Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Howling at the Moon ❯ Howling at the Moon ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Just a short ficcie. It was originally a plot bunnie, turned RP, but I rewrote most of it and used a few select parts from the RP in it. It has not been Beta'd by anyone other than me. Heheh.

Howling at the Moon!

"I can make you a real Puppy if you like Jounouchi." Seto said, standing under the full moon, his pale dirty skin bathed in the dim light giving him an Ethereal look that is only added to by his icy eyes. Jounouchi was staring up at him with large amber eyes filled with fear, for what he had just witnessed of the CEO doing.

As a cloud passed, uncovering the moon, the bright shine of Luna illuminated the scene. Corpses torn to shreds lay all over the small clearing, a blood bath, and Seto covered in the cooling life fluids of those who lay slaughtered around them. He had just been walking home when the men attacked him. They discovered they attacked someone with less than a couple of bucks on him and they were a little peeved over that. He had cried out, hoping someone would save him. He got someone alright. A ten foot tall humanoid wolf, that turned into Seto Kaiba after the massacre. A very naked Seto Kaiba; covered in blood and gore. And here he was, Jounouchi Katsuya staring up at the man in horror from his place on the ground where he had sat and watched Kaiba tear through all these men. . . .

"Jounouchi. . . Please don't tell anyone about this." Kaiba asked kneeling next to the blond. "If you do you'll regret it." Kaiba said as he stepped away from the terrified blond. "Now go home, I'll cover you, just be gone from this place." With that he once more turned, only into a shaggy brown and black wolf, fierce to gaze upon as he turned away, melting into the shadows without a sound.

Jounouchi sat there a moment, terrified and amazed he hadn't pissed his pants. In the distance, but not far enough for his liking, the sound of wolves started howling into the night; a warning to any and all who were near. Jounouchi Took off like a bolt in a mad panic to get away, crying in hopes of his tears washing away the horror. He didn't care where he was going, he was going in the direction to get away from the howling of the wolves. . . And Kaiba, those icy blue eyes that were now a haunting image frozen in his mind. . . .

~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~

After cleaning up his mess last night Seto had gone home, he had few worries about what Jounouchi would say. Not like anyone would believe him anyway; The Seto Kaiba; a were wolf? Chances were it would get him thrown in a mental institute. And after a nice three-hour nap this morning, he was sitting in class reading a book, the other students filing in. He vaguely wondered if his pup would show up; after last night it would be debatable. He doubted it though; Jounouchi wouldn't miss school. Besides he still had to make Kaiba's life hell; and visa versa.

Joey ended up being late for school; not wanting to go for the fear that Kaiba would be there. He hadn't wanted to go; memories of last night burned into his mind. A part of him, the more rational side, wanted to chalk up the images in his mind up to a really bad dream and too many sweets. He just didn't dream like that, not nearly has blood, nor of Kaiba; Let alone Kaiba the were-wolf ripping people to shreds. He shuddered as he remembered the scene, then shook his head to clear the nightmarish images from his mind.

He focused on more pleasant things as he raced to the school, the bell in the distance ringing loudly to let everyone know they were late. He would just say he over slept; it's not like he could say he hadn't slept a wink because Seto Kaiba was a demonic dog. Not that anyone would believe him. Once he was in side the school, he slowed down, not wanting to see Kaiba. Idly hoping the man was locked away in office somewhere, not wanting to freak the blond out, but he knew he would be that lucky; Nope, Kaiba would be here just to make the blond nervous.

He knew his friends would question him the first chance they got; but he Didn't think he could handle it. He came to a stop right outside the door to the class room; not wanting to walk through, not wanting to see Kaiba on the far side of that door. He waited a moment, taking a deep breath and wiping the sweat from his brow. Then he took another moment to calm his racing heart that was about to beat it's way from out of his chest, trying to suppress the images from last night; then he just walked through the door, pretending he walked in to class late all the time.

