Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stained ❯ Confusion ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Blood Stained
Chapter 12: Confusion
//Normal POV//
/with Atem and Seto/
Once in the medical room they noticed Yugi isn't there but Akhendan is. Atem's face filled with fury.
Atem: Where's Yugi?!
Akhendan: Pharaoh, who are you speaking of?
Atem: (turns to Seto) get my horse ready.
Seto nods and sprints out of the room. Atem turns back to Akhendan and walks to where he could easily hit him. Atem pulls out a dagger from his waistband and points it at Akhendan. So the tip of the blade barely touches Akhendan's stomach
Atem: tell me where he is?!
Akhendan: he's leaving as we speak
Atem: where is- (quietly) the roof
Atem sheathes the dagger and runs to the roof of the palace. Finally after many agonizing minutes Atem makes it to the roof. He sees Yugi about to jump and his wings are out. So Atem does the only thing he could think of, yell.
//Yugi's POV//
I turn around to see Atem. Part of me wants to jump and leave him forever. But on the other hand I want to run into his arms. I fight the urge to trust in him. He starts to walk toward me, arms outstretched like he was learning to walk. Atem gets halfway across the roof to me when I spit out words no one would want to hear.
Me: Stay away from me! I DON'T love you!
Atem dead stops and it would appear as if the color drained from his face.
Atem: I-I-y-you d-don't mean that. What did I do?
Me: You say that you love me but yet you cause me such physical pain!?
Atem: what-
Me: don't act like you don't know!
Atem: w-you think I hired that Ra for sake person! Well I didn't! I saved your life! I would rather die than have to sit there and let you suffer! I love you,
Yugi. I couldn't love anyone else. (tears start to form) If you left me I wouldn't ever be able to go through the rest of my life.
Emotions weal up inside me and my brain acts as if it just imploded. Confusion surrounds me.
I turn my back and jump off. I turn around to face Atem again. I see him run and the next thing I know his arms are encircled around my waist and we're floating in the air, together.