Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Guardians of the Watchtowers ❯ Choices and Decisions ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yeah, I've been ummmm…lazy of late. Sorry for the long update.

*sniff sniff* No reviews? :( Oh well. Maybe it's because mediaminer is being so dang difficult lately…Guess I'll give this place one more chance.

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Yugioh. And I sorta got this idea from LJ Smith's Nightworld series.

"blah": speaking, /blah/: thoughts, ~blah~: wolf speaking

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Chapter 5: Choices and Decisions

To kill, or not to kill? For Yami, it had always been kill or *be* killed. There was never really a choice. Until now. Now, things were different. Very different indeed. He had *feelings* for a human boy. Yes, he was willing to admit that now. The realization had come when Isabella was about to bite Yugi. Something just *clicked* inside of him, and he knew that he had to protect Yugi, at all costs. Yami looked at the boy who had captured his heart, and smiled inwardly to himself. Yugi's eyes told him everything he needed to know: such a willingness to understand in those deep pools of purple. Yugi didn't know what was going on, but was willing to listen before passing any judgment. Such an enduring trait for one so young.

Yami was about to walk over to Yugi, when Raven came and blocked his path. ~What do you think you are doing?~ she asked in a slightly angry tone.

This was going to be difficult. Yami knew of Raven's deep hatred for the human race, spurned from a betrayal that happened so long ago. But he had to make her understand. ~I'm going to tell him the truth. I know it's breaking the law, but I don't care.~ He looked at her pleadingly in the eyes. ~I can't kill him, Raven. I just can't.~

Raven peered deep into his eyes, and immediately recognized the look: he was in love. With a *human*. How this could have happened, she had no idea. He had broken one of Arawn's laws. And now he wished to break the second by telling the human about their world. She had to convince him otherwise. ~And what makes you think he'll understand?~ she asked rather icily. ~Or worse, what makes you think he won't betray you?~

~All humans are not the same. You *know* this one is good, because you can sense it. And his eyes promise me that he will try to understand. I trust him. He will *not* betray me.~

Raven growled low, slightly lifting her upper lip. ~You're going to let a *human* ruin all that we've worked for? Let a *human* tear us apart? You know what will happen. Are you willing to risk everything for one human boy?~

~Yes, I am.~ Yami held her gaze. They had been through so much together. They were the only family each other had. For centuries, they had looked out for, and taken care of each other. Was he really willing to risk losing her for a human boy? The answer came immediately from the back of his mind: /Yes./

A long silence passed, no one daring to say anything. Finally, Raven said quietly, ~Fine. You've made your decision. And I've made mine. Good luck.~ She turned to go, and headed off a few steps before turning back to Yami. ~You're going to need it. For now, you've become the hunted.~

Yami saw the hint of sadness in her eyes. But before he could speak, Marius broke in. ~No, Raven. *We've* become the hunted. I-I think I've fallen for the boy Marik. And I'm going to tell the truth as well.~

Raven sighed as she shook her head, then looked at Bakurian. ~And what about you, Bakurian? Have you fallen for your human as well?~

~Of course not!~ Bakurian said hurriedly. Then he paused. ~Well, he does kinda grow on you … in an annoying way, of course.~ he finished quickly. He looked away from her gaze sheepishly.

Then, Raven lost it, and walked back over to where Yami was still standing. ~Can't you all see it?!~ she burst out angrily. ~Or has *love* blinded you so much that you can't see what's right in front of you? You can't see the problem at hand, that this *love* will surely fail!~ She breathed heavily, and angrily paced back and forth in front of them.

~What are you babbling about, Raven?~ asked Bakurian. ~Of course we know the problem. We *know* the Elders will come after us.~ He sounded annoyed.

Raven let out an exasperated snarl. ~You fools! That's not what I'm talking about. I'm referring to your *immortality*. Or rather, *their*~ she glanced at the three human boys, ~ *mortality*.~

Yami's eyes widened as he understood. The Guardians were immortal, meaning that they never aged, and could not be easily killed. Only a few things could kill them: the deadly magick of the Elders, or if they were beheaded … But Yugi and his friends, they would grow old and one day die. Even their love could not prevent that … Yami looked at Raven pleadingly. ~Is there nothing we can do? A spell we can cast?~

Raven shook her head. ~I do not have that kind of magick. Only the Elders do, and I guarantee they won't help. So I ask you again, Yami. Are you willing to risk everything, even though you know it won't last?~

Yami hesitated, not knowing what to say. He looked at Marius and Bakurian, who were also unsure. Then a small voice spoke.

