their home.
The sky was red like blood and Ann shivered as the air smelled of death destruction and pure evil. In that way, she was like her mother and father always having the unexplainable ability to feel how strong the evil was even smell and in some cases like this one taste it. Her eyes grew wide in shock at the earth below them. What was once a happy town was piles of shattered glass, splinters of wood piles of rock and sand, leaving nothing standing. Birds flew in the black and red sky, but they were not normal birds, but ghost birds that could live in this mess.
The birds flew fast and came at Danny hard making him drop Ann. screamed as she found herself falling to the ground. Danny dove to catch her, but the birds kept him from doing so. “Ann!” he screamed as he saw her body vanish in a cloud of dust. His eyes grew wide in fear as he flew into the smoke and dust praying against all odds that she would be alive. Using hidden strength he didn't know he had until now, Danny blasted the birds with a green glowing power, but with twice as much force then he was used to, but he didn't stop to think how he was able to do it, Ann was the only thing on his mind. The dust had settled, and she lie not moving on the remaining pavement. He landed beside her checking for any sign of life.
As he checked her over, two bandage covered arms came out of the ground, wrapping themselves around Danny and the unmoving Ann. Danny Tried to cut himself free, and even phase through the creatures, but with little to no luck. All he managed to do was make it easy for them to get their pray underground.
Meanwhile, back in Danny's old home town, Sam and Tucker were returning to Sam's place after school to see if there had been any news on the upcoming war. She had just come into her living room in time to hear Mattie say, “Danny and Ann have been gone a long time, I don't like the look of this.”
“What do you mean Mrs. Fenton?” Sam asked arms loaded down with books which just clattered to the floor when she saw the look in the older woman's eyes.
“Danny and Ann went through the ghost zone back to Domino in hopes of seeing the extent of the damage so far, they left shortly after you and Tucker left for school.” Yuugi supplied as a sudden pain rushed through him. Jessamine started to go to his aid, but she two was caught up with the same pain as her lover.
“Yuugi, Jessamine, are you two alright?” Joey said as he raced to kneel beside his best friends.
“something terrible has happened, even though Ann….is from the future, Jessa and I can seemingly feel her. Yuugi said as a numb feeling over came him and he fainted. But before he could fall limply to the floor, a light admitted from his puzzle covering his entire body. When it had faded a taller version of himself stood in his place his hair the same as Yuugi, but his eyes had a darker look to them.
Sam's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates, at the sight before her. Seconds later, a similar transformation over came the weekend Jessamine, but instead of coming from a puzzle the light came from her broach. Jessamine's hair grew about 3 inches longer and went about 3 and a half shades lighter. Her forehead had a simple on it like the one on the front of her pendent, which was no longer around her neck but acted like a chocker instead. Jewls lined the symbol on her forehead on each of the symbol acting like a string to hold it in place. Her eyes turned teal with flecks of the brown her counter parts eyes had, but her eyes showed a hint of fierceness to them.
By the time tucker entered the room, his books met the floor in the same fasion that Sam's had as he caught the girl before she crashed onto the tile floor.
“it's a long story.” Yami replied quickly as he tried to explain the whole thing to tucker.
“Cool!” Tucker said happily after absorbing the information just now provided to him. “so where is Danny?” he asked a few minutes later.
Everyone exchanged looks unsure on how to answer the question. They feered the worst for their friend unable to contact him or Ann. Tucker instantly tried Danny on his hands free phone, but with little to no luck. All he could hear was static and got a shock from it moments after that.
Danny watched as the unconscious Ann had been put on an aulter of some kind lit by torches. She will make a fine offering.”came a voice from one of the droans.
“And the boy?” another asked.
“The boss will deal with him, right now all he wants is the girl. Said the first before Ann the table and the figures vanished leaving a hole where they once had been. The sound of rubble tumbling through the space was the only sound for miles as the red sky moved over the ocean and headed like a bad storm to the United states where Yuugi and his friends were hiding out.