Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Bittersweet Goodbye's ❯ Comfort ( Chapter 10 )
Bittersweet Goodbye's
By: Lady Jade
Warnings: I don't own Yugioh. Damn. Anyways, I'm not making any profit off this, and my hat is off to all the talented ppl who worked so hard to make Yugioh successful. If you sue me, all you'll get are my student loans. Have fun This is Yaoi boys and Girls. Boy boy interaction. Explicit stuff. NO kiddies or ppl with heart conditions. Swim at your own risk
Please review. Note: All flames will be used to line the cat box. Don't waste your breath Please review. I get five reviews, you get another chapter. Works good for me, helps me get some feedback as a writer. Thanks everyone, hope you enjoy. This is my first attempt at a Yugioh yaoi, so bear with me ^_^
- Wataris_Girl
Yugi said goodbye to Tristan and Joey, giving each a hug and thanking them and waving them on their way with reassurances that he would be fine. He locked the shop door when they were out of sight.
He staggered up the stairs to the apartment, undoing the buttons on his suit coat as he went. At the door to his room he tossed his jacket on top of his desk. He kicked the shoes off and loosened his tie. He sank to the bed with a sigh. It was too quiet.
/Yami? Are you alright?/ Yugi pleaded.
There was just a feeling of heavy emptiness through the bond, and a half muttered, half choked mental response.
/Yami, please come join me?/
He felt reluctance through the bond then, clearly.
/Yami, it's ok, please come be with me?/
There was a flash of light, and a soft brush of warm air against Yugi's cheek that announced that his darker half had been cajoled. There was the creak of mattress under Yami's weight as he gracelessly collapsed beside Yugi. The younger duelist turned to look at Yami, almost afraid of what he would see, his other half had been so broken at the funeral.
Yami was sitting, slumped on his hip, his arms taking all of his weight, his shoulders bowing under his grief and pain, his head down so that Yugi could not see his face. It hurt to look at the pharaoh, he seemed so weak. It was something one did not see often from the stoic dark spirit. Yugi's stomach knotted. He shifted until he could reach out a gentle hand, capturing Yami's chin in his cupped palm. Yami resisted for a few moments, before letting Yugi tilt his face up so that their eyes could meet. Yugi looked down into his darker half's ruby eyes. They were swollen and red. Yami held a shaking hand out to Yugi.
"Aibou. I need to hold you." His voice was rough with pain and tears.
"Oh Yami…" Yugi whispered as he snuggled in closer to his Koi, lying down and pulling him to his chest. "I love you."
//I love you too, Aibou//
Yami was nestling into the crisp white folds of Yugi's dress shirt, clinging, running hands down his Aibou's shoulders and arms, nuzzling, trying desperately to find some comfort, any comfort at all.
"I'm here love…I'm here." Yugi soothed as he let Yami curl his fingers around his waist, pulling them closer together.
//Yugi…It hurt so much today, I thought it wouldn't be so bad...but…//
"But it was." Yugi reassured as he let his hands wander up the skin-tight leather of Yami's shirt.
//Please Yugi, I need you to touch me…I need to feel you.//
"I have an idea, I'll be right back." Yugi reassured.
Even with plenty of assurance that Yugi was not going far, Yami still sighed when Yugi left his side.
He was back in moments with a bottle of lavender oil and a small smile. He perched next to Yami who looked perfectly perplexed.
"Aibou?" He croaked.
Yugi's fingers were already tugging his leather shirt off. Yami blinked uncertainly, but complied.
"Collar off." Yugi demanded as he reached up to help a suddenly fumbling Yami remove his neck belt.
"Aibou, what..?"
"Lie down, on your stomach."
"Shhh. Relax, ok?"
Yugi guided Yami onto his stomach, settling his arms above his head, and then reached for the bottle of oil. He pooled some into his hands, and then blew on it to warm it. He then let it drizzle between Yami's shoulder blades, all the way to just above the top of the tight leather pants. Yami arched, startled, making a small sound in the back of his throat.
"Feel me." Yugi whispered as he let the bond open completely, shouldering some of Yami's pain as he placed small but strong hands on his darker half's back, starting to rub slowly, at first just spreading the oil, and then letting his fingers dig into tense muscles, tormenting, then easing.
