Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Abnormal Lemons ❯ Mimiru ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Okay lets see here,how about a Ryou and Yami fic.I haven't read one of those for a really long time.If not I wuld say a Yami and Duke fic.I really like Duke but he wasn't mentioned in the chapter so I don't know if you would type about him.You can place it in Egypt way back who knows how long ago.Well that's all my crappy imagination could come up with at the rnmomnet,so..update soon.Later!rnrnMimiru

Dedicated to: Mimiru (I hope you like it! ENJOY!)

Pairing- Ryou/Yami (Drama/Romance)

Summary: Ryou's mother was murdered by palace guards when they were looking for Ryou his life went downhill from then on, his father giving him to a slave trader as Ryou is passed down until he is in the pharaohs grasp. Ryou feels lonely and depressed now; will he ever find where he belongs?

Ryou's P.O.V.

I wish I could just die, I've been in the same room for months now not even able to see sunlight and I barely get food and water…I'm only fourteen years old and already my life is not worth living. I have always wondered where I belonged, if I was meant to be with my parents why was here now? How did I end up here? All I know is my dad sold me to the first buyer he came up to…there was a time when he would give his life to keep me out of harm's reach but that all changed when my mother was raped and murdered…because of me. He couldn't stand my resemblance to her and that the palace guards were the ones after me. They were after me for some strange reason, and to this day I still don't know why they killed her, I wish she had just told them where I was hiding and that way her and father could be happy without me…but that's not what happened at all.

The first thing I remember is it being dark and cold, mother had wrapped me up in a blanket and was rocking me gently. I didn't understand why she was so sad though, at least not yet…I think she knew they were coming for me that's why she sent father away earlier so that only one of them would die I now think it was best if they had just both died, as horrible as that sounds. But she had hidden me underneath the floorboards of our home, she called it a game and that I was not to come up until father had come home. I had awoken to her screams, I ran to the trap door but remembered what she had told me…I realized now that she had said it so that they wouldn't find me…and they didn't but her screams of pain and desperation for them to stop still wake me in the middle of the night…or day considering I have lost track of time since I was brought here, wherever 'here' was. My father had come home only to find mom already dead, he began to frantically search for me and I came up to be greeted by his strong arms as he hurriedly carried me from the house so not to see mothers corpse. I knew she was dead, I wasn't stupid and I have never been I have been smart since birth as my mother and father complimented me on so many occasions. We buried here the next day and moved further out of town so we could start over, and live a new life…I liked my old life better, father began to drink and it only got worse he would do anything for money and liquor. He began to blame me for mothers death, saying that I should have given myself up that way he and mother could be happy…without a worthless child at their side they would be happy. He had one night mistaken me for my mother because he was so drunk, I look almost exactly like her you see, and it almost went as far as my own father raping me. Of course he stopped when he realized it was his son not his wife. Unfortunately he sold me the next day to who I assume to be a slave trader, he said it was for my own good…not a day goes by that I do not damn his soul to hell for being that arrogant, ignorant, bastard he is. The slave trader sold me to a man named Marik…I know I've heard his name somewhere before but I still cannot place his name.

But nevertheless that's how I ended up here. A cold, damp, dark, stone-like cell. I occasionally am given food or water but never both…we am terribly hungry right now too but I don't dare say a word, I'm to afraid to do so…I haven't spoken since my father gave me to that slave trader he told Marik that I was a mute…but I'm not I just have nothing to say. Not being able to speak and not speaking is not the same thing…it just makes the people around you more prone to talk, because if you are considered mute who are you tell their deepest darkest secrets? But that didn't matter my human contact had been reduced to nothing anyway…even if I wanted to talk who would I talk to? I curl up into a tiny ball and try to warm up my body by rubbing it but it didn't help much at all. I felt tears well in my eyes but I pushed them back I should be thankful, I haven't even been hurt really I'm just hungry and cold…I could be a lot worse off and I need to be as optimistic as possible, because I have nothing else in my life to look forward to…and I refuse to let a complete stranger ruin and rule my life. I had finally managed to exhaust myself to sleep but I was rudely awakened when I felt someone pull upon my hair and I then was drug into a well-lit room. I closed my eyes tightly for the light hurt them and I tried to open them again but my mind screamed 'no' because it hurt so much. I stayed on the floor where he left me I sensed another man in the room although I couldn't see I knew someone else was there.

