Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Do you Dream of Me? ❯ How far will you go? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi everyone!! Took me long enough to bring in ch. 7, ne? Well, I had a lot of trouble with it, and thanks to the help of Marita-chan I was able to get my way through it^_^ Thankies SOOOOO Much Marita...I woulda been lost! O and btw to the expert Duelists that are reading this....PLEASE DUN KILL ME OVER THE DUEL!! I am definitely not an expert in that area and I did it to my best....^^;; And if it seems a little choppy, dun kill me..I tried my best to get out of the chapter...It's just one of those chapters u just want them to go away ^^; Anyways......Enjoy!


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My heart was still pounding....Was I alive? Or am I imagining things?

I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was still in Pegasus' room. I looked up and Kaiba still had his gun pointed at me. However, his whole hand was shaking. His face was uncertain, and I could see in his eyes that he didn't want to do it. I looked next to me and not too far from me was the bullet that went into the floor. Pegasus was not pleased with this at all.

"It appears you missed, Kaiba-boy...." He said.

"Uh...I must of used the wrong hand....this hand of mine is kinda shakey..." Kaiba said, giving a little cough. He then put it in his other hand and then pointed at me once more. I just wanted him to be done and over with it...if he was going to shoot me, he might as well do it fast. I don't need this....He just did what he did so I could become more trusting to him. I fell right for it. He never cared for me in the first place...But then kaiba did something I didn't expect. He turned around and decided to point the gun back at Pegasus!

"Big mistake in giving me a gun...!" He said. Just then a gun was pressed up against his head by a guard.

"YOUR big mistake was trying to point a gun at me, Kaiba-boy." Pegasus replied. "Must I have you be killed AGAIN?" Kaiba was silent.

"Pegasus! Leave him alone!" I said.

"You want him to live? Then hand over that millennium item...." Pegasus replied.

"I got a better proposition for you...." I said. He then looked at me with interest.

"...If you let him go, you can have me as your servant, and I will follow you...........faithfully." I said in a low tone.

"Dawn! Don't you even dare to even TRY and be a frickin' hero again-!!" Kaiba said but was only to be elbowed into the stomach. Pegasus then turned back to me.

"Do you promise this?" Pegasus asked.

"You have my word." I replied. Pegasus then smiled. He ordered the guard to lower his gun and to let Kaiba go. I lowered my head and closed my eyes, waiting to be taken away.

"Now that this is finally settled.....you need to change into your yami." Pegasus said. I looked up at him.

"I...I don't know how to." I replied. "I don't even know what a yami IS...So how am I supposed to?"

"Don't play games with me, Dawn."

"I don't! I'm telling the truth!" I said. Pegasus searched my mind and found out that I was indeed telling the truth. He thought for a few minutes, pacing. It seems that everytime her yami appears, it's always a source of emotional conflict, or when she is in terrible danger, Pegasus thought to himself.

"You have to be able to bring out your Yami." Pegasus said. He then looked over at me and gave me a cold stare of some sort. Pegasus began to walk away from me as I began to step back wards, but then a guard had been behind me to stop me. He then pushed me forward towards Pegasus and I ended up in his arms! Kaiba and myself were both surprised over this.

"Don't worry." Pegasus said. "I will make sure that your yami does indeed reveal herself...no matter what the cost." My whole body was shaking, and then I felt a sharp pain to my side that made me want to just let out a scream. It turns out that Pegasus had stabbed me in the hip.

"Go on Dawn...." He continued. "Release her....release her now!"

"I....I can't!" I said, falling to my knees. Kaiba tried to come over, but was stopped.

"Pegasus! Stop trying to hurt her! This is crazy!" Kaiba shouted.

"One little stab isn't going to kill her....." Pegasus said as he grinned at me.

"She said that she would serve you! Isn't that good enough?!" Kaiba asked.

"I want her to serve me, of course.....but not as herself....as her yami alone." Pegasus said. "Maybe if I kill off you the soul of your yami can inhabit that body of yours."

"You can't do that! You monster!" Kaiba shouted.