"Ai…bou" Yami's breath hitched in his throat as he cried gratefully into the softness of Yugi's blanket. Grateful for the touch, grateful for the support, and most of all, grateful to not grieve alone.
"Its ok to cry Yami." Yugi reassured as he kneaded harder, concentrating through the storm of emotion that Yami generated, the whole time just touching, soothing, and reassuring until he could feel through the bond that some of the pain had abated. Yugi rubbed the aching tension out from Yami's arms and sides, kneading lower back, and then shoulders. By the time he had finished rubbing Yami's neck, there was a heavy peace between them that indicated to Yugi that his other half was asleep. Yugi took off Yami's boots, and then covered him with the spare quilt from the foot of his bed. He unbuttoned the top three buttons of his dress shirt, and set the bottle of oil on the floor before snuggling into Yami's shoulder and letting himself succumb to sleep.
Yugi woke in the middle of the night feeling horrible. Yami was sound asleep, thankfully, but Yugi felt as if he might die. He had a sudden urge to run, scream, anything but feel as dead inside as he did. If he had had anything left to give, it had been to Yami. He felt immensely cold, as if he had taken a plunge into an icy river. He was frightened now, really frightened. He was alone. He could feel it in the house, in his bones, in the shop, wherever he went. His one last claim to having anyone to call someone was Yami. Other than that, he was completely, utterly, deeply ALONE. He started to feel nauseous. Disentangling himself, he quickly trotted down the hall to the bathroom. Leaving the light off, he struggled out of his dress shirt and tie and lay down on the cool floor tile. Some of the queasiness faded, but his anxiety didn't. What if Yami left him too? What would he do then? What if all of his friends moved away, and he was the only one left, what if…
Yugi jumped and gasped, nearly sitting up and then slowly sinking back to the tiles.
"Yami, I thought you were sleeping!"
"You think too loudly." Yami laughed softly.
Yugi tried to smile for his Yami, but he could not, so he looked away, facing the wall. There was a soft pat of knees on tile as his shadow knelt beside him, running a hand over his taut muscles and lean chest. Yugi sighed. At least he could feel the touch.
"Are you well?" Yami asked as he rested a hand on his light's forehead, checking for a fever.
Yugi nodded meekly.
"I'm fine Yami, just felt a little queasy, I'll be back to bed in a second and…"
"No you weren't. You were scared, thinking…" Yami paused as he straddled Yugi's hips. "That I might leave you. Alone."
"…And.." Yami continued, ignoring Yugi's attempt at protest. "I decided that I will not have you thinking that. Fearing that."
Yami placed both palms flat on the floor above Yugi's shoulders.
"I want you, you are mine, and no one else can have you!"
Yugi gasped as Yami's hot, open mouth skimmed the skin just below his jaw. "What I win fair and square Yugi…" Yami whispered possessively. "I keep."
With that, Yami's mouth was on Yugi's, hot, insistent, demanding. "A relationship Aibou." Yami paused to nip at the soft skin behind Yugi's ear. "Is not all about taking…" Yami let his fingers pinch one of Yugi's nipples, eliciting a gasp from the smaller duelist. "But also about giving." Yugi's violet eyes were wide as they met ruby that had become nearly hazel with some emotion the duelist could not name. "You give and give and give Aibou…let me give myself to you. It is the only thing that I can give you that is mine to freely bestow."
"Yami…" Yugi whispered as he felt tender fingers stroke across his lower stomach.
"You are cold Aibou…bed would be better for this…"
"For…for…what?" Yugi's teeth chattered with the cool wind that wound through the bathroom and played across his bare chest.
"I want you to take me…" Yami whispered as his lips skimmed down over the pale flesh of Yugi's collarbone. A flash of astonishment rippled through to Yami across their bond.
"Yami…I d…don't know how to…" Yugi stuttered.
"Hush Aibou. It is not so difficult." Yami laughed as he kissed the top of his Koi's creamy shoulder. "Now bed! Before you get any colder!"
