Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Guardians of the Watchtowers ❯ The Cemetery ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Bah, mediaminer.org is giving me such troubles lately. Am I the only one? Well, moving along…

Calupe: Thanks for your *very* long review! ;)

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh. And I kinda got this idea from LJ Smith's Nightworld series.

"blah" = speaking, /blah/ = thoughts, ~blah~ = wolf speaking (umm…they are talking with their mind, but other people can hear them, k?)

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Chapter 4: The Cemetery

At lunchtime the following day, Yami and the others easily found Yugi and his little group sitting under the large oak tree. Ever since Raven had so casually mentioned that he liked Yugi, Yami could not seem to get the boy out of his thoughts. All last night, through his morning classes, the boy had kept tugging insistently at his mind. Was it actually possible that he liked this human boy? What was Raven seeing that he was obviously so blind to?

Momentarily, Yami's thoughts shifted to his cousin. She and Bakurian still had not said a word to each other all morning. This was not good for the group. They needed their unity to survive. Together, they were powerful and strong, nearly unstoppable. But divided-

Yami's thoughts were interrupted as Yugi caught his gaze, smiling and waving. Yami offered his own smile as he sat down next to him on the cool grass. He noticed Marius sitting down next to Marik, and Bakurian, though somewhat reluctantly, plopping himself down next to Bakura. He wore his familiar scowl. Raven sat down silently next to Yami, her face solemn and emotionless. Yami couldn't tell whether it was because of Bakurian or because they had yet to find the fourth Illuminite.

After everyone was introduced to one another, Yugi told the others how Yami and Raven had saved him from those bullies. "It was amazing!" he said, smiling brightly at Yami in particular. "They sent those bullies running so fast in the other direction!"

As the conversations continued, Raven let her gaze roam restlessly around the courtyard. Yugi and his two friends were definitely the faint energy source she had felt the previous day at the "welcome" assembly. She could feel it faintly even now, sitting close to them. But if they were the true Illuminites, then their power should be much stronger. Much, much stronger. With the fourth, they would be able to rise to their full potential, just as the Elders prophesized. So, while the boys talked amongst themselves, Raven searched for any slight signs of magickal energy. Her golden eyes finally rested on a lone boy. He too did not follow the school dress code, wearing a long silvery coat over dark pants and shirt. He was sitting against a tree, typing furiously on his laptop. His short brown hair waved slightly with the light wind. He was completely focused on the laptop before him, paying no attention whatsoever to the other students near him. Or to the girl staring at him. Or so she thought.


Seto Kaiba sat typing furiously on his laptop, his fingers moving rapidly over the keyboard. Oh, how he hated school. He should be at his office, running his company, but his damn board advisors insisted that he attend. He needed a "decent education", they said. Pheh, they probably just wanted him out of their way for several hours, give themselves a "break"… Suddenly, Kaiba felt that he was being watched, and he glanced up curiously. People were always staring at him, but this one felt…different. He narrowed his eyes as he searched around the courtyard for the intruding stare. At last, he stopped at a dark haired girl, sitting with Yugi and his group. He vaguely remembered her from the previous day's assembly- he hadn't really been paying attention. At least, not until she and her friends had openly defied the principal. It was always fun watching students disobey school authority. Especially when it was that stuffy old man they called "Principal".

Cold blue eyes locked onto sharp golden ones. But only for a moment. Kaiba looked back down at his laptop screen, intent on finishing his work. He had no idea what had caused him to look up in the first place, and he chided himself silently for being distracted so easily, even only if momentarily.


Cold blue eyes. Intriguing. Raven sensed a pale energy source coming from the boy, but it wasn't quite like what she felt coming from Yugi and his friends. Something felt…off, but she couldn't place her finger on it.

"That's Seto Kaiba."

Yugi's voice jolted her out of her thoughts. "Who?"

"Seto Kaiba. He's the CEO of Kaiba Corp, which designs the newest game technology. He's very much the loner, always typing on that laptop of his. I don't think he has any friends…"

"Not that he wants any…" Marik grumbled. Everyone turned towards him. "He only cares for that company of his and his little brother, Mokuba."

"So you guys…don't talk to him, or hang out with him or anything?" Raven asked curiously.

Yugi sighed. "We tried to. But Kaiba just pushed us away, firmly stating he didn't have time for "friends"."

Raven frowned a little. No other person at this school projected any sort of magickal energy. So this Kaiba must be the fourth. But if he was, then he should have been somewhat close to Yugi and the others. Something was not right…

A movement in the corner of her eye caught Raven's attention, and she glanced over to her left. What she saw made her smile: Bandana Head and a bunch of his buddies were approaching them. Perfect.

