Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Daughter of the Nile ❯ The Demon Capital ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tsun: HI!!!!! THE THIRD CHAPPIE!!!!! UNFORTUNATELY WE HAVE A WRITER'S BLOCK PROBLEM!!!!! *looks at the gigantic black block floating over the room*

Yami B.(I'll call him Akifa): I AM NOT A WOMAN!!!!!

Yami Yugi(Yami): ...yes....we know that....

Huni: The why do you have long hair?

Akifa: LOOK AT MARIK(yami M.) AND MALIK!!!!!

Huni: Who?

Akifa: *getting really mad* *threatens to strangle Huni*

Ryou: Huni, i think you should stop.

Huni: You have long hair.



Yugi: BAD YAMI!!!! *climbs on Yami's head(don't ask) and starts to scrub his mouth with soap*

Yami: mphhhmmphh!!!

Huni: *pokes Akifa*

Akifa: *screams and runs around in circles*(Gomen, Shay but i couldn't resist)

Yugi/Yami/Marik/Malik/Megan/Goten/Trunks: ...

Tsun/Huni/Ryou: ...don't ask

Akifa: Can I stop now?

Everybody: *anime falls*

Huni: -__- *takes out laptop*


Daughter of the Nile

Chapter 3

The Demon Capital


Normal POV

~Two Years Later~

Huniserra looked at the pile of clothes she was supposed to wash. She mentally groaned at seeing how dirty they were.

"How I wish I was tweleve right now. I have four more Nile floodings[1] to go. Then I won't have to do the dishes or wash laundry." she murmured to herself. "Okay, so then I'd have to go work in the fields, but that's better than sitting here and scrubbing dirty clothes that have unusual stains on them. Plus, my skin will tan, so at least I'm not THAT different."

She stared at the garmet in her hands, it was a long gown, probably the misstress's. Huni started to scrunch it up to put in the water to scrub it, but found that there was something hard inside one of the pokets. Curiously, the young girl stuck her hand inside the pocket at pulled out a leather purse.

"Okay...why would the mistress be so careless as if to leave her purse in the pocket of her dress?"

Still curious, the eight year old, opened the purse and pulled out a damp, but not wet peice of Papryus[2] with a warning on it:

"Humans...beware...for all that awaits you if you cross these boundaries are suffering and pain. If you enter, you will upset the balance between light and dark. Beware......"

"The Demon Capital...." she whispered, "It is where I truly belong... Ra[3](you guys have to know what Ra is, but just in case), thank for putting fate on my side." With that she tucked the map in her shirt and continued washing clothes, but with a brighter aura.


Huni's POV

~Later That Night~

I sat down on my bed and looked at the map, there was the Nile River and and an line going downriver on it, towaord the sea. I found the city I lived in and touched it. Not to my surprise, the map begn to glow, soon the image of my town enlarged until i could see all the buildings. I easily found it for there was a bluish-white glow near it. There was a little dot coming from the house, it was heading towards the Nile. Then the map went back to the original picture of all of egypt. Yet the little dot was still there, it towards the downstream, along the line. It followed the line to the large city labled Demon Capital and disappeared.

Even though, I still stared at the area where the dot disappereared. "I wonder..." I lwalked to the window and stared at the moon. "Fourteen days till the next full moon. Revenge under the full moon, huh? Oh Bastet, Sahket, and Mut[4], help me once again be on the path towards my destiny..."


Normal POV(//Akifa thinking//)

"Father, you called me?" the white haired boy asked, looking at his feet.//I rufuse to belive that this man is my father. He dosen't even look like me! // I was jerked out of my toughts by a hard slap across the face.

"You little brat, when you talk to me, I demand respect, respect means looking at me when you talk to me!!!!" The old man roared.

"Yes, father. I'm sorry father." //Bastard.// "What did you call me for?"

"Do you know that little demon girl?"

"Yes, father."

"None of the slaves or servants had reported her doing anything wrong today. That is very odd considering she's at least does something wrong once a day. I want you to go and see what she is doing right now."