"Oh, but I can...." Pegasus said. "If I can't have the Millennium item that Dawn possess now, I might as well have her for my control for the time being." I had never been so frightened in my life...So afraid.......but then....it felt like my heart had stopped...and that I had felt some kind of change inside me............

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Man, these bars are really strong.." Hiroto said as he tried to kick the bars down.

"I don't think that's going to work, Hiroto..." Anzu sighed. "you're definitely not Superman."

"Well what do you expect him to do?" Jounouchi asked. "Wave around his little hands and go 'hocus pocus'-?" Just as he was flinging around his hand, the bars had disappeared. He looked at it with extreme confusion along with the rest of the group.

"Jounouchi.....you simply amaze me sometimes...." Bakura said. He looked over at him.

"That makes two of us...." Jounouchi replied. He then walked out of theo cell and looked around to see that there were no guards around.

"Maybe we should take this chance to leave on an asap...." Hiroto said.

"Thank you, Captain obvious...." Jounouchi replied. "But we first gotta find where Dawn is."

"AND Kaiba." Yugi reminded.

"No, I don't care where dat slimeball is...I just wanna find Dawn. That's all that's important to me." Jounouchi said and began to run off. Everyone just sighed, but then they just went along with him.

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"That's it......." Pegasus said to himself as he was watching the transformation of Midnight. It was finally complete. She held her side and looked over at Pegasus.

"Midnight....." Kaiba said in a soft tone.

"How dare you attack me..." She said in a low tone. "It is a mistake if you're trying to test my powers."

"Calm down, my dear lady...." Pegasus said. "Your reincarnation has just agreed for you to become my slave.....you have no choice in the matter, I'm afraid."

"And if I happen to refuse?" Midnight asked.

"Then you'll die....or he'll die." Pegasus said, pointing to Kaiba. Midnight had a scolding look on her face, unable to think of what to do next.

"You have no right to treat us like animals....We are humans of this world just like you are..." She said in a low tone.

"You're pathetic lives mean nothing to me." Pegasus said, walking away. "It is weak to try and preserve such meaningless lives such as yourselves...there is only one life meant for preservation..."

"IT IS NOT WEAK TO VALUE LIFE!" Kaiba snapped, but then was slapped in the face by Pegasus.

"You're not worth my time, Kaiba-boy..." He said, but then looked at Midnight. "You on the other hand have SOME worth to me. What is your name?"

"...I am called Midnight..." She replied in a soft tone.

"Well, Midnight....It'll be a pleasure to have you serve me...."

"She's not going to serve you!" Kaiba said. "Stop continuing this cherade as if you control EVERYTHING!"

"That's where you're wrong, Kaiba-boy...I DO own everything...and eventually I'll have my dear-beloved Cecilia back among us once again...." Pegasus explained. "Once I have my lovely wife back....there will be no more need for these millennium items and their chosen people....therefore I will exterminate them in the end when the time comes." Midnight looked down, unable to intake what she was hearing. Why am I taking this?? She thought. How could Dawn give in so easily to a man like THIS? I know she has more heart that this! Kaiba was beyond furious. He wasn't going to take this kind of treatment from anyone.

".........DUEL ME!" Kaiba then blurted out. Everyone looked at him. "That's right, Pegasus...Duel me NOW!"

"And why would I want to waste my time on someone like you?" Pegasus asked.

"For a bargain." Kaiba replied.

"I'm listening."

"If I win, I get back Dawn and Mokuba....."

"And if I win?"

"....Whatever you want." Kaiba replied in a low tone. Midnight looked at him strangely. Why does he want to throw everything away just for two single souls? She thought to herself. Does he really love them that much?

Pegasus smiled at Kaiba. Glad to hear what was coming from his mouth, he looked at him with an evil smile.

"Very well, Kaiba. We shall duel..." He replied.

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The final arrangements were set. Kaiba made his stand into the ring, preparing himself for a battle that could clinch it all for him. He looked across at Pegasus, His contempt barely in check. The rage of the dragon master runs deep, Pegasus observed, amusement playing across his features. Kaiba-boy wont stand a chance against me with my millenium eye! With its hidden powers i can unlock the secrets of his mind like opening one of my favorite comics!!!!!!!!