Kaiba looked up from the book he had been reading a moment ago, having smelled Jounouchi's sweet scent. Then seeing the blond walk through the door, who was greeted by an angry teacher who chewed him out. Jounouchi was blushing, acting embarrassed and giving the teacher a lame excuse. She yelled at him to go take his seat. Jounouchi nodded and practically fled to his seat near his friends, Kaiba watching him closely. Jou sighed as he sat down, relaxing slightly until he caught Kaiba watching him close, the brunet smirked.

He precluded a chuckle as Jounouchi blinked at him then buried his face in his school book; pointedly ignoring the brunet. Seto thought nothing of it, he himself had been a nervous wreck the first time he had dealt with any of the Garou; though he was one at the time hadn't helped much either. He decided to wait and see what happened, he just hoped Jounouchi wasn't so terrified of him as to forgo their normal banter; it was one of the few things he truly had left to enjoy....

As the morning wore on the teacher droning on like always; Seto paid hardly any attention to his book, the teacher, or his work, more intent on watching the blond squirm, though he wiped the smirk off his face when Honda gave him a glare; one he returned to the other brunet full force. He had the instinctual feeling Jounouchi told no one of their encounter last night. 'Like a good little puppy,' he thought to himself as he averted his gaze to the teacher, wishing to just rip her throat out to shut her up.

It was obvious Jounouchi wasn't really paying attention to his work, more intent on other things. He was just zoning out, not wanting to be there and not really learning anything. Jounouchi's mind was locked on last night, and not even ten feet away the very thing that had done it. He felt like panicking.

It wasn't until the Teacher smacked her hands on his desk that he was pulled from his thoughts; with a yelp and jumping out of his chair. She was kind enough to wait a moment for him to get back in his seat, sending a glare around the room to silence anyone who was laughing. "It would be more benificial to pay attention rather than day dreaming mister Jounouchi. So if you would pay attention you might be able to bring your low grades up."

"Yes ma'am, sorry Ma'am." Jou said with a blush as he slunk down in his chair wishing to hide away from the world.

"Good." The teacher returned before heading back to the front of the class room to continue her droning.

Seto had watched the scene, rolling his eyes behind his book, not that he was paying attention either; the teacher just knew better. Either that or like all the other faculty, she just liked signaling Jounouchi out. Across the room, Honda was passing a note to Jou. . .

Honda tossed the note at Jounouchi, hitting the blond in the head with it as the teacher walked passed. Honda looked at the blond with grin, almost teasing like.

Jou rubbed the back of his head as he snatched at the note, read it, and stuck his tongue out at the brunet as he flushed slightly. Dammnit, it was all Kaiba's fault. He wouldn't be so distracted if it wasn't for him and his late-night shenanigans. Not that he didn't appreciate the help, as he would be hurting this morning without it,, but still..! He gazed at Kaiba, giving him a half-scowl.

Kaiba caught the look, returning it with a toothy grin, his K-9's showing rather well before returning to his book. He couldn't help it, he loved making the blond emotional.

Jou flinched at the look, his eyes widening, before he looked away, pushing at his hair nervously. Too bad he didn't dream it all.. What he wouldn't give right now to just have the normal stupid arguments with the high-headed CEO...and not be scared of being his next shred-fest, instead.

The class passed to slowly for Kaiba's liking, and the rest of his classmates as well; he could only imagine, with a grin, the torment his puppy was going through. Eventually the half day bell rang, signaling lunch, which many of the other students whooped and cheered, making more ruckus than required. Kaiba watched as Jounouchi's friends crowded around each other, his acute hearing picking up Honda's questions. . . Not that the brunet was attempting to be discreet.

"Jou, what's up between you and Kaiba?" Honda asked as he threw an arm around Jounouchi, unaware of the death glare he was receiving for the action. Not that Honda would have cared anyways.

Yup, he was hiding his discomfort real well. He supposed that since he was practically walking on eggshells, unsure, and frankly, scared, he forgot to hide it behind his usual easy smile. He gazed around at the concerned expressions of his friends, and tried to tilt up his lips into a smile. "Nothin', really. Y'know how me an' Kaiba are. Oil and water and all that."

