Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Chibi Yugi ❯ 2nd day ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Klonoa: Yeah presents! And they're all for Yugi!

C. Yugi: ^___^ Yah!

Yami: I love seeing him happy. ^___^

Klonoa: Yugi you get a Dark Magician and Celtic Guardian plushies and all the present s are from Gwenivere Solas.

C. Yugi: Yah! *huggles plushies *

Klonoa: And a book of 101 Ways to Embarrass Adults that Yami can read to Yugi.

Yami: I'll read it tonight.

C. Yugi: ^___^

Klonoa: And Kawaii pj's with Duel Monsters all over them. KAWAII!

Yami: * puts on pj's on his little light. *

C. Yugi: ^____________^

Klonoa: And a miniature pony!

C. Yugi: Pony! Pony! Pony!

Klonoa: KAWAII!!

Yami: ^___^

C. Yugi: Tank you Gwenivere Sowas!

Klonoa: And Yugis-True-Girlfriend AKA Alex I'm sorry but do you won't to be in the story which I don't know if I can or be here on the sides. And I don't know your character very well.

Yami: What's to know? She likes Yugi and I.

Klonoa: But Yugi and you are together.

Yami: I know. * huggles C. Yugi*

C. Yugi: ^____^

Klonoa: Sorry Alex I'm just a confused little girl.

Yami: You're always confused.

Klonoa: :P And thanks for some of the ideas KawaiiBlackMoon!


Little Yugi woke up to voices downstairs and the sunlight from the window.

He gave a yawn (aww…) and an actual good-natured smile when he was Yami holding him protectively.

He silently and slowly got out of Yami's arms to see what was happening downstairs.

He went to stairs without making a peep and peaked into the living room and saw the others talking.

"I know! I'll cast a spell," Bakura suggested.

"Are you sure?" Jou asked, trying to get out of the dress.

Bakura glared, "Of course I am!"

"What's the spell?" Seto asked with the make up off his face.

"I'll give him antlers and he won't be able to talk and we can torture him! Mwhahahahahahahahahaha!"

Everyone: O__o;;;

Little Yugi rolled his eyes and began to chant the spell he was chanting was to make Bakura's spell backfire. He then snickered then went back to his room to sleep with Yami. (Not like that he's too young.)

Bakura and the others went into Yugi's room (even freaky Anzu is there all bandaged up.) while Mokuba and Ryou were downstairs.

They couldn't see the shield Yugi put around him and Yami so they won't be effected by the side effects of the backfired spell.

Bakura starts chanting the spell and the room glowed a little and it began to go foggy. After he was finished the fog lifted up and Yugi looked normal well as normal as can be.


The gang turned and saw a girl with long blond hair and brown angry eyes also wearing the same pink dress Jou was wearing.

"J-jou..?" Honda stuttered eyes wide.

Yami and Yugi woke up from the scream and laughed seeing the girl that Honda mentioned as Jou.

"It's not funny!" Then he turned to Bakura, "It's all your fault!"

Bakura snorted, "I can still hit women you know."

Jou growled.

Yugi giggled, "Yous all affected by it."


"Even me?" Yami questioned.

Yugi hugged Yami, "No only them."

Everybody's eyes widen then Seto tried to grab Yugi but the shield was still up.


Seto: X__X

"Yous tawke trun eawch day," Yugi snickered.

Yami chuckled, then got up carrying Yugi out the door.

They all turned to Jou who was poking his breast.

Everyone: O__o;;;


"Good morning, Ryou," Yami sat down in a chair in the kitchen and put Yugi in his lap.

"Ohayo!" Yugi smiled.

"Good morning," Ryou said, still has the make up on. "Umm… Can you take this off Yugi?" he looked at Yugi.

Yugi's eyes widen at Ryou's face then he snapped his fingers and the make up was off.

"Thank you," Ryou smiled.

"Yous Welcom!" Yugi smiled back.

"So what do you want to do today?" Yami asked, Yugi.

"Hmm…" Yugi put a finger to his chin. "Pway video games and then go to zoo!"

Yami smiled, "Okay." Then he nuzzled Yugi's hair and it made Yugi giggle.

"What would you like for breakfast?" Ryou asked.

"Bue berry pannycakes!" Yugi squealed.


Yugi looked over at Mokuba who was still staring at the juice. Then he got an idea and jumped off Yami's lap and went to a drawer.

Yami watched confused at his light's antics.

Yugi grabbed a magazine from the drawer and went over to Mokuba. Then he cast a spell on the magazine and switched it with the juice.

Mokuba stared intently at the magazine thinking it was a talking juice magazine.

Yugi went back to Yami and climbed back onto his lap.

"What was that aibou?" Yami questioned looking at his light.

"A magazine gampa looks at."

Yami's eyes widen, "O…….kay….."

"Yami?" Yugi looked at him with big eyes.

Yami smiled softly, "Let Kaiba find out for himself."

Yugi giggled then nuzzled Yami's chest.

'Just a few more days, just a few more days,' Yami chanted in his mind.

Then the three guys, girl and boy/girl came in.

"Mokuba!" Kaiba yelled when he was what his brother was looking at.

