Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ |Midieval Lust and Love| ❯ Chapter III ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Yu-gi-oh! I told you ACID; the five-year-old Yami was SOOOO cute!!!

This is a (Yami/Yugi, Marik/Malik, Jou/Seto, Bakuru/Ryou)


YUGI: 15

YAMI: 16

THE REST (you do the math!)

==|How could you not let him speak|==

The small prince moaned awake, pushing his arms up to pull his own weight. The so-called thief Yami was still asleep on the back wall, facing Yugi. Getting out of bed, the small tri haired boy walked, quietly, out of the room.

He had no clue, why he was so close to the water, but it gave him a sense of living. Yugi walked to where he stood most of the night, facing the open water, eyes watching fish.

"M'lord, are you alright?" Jou whispered, running up to the small prince. Yugi looked up, remaining silent as he stared again out the ocean.

"Where did you go, last night?" He asked, quietly.

Jou looked up, shutting himself up. He blinked twice, took in a deep breath, and stopped moving. "These, idiotic thieves, took each of us to the back rooms. They didn't hurt you M'lord?"

"No," Yugi whispered, "Go and get Ryou for me, I much check on him." The prince stood up, watching Jou run to the back rooms, carrying a small white haired boy. He sat the aide on the ground, watching the prince sit next to him, pulling the small boy in an embrace.

"Ryou-kun, are you alright?" He asked, touching Ryou's face.

The boy nodded, rubbing into his lord's neck.

"With my grandfather deceased, I have a counter command for you only Ryou-kun, my friend."

Ryou looked up, his eyes widening.

"Remove the order of sustained silence, you shall talk from this day on." Yugi instructed.

"Hai, Milord." Ryou whispered. Rubbing back into Yugi's warmth, a small smile forming on his lips. "Milord, what do we do now? How do we get out of here?"

"The same way refugees do, we run the minute we can. It seems we might have to wait for tonight, I refuse to run if my best friend cannot walk." He pulled Ryou on his lap, falling asleep in the white mane.

"Where is Malik?" Amethyst orbs opened to face honey eyes.

Jou stood at attention. "M'lord, he is still asleep in the enemy's arms. Ya know how he acts when ya try to wake him up, I think he's kinda to comfortable to bother."

Yugi nodded, looking up as the thieves, Bakuru, Seto, and Yami, all walked up to them. Bakuru leaned down, fighting to take Ryou, only to be bitten by the prince.

"Spunky little brat you kidnapped, Yami, must have been hard to fuck the shit out of him last night." Bakuru licked his finger, tasting his own blood.

"I didn't get the chance." Yami growled, making Seto laugh, his finger pointing. "You try to take care of a spoiled brat, he acts like he owns everybody." He smiled as the small prince pushed Ryou behind him.

"How dare you hurt him?" He yelled, Ryou seeking protection.

"His own fault," Bakuru spoke calmly, like what he did wasn't anything big. "If he would of just spoke, I wouldn't have been so rough."

"My grandfather," Yugi stated, pulling Ryou in his lap again. "Had him sworn to silence a few months ago. He did quite well, he is a wonderful friend, but I wished nobody would have done such a cruel thing to him."

Bakuru's eyes widened, sitting across, Yami sat next to him. "Why," Bakuru asked, "was he sworn to secrecy?"

"He insulted the kingdom, when he was a young boy, all because this day, I would lose all of my friend, so I could start studying to be king. He would be shipped away, and he didn't want to go. So he insulted my grandfather, quite heartlessly. Such a deed, would mean the removal of tongue, I begged, and the charges were to stay with me `til that day, and never say a word." Yugi kissed Ryou's forehead.

Yami looked over Yugi's face. "Do you love him?" He pointed towards the sleeping Ryou.

"Heavens, no." Yugi smiled, rubbing the bangs out of his best friends face. "I found him, on the streets one carnival morning, before my depressed era, that still exist to this day. His mother had died in a revolt against the union to the nearest kingdom. I felt so shamed, his father was a mercenary, killed in the shipping to the Lost Continent[1]." Yugi rubbed the hair out of Ryou's eyes again, who twitched, wakening up in a small pout. "He makes living worth it." Yugi smiled, hugging Ryou.

