Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Guardians of the Watchtowers ❯ Almost a Rift ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey! I'm actually ahead of my deadline. Whoo-hoo!

Thanks to: Millenia, Calupe, Karenu-anime for the reviews, and to everyone else who's reading this!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh.

"blah" is speaking, /blah/ is thoughts

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Chapter 3: Almost a Rift

Yami and Yugi were silent as they waited for the elevator. Yami didn't understand why Raven wanted Yugi to leave so abruptly. They had, after all, invited him to their place so they could "get to know him". So far, all they know was that one, he now liked the dark (sorta); two, he lived with his grandpa; and three…well, that was about it, actually. Now looked like an ideal time to find out more.

"So Yugi," Yami said conversationally, "what do you and your friends like to do for fun around here?"

"Well…" Yugi thought for a moment," usually, we hang out at Burger World, the park, or at my place. Sometimes we'll go to the arcades. Tea really likes that Dance Revolution game. She's studying to be a dancer."

The elevator doors opened with a ding! and the boys stepped into it. Yami hit the one button before turning to Yugi again. "Tea…your girlfriend?"

Yugi laughed a little. "No, we're just good friends. Her, me, Joey, and Tristan. We hang out a lot together."

Yami wasn't sure why he felt relieved over this information. /Well, I can think of something…/ a voice in the back of his mind said. Yami shoved the thought aside quickly. He took a quick breath to focus himself. "Joey and Tristan, the two boys sitting with you at lunch today?" Yami instantly wanted to kick himself. Now Yugi knew he had been watching him. Smooth, Yami…

Yugi blinked at him curiously. Yami had been watching him? "No…" he said slowly, "That was Bakura and Marik sitting with me. Joey, Tristan, and Tea are all in America, on that foreign exchange program."

"Oh…" Okay, so none of those three could be Illuminites then. The Elders had said all four would be in the same place.

An awkward silence passed before the elevator doors slid open with another ding. Yami and Yugi exited the elevator, then the building, and out into the parking lot. They stopped at the red motorcycle that was parked next to Raven's car. Yami took the black helmet with blue waves encircling it and held it towards Yugi. "You ever ride one of these things before, Yugi?"

Yugi shook his head. He didn't know *Yami* drove that motorcycle. He was sweating a little. What if he fell off that thing by accident? Couldn't they just borrow Raven's car instead?

Yami noticed the little one's worry. He smiled gently. "Don't worry, Yugi. I'll make sure you don't fall off. I promise I'll take the turns slow." He nudged the helmet towards Yugi again. "This is Raven's actually, but I'm sure she won't mind if you use it." He smiled again.

"Okay…" Yugi said slowly. "If you say so…" He took the helmet from Yami and strapped it on securely. Yami grabbed the other helmet on the bike, also black but with red flames encircling it, and put it on. Then he climbed onto the bike and motioned for Yugi to get on as well. Yugi took a deep breath before he scrambled on awkwardly behind him. He looked around for something to hold onto.

"Hang on to my waist so you won't fall off." Yami's voice was slightly muffled by the helmet. Yugi nodded and tentatively put his arms around the taller's waist. Yugi gulped again as the bike roared to life and Yami took off. As they gained speed, Yugi couldn't help but tighten his grip around Yami's waist. But as scared as he was, a part of him didn't want the ride to end. He kinda liked having his arms around Yami…

All too soon, they arrived at the Turtle Game Shop. The shop itself was closed for the day, but the lights on upstairs meant that Yugi's grandpa, Solomon Muto, was home. Yugi carefully hopped off the bike, his legs a bit shaky from the ride. He unsnapped the helmet's strap and took it off, then handed it back to Yami, who had also removed his helmet. "Have fun?" he asked with a grin.

Yugi smiled. "Yeah! Thanks again for the ride." He shifted his eyes shyly to the ground, then back up at Yami. "So…would you and your friends like to join me, Bakura, and Marik for lunch tomorrow?"

"We'd be delighted to. Thank you for the offer."

"Great! All our friends can get acquainted then. I'll see you tomorrow!" Yugi waved bye as he headed to the shop's door.

Yami waited till he was safely inside, then strapped back on his helmet and took off again, thinking /I have a feeling our friends are already acquainted…/ A smile crept at the corners of his mouth as he sped down the street.

When he got back to the pent-house, Bakurian and Marius were already their, talking with Raven. Yami dropped his keys on the small table, then took off his leather coat and draped it over a nearby chair. He went over and sat down next to Raven on the couch. He nodded his greeting to her, then turned his attention to the other two. "What did you find out?"

Bakurian rolled his eyes. "Nobody could be that good and…*annoying* and NOT be an Illuminite."

Yami regarded his closely. "You didn't *kill* him already, now did you?" He knew Bakurian loses his temper easily, and had very little, if any, tolerance for humans he found annoying.

The white-haired boy rolled his eyes again and grumbled to himself. "No, *Marius* ," he shot Marius a nasty glare, "wouldn't let me. Personally, I think he has a thing for that Marik boy."

