Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Do you Dream of Me? ❯ Demona ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Demona??" Yami blurted out.

"Yes...Pharoah, you may not remember me, but I served you loyally back in the time where you ruled over Egypt. I was one of your best guards....However, you chose MIDNIGHT to be you head guard...your most trusted friend, aside from your other friends."

"I'm afraid I can't remember you. I am sorry." Yami said, lowering his head.

"I am not concerned with your memory, Yami.....what I am concerned with is that I completely eliminate my love's obstacle so I may get to her...."

"HER??" Jounouchi blurted out. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Why did you say HER??"

"Because Midnight and I are DESTINED to be soulmates! I do not need any of you to interfere with that!"

"Midnight is NOT yours!" Kaiba shouted. "She is living inside Dawn's body, and Dawn is MY FIANCE, MEANING SHE BELONGS TO ME!! So keep your hands off of her!" Everyone looked at him, surprised at the words that were coming out of his mouth. Demona looked at him in silence but then she shook her head.

"If you want her back, you're going to have to kill me to get her back..." She said. "But then again, you kill me, and you basically kill Midnight and Dawn....So it's your call, mortal." Demona said.

"I have a better idea......" Yami said in a low voice and then raised his hand to her. "Mind CRUSH!" The spirit inside Midnight's body began to move about, unable to control the power that was being thrown at her, and it cause her and the body to separate from each other!

"What?!" Yami said. "That should have killed her off from Midnight's body!" (i'm glad that no one decides to think of me and think of Midnight....U_U;;;; lol) Demona opened her eyes and looked at herself to see that she had separarated from Midnight's body and smiled in delight. Midnight's body stayed up in the air for a few seconds, but then began to drop from a high distance up. Kaiba ran over to her and attempted to catch her, falling on his back when he did.

"I am grateful for your releasing, Yami..." She smiled. "but I must bid you farewell..I am off to do some errands for myself in return to everyone for their kindness...." And with that, she flew off, heading straight for Domino City.

"Hold it! Demona!" Yami said as he ran after her, but was unable to catch her. "No...."

"Midnight....Wake up..." Kaiba said as he began to shake her. Her eyes slowly opened finally, and then looked at him.

"Beloved....?" She managed to say.

"Midnight, where's Dawn? What's happened to her??" Kaiba said, a little surprised at her reaction, but continued with his question.

"..............I have no idea.......I lost contact with her in senses when Demona became a strong being once again...I'm sorry." Midnight explained then looked away. Kaiba's eyes, widening in fear, he then dropped to his knees...feeling like he had just lost his energy to make any movements.

"........................AAAAArgh...!!!!!!!" Kaiba shouted, beginning to pound his hand into the ground. He held in his tears, best as he could. "Midnight....How could you....? HOW COULD YOU LET HER LEAVE???"

"Don't you think I TRIED stopping her? The problem was I couldn't..." Midnight replied. "She wanted to depart from this world..no matter how much I tried stopping her. It was of her own free will." Kaiba shut his eyes tight, unable to believe what he was hearing.

"......And I told her-! All these things! All MY feelings!! I never even got to hear if she REALLY felt the same way back!! After ALL these years!! We finally began to understand each other again! She can't be ready to go now! Not after all that we've been through! She can't just GIVE up on her life......! I thought that when this was over...We could be together.....and that....we would.....WE WOULD......!!" Everyone watched him, as he was letting out all of his emotions. Mokuba then slowly walked over and put his hand on his older brother's shoulder for comfort.

"Big brother....." He said, feeling Kaiba tremble, after all his frustration being taken out.

"She-she was everything...another part of me...Even though the times I had made her angry or-or-sad....She...her face....would hide that sorrow and somehow....she would cover it up and........smile. Even in her darkest hour! Placing all of her feelings behind others....Why Dawn...why did you leave me??"

"Beloved..." Midnight said in a soft and calm tone. "What has been done cannot be undone. You must move on with your life and-"

".....Take my revenge." Kaiba finished in a small tone of voice. Everyone looked at him once more, surprised. "Demona must be paid back for all the trouble she has caused...for everyone's sake. Her jealousy is what drove her, and that's what's going to cost her."