Yami pulled a startled and shaky Yugi to his feet.
"Bed Aibou!"
Yami pushed Yugi onto the bed with a predatory smile.
The dark spirit chuckled as he pushed Yugi back down into the blankets and placed open-mouthed kisses along the chilled skin of the smaller duelists chest.
"Gods!" Yugi exclaimed, the moist heat of Yami's hot mouth was beyond erotic as it warmed his frozen skin. Yugi turned his face into the blanket so that he would not whimper. He was not looking and was not prepared when Yami surged up along his body, putting them chest to chest. The soft sound of skin on skin and the intense heat of Yami's touch was overwhelming. Yami paused as he felt a sudden jolt of fear through the bond.
He gently turned Yugi's face from where it was buried in the blanket so that their eyes could meet.
"Am I frightening you?" Yami asked.
Yugi shook his head no.
"Just never done this before. Feels so good that I don't know what to do." Yugi's voice quivered with the last word, his chest rising and falling in small, fast gasps.
"Kiss me then." Yami whispered as he tangled fingers through Yugi's unbound hair. Yugi complied, wrapping his arms around Yami's shoulders and pulling them even closer. Yugi lifted his head, slowly pressing a tentative kiss to Yami's lips. When his darker half sighed in content, Yugi took it as a sign that he could push a little further. Sucking on Yami's lip, Yugi begged entrance. To his surprise, Yami melted into him then; letting Yugi slip his tongue into the silky cavern of his mouth. Their tongues sparred, Yugi learning quickly how to keep up, how to please Yami, and to enjoy all the sweetness his darker half had to offer. When they broke away for air, it was all Yugi could do not to cry.
"You taste so good Yami." Yugi whispered.
"As do you Aibou." Yami whispered as he kissed a path down Yugi's stomach to just above the waistband of his dress pants.
"These need to go." Yami stated as he looked up at Yugi, Waiting for approval.
"Yami…I've never…"
"I know Aibou. The question is really, do you want to?"
Yugi thought for a moment.
"Yes…but I don't know that much about this…and I…what if I hurt you? I don't want to hurt you and…"
"Hush Aibou… a simple yes would have sufficed."
"Yes." Yugi whispered as he buried his face in the blankets again to hide his blush of embarrassment.
//It is alright Aibou, you are simply nervous. It is understandable!//
He felt Yami's fingers sliding under his waistband, nimbly undoing the button and the zipper. When he urged him to, Yugi lifted his hips and let Yami push his pants off and onto the floor. He closed his eyes tighter and tried not to shiver, but it was impossible. He felt the trembling start in his hands and knees, and then the tender brush of warm fingers over his straining erection, still sheathed within his boxers.
"Ya…mi… I need…I need…"
Yami's lips teased the soft crease between hip and thigh, his warm breath filtering through flannel to Yugi's erection as he tugged down a little further, allowing himself access to the delicious skin there. Yugi gasped and arched, trying to ease his painful need, and then he was bereft. It was as if Yami had left him alone, or he had woken from a dream. He fought a sigh of disappointment.
He opened his eyes when he heard the creak of leather being abused. A closer look revealed Yami standing and stripping off the last remains of his clothing. Yugi nearly groaned at the sight. Yami was so beautiful, so lean and strong. It also made him extremely jealous of the leather that got to caress that body like a second skin, all day long.
"You didn't leave me." Yugi whispered incredulously.
"I would never!" Yami stated forcefully
"I need you Yami." Yugi whispered.
He head Yami chuckle as the dark spirit climbed back up onto the bed with boneless grace.
"Lift up." Yami stated as he took the liberty of freeing Yugi from his boxers, and noted that it made his Aibou's trembling rise to a fevered pitch.
"Aibou." Yami whispered as he crawled back into bed next to Yugi.
"Yami!" Yugi gasped as Yami straddled his hips again, this time, forcing their erections to brush.
"You are shaking Aibou…do you truly want me so badly?"
"Yes!" Yugi hissed through his clenched teeth.
"Then we will have to remedy that soon?"
"Please!" Yugi begged, a tear trickling from the corner of his closed eyes.
