Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Anime Fanfic Inc. ❯ Devil May Cry/Soul Reaver ( One-Shot )
He is the best devil hunter in existence.
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The man in red trench coat tossed the pale man across the room and tightened his grip around the vampire. The vampire managed to choke out, "Dante!"
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He was a low rank vampire.
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The young vampire walked into the tomb and spotted a cracked sword on a stone pedestal. He slowly touched the sword and a voice sounded from the blade, "Greetings young one! I'm Razel!"
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Who became the next hunter of darkness.
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The vampire stood atop a building and looked down toward a vampire nest. A blue wrath blade glowed on his right arm. It spoke to him in his mind, "You'll get the blood and I'll get the souls!"
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A common enemy will bring these two hunters of legend together.
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Kain looked on from the shadows as the devil hunter and the soul reaver stood face to face, "Things are going exactly as I planned."
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Question is, who will they fight first?
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Dante swung his sword and Chris blocked with his reaver, "I will destroy you monster!"
Chris chuckled, "I will drink your blood and feast on your soul!"
Dante smiled, "And I was worried that this fight was going to be dull."
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Devil May Cry's Dante and the newest Soul Reaver will either team up or destroy one another.
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Chris and Dante stood back to back as the circle of demons closed around them. Chris powered up his blade, "About twenty to one odds!"
Dante turn the safety switches on his guns off, "Lets hope they don't mind being out numbered. It's Showtime!"
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Review if you're interested in reading the newest AFI story,
Devil May Cry v.s. The Soul Reaver.