"Quit the suspense act, Pegasus," growled Seto, his eyes as icy as his tone," Quit dauddling and play your hand. You'll pay for using Dawn as a bargaining chip."

"Oh kaiba-boy, you're alot more deep than you let on," Pegasus grinned, like a poker player with an ace of up his sleeve. His smile was of boyish pleasure, and of a slight feral nature.

"Just duel," snapped Kaiba, his patience with his adversary snapping with every word. I have to be ready for anything that he throws at me, he thought. Kaiba feigned indifference towards Pegasus, more for show than for caution. He had long since learned to show indifference towards his opponants, as a means of intimitation. It sealed their terror, and terror produced flaws. He was the top notch duelist in duelist kingdom, and he was NOT going to let some scumball get between him and Dawn. NO ONE would ever come between him and Dawn, not after being apart for so long, being apart by a single, measily and pathetic misunderstanding. Pegasus then snapped his fingers, to show that a block was being risen from underground. There, a figure's body was attached to it. Kaiba's eyes opened widely. It was Midnight/Dawn attached to it, with two guards beside her.

"What the hell is this?! Dawn doesn't need to get involved in this!" Kaiba snapped.

"But she IS involved, dear Kaiba-boy...She is the prize to whomever wins....Are you man enough to take that test and win the woman you love or have loved?" Pegasus smiled slyly, flickers of a smile playing across his lips.

"She is not a prize, you monster!! She IS yet human!"

"Oh, but Midnight would beg to differ, wouldn't you....?" Pegasus glanced over to the beyond ticked-off Midnight. She said nothing, looking away in disgustment (if that's a word...^^;;). It would only be too late before Kaiba would find out the power of my millenium eye, reveared the Duel monsters creator, allowing himself to envision the win against his hard headed adversary. Kaiba loves his dear Dawn, he bemused, strategizing his first move. His passions for Miss grayson will be his undoing, and soon i will have her phenominal power, as well as Kaiba's soul!!!! Ahhh, a wolfish grin spread across his lean face, soon he will join his baby brother.........

"Let's just get this over with." Kaiba said in his low tone. I'll rip him to shreds....show him what happens when you cross Seto Kaiba in ANY way....

Dear Kaiba-boy...Pegasus thought. If you only KNEW what you were in for. Kaiba looked at his cards, discouraged at Pegasus's attitude towards the duel. Now let me see, he thought, stategizing his next move. What can I play on my first card? He glanced up at Pegasus, who was just playing around with his own deck. Shaking his head, he pulled out a card.

"I'll go first." Kaiba said, laying down a card. "I choose the Sword-Stalker, in attack mode. Then I play this card face-down." Kaiba waited for Pegasus' reaction, but nothing came out of him but a big grin on his face. He looked at his deck and then in unamusement drew a card out.

"Hmmmm........Your card is really powerful, Kaiba-boy." Pegasus complimented. "He looks too tough for me to beat...I think I'll just have to put this in defense mode." He set down his card, revealing A poor, pathetic monster that wasn't worth any effort.

"Feh...that's your problem." Kaiba said. "For your defense, you played right into my trap....Defense Paralysis....Sword Stalker.....! Show Pegasus NO mercy!" The dark beast came charging. slicing the little monster to ribbons.

"Your pathetic defense has been dimolished..." Kaiba grinned. Pegasus just looked in complete shock, however it was all apart of his plan. He WANTED Kaiba to think that he was going to win.

.....I feel....so weak....and tired....Midnight thought to herself, practically dangling herself against the chains that held her down. Kaiba doesn't know what he's going up against....That vision is still lingering in my mind from when Dawn first recieved it. It's RIGHT now and there's nothing I can do to stop it. I can't possibly stand anymore of this fighting between Kaiba and Pegasus....It isn't right......Someone has to stop them from doing this....No more fighting.....I...I can't bare anymore of this pain.......If...If you keep this up.........................if you keep this up.........................................................

