Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Alternate Kingdom ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Alternate Kingdom

Disclaimer: Let me see, hum, has anything changed here? Nope, I still don't own Yu-gi-oh!

Ok I'm back again. Anyone still out there? <WeirdtheNorn pauses to stare around empty room> Sigh. Ok I know I was gone forever but I'm back now with a new chapter. So if I can lure anyone back in hopefully you'll forgive me. And if all else fails I can steal some of Yugi's sweets stash as bribes. Anyway thank you Kage Onna, LinkGirl, Alaskantiger, and Yamiko: Dartz's Girl for the reviews. The story is finally going to get more exciting soon- of course in my mind that means meeting more characters- although action is inevitable with that gang as well.

WeirdtheNorn <gazes longingly at Yugi while hugging laptop> I'm back. I'm finally back.

Marik <snorts> You were gone?

WeirdtheNorn <throws laptop at Marik, reaches for Yugi>

Yami <glares at author> Mine- no touching!

Yugi <rolls eyes> Yami stop that!

Marik <wakes up for a moment> I wanna hug the Yugi.

WeirdtheNorn <throws battery pack at Marik> Fine! No one will hug Yugi. Now onto our next bit of business.

Yami <slightly suspicious> What?

WeirdtheNorn <pulls out a stack of videotapes> I put up security cameras while I was gone and I just have to say- you guys scare me.

Yugi <odd glint in his eyes> Thank you.

WeirdtheNorn <backs slowly away from Yugi> Ok well moving on, that leads to the best part.

Yami <now bored- contemplating hitting Marik> What now?

WeirdtheNorn <smiles as large envelope appears in hand> Picture time! Everyone gets to see pictures of my trip! Guys? <looks around at empty room> Sigh. Oh well I know where they live- they can't hide from me. Ok here's the next chapter- enjoy reading and tell me what you think afterwards.

Chapter 3

'My uncle is a murder.' The mantra repeated over and over again in Yugi's mind. No matter how many times he thought of it, the idea was too incredible to comprehend. Maximillion Pegasus was by no means a cold-hearted man. He had taken in Yugi after both his parents and his grandfather had died, even while he was in the middle of mourning for his deceased wife Cecelia. He had taught the boy how to play duel monsters and helped him pick out a deck which was identical to his grandpa's. Solomon Motou had been lost at sea when a small plane he was flying in crashed into the waters. His body had never been found, his duel deck lost with him. Pegasus had built a memorial to the man, who he declared a mentor and placed next to Cecelia's grave. The two of them went together to mourn and remember and bring flowers.

"It's important to think often about our loved ones who have recently past away Yugi-boy. If we keep them always in our minds it might even seem like we can see them." Pegasus had told him that once with a faint smile on his lips, his eye seeming to gaze at something the small boy just couldn't. He had seemed so happy at that moment. Definitely not a cold-blooded killer. Mokuba must be wrong. It was the only conclusion that Yugi could come to. He may have seemed nice and friendly enough but he could have been lying. The thought of his new friend actually deceiving him upset the small duelist more than he could say. Someone was lying to Yugi Motou-Pegasus and he was not going to let that continue anymore.


Breakfast at the Pegasus mansion was always a weird cross between casual and formal. Uncle Max refused to wear anything less than one of his awful suits to the table and he could not allow eating anywhere but the formal dining room complete with chandeliers and table that could seat thirty. On the other hand, Pegasus had never ordered him to change his clothes, no matter what horrible outfits he might have worn. Yugi assumed that had something to do with his own terrible salmon colored suits. The meal was always a quiet affair and somewhat uncomfortable with a mostly empty table and two men too absorbed in thinking to say anything. Today Yugi decided to throw off tradition.

Pegasus was already sitting at the table when Yugi joined him; his uncle frowned at his choice of clothing but continues to sip at his first glass of wine for the day as he read over the newest edition of Funny Bunny. Yugi scowled at his uncle's choice of beverage- one of these days he would get him to stop drinking, all that wine couldn't be healthy for him. As the guard for the day placed his breakfast in front of him Yugi decided to put his plan into action.

"Uncle Max," Yugi asked in a soft tone he only used to beg for things, "Why did you decide to have a tournament here now? Is there anything special about this tournament?"