"He won't have to."

All eyes turned to the voice. It was Yugi. He had been amazed that he could hear what they had been saying. His mind was still reeling from the events of the night, and he struggled to understand what was going on. What he did understand was that he could not let Yami risk everything just for him. It wouldn't be fair. And according to Raven, it wouldn't be for much good either, since they could not be together *forever* … His decision made, Yugi took a deep breath and looked at the golden-eyed wolf. "What can be done so Yami won't be in trouble?"

~Your death.~ Raven answered quietly.

Yugi nodded. "I understand."

This surprised Raven greatly. This *human* was willing to sacrifice his life for Yami's? Perhaps she had been wrong about the human race …

Yami went up to Yugi, bringing his face close to the boy's. Yugi had never seen a wolf this close before. Tentatively, he reached a hand out to stroke Yami's neck. The fur under his fingers were coarse, yet soft. Yami nuzzled Yugi's neck lightly with his nose. ~I would rather die then hurt you, Yugi.~ he said quietly. He continued nuzzling, which made Yugi smile.

Raven watched the wolf and boy together. She noticed Marius and Bakurian were near the other two humans as well, Marius letting Mark stroke his fur as he nuzzled his neck. Bakurian, on the other hand, sat a bit rigidly as Bakura tentatively patted him on the head. Raven turned disgustedly away from the "couples". She should just leave them. If they wanted to defy the Elders and lose everything, then let them. This would be their fight, not hers. And yet, something held her back …


Raven turned toward the voice: Yami. He had stopped his nuzzling, and was looking at her. ~We have a better chance of prevailing against the Elders with you on our side. And maybe *together*, we can find a way for this to work.~

~Does the boy truly make you happy, Yami?~ Raven asked quietly.

The red-eyed wolf nodded. ~Yes. More than anything.~

His cousin sighed, then nodded as well. ~All right. I'll do what I can to help.~ She paused. ~But I am *not* doing this for the human … only for your happiness.~

Yami smiled as he went up to her and rubbed his face against her neck and shoulder. She in return rubbed her head against his shoulder. ~Thank you for understanding.~

They broke apart. Raven looked up at the dark sky, then at the dead bodies of the bullies. ~We should change and get everyone back to the pent-house. You have much explaining to do …~

Yami nodded as Bakurian and Marius walked up towards them. Closing their eyes, the wolves said in unison, ~ Wethren i' me'a, natul vee' firimar onna.~ Red, blue, brown, and white crystals sparkled and surrounded them, one for each of their elements: red for Yami's Fire, blue for Raven's Water, brown for Marius's Earth, and white for Bakurian's Air. The colored crystals blanketed the four wolves for a moment, then faded away, revealing four humans clad in black.

"Yami!" Yugi said happily as he got up from the ground and rushed over to hug him. Yami embraced him tightly as Marik and Marius also embraced. Bakurian just gave Bakura a look that warned don't-even-think-about-it … Raven watched her happy cousin with a slight look of longing … sighing, she shook her head as she started to walk toward the cemetery's exit. The boys soon followed.

Yugi looked uncertainly at the bodies littered around the area. "What about …" he trailed off, looking at Yami with sad eyes.

Yami wrapped his arm around Yugi's shoulders, and pulled him close. He felt horrible that Yugi had seen their violent deaths. But he also had the feeling that he understood that that was a part of his nature. "Don't worry. The police will take care of them later." He led Yugi away form the horrible scene and out of the cemetery.


At last, they had reached Yami and Raven's place. Bakurian and Marius had already taken Bakura and Marik back to their place to discuss things. Yami unlocked the door, went inside to the small table and struck a match. He lit one candle, and instantly the other candles were lighted as well, illuminating the room. Yugi was watching him curiously. Yami smiled. "I'll explain how I can do that in a bit."

While the boys settled themselves comfortably on the couch, Raven walked to the window and pulled open the heavy, dark curtains. She stared dully out the window, listening to the boys' discussion. Yugi had just asked where they had come from.

