Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Ancient Magics Return ❯ The Wizard of Wands ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Meet my yami, YOKIA!

Yokia: Thank you, thank you very much! Please no pictures! OH, STOP!

Me: -_-;

Yokia: On with the ficcy!!!

Yami and Yugi were walking through Konnichiwa Park until they reached a man in…

" Yami, why is that man wearing a dress?"

" It's not a dress, Yugi. It's a robe." Yami explained as they walked over," Would you be Dumbledore?"

" Yes, the Moutos, Bakura, or Ishtar?" asked Dumbledore asked with a raised eyebrow.

" I'm Yami and this is Yugi." Explained Yami," What is this school you mentioned in the letter?"

" Ah, yes, Hogwarts… You must not tell your friends about this, my school is for Wizardry and Witchcraft. Many come there to learn spells." Said Dumbledore.

Yugi suddenly remembered something, " What did you mean by before he gets you?" Yugi began feeling nervous.

" I meant Voldemort, a dark wizard. You see, Voldemort killed many skilled wizards. Until he came to a boy named Harry Potter, he tried to cast a deadly curse but Harry escaped with a lightning- bolt shaped scar. Voldemort escaped, but was barely alive. Last year, Voldemort somehow got his old body back. Now he needs new minions and it seems he might want you the most." Said Dumbledore solemnly.

" How do we get our supplies to go to your ` wizard' school?" asked Yami quickly.

Dumbledore smiled and handed them 2 tickets," Go to England this Tuesday. By the time you get there a man named Hagrid will be waiting to escort you."

" I see… so Ryou and Marik will be there too?" asked Yugi slowly.

" Well, I see you don't need an introduction. Yes, they will be there. Now I bid thee, farewell." There was a cloud of dust and he was gone.

The brothers blinked then turned seeing Ryou with his (dum dum dum DUN) twin brother. Bakura smirked and pushed Yami forcefully onto the ground.

" So, tomb robber is going to Hogwarts, too?"

" And is going to beat your BUTT!!!"

Yugi and Ryou rolled their eyes and talked about the school. Finally, after thirty minutes they went home.

~ Tuesday~

Yami, Yugi and Ryou were on the plane laughing about what kind of excuse they told their friends.

" We told them we were going to Egypt to visit some relatives!" said Yugi and Yami while smiling.

" I told them I had a private tutor in England and was staying there till June." Said Ryou simply (OMG, THAT WAS RYOU'S LIE!!!).

" I told them I'd get out my murder kit if they asked again." Said Bakura as if it was nothing. The others stared at him and he shrugged.

After the flight they got off and saw a large man booming," Did anyone named Yugi, Yami, Ryou, and Bakura get on `ere?"

They all ran up to him and said, "Yes, and here we are!"

" Ah, well uh…"he glanced at Yugi and Yami's hair, "Follow me. I'd be Hagrid, Dumbledore told you about me?"

" Yes, Hagrid." Yami answered as Hagrid raised his eyebrows at his voice.

" Where are we going, Hagrid?" asked Ryou.

Hagrid stopped at a soda bottle on the ground, "This be a Portkey, ever'one touch it." Everybody touched it and suddenly they were in a small village," Welcome to Diagon Alley. First things first, come with me."

Bakura seemed tired of following because he cursed in Egyptian, which included the name Hagrid. They walked until they reached a shop called ` Ollivander's Wands' and they walked in. A man with silver hair and misty eyes walked in. " Ah, I was expecting you. Yami should go-"

A girl with red hair and cerulean eyes walked in, " I'm sorry! May I go first?" Mr. Ollivander nodded and passed her a hundred wands before he said, " You must need one of the combos! Maple, pheonix tear and fairy wing, 10 in." The girl took a wave and a stream of flame came out.

Yami's wand was pheonix tear and sorcerer hair. Yugi's was unicorn hair and lioness fur. Ryou's was unicorn's horn tip and a dragon scale. Bakura's was werewolf hair and dragon heartstring. Hagrid had already exchanged their money so they paid and left.

" I wonder if we'll see that girl again." Said Yami thoughfully.

" Yea, whatever." Said Bakura, "Maybe you have a crush!"

At that Yami was chasing him until they crashed into someone else who was running. They looked up to see who it was.

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Me: Okay! Another chapter done. I never thought 14 people would visit my story in one DAY!

Yokia: Let's make this interesting. Whomever answers this question will be in one chapter!

Me: Here's the question: ____ was meant to have the Millenium ___ not Marik.

Both: R/R PLEASE!!!