Marik came out from behind the wall, Malik trailing behind, smiling as Marik yelled on the top of his lungs, "Whose turn is it to get us food?"

Seto snarled, pulling Jou on his lap, kissing the back of the captains neck, his hands sliding down the loose trousers Seto had given him to replace the ones that had been cut away. "Busy, sorry." Seto whispered.

Bakuru turned to Yami. "I did it last week, it's your turn Yami."

The tri haired thief snorted, standing up and pulling his prize, Yugi, with him. The prince began to fight back on his wrist, pulling away. His eyes feeling with unwanted tears as Yami's grip on his wrist tightened.

"Let me go, that hurts!" Yugi cried out, his small wrist becoming bruised, tears flowing down his eyes, unwanted.

"We're going to have a talk about your behavior, I wish I'd killed you back in the castle, or hell. I wonder why I haven't killed you yet!" Yami pushed Yugi to the floor, pulling out a net and tossing it in the water.

Yugi sat back. "I refuse to talk to you."

"You said, you were entirely in my debt, there had to be someway to repay me, while go to word!"

"My innocence is for the one I love, not some incompetent thief who probably has over fifty lovers, several children, and no balls besides his own words!" Yugi yelled back, looking up at the dark approaching clouds. "Is it safe to be on sea on a stormy day?"

Yami looked up the clouds and shrugged. "Shouldn't harm us, I mean, we aren't going in that direction." He pulled the net out, revealing several types of fish. "Yugi, isn't it? Any how, get that knife over there and bring it to me."

Yugi lifted the knife up, thought of jamming it into the thieves back first came to mind, but he blinked them away and handed it to Yami.


"You are most welcome." Yugi sat back down, looking again at the building clouds. His eyes watched as waves began to hit the vessel, tossing them around like a bag of beans. Yami cursed as the fish fell back into the water, before the next tidal wave, he pulled Yugi down, covering his head as a splash of water pushed whatever remained on the ship off.

Jou ran up from behind a wall, along with Seto, pulling Yami and Yugi into the protection of the room as the vessel rocked, making them all scream as water impacted, breaking several windows.

"Marik, we need to back out there and check on the horses!" Bakuru yelled, running to the door, he turned and faced Seto and Yami. "You two, keep the kidos tied down." He tossed rope at the two, telling them he wasn't kidding.

Ryou screamed out as water splashed in his face, coughing as he searched for refuge some place else, Yugi pulling him along.

"I told you there was a storm coming!" Yugi yelled, sticking his tongue out.

"You win, you goddamn brat!" Yami yelled, helping Seto push the door shut as it fought to get open by the hard winds. "You," He pointed at Jou. "Tie that rope around everybody's waist, immediately, the doors not going to last any longer." He yelled, his voice straining to be heard past the howling wind.

Jou worked quickly, his fingers straining to double knot the rope, going around everybody's waist, his at the end. Yami let out a loud scream as the door slammed open, flying away into the storm like tsunami.

"When the hell did this blow in!?" Seto yelled, pulling everybody into the back corner.

"Most likely over night." Yami yelled, pulling Ryou and Yugi into his chest, Seto pulling his pup and Malik near him as the things in the room started to glide everywhere.


Marik hissed, looking over the ruined floorboards, Yami pulled out rocks from the walls, smiling with glee.

"Yet another rage we've survived." Bakuru chuckled, staring at the crying Seto, who was holding a picture to his chest.

"Its all wet…" He looked at the smeared drawings on it. "The only gift I have from Mokuba, the only knowledge that he is still alive, and it doesn't exist any more!" Seto groaned, rubbing the paper.

Jou walked over, sitting next to Seto. "W..who's Mokuba?"

"My brother. It was during the Han Dynasty[2] that he was hit by that epidemic, not sure what, but it took him from me, while he was in northern China. I was shocked, out of the whole town, it hit him, an innocent boy[3]." Seto sat back, whipping tears from his eyes, tossing a crab at Bakuru's smiling face. "It's not funny, you heartless asshole."