Uncle Max looked up from his comic book and took a sip of wine, staring at his nephew for a long time before shaking his head. "I'm simply trying to encourage youths to take up dueling Yugi-boy. If anything this tournament is because of you." Pegasus declared with a smile.

"Me?" Yugi repeated in surprise. The white-haired billionaire grinned.

"Of course Yugi. It's about time you met some kids your own age. Besides I'm eager to show off your dueling skills to some associates." Pegasus explained.

"But I thought you said I couldn't enter the tournament." Yugi said, confused.

"Oh of course not Yugi-boy. I have something special in mind." Pegasus said darkly. Then he brightened, "Your grandfather's puzzle. You finished it." Yugi glanced down to the golden pyramid hanging around his neck.

"Oh yeah- isn't it great? Grandpa always picked the best puzzles." Pegasus seemed to look at the puzzle with an almost hungry look as he declared "Just wonderful Yugi-boy. You will let me look at it sometime soon, right?" Yugi felt a cold breeze shoot down his back but shrugged it off and nodded. Pegasus was edging around the truth and Yugi was not going to let Mokuba suffer the consequences. He would find Joey Wheeler and then see what happened.


Uncle Max was busy the rest of the morning preparing for the duelists. Yugi deliberately stayed out of his way to avoid having to answer scary questions like does my tie go with my suit or is my hair alright? 'Let Kemo handle that.' Yugi thought with a grin. The one thing he hadn't been prepared for was the crowd. Yugi couldn't remember life with his parents or grandpa and Mokuba was the only boy he had ever met. The shock of seeing all those teens put Yugi straight into shy-mode. He wanted nothing more than to hide back in his room until everyone was gone but he couldn't do that to Mokuba. 'I was the one who wanted friends.' Yugi reminded himself sternly, pushing back the urge to stand behind his uncle. He had refrained from standing with Uncle Max as he gave his welcome speech, concerned that he would be introduced and that his plot would be ruined. Instead he stayed back in the woods and stared at the duelists, wondering who they were and what their lives were like as normal kids. After Uncle Max had given a completely corny speech that had taken everything Yugi had not to start laughing, the other kids started to wander off into different places where they wanted to start dueling. Yugi then realized the enormity of his task. This was more than just 20 kids. This was a whole cruise ship full of teens, spreading out all over the island. How was he supposed to find one boy in all that mess? Nervously he picked out a kid at random from the crowd still left. The boy had brown and purple hair, and wore a green shirt with a tan vest over it. He also wore a red cap and had a small sneer on his face. Yugi had seen that look before on Kemo's face, the one that said, 'I don't need to be here, I'm better than all this.' This was probably not the best choice for a friend but Yugi needed info and he couldn't wait around to get it. By the time he had reached the boy there was already someone with him. A tall blond who had to be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Of course except for his mother and pictures of Cecelia he had never seen another woman before, so he didn't have much to go on.

The boy noticed him first.

"What do you want squirt?" he taunted as he looked over Yugi. The girl also looked at him but her face was almost friendly.

"Don't let this jerk bug you kiddo. Are you a duelist? I didn't see you on the boat." The girl said. Yugi swallowed. Here came the hard part- lying, and hoping everyone bought it.

"I'm not actually a duelist. I snuck on board to watch my brother duel. Have you seen him? Joey Wheeler?" Yugi asked, hoping it sounded convincing. Both the girl and boy shook their heads.

"Probably just a no name duelist- my advice kid is go watch a real champ duel instead." The boy announced before turning and walking away. The blond stuck her tongue out at his back.

"Rex Raptor is a pig. I'm sure your brother is great hun. How about you and I go look for your brother and when we find him I can duel him? That will be lots of fun, right?" the girl asked, holding out her hand. "I'm Mai Valentine by the way."

"Yugi." Was his reply, taking her hand. "And I'm grateful for the help Mai."

"No problem hun. Let's start out in the meadow land over there, ok?" Mai asked, pointing as she headed off. Yugi nodded and followed, relieved that meeting this second teen had been so much easier. He never noticed the black suit watching his every move, and reporting it to Pegasus.


Ok that's it till next update. For the next chapter- Yugi gets to learn a little about Mai Valentine and rethinks his opinion of her and Joey Wheeler finally shows up, daydreaming about his greatness. And for those of you who are waiting for the sequel to Wishing Worlds, I haven't abandoned it- hope to put up the first chapter soon.