Anzu lifted a brow and snorted. "Try again, Jou. You look as pale as a sheet, today."

"Er.." Jou muttered, giving a weak laugh.

Kaiba stood up, deciding to save Jounouchi, though it was amusing to watch him squirm. He calmly collected his briefcase, holding his book in the same hand as he made way past the group. He reached out and ruffled Jounouchi's hair as he spoke, "He's just scared to upset his master as usual." With out ever breaking stride as he passed the group. Honda was about ready to go off on Kaiba.

Jounouchi squeaked in surprise at the hand tousling his hair, nearly jumping out of his skin, before he gulped down a retort to the words. No matter that they were mostly true; and grabbed Honda quickly by the hand. He didn't want his friend to be the next pincushion. " 'S okay, Honda, really..! It's cool."

Yugi blinked at the sight. Jou holding Honda back from attacking Kaiba? Now that was an unusual turnaround. He shared a confused glance with Anzu, then glanced back at the blond. "Jou, you sure you're okay?"

"Fine, fine. Really!" Jou replied, grinning as best he could and biting back the urge to pull at his hair in frustration. This was not what he had intended, not at all! In fact he was scared to death; but at the same time wishing everything to be normal again.

"Your going to let him get away with that?" Honda asked completely dumbfounded. Kaiba was forgotten as Honda was worried about his friend and started feeling Jounouchi's face. "Are you okay? Your not running a fever! Has your body been snatched by the pod people?"

Kaiba glanced over his shoulder at Jounouchi, a disappointed look in his eyes. Then he turned to watch where he was going, not liking that things had changed that drastically; not that he hadn't be expecting it. This was just to Drastic.

He wouldn't hurt them, Jounouchi should have realized that if he wanted too they would have all been very dead; but it wasn't like that. . . He needed a plan to talk to Jounouchi, alone; with out the blond freaking out! He doubted that could be done with the blond in this state; but it needed to be done.

"Honda! I'm okay!" the blond protested, swatting at the brunet's hands as he flushed in embarrassment at the looks his friends were giving him. He knew he was acting odd, but he didn't know what else to do. What he'd seen had shocked him to the core, and he wasn't quite sure what he was doing at the moment, his brain wouldn't let him think that far. Of course he couldn't tell them what had him so spooked, they knew he was superstitious in the first place, but they would think he was off his rocker if he told them anything. "Really. 'S okay. Don't worry about it. Okay..?" he murmured softly, laying his hand lightly on Honda's shoulder, hoping that the other wouldn't notice his slight trembling.

"If you need anything, we're here for ya." Honda returned, Anzu and Yugi agreeing as the subject was dropped and they headed for the lunchroom. The brunet was hoping some grub would cheer the blond up some; then again cafeteria toxins were pretty depressing as most the stuff couldn't even be referred to as food. "But I'll be in the cafeteria chowin' down!"

Same ol' Honda. Jou smiled at that and smacked at the back of the other's head lightly. "I'll go for the ala carte today, I don't feel like being overcome by fumes." he replied with a grin as Anzu chuckled and shook her head as she waved her brown bag.

"I'll stay on the safe side and brown-bag it." she replied, relieved to see the blond not looking as pale as before.

They laughed and headed off talking about what ever was entertaining at that particular moment. There was still a tenseness between Jounouchi and Honda, but it wasn't to bad. After that the rest of the day was a breeze and Kaiba had disappeared; which wasn't unusual at all.

It made the remainder of the day all the much easier to bear. Not by much what with the teacher droning on and on about something he wasn't paying attention too. He was attempting to keep his mind from wandering the darker thoughts of last night, failing for the most part.

With the last bell ringing it was time to leave, the group going about their normal routine as the other students ran amuck all around them. The five friends, Ryou had joined them, walking each other home and Jounouchi the last to walk by himself; which is what he mostly did anyways.