"Oh Aibou." Yami sighed. Just watching his light writhe, reveling in new feelings, but unsure of what would tame them. He remembered his first time, how lost he had been, needing, wanting, but not knowing what he should do to ease his desire.
"Yami?" Yugi pleaded, his violet eyes uncertain, but full of need to the point of pain.
"Aibou, tell me what you want."
Yugi closed his eyes and swallowed hard, how was he supposed to think?
"I need…I need…SOMETHING…It hurts, I need you, please! You know I don't know, don't make me beg!"
Yami chuckled softly.
"Alright Aibou. I will show you, just listen to me, yes?"
Yugi nodded. "And if you want to stop any point, say so." Yami whispered as he leaned down to press a chaste kiss to Yugi's forehead.
Yami leaned off the edge of the bed, picking up the bottle of massage oil.
"You remembered that I liked lavender, didn't you?" he laughed softly.
"Yes…" Yugi whispered.
Yami smiled then pleased.
"I love you so, Aibou! Here…let us do something for you before we both explode from terminal need."
Yugi sighed and snuggled into the blankets for a moment, trying to settle his nerves.
The dark spirit snapped the cap to the oil, taking a moment to pool some into his waiting palm and breathe on it to warm it.
"Give me your hand Aibou."
Yugi held out a tentative and trembling hand. Yami smiled reassuring, pressing a kiss to the palm before transferring the oil. Yugi looked perplexed.
"Dip your fingers into it, coat them well."
Yugi nodded and complied, suddenly understanding. And then he blushed.
"Do not be embarrassed Aibou, this will come naturally to you, I assure you, but it will be easier with you on top." Yami stated as he moved off of Yugi and nestled into the blankets on his back. Yugi rolled up onto his knees then, resting next to Yami, and had another attack of nerves.
He looked at his darker half. He was perfectly beautiful, spread trustingly on his back, never doubting once that Yugi could hurt him or make a mistake. Yami read the hesitance through the bond.
"This is not my first time Aibou, even if you were a little rough, you would not hurt me. Please do not make me wait for you any longer!"
Yugi nodded. The smaller duelist made eye contact with Yami again, asking permission for what he was about to do. He got a slow nod, and a rush of desire and reassurance through the bond. Yugi bent then, to place a hot kiss across the sculpted expanse of Yami's stomach, and then dropped to his elbows, resting his cheek on his Koi's hipbone.
He let one well-oiled finger trail down Yami's hard erection, all the way down to the small bud of Yami's opening. The dark spirit sighed and bucked pleadingly against Yugi's hand. Yugi took that as a sign to go ahead. Carefully, he pressed one finger past that tight muscle, pausing only when Yami bucked again, completely impaling the invading digit.
"Yugi!" Yami gasped, part begging, part demanding. Yugi let the finger stroke in and out once, and then drawing back, added a second finger.
"Aibou, please!" Yami hissed as he moved against the intrusion, eyes squinted shut in concentration. Yugi was nearly shivering with anticipation, Yami was so tight and hot around his fingers, he could only imagine what it would feel like to be inside…
"Yugi!" Yami barked as a third finger passed the tight muscle. "Take me…do it now! Please!"
"Yami, I don't want to hurt you."
"Ra dammit Yugi!"
Yugi smiled; glad to know his other half was just as impatient. Yugi removed his fingers, then felt Yami shudder against the loss of the touch he so desperately needed. Yugi uncapped the bottle of oil again, this time warming some in his palm before oiling his erection well. He wiped his hands clean on the bedspread, and then gently moved up across Yami's body in a seductive slither.
"Yugi!" Yami demanded, his ruby eyes filled with tears of need.
"Alright." The smaller duelist whispered as knelt between his koi's legs, following the gentle mental instructions he received. He hooked both elbows under Yami's knees and pressed his tip to his tight entrance. Strong hands came up to grip Yugi's shoulders, both pleading and reassuring.
"Aibou. I want you to take me, do not hesitate."
"Alright…I love you Yami." Yugi whispered as he closed his eyes and took a trembling breath. Now or never. He flexed his hips and pushing past the tight muscle. Yami's hands tightened convulsively over his shoulders, while his hips bucked upwards, burying Yugi further. His head dropped back, resting on a fold of the blanket and he gasped.