"The trader said he was a mute…can you fix that?" one asked

"I'm a healer not a miracle worker." The other said obviously a little annoyed by the question.

"Yes, making scars disappear is not a miracle at all." One said sarcastically grabbing my arm and bringing me to my feet. "Do you understand me?" He asked

I nodded my head yes, but kept my eyes closed as tightly as I could.

"Open your eyes little one." He asked softly

I shook my head no furiously and tried to get away from his grasp.

"You've kept him in a dark room for about two months Marik, his eyes can't adjust to the light." The other said

"Then put out some lights Jou." Marik said

I swallowed as we stood in silence for a few moments as the one named Jou moved about the room and although my eyes were closed I could 'see' the room darkening as I cautiously opened one eye a crack and was happy to find myself not in pain from the light.

"Better?" Marik asked

I nodded my head but stayed silent they seemed to pity the fact that I was a mute…so I decided to play the part as one as long as I could. Marik let go of my arm and shoved me toward the one named Jou how looked me over skeptically but then smiled.

"He's the one the guards couldn't find all right…and we wont have to worry about him talking back." Jou said laughing slightly. "The pharaoh will be most pleased that you found him." He said

"The Pharaoh!" I screamed out loud before my hand found my mouth to shut myself up. Now I remembered where I had heard Marik before he was the pharaoh's royal advisor and Jou was the palace healer…they were going to give me to him?

Both men jumped when I screamed and I hid my face from both of them immediately I could almost feel their glares burning into my skull as Marik grabbed my hair.

"Why the hell didn't you say you could speak?!" Marik yelled releasing my hair and shoving me to the ground angrily…he seemed angrier that I had startled him than anything else though.

"I…" I fumbled with my words unable to come up with an answer.

"Well…at least the pharaoh can't say anything about him being crippled…he doesn't seem to like the ones who can't fight back." Jou said

"N-no! Onegai…don't give me to him." I managed through my tremors and fear

"As if you had a choice little one." Marik said proudly

"My name is Ryou!" I shot back glaring at him as good as I could.

"Nice to know, but slaves have no need for names…unless given one by their masters." Jou said to me as I glared at him as well.

"You are not my master!" I yelled

"Correct little one, we are not…you will be presented to out lord pharaoh and if he likes you he will be your master, if not you go down the chain of command in the palace. Hopefully you will not be in last place and end up with his majesties army, if you continue this rebellious behavior though you will most likely end up there." Marik said making me tremble.

I don't remember much after that all I remember is trying to say something then total darkness. I woke up with a throbbing headache. I tried to stand to find my hands and ankles bound and when I opened my eyes I realized I was blindfolded as well. I heard voices to my left and I decided to speak up.

"H-hello?" I said meekly

"Finally! Someone to talk to!" One said frantically

"We-weren't you just talking to someone?" I asked

"No…I was just keeping myself company, it's been real long since I've been able to talk to someone else!" He said excitedly

"Can you help me out of these restraints?" I asked

"I'm bound hand and foot too, why I don't know it's not like I'm going anywhere." He said lazily.

"You sound like you expect to be here." I said

"I do though…my names Malik and I've been a slave all my life, unused and trained for this specific purpose." He said almost proudly

"What purpose is that?" I asked

"To be a servant for the pharaoh…or whoever chooses me in the palace." He said softly

"You sound proud." I said disgusted at his behavior.

"You don't…you know what kind of honor it is to be chosen for such a thing?" He said

"I'm not a slave Malik, I don't care what kind of lowly honor you consider it to be but you are used to a life of total submission and I'm not." I said, "I hope I am given to his army and they kill me." I said sadly

"Damn…you really do have a death wish don't you?" Another voice said a softer gentler one.

"I guess I do." I said not caring what these other slaves thought of me…I wasn't like them.