"Well, well, Kaiba-boy." Pegasus complimented, looking down at his cards. "That was a fine move. However, it won't be good enough to save you in the end. What'll happen when I bring around my OTHER cards...you'll be as good as gone."

"We'll see about that." Kaiba growled. He looked at his deck, and then drew out another card. He stared at it for a few moments, and then glanced over at Midnight. He gave her this look of deep concern, but then returned his serious expression to the battle field.

"I choose....The Blue Eyes White Dragon, in attack mode!" Kaiba said, setting his card down. Pegasus just gave a little grin. You played right into my trap, Kaiba-boy....he thought.

"Then I guess I have no choice but to play this....." Pegasus said, then placing his card; Toon World. The big book of toons popped out of nowhere while Kaiba hesitated backwards, watching it form. Midnight looked up at it and then shook her head. It's over....Once he has summoned that card....Kaiba has no chance in winning.................Please....someone make this stop. Please...

"!" Kaiba was in shock. He had never seen this card be put into play before, and yet he has heard many stories of it....of course Pegasus would be the only one with this kind of card in the first place.

"Let me show you just what this nice little card does for me, Kaiba-boy." Pegasus said. "I can take any monster I want that's on the field and use it for myself like this....watch...." The book opened itself up, creating a large cloud of smoke. It went and floated over to the card he wanted: The Blue Eyes White Dragon. Kaiba watched in surprise as he saw his dragon be sucked up into the book. It took a few seconds, but before he knew it, his precious Blue Eyes had been turned into a toon!

"What have you done to it??" Kaiba asked.

"Oh, I just made him look cuddlier....." Pegasus smiled. "But now that I have your dear Blue Eyes, I can attack your SwordStalker......Blue Eyes.....White Lightning attack, NOW!" The little dragon creature did what he was told, aiming a large beam of lighting at Kaiba's Swordstalker, shattering it to pieces. Kaiba's lifepoints went down, but then, this lightning spark was coming from under the ground of where Midnight was. She looked at it, but before she knew it, she was shocked at a high voltage all over her body. She let out a scream in agonizing pain, and Kaiba looked over in shock.

"Midnight!" Kaiba shouted. He wanted to go over to help her get out of those chains, but he was still stuck in the duel.

"Did I neglect to mention that everytime you lose lifepoints that your lover is hit with a voltage of 80 watts?" Pegasus explained. "If I forgot, my apologies COMPLETELY. I hope that motivates you more to do better...."

"You....frickin' BASTARD!!" Kaiba snapped.

"It appears I have made you mad, haven't I? Oh dear..." Pegasus smiled. "Well, take me on more seriously and win this back....and don't lose lifepoints." Kaiba growled in his low tone.

He's got that damned toon book out in the open, He began stradegizing. Somehow i need to get rid of it! Looking at his hand, he took note of another Blue Eyes White Dragon, the second of the three still remaining in his deck. I can't play my Blue Eyes, he thought, frowning slightly, Pegasus will just Use another Dragon capture Jar to get at it, and I can't let that monster steal another one...

Little did he know that his every thought, his every play, his every move was know at Pegasus's disposal, Awwww poor little Kaiba boy, he snickered, can't seem to make up his mind! Of course I can steal another of his Blue Eyes, to make this game even MORE FUN!!!! But i need to stall Kaiba-boy long enough to play right into my hands!!!!!

"It's Your turn Kaiba-boy! You know, you can play that Blue Eyes White dragon in your hand, but then again, what's keeping me from taking that away from you, as I did your other one??" He grinned sheepishly, and ofcourse any of your other monsters won't stand a chance against MY wonderful toon creatures!!!!"

"..........It's not over yet." Kaiba replied. Just hang in there a little bit longer, Dawn.....Midnight...hold onto her and DON'T let go of her!

This musn't happen anymore........I....I can't go on like this....Midnight thought to herself. One more hit like that, and I think I'm done for....