Jou waved to them as they parted ways, smiling, then headed his own way, sticking one hand in his pocket, the other slinging his backpack and his school jacket over his shoulder as he headed the rest of the way. He felt pretty calm by that time, and not as jumpy as he'd had been. The disappearance of Kaiba had attributed greatly to that, and the presence of his friends. He smiled to himself, kicking a rock ahead of him absently as he headed for home.

As Jounouchi made his way a black car pulled up next to him, one he recognized as Kaiba's. Before he could react the door of the car flung open, Kaiba jumping out. "We need to talk." He had been waiting for this moment, the mutt all alone and away from his friends. He put a slight growling quality in his voice, though unintentional. "Now."

Any calmness he had before was gone now; replaced by a pounding heart and sudden fear. He gulped at the sight of the brunet, easing back warily. "What about?" he replied. "I don't see we have anythin' to talk 'bout."

"Why did you stop Honda?" Kaiba asked, moving forward, intent on blocking Jounouchi between himself and the wall that was behind the blond.

The blond moved back with every step that was taken by the CEO, and, of course, he got himself plastered to the wall. Well, today just wasn't his day, apparently. " 'Cause I didn't want him tickin' you off somehow and him bein' your next slice-and-dice fest." he replied, trying to be defiant; and only succeeding in making his voice shake, instead.

Kaiba sighed, a disappointed look on his face, shaking his head he responded, "I wouldn't have killed him. After all you are still alive and I probably should have killed you for seeing me." The brunet leaned in close, "and by the rules of the supernatural I should have killed you; better yet even nipped you."

Jounouchi leaned back nervously, wide honeyed eyes pinned to Seto's. Oh wasn't that just lovely to know.. He swallowed, then replied, "Then why haven't you? I'm sure it'd be no skin offa your nose, since ya' hate my guts, anyways."

Kaiba snorted, "No fun there." He stood back slightly, "Look, don't worry about. Honestly, do you think that if I really wanted you dead, that you would be alive right now to even have this conversation. I think not puppy." He turned to walk back to his car, calling over his shoulder, "Pretend it never happened, and do try to act normal, you're no fun when your scared."

Jou stared after him in astonishment, before his hands fisted at his sides. "Well, how d' you expect me to act, Kaiba?!" He retorted, gaining a bit of his nerve back when the other wasn't so very close. "It's not like I saw what I saw every day! So sue me if I was a little freaked, baka!"

Kaiba suddenly closed the distance between them with the speed borne of his breed, his face mere centimeters from Jounouchi's. "Don't call me Baka, Make Inu, Not even the Mother could restrain me from actions fueled by sheer emotions."

Jou fairly squeaked at the other's movement, eyes wide as he smacked himself up against the wall again. "I...you.." he stammered, gulping.

Kaiba gave Jou an expectant look and when nothing was forth coming, "I what with you?" His hearing picked up foot steps and he cursed mentally. "Oh hell, get in the car. We'll talk there." He grabbed Jounouchi to pull him towards the vehicle.

"Ack..!" Jounouchi yelped, stumbling after him before he caught up to the brunet's long strides. Like he would be able to make his mind work in such close quarters? Yeah, right! He felt a panic attack coming on.....

Kaiba pushed Jounouchi into the car, closing the door behind him as he jumped in after the blond. He looked at Jounouchi who was pressed against the other door. Kaiba rolled his eyes, "You were attempting to say something a moment ago." Outside the car a couple of people were strolling by, but Kaiba ignored them. "Or can you still not ask a coherent question?"

It didn't quite make sense. Why he hadn't noticed all this before. Sure, Kaiba always got him flustered. It was halfway why he always blasted off in their confrontations. But this.. Now.. It seemed to be worse. It was like the other exuded such an intimidating presence, that he couldn't think. He licked his lips absently, then muttered, " 'S not my fault.."

"What's not your fault?" Kaiba asked genuinely confused. He decided to play it off, "That a simple questions requires more brain power than you are capable of?" Maybe he could make Jounouchi loosen up some, though at the current rate of things that he doubted.