Yami took a deep breath. Here goes … "We come from a world called Arawn: the Realm of Darkness. You see, there are many different realms that exist: ours, the Realm of Darkness, your world, the Realm of Light, the Fairy Realm, the Elf Realm, and many others. Arawn is home to vampires such as Isabella, shapeshifters such as the four of us, wizards and witches of the dark…and any other creature of the dark."

Yugi stared at Yami in amazement. He had no idea other worlds besides his even existed! "That vampire … had called you "Guardians?" was his next question.

"Yes. The four of us, Raven, Bakurian, Marius and myself are knows as the Guardians of the Watchtowers. The Watchtowers are the four directions of the circle, and each corresponds to a specific element: the East Watchtower controls the element Air, the South controls the element Fire, the West controls the element Water, and finally the North controls the element Earth." Yami paused to take a breath, giving Yugi a chance to absorb all of this, before continuing. "The Watchtowers also serve as a sort of … gateway or portal into, and out of, Arawn. Others must call on us to open the portals if they want to enter or leave Arawn. Besides us, only the Elders can open the portals." He paused. "It is also our responsibility to guard the portals from any unwelcome … intruders."

Yugi glanced towards Raven, who was still gazing out the window. It had started to rain. Yugi turned his attention back to Yami. "Back at the cemetery, when those vampires were about to attack you, Raven called up a … shield of water. So does that mean that you guys have the powers of the elements as well?"

Yami smiled. He knew this boy was smart. "Yes. We each control one element, are in charge of one Watchtower. Marius has the northern Earth element, Bakurian has the eastern Air element, Raven has the western Water element, and I control the southern Fire element." He smiled slightly. "That is why I'm able to light those candles."

There was a silence as Yugi thought about all of this. So not only could they control the elements, but they also control the portals. He had one more question … "Yami?" he asked timidly.


"H-How come you were sent to my world? It sounds like you already have a lot of other things to worry about …"

Yami sighed. He had been hoping Yugi wouldn't ask that question, and briefly wondered how Bakurian and Marius were handling that question. Before he could answer however, Raven finally spoke.

"We were sent here by the Elders, who are the … leaders of Arawn." Raven had sensed Yami's discomfort in answering this particular question, so had decided to answer it for him. She turned from the window and went to sit in the chair opposite of the couch that Yami and Yugi were on. When she had settled herself, she continued. "The Elders had prophesized that four humans from the Realm of Light would one day destroy Arawn. They called these four the Illuminites, or Guardians of the Watchtowers of Light. Sort of our … opposites, if you will." She paused, thinking. "So, the Elders became paranoid, and sent us to make sure their prophesy never came true …" she trailed off.

Yugi nodded his head in understanding. "They sent you guys to kill them before they became powerful enough. And you think me, Bakura, and Marik are the Illuminites?"

Raven nodded. "Yes. I sense a faint source of magick power within you all. It would probably be much stronger if the fourth was here as well."

"Who's the fourth?"

Yami shook his head. "We don't know yet. We were hoping that be getting close to you we could find out. The Elders had said that all four Illuminites would be close together, and in the same place."

Yugi shook his head. "My closest friends are all in America. I don't know who this fourth could be."

"It doesn't matter anyways," Raven said. "Things have changed now …" She looked at Yami, then back at Yugi. She let out a sigh. "Now we have to worry about the Elders. They will not be pleased with these turn of events."

"Will they … come after all of us?" Yugi asked.

"Yes. We've broken the law, and they'll want our heads for that. And they still want you and your friends dead as well."

"But if they kill you, then who will guard the portals?"

"We can be easily replaced …"

Yugi noticed the bitterness in her tone, but decided not to press it. The silence lasted for several more minutes, till Raven stood up suddenly. "Well, I'm heading out for a walk. You two probably want some … privacy or whatever." She walked over to the window and lifted it up. She turned back towards them, adding, "To discuss stuff. I suggest you use this time wisely. They'll be coming soon. And it will be a long battle ahead." Raven slid out the window and onto the emergency staircase outside. The rain had started pouring now. Raven sighed as she started down the stairs. Yes, it will be a long battle indeed …

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Ugh … I think I screwed up this chapter. Wasn't really sure how to explain things. *shrugs*

Translations (direct):

Wethren i' me'a, natul vee' firimar onna.: To deceive the light, become as mortal creatures.

Thanks for reading and please review!