"I do not!" Marius said hotly. He angrily raised a hand, ready to summon his element, Earth. Bakurian readied for battle as well.

"If you want to fight, then take it outside," Raven said sharply. When both boys had settled back down, Raven continued. "Okay, so it looks like Bakura and Marik may well be Illuminites."

"And Yugi?" asked Yami. "What do you think of him?"

Raven paused. "He's short." She flashed Yami a playful grin, then turned serious again. "Innocent. Good. He's got the qualities. Did you find out anything new?"

He knew she was asking about a possible fourth. He shook his head. "He has three other close friends, but they are all in American at the moment."

"Hmm…there must be another that he is close to…" Raven mused.

"Perhaps we'll find out tomorrow."

Raven looked at him questionably. "Tomorrow?"

"Yes, Yugi invited us to sit with him and his friends tomorrow at lunch."

"WHAT?!" Bakurian practically screamed. "You mean I gotta spend *more* time with that little weakling?! Can't we just kill them already and find the fourth ourselves?"

Raven shook her head. "No. We don't make the kill till we are absolutely sure. We have to make sure they are the true four Illuminites."

"Why not just kill them anyways? The world won't miss three measly human boys…" He stood up angrily.

Raven groaned. They've had this argument countless times before. Always the same. "I've told you and told you, we don't kill innocent humans. UNLESS, we are ordered to. That is our way."

"No, Raven. That's YOUR way. If *I* were the leader, then I'd-"

He was cut off abruptly by Raven. "Then you'd what? Kill off any and every human in site? Have the human world suspicious of our kind, hunt us down unmercifully?" She raised herself to her full height and glared at Bakurian menacingly. "You want this leader's position? Then go ahead and TRY to take it from me."

Yami put an arm between the two and pulled Raven back a little. "We have a mission to accomplish," he reminded them. "And we need *everyone* to get it done."
His eyes flickered between the two, then settles on Bakurian. "Bakurian, Raven's led us for over 200 years now, kept us alive and together. There's a reason why she's our leader- her knowledge. Her knowledge of the different worlds, ancient magicks, the way things work around here. I strongly advise against a battle with you, for you wouldn't stand a chance. She knows much more than you."

"Then why don't *you* challenge her, Yami, and lead us? Everyone here knows your element Fire can easily overpower her Water."

Yami chuckled. "Because with her vast knowledge of magick, I'd be foolish to do so. Besides, she has my complete loyalty." He looked at Raven.

"Yami's right," Marius cut in. "This is not the time to argue. Let's just find this fourth Illuminite, then kill the four of them. You can settle this *later*."

"Agreed," Raven said. She looked at Bakurian. "If you want out, then I suggest you take it up with the Elders."

"I'll stay…but I'm getting tired of waiting. I want to go hunting *soon*."

Raven smiled. "I have an idea. Tomorrow night, we go hunting. I know the *perfect* prey."

"Who?" asked Yami curiously.

"A certain group of boys who like to play tough bullies."

Yami's eyes narrowed. He knew who she was talking about. Those jerks who had picked on Yugi. He was going to especially enjoy this hunt…

Bakurian and Marik left shortly after, going to their pent-house down the hall. /Finally…/ thought Raven with a sigh. She turned to Yami. "Thanks for supporting me, Yami. Bakurian is starting to become a problem…"

"He's young and impatient, Cousin. And that temper of his."

"Hmph…that "temper" causes him to be careless. It'll be the end of him some day," she said a little sadly.

Eyebrows raised. "Oh, still concerned about him?

Raven punched Yami lightly on the arm. "Of course, idiot. He and Marius are like family to us…a really annoying family, anyways."

Yami laughed. "Well, maybe after tomorrow's hunt he'll calm down some."

"We just killed last night, Yami. You'd think a few times a week would be enough for him…but he wants to hunt every night almost…it's not a good sign." She sighed.

"It's just his way. His nature. Besides, we all love the hunt."

"Not as much as he does…" Raven muttered to herself. She decided to change the subject. "So what do you think of Yugi?"

This caught Yami by surprise. "Y-Yugi? What about him?" He said nervously.

"I noticed the looks you gave him. Your unwillingness to show your violent side to him. Your eagerness as hunting those bullies who had picked on him." She paused. "You don't *like* him now, do you?"

"Of course not!" Yami said a little too quickly. "I know our world's laws."

Raven nodded, but wasn't too convinced. "Well, don't forget them. You know how strict the Elders are. I don't want you getting in trouble with them…"

Yami knew what she was referring to, but refusing to say. The Elders killed those who broke the law. "I promise. I'll remember them, and I won't break them," he assured her. He just hoped he would be able to keep his promise…


Wow…that was an incredibly…boring chapter. All talk basically. Sorry about that. I promise next chapter should have some more action in it. If this chapter was a bit confusing, then it should be cleared up within the next few chapters hopefully. Yami's and Raven's "world" will be better explained and such. I have one more chapter to write on my other project, then I can concentrate fully on this fic. So update in…two weeks maybe? Thanks for reading, and please don't forget to review! :D