"Yessss." It came out as a hiss of absolute desire.
Yugi was frozen, his mouth half open in a cry that would not come. Yami was clenched around him, so tight and hot, that he thought he would faint.
"All the way Aibou, please, I need you to!"
Yugi leaned in, barely coherent, and using what little strength he had left, thrust all the way to the hilt. The push left him buried, and face to face with Yami, whose eyes were tightly shut.
"Yugi!" The cry this time was full of intense longing, some pain, and something that sounded vaguely like relief.
"Yami, are you alright?"
//Oh Aibou, you feel so good, I've been waiting for so long!//
Yugi rested his forehead to Yami's
/I love you Yami… Am I hurting you?/
//Some pain, but that's part of it…it fades. Will you move? Please?/
Yami's hands came down, grasping Yugi's hips and pushing him nearly out, and then pulling him back in. He felt, but did not hear Yugi's muted cry of pleasure.
/So tight Yami…is it…always this good?/
//*laughter* I tend to think so.//
Yugi no longer needed the encouragement, and grasping Yami's hips firmly, began to thrust, catching the rhythm that seemed to match the thundering of his and Yami's heartbeats.
"Good Aibou…so good!" Yami gasped as he drew his light down for a searing kiss, and a nip to the collarbone that would definitely leave a mark in the morning.
//Aibou, there is a spot, find it, it makes this even better!//
//Deeper, a little harder! I will not break you know.//
Yugi stopped holding back and let himself thrust deeper, and felt something brush against his tip. Yami nearly screamed, his fingers grasping Yugi's hips so tightly that there would be no doubt of a bruise there.
"There! That spot! Do that again!" Yami gasped. Yugi thrust deeper and harder, and felt Yami writhe under him. Yugi pulled his Koi's knees up higher, burying himself deeper with each following thrust, and nearly screamed himself as he could feel his climax closing in.
"Koi!" Yami choked as Yugi struck that spot inside again, bringing him over the edge with a keen. Yugi felt it like an approaching storm, a wash of heat and something copper bright that felt as if boiling water had replaced the blood in his veins. Yami clenched down around him, even more impossibly tight, and then he was falling, bliss was not the word. It was impossibly amazing, and he came with a cry that was almost as pained as it was pleasured.
He drifted back to earth slowly, finding himself sprawled across his Yami's sticky chest and stomach. He could feel his darker half sighing with each panting breath, trying to slow his racing heart and breathing. Yugi was still inside the tight heat, and afraid to move, every inch of his body felt as if it would explode if it were touched.
//Right here Aibou.//
/That was so…you did not have to! I could have…I…/
//Aibou, you are mine, and I am yours, I do not mind yielding to you, because you would never hurt me.//
/Oh Yami./
//As I said, it is the only real gift I have to give you.//
/It is a worth gift, the best gift anyone has ever given me!/
Yami pulled Yugi closer then, feeling Yugi slip from his body. Yugi shivered and sighed regretfully. Yami smiled.
"Sweet Aibou." The words were sleepy and slurred.
"It's been a long night Yami, lets get some sleep."
"Hmm, yes. Talk more in the morning?"
"Yes." Yugi stated as he rolled them both under the blankets. He curled his head into the hollow of Yami's shoulder, and wrapped one arm across the broad chest.
"I love you…" Yugi whispered.
"Love you too Aibou." Yami Yawned.
TBC: Ok, this was belted out in less than an hour and things are crazy here. If you find some grammar and spelling, etc. please be merciful. This story has been writing itself at quite an alarming pace and I haven't had the time to prep it for the web, so. Anyways. Hope you liked it at least a little…and wait for more, this fic isn't quite done yet.
Oh: Ps: I know most people would not agree with Yami Yugi being Uke, but I felt that in this circumstance, it seemed like it needed to happen this way, don't worry though, things are always changing and the next couple of scenes might be quite different! " *Wink wink nudge nudge * Ok. I'm shutting up now before I break into show tunes or something equally ridiculous.
- Watari's_Girl