Yami saw them too and immediately rose to his feet, facing them. Yugi looked up at him, asking, "Yami, what's wr-" He stopped mid-word, his eyes widening as he saw the approaching bullies. He stood up quickly, and was immediately pulled protectively behind Yami. Raven got up as well, a small smile still on her lips.

"Well, well, well boys. Fancy meeting you here. Bully on anyone lately?" Raven narrowed her eyes at them.

Bandana Head glared right back. "We're here to teach you a lesson! You punks got lucky yesterday, but now there are even more of us!" There were half a dozen of them. "Prepare to be pummeled!"

Marius and Bakurian jumped up as well, Bakurian grinning. Yes, a fight! "You mess with them, and you'll have *us* to deal with as well!"

Even though he was angry with Raven, Bakurian never could turn down a fight…even if it meant siding with her. But now was not her intended time for the fight. "Not here," she said calmly.

"Why? Are ya afraid?" Bandana Head and his buddies laughed.

Raven smirked. "Of course not. But it's no fun to fight with the school authorities hanging about. How about we go outside the school?"

"Alright. You want your pummeling later? Fine then. Name the place and time. And you *better* show up too. Or else tomorrow we'll come after you. With or without school authorities watching us." He grinned.

"The old cemetery, eight o'clock *sharp*. And don't worry, we'll be there."

Yami knew *exactly* what she was planning, and he smiled. "Watch your backs…" he called to the backs of the boys as they walked away. "You're in for a BIG surprise…"

A tug on his sleeve caused Yami to turn around. Yugi was looking at him with big, worried eyes. "Are you sure you know what you are doing?" he asked in a concerned voice.

Yami smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Yugi. We can handle them."

Yugi frowned, still not liking it. "Well, I'm coming with you then. After all, it is kinda my fault that they are mad at you."

"No, they had it coming. Someone has to teach them a lesson. Besides, I don't want you in any danger. You and your friends best stay home tonight."

"But-" Yugi was about to protest further, but was cut off by Raven.

"Yami's right, Short-Stuff." It was her new nickname for him, though don't ask her why she gave him one. "You'd just get in the way."

The bell ending the lunch period sounded off, effectively ending their discussion. "Don't worry," Yami repeated as he and Raven started to head off in the direction of their next class. "We'll be fine. See you tomorrow."

Yugi waved, then grabbed his backpack and ran to catch up with Bakura and Marik. He couldn't just sit at home and do nothing. He had an idea…


The night air was crisp and chilly as Bandana Head and his buddies waited in the dark cemetery for the punks who dared stand up to him. *Nobody* made fools out of him and his gang. *Nobody* interfered with their business. He checked his watch for the hundredth time it seemed. Five minutes till eight. He figured they get there early, so there wouldn't be any "surprises" waiting for them, as that pointy haired guy had said there would be. Pheh. *Nobody* surprised them either.

The minutes ticked by slowly, until at last it was eight sharp. Bandana Head looked around anxiously. He heard a rustle of leaves behind him, and he whirled around, fists ready. Nothing. Just the wind. Or maybe those punks were trying to jump them or something. Another rustle of leaves behind Scar Boy caused the boys to turn around in that direction. Nothing as well. Bandana Head swallowed, then called out, "Enough hiding already! Come out and fight like a man!" His voice shook slightly.

A low growl was his response. Bandana Head peered into the darkness. Was this some kind of a joke? His eyes widened when he saw a glowing pair of angry red eyes peering out from behind one of the headstones. He gasped when the eyes were joined by the rest of its body, as a wolf slowly made its way from behind the headstone. The gasp of his friends caused him to look back. Three other wolves had also come out from behind headstones. They were surrounded!

Bandana Head put out a shaky hand. "Easy, boy," he whispered shakily. "We don't wanna hurt you…"

Another growl was his answer, as well as a set of bared teeth. Bandana Head jerked back his hand, his eyes wide with fear. The wolves suddenly advanced their attack. Bandana Head and his buddies didn't stand a chance…

Moments later, it was over. The wolf with the red eyes looked up from the dead bully at his feet, his eyes frozen in terror. It was all too easy. Stupid boy. Wasn't so tough after all. Suddenly, the wolf's ears pricked up. Someone…or something was coming. A wolf with yellow eyes looked up from her kill as well, ears pricked. She stepped away from the body and joined the first wolf.

~Yami, someone else is here as well.~

~I know, Raven. But I don't *smell* anything.~

~I do.~ Yami looked at her. ~I smell death.~

A wolf with dark grey eyes came up to them. ~Vampires?~

His question was answered by a series of loud clapping. Yami narrowed his eyes as four figures clad in black stepped out from behind a few trees. With his keen eyesight, he could see their sharp fangs protruding from their upper mouths. Vampires.

A pretty blonde-haired vampire stopped a few feet from the wolves. She stopped her clapping. "Well done, Guardians. I see you haven't lost your hunting skills."

