Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Differences of Truth ❯ The Balls Are Injured ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yippie... three!! Get this. So far this is the third chapter I have wrote on this story in one night!!! Right now it is 10:20 p.m. Late!! Anyways here I go!!


(Me interrupting)

Warnings: Cursing, yaoi between Yami/Yugi, Bakura/Ryou, Marik/Malik, Seto/Joey, and straightness between Shadi/Isis. No Lemon!!

Disclaimer: If you haven't all ready figured out that I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, how dense are ya?


Yugi awoke the next morning in a strange new bed in a dark room. As he rubbed sleep out of his eyes, he remembered fragments of what happened last night. He remembered being taken off Crystal Cave and onto Braided Arbor and thrown in this room. 'What happened to the ship? And my parents?'

The door slammed open to reveal another tri-colored person leaning against the doorframe, smirking at the teen on his bed. Pharaoh or Yami walked towards the frightened boy. "What is your name?" he asked in his smooth voice that could melt ice to water by the sound of it.

"Y-Yugi," the teen replied stuttering. "What happened to the Crystal C-Cave?"

"That ship, I'm afraid, is no more among the sailing of others."

"In other words?"

"It went to the bottom of the sea. Every ship someone says is unsinkable always sink. Purposely or not." Yami moved back to the door. "Come on, Yugi. Time to meet everyone."

Yugi climbed off the bed and walked over to the captain who held out his right hand. After Yugi took hold of the hand, Yami followed him out the door and onto the deck. There Yugi could see were men slouching around, digging through what they 'borrowed' last night.

The Pharaoh walked through the parted walkway, made from the men when they saw the captain, and walked up some stairs next to a cabin. Yugi looked up to see the two who captured him last night at the steering wheel. "Hello Bakura. Hello Marik," Yami said making his way to them.

"Good morning Yami. How are you this morning?" asked Marik grinning.

Yami smirked. "Better then ever. Nice catch." He brought his hand around and pulled Yugi to stand in front of him. The teen looked up the two who was sporting similar smirks of the one of captain.

"Yeah we know."

"You must be the Tomb Robber and the Tomb Guardian right?" Yugi remarked looking away from the two who stared at him with wide eyes.

"How do you know that?" asked Yami letting go of Yugi's hand so he could stand next to the other two.

"My parents told me last night after I ran into someone named Shadi."

Bakura laughed. "We should have known it would be him."

"Yes we should have," added Marik chuckling. "Hey! Seto!!"

A brown-haired boy came up behind Yugi and asked, "What is it now Marik?"

Yugi turned around. "You must be the High Priest."

Seto's eyes gazed at the youth in front of him. "Is this the last one?"

"Yep," muttered Yami looking over the railing to his crew. "Have you made any more moves on your crush, Bakura?"

Bakura chuckled slightly. "Crush? What crush?"

"Why Ryou, of course! Don't tell me him turning you down have finally gotten to you?"

"That damn kid doesn't know what's good for him!"

"And you Marik?"

"I... uh... you see... he sorta... threw a plate at me yesterday," Marik stumbled through words.

"He didn't throw a plate, he threw a whole box of them at you," laughed Seto.

Marik looked down. "Shut up. How about Joey?"

"Took his first kiss last night." Seto smirked at the surprised looks of his friends. "And that was all I took!"

"Um, excuse me?" They turned to the forgotten kid. "What are you going to do with me?"

"We could let him meet the other three," suggested Bakura though he rather throw the kid out into the ocean.

"I know what you're thinking Bakura and the answer is no. If we do that to him, we'll have to do it to Ryou," informed Yami.


Ryou Chantell {1} brought his knees up to his chest so he could rest his arms on them. He was sitting there on top of a cabin when a small beanbag hit him in the head. Muttering curses in British he looked behind him to see the culprit be none other then Malik Ishtar. "Why did you do that for?"

"You looked like you could need some cheering up," replied Malik sitting next to him with his legs criss-crossed. "Bakura mess with you again?"

"No," Ryou murmured. "Thank whoever. Why can't he get the message that I don't like him that way?"

"Because you do like him that way but you're afraid that you will get your heart broken one to many times again."

"Is that how you feel with Marik?"

"Yeah." They both sighed. Ryou was going to ask another question when they heard shouting behind them. The two boys turned around and crawled over to the ledge of the cabin to meet the faces of Yami, Bakura, Marik, and a kid who looked a lot like Yami.

"Puzzle holder?" whispered Malik.

Ryou whispered back, "Must be."

"What in the name of Ra are you two doing up there?" yelled Marik.

"I found Ryou up here so I decided to join him Marik," snapped Malik sounding out Marik's name. "What's it to you?"

Yami sighed at the antics and said, "This is Yugi. Do you two think you could show him around while we work?"

"Sure!" Ryou replied smiling. "Anything for you Yami!" The two climbed down the ladder on the side of the cabin they were sitting on and walked to the four. "I'm Ryou and this is Malik."

"Hi," Yugi said.

"We must be off. See you three for lunch," said Yami walking away. He turned to see Bakura walk up to Ryou and Marik walk to Malik.

"What the hell do you want Bakura?" Ryou asked irritably.

"Just to ask you something," Bakura answered innocently.

"If you're going to ask if I would be with you in any kinda way, the answer is and will always be no. Better yet, hell no!"

"Why not?" cried Bakura.

"I don't hafta give you a reason."

"Fine!" He turned his back to the silver-haired teen. "Come on Marik."

"Hold on, I'm busy here." Marik turned his attention to Malik. "So, how about... OWWWW!! DAMNIT ALL TO RA!!!"

The three walked away from the pirates. "I can't believe you just did that," Yugi giggled.

"Hey, if he thought that he could win me over using his balls then let him use his balls no more," Malik snorted.


{1}= I thought it would be weird if Ryou's last name were the same as Bakura's first name.

I think by Malik saying that you can tell what he did. If not, think really, really, really hard!! R & R please!!!