"Yes, father." //Shouldn't he send a guard to do this?//

"Before you go, I am just saying, this is just a test to see how well you can handle the slaves, for when this plantation is yours. Just in case, here's a daggar."

The albino boy caught the daggar with ease and proceeded to the slave's quarters. //Like I'm gonna live here when he dies. I hate this house, I hate him, I hate this city. When he dies, I'm gonna go to Cario.//

"Yo, Akifa. What are you doing, and where did you get that daggar?"

"What? Oh. Hey, Marik(YAMI MALIK). What in Ra's name are you doing here?"

The blonde egyptian shrugged and said, "I was bored, plus, Rishid is asleep, Aushet(Isis)[5] is away, and my dad is out drinking. Man, nothing exciting ever happens at my house. So what are you doing?"

"Doing my father's dirty work. He wants a fresh one again."


"The little demon girl. Wanna come with?"

"Sure. Don't got nothing else to do" With that, the blonde egyptian jumped off the window sill he had climbed in from and onto the floor.


Huni's POV

~Huni's Room~

I tucked the map into a crack in the wall and it would seem just in time. As soon as I removed my hand from the Wall, there was a banging noise on the door.

"Demon girl!!! Let's go, my father wants to talk to you!"

I walked to the wooden door and opened. As soon as the door began to open, I was grabbed and whisked over someone's shoulder. {Damn, this is uncomfortable... What does that bastard want now?}

"I don't know what he wants with you, but whatever it is, it can't be good."

I looked up at him weirdly. Can he have possibly read my mind? Nah. Then out of no where I asked, "Do you like your father?"

That surprised him, alot. He looked at me and the next thing I knew, there was a fist flying in my face. "Ow..."

We made no conversation as we nearned the master's chamber. The other boy, who was blonde, had strangely disappereared. We entered the room, Ra, it was so bright in here. Too many candles. The master's son put me down roughly and left the room.

"Huniserra." The master said, his voicing teasing, "I hear that you hit my cook today. Is it true?" {WHAT??? WHA- WHO? WHEN? I MEAN, I DON'T LIKE THE COOK, BUT STILL, I NEVER HIT HER!}

"No, sir, I never done anything like that."

"Then where did you get that bruise on your face? You walked into a wall?"

"No, sir."

"So you did strike her?"


Before I finished my sentence, the "master" had dilivered a blow to my face. "Oww..."

"DABU!!! Get in here!!!! Ten lashes, now!!!!"


Huni's POV

~An Hour Later~

Oh my aching back!!!! That is it!! I vow that when the next full moon comes, I will have my revenge for all those people you've killed that were close to me!!! Mother, Father, Anaki...I won't rest until I've avenged you!!! That is a promise...



Huni: my hands hurt.... i typed too much...

Akifa: my legs hurt.... i shouldn't have run....

Ryou: my head hurts....I'm surrounded by idiot *imediately covers mouth*

Huni/Akifa: *growls*

Ryou: *meep*


[1] Nile Floodings= the Nile river floods every spring because of melting snows and increased rainfall. So one Nile Flooding is one year.

[2] Papryus=a plant used to make the "paper" in Ancient Egypt

[3] Ra= The egyptian sun god

[4] Bastet, Sahket, Mut Bastet= Egyptian goddess of ???? She is a woman with a cat's head. Ra's daughter Sahket=Goddess of war. She also has something to do with medicine and childbirth. She is a woman with a lion's head. She eventually becomes Bastet after drinking too much wine. Mut=the sky. She was separated from her husband the earth, but i do not know his name.

[5] Aushet/Isis= Aushet is another name for Isis, so I just named Isis's acestor Aushet.

Yami: Tell us if she made a mistake, she probably did.

Yugi: *"accidentally" steps on Yami's foot hard*


Yugi: *jumps on Yami's head and proceedes to wash out his mouth with soap*

Marik: WRD YOUR ON!!!!

WRD: Oh Fanfiction.net, at this twilght hour, recieve this chapter, and grant us reviews!!!!