"I understand, my names Yugi by the way, I used to be like you but they beat that kind of behavior out of me and I didn't care to take the scars again so I stayed…obedient as they put it." He said a bit somberly

"How did you end up here then?" Malik asked, "They usually don't take ones who have a history of disobedience." He said

"I'm unique, if you could see me you'd understand why they choose me." He said

"Then why you?" Malik said directing the question to me.

"I don't know, I've stayed silent the past two-three months, I guess they thought I would be obedient toward a master which I wont." I said strongly.

"You should just accept you life as it is." Yugi said to me

"I had a life before my mother was killed by palace guards though!" I yelled my voice cracking. "They were after me for some reason and they killed her when they couldn't find me…because she hid me from them and refused to tell them where I was hiding." I said as a few tears escaped my eyes.

"Well at least we know who the pharaoh is going to choose now." Malik said sighing deeply.

"W-what?" I asked curiously

"You say palace guards killed her right? Because they were looking for you right?" He said

"Y-yes." I answered

"The pharaoh had already chosen who he had wanted to be his personal slave before he has gone through the line, he must have seen you somewhere and he ordered you to be taken away from your family. Your mom probably knew about this so she hid you from the guards and they killed her for not giving you up." Malik said

"Although it was all in vain now." Yugi said

"But…why would he want me at first glance? I don't even know when or where he saw me." I said

"Well I'm just guessing really but it seems logical…a kid with no training or slave life experience being presented to the pharaoh to lead a life of service. He probably chose you because he simply liked what he saw. It doesn't matter really but that's what it sounds like…he choose you because he saw something in you he wanted." Malik said

"So I'm just supposed to do as he asks?" I said in disbelief

"If you wish to live a semi-normal life I would recommend it." Yugi said

I was about to answer when someone pulled me to my feet as drug me from that room.

I was drug around until I was thrown into another room that from my limited senses seemed rather comfortable mainly because I was thrown onto a carpeted floor. I felt the blindfold removed as I blinked and looked around to come face to face with the pharaoh himself. I stared for a moment but quickly tore my gaze away I may not be accustomed to a life of slavery but usually you are not to look superiors in the eye. I swallowed nervously as I looked around the floor as if it held the answer to the predicament I was in now.

Yami's P.O.V.

It was him, the boy I saw in the market one day with his mother…they looked exactly alike come to think of it. I simply looked at the guard and he left us shutting to the door behind him and leaving me alone with my new personal slave. I sent guards to his home to retrieve him originally, those incompetent guards couldn't find a damned thing; I should have sent Marik to get him that way his mother wouldn't have been killed. I shook my head at that thought I had what I wanted now and it didn't matter at what means I obtained him, I had him now and I always get what I want. I went to my knees because the boy kept his eyes toward the floor but I wanted to look into his eyes. I lifted his chin sharply so that our eyes met but he pulled away from my grasp and scurried away from me pressing himself against the door as if he would go through it. I smiled slightly at his child-like behavior I knew he was young but according to Marik he seemed very intelligent and brave. I stood up, hoping to intimidate him, which seemed to work as he trembled slightly. I don't intend to hurt him, but he doesn't know that so I plan to use his fear against him so I won't be taken advantage of.

"Stand up Ryou." I say commandingly

He stood but then looks at me curiously "How did you know my name?" He asks softly

"Marik…" I say simply as I looked into his beautiful chocolate eyes.

He flushed and turned his face away from me. I frowned but allowed it, he wasn't born into slavery so it was natural that he would resist me and not show me the proper respect but I didn't care really, as long as he wasn't hostile toward me I didn't mind much.

"You know why you're here?" I ask not sure if he understands completely

"Slavery." He said simply as his eyes searched the room quickly before resting back on the ground.

"More specifically a personal slave, mine to be exact." I said moving closer as he inched away sidestepping.

I placed a hand on his cheek, which seemed to render him immobile as I searched his face for any sign of rebellion and happily found none. However all I saw was fear in his face he was terrified of me and my very touch caused him to freeze…I couldn't tolerate such a thing, I didn't like my slaves being afraid of me and I most defiantly didn't like them freezing upon contact. I removed my hand as he stayed perfectly still. In a way felt drawn to him and it wasn't merely his beauty it was the astonishing innocence of his boyish face, he was probably a virgin and more than likely had no knowledge of what personal slaves were mainly used for. He was lucky I had chosen him; if Seto or Marik had him instead they would probably use him on sight. I sighed at his frightened behavior.