"Hey..!" Jou sputtered at the insult, and like clockwork, bristled. "Damn it, Kaiba, I wish you'd stop it with the insults and snide little comments for once in your life!"

"And we have power." Kaiba smirked as the Jounouchi he knew and adored came through. He leaned back in the seat, as casual as ever. "Need a ride home pup?"

".....?" Question marks fairly floated over the blond's head as he gazed at the brunet. "Uh...if.. If it's not too much trouble...?" he replied after a moment.

"More trouble than you're worth." Kaiba returned as the driver took off at his command. It wasn't like Kaiba didn't know where they all lived anyways; it was simple to find it out really. He refrained from making any quips about pounds. "Do you still think I'm going to go feral on you?"

Honeyed eyes narrowed at the first comment, before he paused at the last, gazing thoughtfully out the window. "....I guess not. You just startle me, okay? You have this weird.. vibe around you that makes you more intimidating." he replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Damn, now you won't cower before me." Kaiba teased with a smirk. Kaiba wanted to reiterate his offer, Nip the pup to see if he would be a golden wolf. "Thank you though."

The blond huffed slightly, pushing a hand through his hair and tucking strands behind his ears before he gazed at him curiously. "So.. how long have you been like this? I mean.. something like this would be hard to hide. Does Mokuba know?"

"Actually Mokuba had his third transformation last night. You probably heard him howling." Kaiba returned, looking out the window. "And to answer your first question, we were born this way; which makes it easy to hide."

Jou's eyes popped open wide at both statements, and he stared at Seto in surprise. "I didn't know you could be..born a werewolf. Those stories always say that you haveta be changed. But I guess it's gotta start somewhere.." he murmured.

Seto outright laughed at the comment, "That is so stereotypical of you humans. Stories hold some truth, but they have changed so much that little of it is true." Kaiba returned, looking at Jounouchi, "You can be turned, but the moon would control your changes. Those of us who are born as Garou are not controlled by her like the false breeds. We have enough control that we can change at will. The moon beckons us to change, but we can control ourselves. . . . Well most of us anyways."

He bristled faintly at the first comment, but let it slide. That's how some stories about vampires and werewolves and all that were started, after all, it would be like a kid's game of Telephone. It gets wilder and wilder as it passes. He rested his cheek against his hand, tilting his head. "Does it hurt? To change, I mean?"

Kaiba was silent a moment, then shaking his head, "Not any more. At first it hurts, every bone in your body shifting and changing, the pain was excruciating. Once you learn to embrace the change and accept it, it's painless." Kaiba shrugged, noting they were nearing the blonds house. "We will have to finish this conversation another time it would seem."

The blond turned his head and nodded, lowering his hand. "Yeah." he agreed, before he glanced at him. "Look, I'm sorry I'm freaked.. It.... just startled me, you know? It kinda throws everything you know out of whack. 'Specially you."

"I understand, it was the same for me when I discovered Vampires were real." Seto returned with a calm expression, the car coming to a stop outside Jounouchi's apartment building. Seto glanced at the building, wishing it were further away. "Don't worry, we're actually peaceful creatures, I won't argue that we aren't monsters, we are. Just not all the time."

Jou's eyes widened at the vampires bit, but wisely, kept his mouth shut about that and nodded as he opened the door. "I got it." he replied as he slid out, then stuck his head back in. "Hey, Kaiba, even though I don't know why ya did it; thanks for not.. um, y'know, killin' me and all that.." he replied in an embarrassed rush, before he closed the door and headed towards the building.

Kaiba watched Jounouchi a moment, before speaking to himself with a feral grin. "Aw, I don't think I could kill my chosen mate." Kaiba laughed, informing his kinsmen to take him to the office. He would see Jounouchi later, that much he knew. He spent the rest if the trip with a stupid grin on his face. Kazzim hitting the CEO in the head with his drivers hat.