"Have you gone mad? Do you honestly believe that you could take on Demona when she has more power than all of us??" Midnight asked.

"I...I don't know. But I'm gonna confront her head-on. She took something from me and now it's my turn to pay her back. This game isn't over yet."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Poor souls.....Demona thought to herself as she looked down at Domino City. All of you and your pitiful, meaningless existence...Why do you bother to even live? All the troubles that you have in your life, whether it is some kind of physical need that you can't have, or an emotional one. I cannot understand the kind of lives you all want to live, after continuing on with such a burden.


I will free you from this world, from pain and sorrow, along with myself. I will be your liberator and let you die to be happier...I will give you all the honor to die with me and come with me into the heavens....Come....Children of the Earth......Come be freed from this painful world. Demona then began to hold up her hand and create a large ball of blue fire. She threw it down into the city, where it began to catch fire to everything.

Burn, Domino City.....Burn up so that all the souls can be lifted into the after-life....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"So, what's da plan?" Jounouchi asked, grinding his fist.

"We find Demona and stop her. Simple as that." Hiroto answered.

"Simple, you say?" Midnight snapped, turning back to him.

"Yeah. She shouldn't be that much problem...I mean...she's a gir-" Hiroto continued, but then was grabbed by his trenchoat. Everyone looked over at her.

"If you make so much as a sexist comment that you were about to say just now, I will personally rearrange that insolent mouth of yours." Midnight scowled.

"......Er....Uh....." He said, acting dumbfounded.

"Do you even REALIZE what we're about to go up against??" Midnight asked him. "Demona is NOT just some girl that you find on a typical street. You can't take her lightly because she's a GIRL. Demona's hunger for revenge is great...and her power is BEYOND imaginable. You have NO clue what she is like when she becomes angry. That destructive power wants to destroy Domino City...She wants to create havoc...Do you UNDERSTAND this?"

"......Yeah." Hiroto finally responded.

"Midnight, let him go. He doesn't know any better." Yami said, putting a hand on her shoulder. She closed her eyes in frustration, unable to see that her anger got the best of her and was taken out on an ally.

"I...I'm sorry, Pharaoh..." She said, looking away, and releasing Hiroto. "It's just that I'm a little frusterated over this whole mess....I was supposed to be protecting Dawn and I practically let her down." Yami looked at her, unable to find words of comfort for her.

"But you said it for yourself..." Kaiba said, out of nowhere. "You tried and stopping her.............And she wanted to leave. You can't force someone to stay against their will....No matter how much you want them to."

"Kaiba......." Jounouchi said in a soft tone. "We can get her back, can't we?"

"Didn't you here, you nim-rod? She left....She left us to go to the afterlife! She doesn't want to live here anymore."

"But we could always bring her back, right?" He said, then looking at Midnight. "We can....can't we?" Midnight then looked away, unable to answer. She had no reply to it because she wasn't even sure herself. Even if they were able to bring her back, she wasn't sure if Dawn WANTED to come back. To live on, lingering in the living, and not able to go back to that peaceful state of mind; to be free of pain was probably something she wanted. She deserved something like that for a long time.

"I cannot say." Midnight finally replied. "But unfortunately, that really be shouldn't the reason that we should be worrying about. What we need to worry about is trying to defeat Demona. That is our first priority of concern. Is everyone in?"

"I know I am." Jounouchi said. "There's some payback to be made."

"He's right. I can say for the rest of us that we're in." Yami said, but then looked to the ever-distant Kaiba. He looked at the group and then looked away.

"..........Fine. Let's go."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The group found a motor boat that was still able to work, able to hold them all and began heading back to Domino City.

"Domino City...here we come." Anzu said, taking in a deep breath. Impatient to wait to get there, Midnight kept looking around.

"I think I'm going to go on ahead and scout the area for Demona..." She said, getting up.

"Er, um....How??" Jounouchi asked. She stood up on the boat and began to raise herself into midair. With most of the group shocked (except Kaiba of course..-.-), she went flying towards the city.