"You don't need to be so afraid of me…I don't intend to hurt you." I said moving closer to him as he backed up into the wall, obviously not believing my words. "Please." I said softly which seemed to calm him slightly as he relaxed slightly. "Why are you so afraid of me?" I asked curious on why he tried to keep as far away as possible from me.

"You said I was your personal slave, I'm not an idiot I know what personal slaves main purpose is to their masters." He said shrinking slightly. "I don't wan tot be used like that." He said meekly

I smiled "All right, then you wont…I won't touch you unless you let me." I said surprising myself slightly but I wanted him to trust me.

Ryou's P.O.V.

I looked at him wide-eyed; he was giving his slave the choice? I blinked slightly confused.

"You come off as some sort of a tyrant on the streets…are you sincere or just tricky?" I asked hoping not to anger him.

To my relief he laughed at my words shaking his head at my comment.

"My name is Yami for one and you are rather brave to say such a thing in your leaders face you know." He said tilting his head to the side. "And I am well aware of my reputation, but most of it is lies, I can be nice given the chance…will you allow me to prove it?" he asked

I felt the heat rising in my cheeks as I looked into his crimson eyes and I quickly looked away allowing my white hair to fall in my face hoping to cover up my blush that I didn't even know why I had.

"What do you propose?" I asked softly

He smiled at me and tucked my hair behind my ear so he could see my face.

"First let's clean you up, and dress you properly…your living in the palace now, peasant clothes will simply not do." He said taking my hand softly as he lead me to a large bathing chamber.

He left me alone to bath thankfully as I removed my clothing and sat down in the warm water, he came back carrying new clothes for me to wear as he disposed of my old ones. He motioned for me to come closer to him as I did so, I didn't now why I believed him when he said he wouldn't touch me without permission but I did, he seemed kind enough so I didn't mind when he gently washed and brushed my hair of tangles, leaving the rest to me. I couldn't help but blush at his gentle touches and I was so pale even the most timid blush seemed like crimson red upon my cheeks never a pale pink always red.

"Do you blush easily?" He asked softly as he wrapped a towel around me a lifted me from the water.

"No…not really." I replied as he began to dry my hair and took my new clothes in hand as he lead me to the bedroom.

He wrapped a large white cloth around my waist that was slit up to my hip on both sides leaving my legs almost completely exposed and wrapped a black cloth around waist as a belt and then tying it on the side. He also fitted me in a white vest outlined in black thread that was slit on the sides as well but were laced up. He smiled at me obviously pleased.

"You shine up quite nicely." He said lifting my chin "Which reminds me." He said going toward what I assumed to be his dresser.

He motioned for me to come toward him again, which I did. He clasped something about my neck as I pulled away from him running my fingers over it.

"What is this?" I asked trying to take it off but found it wouldn't budge.

"Protection, don't be alarmed and it wont come off without a key." He said removing my hands from it gently. "It's a necessity Ryou, I don't like you wearing it anymore than you do but unless you want to be confined to my chambers always you have to wear it." He said gently.

"Well then why lock it?" I asked "I would wear it outside of your chamber." I said

"I don't want to risk you forgetting it, some of my men are not very moral people and you would be someone they would easily want and take at their leisure." He sighed, "It shows them you belong to me and that way they wont touch you…I don't want you to get raped Ryou, I'm sure you don't want it either." He said softly

I nodded my head silently as I looked at my clothes "Maybe if I wore something less…revealing they wouldn't want me." I said softly

"I wanted you when you were in a cloak, I'm sure they would too." He said ruffling my hair. "Besides, you look very nice in those robes." He said winking at me

"If that's a compliment thanks I guess." I said a little unnerved.

"Don't worry Ryou, they wouldn't dare touch you without my consent." He said kissing my cheek softly and I pulled away slowly. "To much?" He asked

"Sorry…I just, I'm not used to that kind of affection is all…not by someone other than my parents that is." I said trying to hide my blush

"You shouldn't hide such a pretty face though." Yami said gently cupping my face in his hands and smiling at me gently.