~Isabella.~ Yami growled. He hadn't seen her in a long time, but well-remembered her.

Isabella laughed. "It's been a while now hasn't it? Nearly two centuries and a half almost." She smiled wistfully, as if recalling the past in her mind. "Ah, what fun we had hunting together. We were quite ruthless, you and I." Her eyes darkened suddenly. "But then you had to listen to that cousin of yours."

~Good thing I did.~ Yami replied. ~Or I might have turned out like you: a remorseless killer.~

Isabella sneered at that last remark. "And what's wrong with that? Humans are meant to be our prey. And nothing else."

Before Yami could reply, the snap of a twig was heard. Immediately, the three vampires with Isabella took off towards a cluster of nearby headstones. Startled cries could be heard as they half-dragged three struggling figures out from behind the headstones. Yami recognized one boy's pointy hairstyle. /Oh no…Yugi…/

Yugi, Bakura, and Marik were dragged over to where Isabella and the wolves were standing. They were completely terrified, after having witnessed the deaths of those bullies. And now there were vampires…And where were Yami, Raven, and the others? Yugi feared that those wolves, or vampires, had already gotten to them.

The boys were thrown at the feet of Isabella, who knelt down to their level. "Well look what we have here: dinner," she whispered, showing her fangs. "And such pretty little ones too." Then she sneered suddenly, her lips curling up in a snarl. She stood back up. "And who reek of goodness and light. I *hate* the smell of goodness. It's so…*nauseating*." She bent and grabbed Yugi by the collar of his jacket, and lifted him off of his feet. "Let's see how you taste, little boy…" She opened her mouth for the first bite…

But was suddenly thrown off balance, Yugi tumbling back to the ground. He scrambled to his knees as Marik and Bakura went to him. They huddled close together. In the meantime, Isabella was also laying on the ground, with Yami standing over her, his paws to either side of her body. His lips were curled into a vicious snarl, his teeth bared. His eyes were flashing dangerously. ~Stay away from him, you monster! Or you'll wish you were never born.~

Isabella laughed. "Is that a threat, Yami? Or a challenge?" She paused. "Or is it just a soft spot you have for that human?" Her eyes widened, and she burst out laughing. "You *like* the boy, don't you? Yes, I can see it in your eyes."

Yugi's eyes widened at the mention of Yami's name. "Y-Yami?" he asked in a quiet voice.

The wolf looked at him, and their eyes locked. Yugi's eyes widened even more. It *was* Yami! He'd recognize those eyes any where…

Isabella used this opportunity to shove Yami off of her. As he tumbled to the ground, she whipped out her dagger from her belt and slashed at him, catching his right front paw. Yami yelped from the pain. Raven, Marius, and Bakurian immediately rushed over, forming a protective circle around him. The other three vampires likewise gathered behind Isabella. Raven let out a low growl. ~Leave while you can, Isabella. You don't stand a chance against us!~

"I never did like you much, Raven. And now I'm going to prove why *I* should have been chosen to guard the Watchtowers!" She and the other vampires lunged at them, their mouths open, fingers curled like claws.

~Alu tinechor!~ Raven shouted. A powerful wall of water shot up from the ground in between them. Isabella snarled as she clawed at the water with her hands, but was unable to break through. "You've won this match, Raven! But next time, you won't be so lucky!" She and the others ran off into the night.

The water shield died down as soon as they were gone, and Raven turned towards Yami. ~Yami! You ok?~

Yami was licking at the wound on his paw. ~Damn. She got me rather deep…~

~Let me see.~

Yami stopped licking and Raven peered down at it, kinda pushing his paw with her nose. Yami recoiled a bit. ~Ouch!~ he said angrily. He glared at her.

~Sorry. It's not bad though.~ She closed her eyes, focused her magick on his paw, and muttered ~Tanka harwar.~ Bluish sparkles appeared around the wound. When they disappeared, the wound was gone. ~It'll be a bit sore, but the wound is gone.~ She moved away from him.

~Thanks.~ Yami got up from the ground, and looked at the three human boys still huddled close together. Yugi had recognized him. Yami sighed. Damn. Now they either would have to tell them the truth…or kill them.

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Yeah, I chickened out on the death of the bullies part. I could not make it all gory and bloody and stuff. It's best if that is left in my own mind…

I suppose you are wondering about the weirdo words Raven was using for her magick. Believe it or not, it's Elven. I got the translations from a site that I found. I don't know a thing about Elven grammar, so they will always be direct translations. Here are the ones for this chapter:

Alu tinechor: water shield

Tanka harwar: Heal

Well, I hope you liked this chapter. Things should start to pick up now. I hope. Thanks for reading and please review! I don't know if you people like this story or not. It'll only take a minute, eh? Thanks anyways!