"How does she DO THAT(I wanna fly too!)???" Jounouchi asked.

"It's best not to ask questions anymore, Jounouchi...." Hiroto said, putting his hand on his shoulder and sighing.

"What do you think that Demona's planning to do, Kaiba?" Bakura asked.

"I don't know...." Kaiba snapped. "Why do you think I know all the answers anyways?"

"I'm just asking a question, Kaiba. You don't have to take out your anger out on the rest of us." Bakura said. Kaiba looked at them, and then turned to the front of the boat.

Hm...No signs of any kind of damage yet I suppose...Midnight observed as she flew across the water. It's as though she wants us to come and find her....Demona...what are you planning? Just then, she was thrown off by a large wave that came directly at her. She lost her balance a little, but mantained it, flying a little higher.

"Whoa...that was close..The waters are getting rather rough." She looked up at the sky to see that there were storm clouds forming at an unusually fast rate. "What the-?!" The waves became even larger, making it harder for Midnight to dodge each and every one of them, specifically attacking her alone.

"Ugh...Can't...keep up...with this....!" Midnight said, getting tired of dodging the turbulence of the waters. I better go back and check up on the others...! She thought. Meanwhile, the waters were getting a little rough for the rest of the group.

"When did the water start getting bad??" Anzu asked as the boat kept moving from one end to the other.

"Just hold onto the boat for as long as you can!" Jounouchi said. Before they knew it, the waters had gotten to its extremes and the boat had capsized. Everyone was thrown off in different directions and Midnight was not to far from it, seeing it.

"Shit..." Midnight cussed under her breath and sped up faster to catch up to them. "Hang on everyone!" She first dove to Yami, being the closest one to her, and then Anzu. Pulling them with all her strength, she wasn't getting anywhere. The force of the water was great, and it made it even harder for Midnight to even get them out of the water. She continued to pulled them out, and just as she had them both out of the water, she was smacked hard from behind with a large wave. She flew forwards, falling into the water, along with both Anzu and Yami.

"H....HEY!!" Jounouchi said, trying to gasp for air. "Y-you guys!!" The water threw them all apart, tearing them from one end to the other. It seemed like it was endless at that it wasn't going to stop. Midnight held her breath underwater, waiting for it all to end when suddenly she felt a hand touch hers. She looked up to see that there was a figure that she couldn't quite make clearly underwater. She looksed closely, and found that it was Kaiba trying to hold onto her. He pulled her in with all his strength and held her close. The raging waters did not like that and tried to separate the two from each other. Kaiba kept trying to hold his grip to her but before he knew it, the two were thrown apart again. Midnight went back up to the surface and looked around.

"Kaiba....!" She called out. There was no answer. "Kaiba!!" She went back under to look around but he wasn't in sight. That was when the water had calmed down and everything seem to be back in balance. She rose back up once again.

"....Where is he?" She asked herself in a low tone.

"Midnight!" A voice called out. She turned around to see that everyone had made it back....everyone, except one.

"Jounouchi!" Midnight called back.

"Are you all right?" Yami asked.

"I'm fine.....But I haven't seen Kaiba. Have you?" She asked.

"We haven't. We assumed he was with you." Midnight's eyes widened. She then dove back under and began to search around for Kaiba. I can't lose him too! I've already lost someone dear to me...! There was no such luck in finding Kaiba. No matter how many times Midnight went back down to look, the search was meaningless.

"Midnight..." Jounouchi said in a soft tone.

"Let us go, Midnight." Yami said, after she came up for the last time. "We might be able to find him on shore." Midnight panted in exhaustion. She wanted to blieve that he might have been washed to shore, but he couldn't have been that quick in time. There was no way. But she wanted to find out for herself.

"All right." She said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"It's time to awaken...." A voice said. Kaiba's eyes were opened to a blurred figure. When he thought that he had cleared them, he saw that it was Dawn! Kaiba arose fast.

"?!" He was astounded to see her standing there. "Wh-what are you doing here?! I thought you were gone!"

