Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stained ❯ Lurking in the Shadows ( Chapter 12 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rea: Hey, sorry it's taken so long but the next chapter after this will be out soon after this one. Please review so I can get the next chapter out as soon as possible. Thank you again…enjoy. Oh and sorry for switching poor Pharaoh Atemu/Atem's name on you. I do that a lot. I will try to watch it though.
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!, and never will. Although…I do own the plot, story, and the shadow creatures! YAY!
Chapter 13: Luring in the Shadows
//Normal POV//
/On the ground with Seto/
As Yugi and Atemu hover in the air, Seto watches helplessly on the ground. He stood by Atemu's stallion. But in the air, with Yugi and Atemu, things weren't going any better.
Yugi: Let GO!
Atemu: (confused) so you want me to fall?
Yugi just ignored Atemu and continued to struggle to get him off.
Yugi: Let GO!
Atemu: Not unless you stay…then NEVER!
Yugi: Let-
All of a sudden a black blast of light shoots toward them. Yugi ruggedly glided upward to dodge the blast. Yugi strained his excellent site but the creature, apparently, was blending in with the shadows. As a second blast approached Yugi immediately noticed that Atemu's grip loosened. The blast was not far off when Atemu's drip disappeared completely and Yugi saw him plummeting to the ground. Yugi swerved down; dodging the blast and grapping Atemu's hand. Yugi struggled to get Atemu's weight back under control. He knew that if this kept up someone was going to get hurt and it wasn't going to be the shadow creature.
Yugi: (thinking) I need to get out of here. (sighs) I'm going to have to take Atemu with me. I need to lure this thing away.
With his mind made up Yugi adjusts Atemu's weight one last time and flies drastically into the desert. Just like expected the shadow creature followed. After 30minutes of continuous dodging Yugi nears an oasis with beautiful growth surrounding it.
Yugi: (looks down at Atemu) I'm going to drop you near the oasis.
With that said Atemu nods, knowing Yugi was getting tired. As Yugi lowers to the ground an unknown blast comes out of a different shadow creature that had not been seen. The black ball of deathly energy hit Yugi square in the back. Forcing him to retract his vampire wings and send both youths tumbling to the ground. The two shadow creatures slowly descended to the ground, several feet from them both. The blast from the shadow creature left Yugi weak and not able to move, and Atemu noticed this. Atemu stood, unsheathed this sword from his waist band, and walked in between Yugi and the shadow creatures.
Rea: please review and the next chapter are yours!
(1) ENJOI- means enjoy