Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Abnormal Lemons ❯ Rai-Chan ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ok I would like a
Marik/Ryou bondage/rape fic.
Angst nature.
just dedicate it to Rai-Chan
oh and use the M.Rod to hurt Ryou is some way.

Dedicated to: Rai-Chan (I hope you like it! ENJOY!)

Pairing- Marik/Ryou (Angst/Drama) implied Malik/Bakura

Summary: Ryou is used and abused by Marik constantly will Ryou finally get fed up with all the abuse or will he suffer for all eternity in silence hiding his emotions from everybody even those who care the most about him?

What did I do wrong? Ryou asked the darkness that completely surrounded him as crystal tears cascaded down his pale flawless features…at least that's how his face appeared. He felt the Millennium Rod blade rake across his inner thigh making a small but noticeable gash upon his leg. But Ryou didn't care he was bleeding already, it only added to his pain…like the roped that were tied to his wrists so tightly that the slightest movement made them eat into his skin, or the cigarette burns upon his chest after a night of unwanted sex, and the many unwanted scars upon his body from the rod. Marik delighted so much in Ryou's pain it became a regular hobby of his, Bakura didn't care much for his weak and pathetic Hikari so he thought nothing of it…if only he knew. Nevertheless, Ryou would never admit such a weakness toward the one person he did now and then show compassion toward him, as long as no one else was around. All his so-called friends had abandoned him, slowly pushing him away until he was no longer even someone to acknowledge. Everyone seemed to treat him like the plague or some kind of infectious disease; his own father even left him all alone. He let out a pained sob as he felt the blade once again rake over his skin and a low chuckle come from Marik's lips.
"I figured you would be used to it by now…" Marik said running a hand down Ryou's wet cheek. "You know I don't like it when you cry." He growled.

Ryou knew he didn't like it but how could he stop them? On the other hand, hide them for that matter, they came through closed eyes and soaked the blindfolds he would occasionally put over Ryou's eyes. A lot of the time Marik would make Ryou watch while he tortured the poor boy until he submitted himself completely which he eventually always did. But he was never allowed to just lay quietly while Marik had his way, oh no not ever was he allowed such a blessing, he had to participate in these horrible acts. He was normally bound hand and foot but occasionally he was let loose although that only made matters worse for them both cause he couldn't stop himself from trying to make Marik stop, but he was told not to cry to at least pretend that he was in pleasure when he was in pure agony. He once begged Marik not to touch him, to just leave him alone…so instead of Marik touching him he made Ryou pleasure himself, and afterward he was punished severely by Marik for such defiant behavior. He hated Marik down to his very core. He didn't care, he didn't care at all, he would use and abuse Ryou at his leisure then throw him aside without any remorse. Ryou would come home afterward and cry himself to sleep every night, Bakura asked 'why' but again Ryou wouldn't admit anything to him he was to ashamed.

He closed his eyes tightly trying to stop his tears and succeed in slowing them down a little at least, Marik hated seeing him cry unless he was told to but he couldn't help himself all he wanted was for all this to stop he didn't care how but it needed to stop as soon as it could without Ryou having to hurt himself. He had done it before he would initially fall down the stairs just to spend a few nights in the hospital or provoke a bully at school so Bakura wouldn't let him go anywhere. He hated doing such things because soon enough Marik caught on and he would end up with scars even when they weren't his fault Marik still 'punished' him for not being around.

Ryou screamed when he felt Marik push himself fully inside without lubrication or preparation. He did this when Ryou wouldn't stop crying, not that it helped it only made him cry harder but Marik figured he would give Ryou something to cry about since he was going to cry anyway. He wrapped his hand around Ryou's length pumping him slowly until he created a comfortable rhythm with his thrust not caring to be gentle as he felt Ryou's small body tear from his size. Ryou kept wriggling underneath Marik, trying to get away, unwittingly making more sensations that were creating greater pleasure for Marik. Marik started pounding and stroking faster.

" You want me don't you!!" He screamed at the terror filled boy beneath him.

At that moment, Ryou felt Marik release himself inside of him. Thank God, he thought, it's over as he collapsed face down one the couch, shivering, with Marik panting on top of him. Marik got off Ryou as he untied Ryou's hands looking and admiring the scars that marred his wrists.
"P-please…can I go home now?" Ryou asked refusing to make eye contact with his torturer.

"No, were not finished yet." Marik whispered softly in Ryou's ear as he rested his head against Ryou's alabaster chest and kissed him softly.

"Bakura…he's getting suspicious, I need to go." Ryou said trying his best to pull away despite the pain but Marik simply pinned him down again.

"If he suspects anything it would be your fault." Marik growled. "Your supposed to be covering all this up, are you getting lazy?" Marik asked anger in his voice.