~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~

"So that is the one he rescued last night." A calm and smooth voice commented from the shadowed alley across the way from the apartment complex. In the shadows three figures watched the building that the blond had disappeared into just moments before. "Looks like our hired help found something more entertaining to deal with and met the price by Kaiba himself."

"Should we wait?" One of the other figures asked, coming to a stand behind their leader.

"No, no need to wait. We have waited long enough. I have waited long enough." Their leader spoke, his pale blue eyes almost glowing in the dark shadows from the tall building around them. "If our little mage was right; he will be the one we want for our new little seer. We act tomorrow; when Mister Kaiba isn't about."

~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~

The day passed as normal, and another school day, as well. Jou had relieved his friends immensely at acting like his normal self, so when he headed home, there was a certain bounce to his step. Things seemed to be a little easier between he and Kaiba, and he'd made his friends happy. That counted for a good day.

Heading home, however, wasn't such a good day. Turning a corner, the blond stopped in his tracks as he came face to face with three men. Two looked rather rough and not the type to deal with, and the third had unnerving blue eyes and long, black hair. That man smiled at him, and he didn't much like the smile.

"Hello.." he purred, a strange calm look in his eyes that unnerved even those most hardened of warriors. "Jounouchi, is it?"

Jou's brows slammed down in immediate suspicion. He didn't know this man, and he certainly hadn't given him his name. "Who wants to know." he replied, stepping back. Those eyes crept him out. They were so pale a blue making the man's eyes almost white.

Kuroi smirked. "Someone that you're destined to get close to."

Jou snorted; then he turned quickly on his heel and bolted the other way, running around the corner with the men right on his tail. He gasped at the speeds the men ran, and instead he turned to do some low wall jumping. He smiled as he continued on, knowing that would slow them down.

He was wrong. Looking over his shoulder, they jumped over with an inhuman bounding skill. He turned back to what he was doing, running with all the speed he could muster. Behind him he heard them laugh and he suddenly had the distinct impression that he was being toyed with and his running would be futile if they so wanted it to be.

~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~

Kaiba was typing away on his laptop; working languidly on the report he was doing. He was bored really, wanting to see Jounouchi again, but... He had no excuse to use to see the blond. He sighed as he focused on the screen before him; catching the scent of polluted fresh air from the open window of his driver.

One particular scent caught his attention, making his head shoot up. They were at a stop light currently and with the next gust of wind he caught a familiar scent. "Jounouchi?"

"I would measure a very scared Jounouchi by the smell of things sir." Kazzim commented as he looked around, switching on the turn signal. "I will park the car immediately sir."

"Yeah, I think I smell some taint around here...." Kaiba muttered as Kazzim parked the car. "More than the normal taint that resides in a city. A Garou taint I believe."

"Well that doesn't bode well pup." Kazzim commented as he parked the car. Kaiba and Kazzim got out, Kaiba scenting the air and taking off at a fast pace. Kazzim was behind him, letting him have the lead. Kaiba was still learning how to hunt in a city and was becoming good at it.

"This way." Kaiba took off, darting around a corner and heading for the scent. He caught a whiff of Jounouchi's scent, not just any scent but one that stated he was terrified. Kaiba doubled his speed, Kazim right behind him trying to keep up with the younger pup.

"Your chosen is in trouble." Kazim stated the obvious as they skidded around the corner of an alley to see Jounouchi cornered and on the ground. One of the wolves turned and bared its teeth.

"Dually noted." Kaiba murmured, baring fangs, "Get away from him!" Kaiba's raised voice was feral, an animalistic quality to it.

"Make us Packless." The one with dark eyes commented, leaving their obvious leader to ensure the blond went nowhere. Both the in-wolf-form werewolf, and his human companion, headed for Kaiba.

Kaiba didn't give them a chance, throwing his coat and shifting to his half way form; his clothes ripping as he shifted to a ten foot beast that had saved Jounouchi just the other night. Kaiba's voice had changed drastically, growling and feral, his icy eyes a stark contrast to his dark fur. "He is Mine!"