"Why would I be gone? I'm very strong-willed as you can see...."

"...I'm...I'm just glad that your alive." Kaiba said, looking away. "I just....I missed you, Dawn."

"Why are you talking about that pathetic child again?" Kaiba then looked back to see that it was Demona. His eyes widened. She looked at him with a disgusted look, and then turned away. "You must have hit your head harder than I thought.

"I knew it was too good to be true..." Kaiba said, disappointed after getting his hopes up.

"Oh, don't mourn over something untradgic as that tiresome human."

"...Don't say that!" Kaiba said, snapping at her. "It's all your fault that Dawn decided to depart from this world and into the beyond!"

"......It's MY fault, you say?" Demona asked, turning back to him once more. "Is that what the GREAT Midnight said to you?" Kaiba looked at her, and said nothing in response.

"Let me tell you something, young Kaiba...The person that you should be turning your anger towards, is Midnight herself."

"And why should I believe you??"

"Because Midnight only said that so she could cover up the truth from you! She needed someone perfect for bate, so when I emerged out, I was the first to blame."

"Oh, give it a rest! Everyone knows that you're the cause of it all! If it weren't for you, we woulda had it easier!"

"You don't believe me? Fine. I'll show you." She then used her magic to show a scene back in the days of Egypt. "Long ago....Midnight and I were known as rivals, but also to be best friends. We were always training each other to become the best we could be. We wanted to be the head guard; Pharoah's deep friend and consultant, but only one of us were able to get the position. We both fought hard, and in the end....Midnight was able to get the position. Even though I was a little disappointed at myself for not being able to be as triumphant as I wanted, I was happy for her that she had gotten what she deserved. I liked her...more than just a friend. She was like the whole world to me, and I would have done anything to make her happy....Maybe that's why I couldn't win....My heart was holding me back...but then it was torn apart...You, Seto Kaiba. You took her away from me and I felt like I had lost everything. You brought her over to a side of power and greed. She betrayed me because of you! I had lost everything that day...the day I found the two of you together....It was the end of my innoscence to begin my new era."


"Midnight betrays, Kaiba! She betrayed me and she'd betray you just to get what she wants. If you want Dawn back, you're going to have to trust in me, and together we'll take on Midnight. You just can't go back to her in the process. If you stay with me, you'll have all the kind of power you want....you just have to trust me. When we eliminate Midnight...Dawn will walk among us once again..." Kaiba then looked at her, not wanting to trust her, but he felt as though he had no choice....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"::pant:: I am....NEVER...going to swim like dat...EVER again!" Jounouchi huffed and puffed, laying onto the shore when they had reached it. When Midnight had approached land, she laid on her back and closed her eyes, unable to believe the amount of energy it took out of her...

"Oh my goodness...that was terrible...." She managed to say.

"Man...that was not your ordinary turbulence of water..." Hiroto said.

"Thank ya Captain Obvious..." Jounouchi weakly saluted. Midnight then opened her eyes, to see something had definitely caught her eye. She immediately stood up and looked up in horror.

"Everyone!" She shouted. "Look!" Everyone turned around to look at Domino City...in flames! Everyone watched; shocked as they were, and unable to intake all of it.

"What the...?! Domino City!! It's going up in smoke!" Jounouchi said.

"....Our...our home!" Anzu cried out.

"Midnight...what are we going to do??" Mokuba asked, wanting a good explanation to make it all, all right.

"I.......I.........I don't know............."Midnight replied, unable to find the words she wanted. This is all Demona's doing...She has to be stopped before anymore innocent lives are taken....

"Midnight!" A voice called out. She looked up to the direction of the voice to find that Demona was staning on a building, waiting. "Are you going to cower away from me and flee justlike you did last battle?"

"I have not fled from a battle a day in my life....nor do I plan to start anytime soon....!" Midnight retorted.

"Then come up....Show me you're not a coward....Come on, Midnight....let's finished what we started a thousand years ago....." Demona grinned evilly. Midnight lowered her head, but then she looked back up and began to start her way up to meet her match once again.