I wasn't able to look away form him when he looked into my eyes. His eyes were crimson and it contrasted with the gold bangs that fell in his face as he tilted his head smiling at me softly and his eyes blazing like an untamed fire. My blush became worse as I diverted my gaze from his eye's feeling his lips against my hot skin. If I tried to pull away, it didn't work because I soon found myself wrapped in his strong embrace his lips pressed firmly against my own. I shouldn't like this, I shouldn't want this to happen to me…but I do. He probably is just going to throw me aside once he is finished but for some reason I'm not allowing myself to be concerned with that right now, I want him to touch me I haven't been loved in so long I'm starving for it I guess. He pulled away from me standing up and smiling at me.

"So it's all right to kiss you I guess." He said as I turned my face away covering my mouth. "Have you never been kissed?" He asked

"No, I have…just not like that." I admitted softly as he pulled me toward him once again nuzzling my neck as he kissed my collarbone and up my neck to my mouth once again.

I was not as shocked this time when he kissed me and I relaxed into his embrace letting his hands slip underneath my shirt sending shivers up my spine. He pulled me closer until our bodies were flush against one another as his tongue invaded my mouth intertwining with mine. He tasted like spices hot and enticing as I soon became lost in all the wonderful feelings.

Yami's P.O.V

He was so soft as I let my hands run down his back over his stomach and chest wanting to feel every inch of him. I slipped my tongue inside his mouth happy that he didn't pull away so I could taste him. He was perfect, sweet and soft, just what I wanted him to be from the first time I saw him. I didn't plan on using him on sight but until he stops me I plan to continue, I don't want to stop and he doesn't seem to mind at all, he would resist if he didn't like what I was doing. I started to regret putting clothes on him as I began to untie the sides of his shirt easily tossing it aside without having to break our heated kiss. He shivered slightly underneath me; I doubted he was cold though considering how hot it actually was. I reluctantly pulled away from his mouth and began kissing down his neck and chest stopping only to draw one of his nipples into my mouth sucking upon it gently nipping at it playfully causing him to gasp in pleasure as I did the same to his other, alternating between the two until he whimpered slightly making me stop and smile at him. His face was flushed as his chest heaved up and down as if he couldn't catch his breath his lips parted slightly in a shy smile as I kissed him very softly and grinded my hips against his making him buck into me. He slipped his small arms around my neck pulling me closer to him. I remembered suddenly how young he was and small compared to myself, I would have to be gentle with him otherwise I would hurt him and I didn't want to do that. I pulled away the black sash and slipped his skirt off rendering him completely nude although, of course, I didn't mind. He tugged at my shirt as I removed it without hesitation pressing my body against his, our body heat levels increasing with each passing second. He smiled as I kissed down Ryou's torso and stomach as I drew Ryou's member into my mouth, he gasped loudly at this as I continued moving slow upon his length. He began to thrust upward as I quickened my pace, I could hear his breaths coming in short gasps as he moaned only exciting me more as I sucked harder and faster upon him. I slipped a finger inside his passage making him arch at the sudden sensation and his muscles constrict around my finger as I slowly moved it in and out of Ryou. He was wonderfully tight as I felt his muscles begin to relax and I added a second and a third stretching him and being careful not to hurt him. I pulled away from his length, and he wined slightly at this but I didn't want this to be over so soon. I flipped him on his stomach as I removed the rest of my clothing. I kissed him softly on the cheek as I slowly entered him. I gasped as I felt Ryou's muscles hugging my length.

"You feel so good." I told Ryou, licking my dry lips as I moved just a little farther into Ryou.

He gripped the sheets tightly and I could feel him tensing at the unfamiliar intrusion.

Ryou's P.O.V.

I tensed when I felt him inside me. It hurt, it everything else felt so good but this was an indescribable pain now, and I wasn't enjoying myself. I tried to squirm away form him but he stopped me hugging me to him softly.

"I know it hurts…relax koi." He said softly

"It hurts though…does it always hurt?" I asked through clenched teeth

"The first time…just relax and I'll go slowly." He said softly as I laid back down on the bed grasping the sheets as he pushed himself further inside me.