"N-no, I'm just gone so much from home and I can't tell him where I'm going and he…he worries." Ryou said softly.

Marik snorted at this. "You?" He sneered, "Why would anyone give a damn about you?" He taunted.

"…I-I don't know but still, I'm running out of excuses to tell him." Ryou said.

"Why not try the truth? You know how much you love all this." Marik mocked.

"…I can't…" Ryou mumbled as he felt Marik's hand run over the scar upon his thigh.

"I want you too meet me again tonight…sneak out if you have to but I want to see you understand?" Marik said getting up of Ryou.

Ryou nodded yes "Wakarimasu." He said grabbing his clothes and running out the door once, he put them on.

Ryou's clothes were not the normal sweater jean combination he once wore. His clothes were much looser now and baggy. They helped hide the scars more and no one questioned it thankfully…except Bakura. He had started to wear long sleeves as well because of Marik using his damn rod on him recently. He had an obsession with blood much the same equivalent with Bakura…but Marik's was worse he loved it's taste it's smell and covering Ryou in it. He never cut him too deep but it still hurt like fire whenever he did…the main reason he wore baggy clothes, no one really cared or noticed him any way.

He walked inside his house without a sound as he walked up the stairs, the only noise the creaking of the floorboards as he drudged upstairs falling on his bed exhausted. He noticed Bakura sitting at his desk as he gave him a questioning look.
"Your home late again…" Bakura said leaning back in his chair. "And your grades are dropping even further at school Ryou…you need to pay more attention or your going to start failing." Bakura said.

"I'll try harder next time." Ryou said emotionless.

"Don't blow me off like that Ryou, you know I could give a shit about your grades but I'm worried about you as a person." Bakura said, "You used to care, about how you looked and what you did but now you don't seem to care about anything!" Bakura yelled, "What the hell is wrong? Why won't you tell me or at least give me a hint?" Bakura asked sitting next to his Hikari on the bed. "Don't tell me it's nothing cause I'm smarter than that." Bakura added.

"But it is nothing, nothing of importance at least…why are you even wasting your time on me? Since when did you ever give a damn?" Ryou said walking into the bathroom.

Bakura was a little taken a back when Ryou did this because he never used that type of language before. He knocked on the bathroom door.

"Ryou?" Bakura said softly. "Why are you shutting me out like this?" Bakura asked Ryou never leaving him completely in the dark before.

"Go away." Ryou said softly still no emotion.

"…Fine." Bakura said heading downstairs.

Ryou sighed climbing out the bathroom window, down the drainpipe, through the alleyway, and soon he was back at Marik's front door step.

Marik smiled at him cruelly. "That was awfully fast." He said with a smirk pulling Ryou inside and shutting the door behind him. "I knew you enjoyed our time together." Marik said leaning close to Ryou.

"Your wrong…I hate it." Ryou said moving away form him. "I came to tell you that I won't lie anymore I simply can't cover this up anymore…and I don't want to." Ryou said shaking his head.

"If you tell anyone I will kill them." Marik said lowing his voice.

"At least their troubles will be over then…" Ryou said looking up at Marik.

"Then what about yourself? Would you like to die then?" Marik said noticing his cruelty wasn't scaring the pale Hikari in the least.

Ryou paused for a moment then smiled to himself. "I bet the pain would be unbearable…but the end reward would be worth it all." Ryou said, "Marik I'm already dead if you haven't noticed." Ryou said sighing deeply.

"So you wish to die." Marik asked in disbelieve.

"No…" Ryou said looking at him. "I simply can do nothing to keep myself alive…one of these night's your going to end up killing me accidentally or intentionally I don't know yet." Ryou said sliding to the floor.

"Well it look's like you've laid everything before me at least…why not just kill yourself?" Marik asked actually curious.

"Don't you think I've tried? I cannot do it…it would kill Bakura too, I will not murder him. You can if you want because there is nothing I can do about it anyway." Ryou said.

Marik's hands circled around Ryou's neck. He then clasped his hands tightly around Ryou's neck cutting off his air supply then used one hand to suspend him off the ground.

"Such a delicate neck…I only need one hand." He said as he dropped Ryou to the ground who coughed holding his neck.

"You think I care if you die? I only care about your body little Ryou, and what pleasures it can provide me…your soul and heart I could care less about…" Marik grabbed Ryou's hair throwing him on the kitchen table.

"I know that, this isn't some crazy reverse psychology or something." Ryou gasped "I came to tell you that I won't lie anymore if I leave here alive I'll reveal everything." Ryou said wheezing slightly.

"It would be in your best interest just to keep your mouth closed…I can kill you in ways you couldn't even imagine." Marik breathed as he advanced on the youth bounding his hands together and strapping them to a leg on the table.