Kuroi snarled at the interruption, but licked his lips as he stalked after the blond who was scooting backwards as fast as he could go. "Can't go far, little one." he growled, before he lunged after him. Jounouchi dodged, trying to scramble away but furry clawed, he didn't know what to call them other than talons, grabbed the blond around the neck. Kuroi, smirking at Jounouchi's choked-out cry of alarm and pain as his claws sunk into tender flesh, half-pulling him off of the ground. "Be a good little boy, hmm..?"

Kaiba had his claws full, the human had been just that, a human false breed controlled by Luna; it was the other one that was a true breed. Kaiba was fighting with one of his Kin, though the wolf was a good foot shorter than Kaiba was, he had speed. It was Kazim who intervened on his behalf, baring to the other werewolf a silver knife. Kaiba cringed at the sight but heeded Kazim's words, "You have another opponent I believe, in whom to deal with."

Kaiba said nothing and charged down the alleyway, snarling and baring his teeth. He had no worries for Kazim, who was older than he was and had been in many a battle with other Garou. This was one of Kaiba's true fights in the war he skirted with the Kin, though it was made personal this time. He made a feral sound at the sight of his beloved Jounouchi being handled so roughly, and was intent on this man's death being very painful.

"Let...go..!" the blond wheezed, struggling as Kuroi moved in closer.

"I think not." he murmured. "All the better to hold you with, my dear." he chuckled as he quoted that silly old fairy tale about Red Riding Hood, and leaned his head to bite the other, fangs baring to mark the other as his. Kuroi heard the growl and by the time he looked it was too late.

Kaiba let his claws tear into Kuroi, followed by his teeth at the other werewolf's neck, his hold on Jounouchi no more. The two went to the ground clawing and biting, both taking and giving serious wounds. Kaiba was smashed into a wall, but rebounded as he assaulted the other with claws and teeth. Neither one would give until death, which at the current rate of blood letting wouldn't be long, as both were lost in the Rage.

Finally Kaiba got a fierce bite on Kuroi's neck, his teeth sinking through the layers of hide and muscle easily. He took that moment to claw the other away, ripping Kuroi's throat and making the other wolf choke on it's own life's fluid before he threw the corpse into the wall with a sickening thud; blood splattering about.

When Kuroi had dropped him, Jou had fallen to the ground, gasping for air and coughing as the claws had been crushing his windpipe. When he could lift his head again, his eyes widened at the two fighting, crawling away as he swallowed in horror, looking away as the other that had attacked him struck the wall, bleeding.

Kazim had swiftly killed the much larger Garou without transforming and with less blood shed than Kaiba. He had Seto's coat in hand was approaching the blond when Kaiba jumped in front of him, shielding Jounouchi. Kazim muttered an 'oh shit' and backed away. He spoke aloud, knowing Kaiba could understand him as he held out his hand, "It's okay, calm down, it's all right now." Seto snarled at him with a baring of fangs, but Kazim seemed unafraid.

Jou shuddered, holding his throat, where the pinpricks were bleeding, and lifted his head up muzzily, whimpering faintly as he gazed at the two.

"Calm down, you did good, Jounouchi's safe now. He needs you to be calm now so you can help him..." Kaiba seemed to calm down some, a moment later he was transforming, his large maw shrinking into a recognizable face, the fur shortening into his flesh, his tail disappearing; his claws turning into hands and feet. Soon Seto stood there; clothes torn and blood stained, just like he was. Kazim draped Seto's long-coat over the brunet's shoulders, Kaiba jumping slightly at the contact and looking at Kazim. "I'll bring the car around."

"Thank you." Kaiba said dully as Kazim left at a run. Seto turned to Jounouchi, looking slightly tired and dazed; Kaiba asked, "Are you okay?"

Jou's school jacket hung off of one shoulder, ripped in places as he gazed up at him. His hand was still held to his throat, which he lowered, his hand smeared with the blood that dotted his skin. "I th-think so.." he whispered.