I closed my eyes tightly as I felt myself adjusting to his size little by little, he would hold his position every time he moved further inside me, which I was thankful for. I could hear his heavy breathing and I could feel his grip around my hips tightened with every inch further he went into me. I gasped slightly when I felt him completely inside me as he began to lavish kisses upon my neck turning my face so our lips would meet as he began to pull out of me. I whimpered slightly…it stung slightly but I didn't motion to stop him and I did my best to keep my body relaxed. I pulled away from the kiss as he began to once again push himself back inside me this time faster not stopping until he was fully inside me. He repeated this motion, every time pulling further out then pushing back in until he was practically pulling himself completely out then pushing himself back inside me. I gasped and moaned unable to stop myself from doing so. I felt his hands slip underneath my chest as he began to pinch and twist my nipples between his fingers. I whimpered at this although not in pain. He pulled completely out of me and placed me on my hands and knees as he positioned himself behind me.

Yami's P.O.V.

I didn't hesitate to plunge myself into his heat as I gave a struggled moan when I did so. He gasped giving soft moans and whimpers as I softly pulled his hair and pinched his faintly pink nipples causing them to turn red. He was being very good for a first timer as I took hold of his hips and began to move in and out of him not pausing at all. It obviously hurt him a little but he didn't stop me as my movements became faster and faster. I felt myself loosing control as I began to relentlessly slam into him over and over not holding back one bit. I quickly pulled out of him flipping him on his back and slamming myself back inside him.

"Yami!" He screamed loudly as I kissed him roughly

When my name erupted from his lips it was enough to drive me insane, my name coming from his soft lips with such passion was one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard in my entire existence. I lifted my head to look upon his beautiful face as I continued to thrust myself inside him. I brushed his hair out of his face as I looked upon his pale alabaster skin and beautiful white hair, his forehead was beaded with sweat as his breath came in short gasps as he wrapped his arms around me bringing me close to his body. I could feel his hardness against my abdomen as I forced him to lie back as I took his length into my hand and began to stroke him as the same rhythm as my thrusts. He arched his back gasping loudly as he wrapped his legs around my waist making it easier for me to pound into the small boy beneath me. Ryou soon climaxed as I clenched my teeth at the sudden tightening of Ryou's muscles around my length.

Ryou's P.O.V.

His hand moved swiftly upon me as I screamed reaching my release. He grabbed my wrists slamming them down as he brought me into a bruising kiss slamming into me harder and faster than before. He moaned loudly into my mouth as I felt the tremors that ran through his body as he pulled away from the kiss, both of us out of breath our foreheads pressed against one another. His face was slightly flushed as he gazed down upon me as if I was a rare jewel or priceless art. He kissed me softly and pulled out of me as I tensed whining slightly. I felt strange…empty almost although I soon relaxed as he drew me into his arms nuzzling my neck and kissing my cheek. I laid in his arms breathless and worn out although he seemed to still be energetic.

"You were wonderful…" He whispered softly in my ear

"Did I do something extraordinary?" I asked softly unsure why he was so pleased with me.

"You're extraordinary just being who you are…you were perfect, absolutely astonishing." He said kissing me softly as he drew the covers up around us.

I smiled to myself feeling myself drift off slightly as I snapped awake. "So you will not throw me away?" I asked

He seemed shocked when I asked this "Of course not, why would I do such a thing?" He asked softly.

"I don't know, maybe I wasn't good enough." I said softly

"You were perfect Ryou, besides I still have much to learn about you…go to sleep little one, and when you wake up I'll be waiting for you and so will the world." He kissed my eyes as I soon drifted off into a web of radiant dreams. No pain, no sadness, no suffering, only love in his arms is what awaited me as I smiled in my sleep finally knowing where I belonged.

I know this story was pretty long compared to the others (the lengths will differ between each story) and I left the ending open so you can decide what happens from then on or if I'm bored one day I can write a sequel to it (no promises though). I hope you all liked it too; I spent a lot of time on this one so no flames please I am a little unconfident since this story got a very nasty review. Anyway, I hope you all liked it especially you Mimiru this one's for you!