Jou pulled Seto into an embrace. "I'm sorry `bout your loss." He whispered.

"It is okay." Seto kissed Jou's cheek.

Yugi leaned back against the wall, watching the two go into a make out session, Malik was following Marik around, asking several questions, trying to get some action, but was helping clean up along the way.

Ryou had fallen asleep in Yugi's arms, his mouth forming words, but nothing came out, Yugi just back, pushing hair out of the boys face. Yami gave up walking around and sat next to Yugi, giving Ryou to Bakuru to go and take to the hayloft beds. Yugi turned to Yami, his eyes sinking with anger.

"Hey, I helped save your life, toad boy. Where is the sign of appreciation?" Yami smiled.

Yugi growled at him, his head sat up as he stood and walked to Seto, giving a polite bow. "I thank you, Seto-san, you have been of much help in my companions time of needs."

Seto smiled. "You are welcome, Yugi." Yugi nodded, and walked back to sit down.

Yami growled, "what about me!?" He looked into Yugi's eyes.

"Who are you?" The prince asked innocently. Yami grabbed his own bangs, getting ready to pull them out.

Seto broke out laughing, pulling Jou closer to him, Marik pointing, a grin marked over his face.

"Gee, Yami, for somebody who can get anybody he wants, you sure have trouble with this little boy." Seto chuckled.

"I don't see Bakuru having any better luck." Yami pointed out.

Marik smiled, silencing them all as he turned to open the door to the horses, there, on a loft, was Bakuru kissing Ryou, the small albino boy's hand trailing the inside of Bakuru's tunic.

"Look at that Yami, you are behind in the long run." Marik laughed, walking away. Jou stood in shock as Ryou backed off, eyes widening as he faced his friends. Malik gasped, turning around to talk to Yugi whose eyes had shut, his face blanker than normal.


Yugi turned his body that night. They had made it back to the land, and had made it back to the thief's home, a large cottage that was falling apart, in one piece. He had been forced to share a room with the ass Yami, he had to admit, the look alike was a damn pest, but had his kindness, if any was still there.

Yet he felt jealousy every time he saw his friends. They all had something, yet his mouth was soiled. He wanted his first kiss to be perfect, not with an idiot.

"Are you asleep yet?" Yami walked into the room, tossing the string to his trousers on the floor, pushing his tunic in a pile.

"How could I sleep?" Yugi whispered back, hearing moans from the room next to the room, Yami began to bang on the wall.

"Marik, you shut up, or I'll come in there and chop off your little friend, and I ain't talking about Malik!"

Yugi looked up at Yami. "How do you know all our names?"

"We've over heard you talking so much." Yami explained, taking a seat next to the prince. "It is nice to know you are talking to me."

"I am bored." Yugi explained. "I was bored then and I am bored now," he whispered.


"None of your business." Yugi whispered, pushing himself up. "H…have you seen what the princess of Hiroshima looks like?"

"Oh, um." Yami took a second realizing that must be his fiancée, looking back at Yugi he said, "Yeah, she has lovely brown hair, and blue eyes, clear face, but that is all I remember about her."

"Oh…" Yugi sighed. "I-I guess I should apologize about being such an ass." He whispered.

"That would be nice." Yami chuckled, touching Yugi's hands, when the boy hissed around the wrist.

"On second thought, I see no point to." Yugi growled, laying on his side and falling asleep again.

Yami sighed, lying down next to Yugi, but the little boy pushed away. Yami knew how welcome the boy was going to make him feel.


[1] = Lost Continent, in this time would be notified as America.

[2] = Hard to explain, it lied in the middle of China in 221 B.C. Around the nations Chi, Chao, Lu, Chu, and Chin.

[3] = A disease that hit China in 226 B.C. It hit every 3 out of 10 people, that was why Bakuru was probably laughing, who knows, I just find Bakuru a cold hearted person.

Araki: Thank you for reading another chp. I hope this wasn't to complicated to understand if it was, please be respectful and e-mail me at shiroma_tribal@yahoo.com

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