"I've come to grips with your capabilities long ago Marik, I don't care might as well feel something before I die." Ryou said a choked sob escaping his lips.

The pain didn't really hurt Ryou that badly anymore that's why he wasn't afraid of what and how Marik would hurt him. Once Ryou got used to the pain Marik would take it up a notch and so on and so forth.

"Very well…you want to feel? I'll make you scream in pure agony." Marik said as he took out his rod removing the blade as he began to cut Ryou's clothing from his body. It was almost like a ritual now he would come over, Marik would tie him up then cut his clothing from his body and proceed to rape him each time more horrible than the last. But at least he was used to it by now, not that it made anything easier on him…it still hurt and the fact that tonight would probably be his last was still unnerved him regardless if it was what he wanted. Tonight held all new dangers and all new 'toys' as Marik called them. What Marik did to him would be a masochists dream…although Marik wouldn't be pleased too much if Ryou liked what happened to him, he wanted his partner in pain not pleasure most would think a sadist and a masochists would be perfect which is not the case. The sadist doesn't want the other to scream in pleasure but pain…that's why Marik like's Ryou so much he would scream upon command.

"It's a shame that I'm going to loose such an obedient pet…your were always so good at following order's." Marik said as he flipped Ryou on his stomach running his hands down Ryou's back allowing his blade to cut into Ryou's skin.

Ryou cringed unable to stop his normal reflex action as the blade came across his back again, and again, and again, repeatedly and deeper with every new cut making it look like he was beaten furiously with a whip. He felt light headed but Marik knew all to well how much blood loss Ryou could stand until he passed out, besides the night was still young and Marik was just getting started with Ryou.

It hurt so much but he refused to beg Marik to stop he wouldn't ever beg Marik again but he couldn't contain his screams or tears and although it only fueled his fire he still hated to see Ryou cry.

"I'm so sick of your tears!" He bellowed driving the rod through Ryou's wrist as he screamed in pain as blood flowed out of the wound freely.

"You think that hurt? I've done worse tonight than ever before…" He said looking over Ryou's bruised and broken body.

He kissed him softly although Ryou didn't really respond. And simply turned his head away form the fiend as he let tears roll down his pale cheeks. Marik bit down upon Ryou's exposed neck drawing blood as he lapped hungrily at the wound with his tongue. He forced Ryou into another kiss driving his tongue past his lips and shoving himself inside Ryou's already broken body abusing him further. Ryou gave a struggled cry into Marik's mouth as he clenched his teeth hard trying to block out the violation as Marik's swiftly picked up his pace upon Ryou. Marik focused on his own pleasure. It did feel wonderful, Ryou's body he was so frail and beautiful and it only heightened his sense of ecstasy as he pounded into the small boy. He soon reached his climax releasing into the small boy beneath him and collapsing on top of him breathing heavily. Ryou tried to move, but gasped and winced at the flood of pain that surged through his small form. He sniffled and pulled weakly at the restraints on his wrists.

"You'll only hurt yourself more if you move." Marik said removing his restraints knowing that he wasn't going anywhere, and if he tried, he wouldn't get far. He smiled at Ryou as he saw the crystal tears flow down his features. "You should be happy Ryou…" Marik said taking a fistful of Ryou's hair and pressing the blade close to Ryou's neck. "I'm going to give you what you want." He said grinning at Ryou like a Cheshire cat.

He waited for a moment looking at Ryou halfway hoping that the boy would beg for his life but he never did as he starred straight into Marik's eyes waiting for oblivion to take him. Marik smiled at him dropping him to the floor.

"I have a better idea than killing you…your going to kill yourself." He said pointing the rod at Ryou his eye's going blank as he put his clothes back on despite his bruised and battered body he lifted himself from the floor as Marik intently watched as Ryou went home showered and put his pajamas on for the night. Taking Bakura's knife from the closet and pressing it against his wrists slicing them open slowly as tears fell from Ryou's eye's. Marik released his control on his body as Ryou was finished opening the vein on his other wrist. Ryou cried helplessly as he felt cold all the sudden. He laid down on the floor tears flowing out of his eyes as the blood began to pool around him, he didn't want to leave this way he didn't want to die by his own hands and no one would know the truth…he sighed taking a shallow breath thinking 'maybe it's for the best' he thought solemnly as he closed his eyes wanting just to rest, he was so tired and he just wanted to sleep. Ryou took one last shallow breath before he exhaled and this time did not take another breath and he slipped away form his previous world into another without pain and suffering, where sickness, pain, and death could never touch him again.

I know it ended up a character death fic, and I'm sorry these fic's are taking so long if it's any consolation I've started all the fic's I just haven't finished them, I'll try to update more often!


P.S. This story is still on hold I just was so close to finishing this one I went ahead ad did.