Now, if I can just look into Kaiba's mind one more time to see what he's throwing down so I can counter back on that, my victory will be clinched sooner than he thinks, Pegasus thought to himself. He grinned evily. Midnight could not watch this any longer. Although she was weak from the attack of life points being lost, she still remained to keep some energy. Listening to all the taunts and blows towards Kaiba was the last straw. Her Millennium suddenly let her feel a sharp prescence. She felt that Pegasus was going to read Kaiba's mind once again, but she wouldn't allow it. Just as he was about to read his mind, he was blocked and everything turned black.

What?! Pegasus thought. Why can't I see what's in his mind...?? How is he being protected??

"Pegasus......." Midnight said in her soft tone. "It is time to put an end to your evil ways....I have had enough of your lame theatrics of your mind-reading..." Pegasus looked over at her, seeing that her head was down, and he couldn't see her eyes from the hair covering it.

"What are you talking about?! Stop trying to interfere with our duel! You are becoming a nuisance to it!" Pegasus retorted. Just then he could see an electrifying piece of black energy appearing into the room. He looked at it strangely and in fear.

"What's going on??" Pegasus said as he looked around. He could see that he was going to be engulfed by a black sphere of nothing. Kaiba looked at him strangely, unable to figure out what was wrong with him, for he was the only one who could not see this happening.

"Has the he gone nuts?" Kaiba asked himself in a low tone. He glanced at Pegasus for a moment, and then turned to Midnight, who was surrounded around blue flames. What's going on here? What the hell is happening between those two?? Is it....that Dawn, or Midnight is using her powers on Pegasus? But...there's nothing here...What is she making Pegasus see what I can't? Kaiba was confused and all he could do was watch Pegasus, being tormented out of his mind....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pegasus was alone in the dark. It was so dark that he couldn't see an inch in front of himself. He was cautious, searching around for something, but was unable to find any clue that he was still in the same room as he was with Kaiba. Where am I? What is this nonsense?! He asked himself.

"Pegasus....." A small voice said. Pegasus turned into the direction that he heard the voice.

"Who's there??" He asked. Just then, A small girl appeared before him, sitting in a chair, in a spotlight, and holding her favorite doll. She had an exact resemblence to Dawn, and he just started walking over to her slowly.

"Don't MOVE!" The girl snapped, and immediately, Pegasus did what he was told. He didn't know what to say. The girl looked up at him, with an expressionless face. "Maximillian Pegasus......The murderer of Dawn Marie Grayson's family.....the soul-stealer of Mokuba Kaiba and Solomon Moto.....I have long awaited your arrival."

"Who are you?? You're not Dawn at all!"

"Of course I'm not her, you fool....." The girl said, getting off the chair. "I am what is of Dawn and Midnight that is pure evil. Both of them have a sorrowful and depressing side to the both of them, and I thrive off both sides of energy. They have graciously given me so much over the past couple years...So much hate...and sorrow. To you I should be grateful."

"Grateful? Why should you be grateful for all the things that I have done against Dawn Grayson?"

"Because of all the evil you have against her has able to give her all of that pain to me....Do you remember the day that your castle was blown to bits? Or at least parts of....?"

"That wasn't Dawn...OR Midnight..." He said.

"Exactly. That was indeed me, "coming out of my shell", as you humans would put it....I have long awaited where I could emerge from Dawn's body so I can go against the living once again.....Sharing bodies tho makes it so difficult...I plan to take her out and then I can live in this body permenantly....so I can share my life with my beloved."


"At one point, my love was taken away from me by the man you call Seto Kaiba. I seek in my revenge to kill him once I have made it out successfully of Dawn's body....Her youth has served her purpose, but now it is time that I took over and ran things a little bit differently..." The fake Dawn said. Her body then disappeared and then turned into a different form. She had long hair that was colored by flames, and she was wearing black on whatever she had.

"Well then..." Pegasus smiled. "I assume you want my help in killing Seto Kaiba....right?"

"I do not need any human such as yourself. You are no longer needed in this world....I shall release you from it now....My slave....you will be freed. Freed from anymore pain that you have endured yourself." She lifted her hand towards Pegasus, creating a huge white light to blind him. He buried his eyes into his hands, but then he could feel like something triggered. His whole body felt like it was burning up, at massive temperatures. He screamed in pain, unable to make the burning go away. The girl just stood there, watching as her expressions were unphased by her own reactions.