Seto grabbed his brother and dragged him out of the kitchen while Mokuba was passive through the whole thing and still looking at the magazine.

Everyone blinked while Yami and Yugi chuckled.

After breakfast everyone was in the living room and Yugi was playing a shooting fox game.

"Yami?" Yugi said.

"Yes aibou?"

"This game getting borwing. I know!"


Everyone watched nervously wondering what Yugi was thinking.

Yugi points at Anzu and she disappears.

Then Jou shirked like a girl and everyone looked at the boy/girl then sweatdropped.

"Eh……heh……heh," Jou stuttered.

Yugi continued playing his game having more fun then before.

"Aibou, where's Anzu?" Yami asked.

Yugi turned to Yami and smiled then he pointed at the screen, "There."

They all looked at the screen and saw Anzu running around and Yugi began shooting her.

Anzu: Ahhhhhhhh!!


Anzu: X__X

"Yah!" Yugi jumped.

Yami smiled and sweatdropped, "Nice shot aibou, but maybe you should bring her back."



Anzu: X__X

Everyone: O__o;

Yugi giggled and put gum in his mouth and began chewing.

"Aibou let's go to the zoo now," Yami said, picking Yugi up.

"Yeah!" Yugi blew his bubble gum and it gave a small pop.

Yami chuckled.

Everyone groaned.

Anzu: X__X

They all got into Seto's car and Yugi was in the driver's seat.

"Aibou why are you in the driver's seat?" Yami asked seating next to him.

"Me dwive!" Then he turned the engine on and pressed the accelerator.


Yugi: Weeeeeeeeeeee!!

Yugi was driving about 100 on a 50 street passing cars on either lane and there was a police car parked ahead.

They were about to pass it and Yugi yelled, "Hi police peoples!"

The two policemen standing near their car looked up and waved, "Hi, Yugi!"

Everyone in car: O__O;;;

"Aibou! Train coming!" Yami yelled, gripping his seat.

Yugi laughed and stepped on the accelerator hard. The car was going 160 and it flew pass the tracks almost getting hit by the train.

Where the cops were standing they stared at the wrecked street and where the car left.

"That Yugi's a little kid again," said the tall cop.

"Yep," answered the stumpy one.

"Remember when he did worse?"


"Cute kid."


Back to the car. They were neatly parked at the zoo. All of their eyes were wide almost bulging from their eye sockets.

Yugi walked out giggling, "I wove dwiving!"

Everybody got out shaking and holding onto the car.

"A-aibou……" Yami looked at his light.

Yugi looked over, "Yes?" his eyes widen.

Yami somehow returns to normal and picked Yugi up.

"Yah!" Yugi cheered when Yami put him on his shoulders and carried him to the zoo.

The others watched.

Anzu (they carried her): X__X

"I was right we're going to die," Honda said.


They all turned and saw the same two cops.

Everyone: O__o;;;;;;;;;


Klonoa: That was cute!!

Cop: Yep.

Klonoa: O__o; okay…..

C. Yugi: Me wike dwiving car.

Yami: At least we didn't die.

C. Yugi: ^___^ Me mwake sure Yami no hurt.

Yami: ^___^

Klonoa: Next chappie is they in the zoo.

C. Yugi: ZOO!

Yami: ^___^

Klonoa: Kawaii! More Anzu torture and Jou's a girl HA! Thanks KawaiiBlackMoon for the suggestions but I'm not doing anything with the Paradox brothers.

One: Cause they're weird.

Two: I can't rhyme or I'll go crazy.

Three: They're too bald!

But thanks for the guys turning into girls and Anzu gets to be a geeky guy later because she got effected too. Mwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

C. Yugi & Yami: ^__________^

Klonoa: And Mystery I love talking to you. You can have these lives size dolls of C. Yugi and C. Yami, and your yami can gave earmuffs for when you scream they're blue with bunny pictures on them.

C. Yugi & Yami: Wead and Review!

Klonoa: Ha! Yami said wead!

Yami: -___-


Genki no SHAWAA

Furasuko Kirakira suru

Rika shitsu de matte'te

Tsumetai te to te awase

Do suri aeba atsuka narereu wa

Hanabi mitai ne

Minna kirei na kodoku wo daite

Tatakatte'ru tenshi

Genki no SHAWA

Kimi ni sosoide ageru

Sabishige na sono senaka wo sasaete ageru

Genki no SHAWA

Kimi wa hitori janai wa

yuujou no ooki na wa ni mamorare teru

purizumu hitomi ni ate

kimi no koto mitsumeru

rouka de sure chigaeba

tsumuji kaze no you na yura meki

yume no mayu-tachi

minna jibun no kara wo yabutte

tobitatta senshi yo

genki no SHAWA

sukoshi ochi kon da hi wa

te no hira no hikari no tsubu abisete ageru

genki no SHAWA

kimi no moetatsu kami wo

yubisaki de sotto sotto nadete ageru

genki no SHAWA

kimi ni sosoi de ageru

sabishige na sono senaka wa sasaete ageru

genki no SHAWA

kimi wa hitori janai wa

juujou no ooki na wa ni mamora reteru