Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Differences of Truth ❯ Captain Goes Scared ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Heya!!! The second chapter is here!! Yay! Anyway what can I say? Don't know so won't say anything.


(Me interrupting)

I know the explanations about the character's parents are wrong but hey!! This is fan fiction after all! ^_^

Warnings: Cursing, yaoi between Yami/Yugi, Bakura/Ryou, Marik/Malik, Seto/Joey, and straightness between Shadi/Isis. No lemons because I can't write them! ^.^;;

Disclaimer: Oh, boy! If I owned Yu-Gi-Oh then the dubbed version would not be so corny!!!!!!


That night on Crystal Cave there was a party welcoming all passengers. The captain, Mako Tsunami (spelling?), stood on the stage in the entertainment room where the party was being held.

"Good evening, everyone!" He called out. "The staff of Crystal Cave is glad that you cared enough to experience a real ocean adventure. If this if your first time being on a ship or this is one of many, I am sure that this will be one trip you will never forget! (oh how right he is) Please enjoy tonight and every night after. Have fun!!"

Yugi sat a table farthest away from the crowd. He had been hoping that maybe there would be people his age here, but there wasn't. Adults lined from the entrance to the dance floor. Not one single teenager. Not even a child. He sighed mentally. 'This is going to be a long journey to Cherry Islands.'


"What ship do you see?" asked a voice that sounded like trouble.

"The Crystal Cave captain," replied the look out for the Braided Arbor (don't ask!).

"A cruise ship, huh? They must be heading to Cherry Islands. We can't let that happen now can we."

"No sir," answered most of the crew cheerfully. They had not had a good raid in almost a week and finally that was about to change.


About midway through the party, a sleep-eyed Yugi woke from his thoughts to the sound of people screaming on deck. He raised his heads from the table and curious eyes peered around the room he was in. The staff was in a hurried state; rushing people to go to the very bottom floor of the ship.

Yugi stood and walked to window that was next to the table he was just sitting at. Looking out he could see another ship. It was huge and black; unlike the cherry-pinkish color of the Crystal Cave. Eyes wondered across the ship until he spotted the name. Braided Arbor. 'What a weird name.'

As the captain rushed by he grabbed Yugi's left arm, pulling the teen out the door with him. "Let go! You're hurting me!"

Mako glared behind him at the kid. "Be happy it's me hurting you instead of those pirates attacking my ship. Don't they know the Crystal Cave is unsinkable?"

"People also said that about the Titanic and looked what happened to it," a voice behind them pointed out. Mako stopped which caused Yugi to stop also and turned around. Behind them were a silver-haired and a platinum blonde-haired boy with narrowed eyes glaring at them.

Yugi gulped and tried to back away but with Mako's firm grip on his shoulder he couldn't. "The Crystal Cave is stronger then some old ship," Mako called out proudly. "It will never sink."

"Really?" asked the platinum blonde. "I think you may want to look over the railing because that is exactly what this ship is doing."

Mako ran over to the railing, dragging Yugi with him, and a peered out. Indeed the ship was slowly but surely sinking. He gasped when he felt something metal at his neck, pressing into the skin. "What do you want?"

"The kid."

"Fine! Take him!" Mako let go of Yugi's arm and pushed him into the silver-haired boy.

The two pirates smirked at each other, both thinking what the other was. The platinum one kept his dagger at Mako's neck. He brought his mouth to his ear and whispered, "The sea is about to meet one its many lovers. Have fun!" He pushed the captain over board and in doing so slashed his throat. He grinned at his friend who held the boy. "Time to go!"


I know that wasn't very descriptive but I tried. Please ignore all the grammar mistakes. Actually I was hoping that someone would be my beta since I don't have one. So if you're interested e-mail me at shadowangel12@dazedandconfused.com!! R & R please!!