"Pitiful fool......You were hungering for extreme power....just so you could get your loved one back....?" She said to herself. "What a waste of time and effort on your part....May you join your loved one in the after-life." The girl continued to watch as Pegasus rolled about in pain, burning up, and smiled.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Master Pegasus!" Kemo shouted as he ran into the room. He tried to get close to him, but he was only thrown back by the force-field that was around him. He was tossing and turning about on the floor, and yet no one could figure out what was wrong with him.

"Why is he...Why is he acting so strangely?" Kaiba asked himself. He looked over to Midnight. With her head lowered, she effortlessly pulled her hands off from the walls from which she was held down to. The guards that had been standing next to her attempted to push her back, but with one touch, they was thrown into the farest wall. Kaiba stepped back in surprise. She looked up and her eyes seemed almost different......like burning, possessed flames were reflecting off of them. She looked at him with an evil grin, and then jumped off the platform to go and attack Kaiba. Midnight got ahold of his neck, grabbing it rather tightly.

"Let.....GO!" Kaiba managed to say.

"Dear Priest...I must let you go and send you into the depths of hell....I feel it is my duty now..." The possessed Midnight said, as she continued to tighten her grip.


Kaiba turned his head a slight to hear where the voice it was coming from in order to hear it being Yami (Yugi changed during the scene ^^;) runnining towards him. The rest of the group was behind him, following his every footstep. The possessed Midnight looked up at them in surprise to see Yami, and then decided to fleed by disappearing. Kaiba sat up a little and held his neck by coughing.

"Are you all right, Kaiba?" Jounouchi asked.

"::cough:: Yeah....I'm fine.......but Dawn...Midnight, she-!"

".......?" Yami looked down at him, and then saw that a figure was walking towards them. When the lighting began to show onto the object, showing that it was indeed MOKUBA!

"Hey! Th-that's-! Mokuba!" Anzu said. The little kid was walking, a little dizzy and having some trouble in walking.

"Mokuba!" Kaiba said, as he tried getting up. Mokuba's soul was freed.....but does that mean that Pegasus set him free? What happened to Pegasus after Midnight decided to attack me? Kaiba's mind began filling with questions again, but then he just didn't care. Mokuba was all right...now all he had to do was get Dawn back to her normal self.

"Big brother!" Mokuba said, running to him and hugging him at the waist. They had their moment of a reunion and then silence followed after.

"Where's Dawn?" Hiroto asked, finally breaking the silence.

"....She disappeared. Midnight decided to attack me out of nowhere, and then when she saw you guys, she left. She was acting kinda weird." Kaiba explained.

"THAT was MIDNIGHT?!" Jounouchi asked. "Why the hell was she trying to beat the crap outta you??" But then again, that's not TOO hard to figure out WHY......Jounouchi thought to himself. I mean anyone would wanna get a chance at DAT idiot......But this isn't the time to insult!

"You think if I knew that, that I wouldn't have so much trouble trying to figure it out." Kaiba snapped back. He then stopped his anger, cooling himself for a minute.

"Why the heck would she do that? I think that seems so weird." Anzu said.

"Well, we don't know much information on Midnight to be able to determine whether she is all good or not. It seems rather difficult to determine that." Bakura replied.

"Let's go find her...I think we need to hear an explanation from her." Yami said. The rest of the group nodded. They down the halls of the building, finally able to get outside. When they had arrived outside, they found that the possessed Midnight was floating in mid-air, facing the way to Domino City.

"Midnight! Stop!" Kaiba shouted to her. She turned to him and gave him the most evil deathglare she could give.

"Don't try and oppose me, pitiful mortal..." She said in a calm, yet chilling tone.

"You can't be Midnight or Dawn...You don't sound like either or!" Yami said.

"Indeed I do not sound like either of them....I'm glad that you can see that, Yami."

"What are you? WHO are you?" Jounouchi asked.

"I am your Angel of Death.....I have descended from hell to make you all suffer.......My name is....Demona."

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