"You're hurt." Kaiba kneeled next to the blond, all his own various wounds far worse than Jounouchi's but he fretted over the blond anyway. Kaiba had claw marks all over his arms, back and chest, which was nicely exposed; a large bite mark on the juncture between his shoulder and neck, which was hanging open horribly. He was too tired to care at the moment about his wounds, rather spending his energy on his main concern, Jounouchi. Reaching out he tenderly touched the blond's neck, "I'll take you to the mansion and we can patch that up."

"You're hurt worse, though.." he whispered, wincing at the close-up views of the brunette's wounds. Jou swallowed at the sight, Kaiba's wounds were just gapping open and exposed. If that were him, he would have been unconscious or dead.

Seto smirked, nodding slightly. "It's okay, I'll heal quickly." Seto returned as the car horn blew, Kazim pulling to a stop just outside the alley. "Let us get out of here now." Seto stood up, offering a hand to Jounouchi.

Grateful for the hand-up, since he wasn't sure if he could get up by himself, the way his legs were shaking; the blond took his hand and allowed himself to be pulled up.

Seto quickly pulled the blond towards the car, opening the door for Jounouchi and following him in. "Home Kazzim, take us home." Kaiba closed the door as he sank into the seat; grateful it was black as he probably was soaking it with blood. Seto pulled his jacket over his more serious wound to hide it from view, realizing how it must look and he didn't like the air on them; the cool air made them hurt worse, stinging the exposed nerves harshly.

Silently grateful for the other pulling the coat up, Jou tucked himself into the seat, knees to his chest as the shock settled in, and he shivered, resting his chin on his knees as he tried to breathe calmly after all he'd seen. And here he'd thought it would be a normal day...

Kaiba to remained silent, watching the world pass by outside his window. Now that his adrenaline reserves were depleted he was starting to feel his wounds, which throbbed dully with pain. He ignored them for the most part as they drove back to the mansion, Kazzim taking it a little faster than he normally would have. Thankfully they arrived at the mansion swiftly, though in silence. Kaiba turned his attention to the blond in the seat next him as they pulled up in the driveway. "We'll get you patched up and you can get some rest in a guest room if you like Jounouchi."

"If I can.." Jou muttered softly, but nodded his thanks as he uncurled himself, arms wrapping around himself in a bracing hug in a shell-shocked sort of fashion. Here his reality had once again been shattered. Not By spirits or magic, or even soul stealing cartoon watching nuts. This time it was by the more supernatural Werewolves; things only children's horror stories had spoken of; myths coming to life and Seto Kaiba proving that the things truly did exist.

"Yeah, you can." Seto looked out the window as the car came to a stop. Opening the door he stepped out, heading up to the house slowly in a daze. He was so tired with the extremes of that afternoon; and the wounds. He glanced over his shoulder to see if Jounouchi was coming or not, causing himself to stumble slightly.

Glancing up worriedly when he heard the stumble, Jou's eyes widened when he saw him, and he rushed immediately to his side, catching him. "Kaiba.. You need t' rest, yourself.." he whispered.

"I will," Kaiba returned as they walked up the stairs, "as soon as you are taken care of." He leaned into Jounouchi slightly as they topped the porch , walking into the house. He pointed down a hallway, "The med room is that way."

The blond glanced in that direction, nodding, before back at him. "An' you?"

"I'm coming with you, you just make a good crutch is all." Kaiba returned as he walked with Jounouchi. "Then after I get patched up I'm going to raid the kitchen. Transforming during the day takes more energy than when at night." They approached a door that plainly stated it was the 'Medical Room'.

"How come?" Jounouchi asked as he walked at his side, his arm carefully around Seto's waist as he gazed up at him. He didn't think there would be a difference in transforming between the day and night.

"We are nocturnal creatures." Seto stated the obvious, not really wanting to explain the details of how a halfway form took the most energy to maintain. They entered the med room, Seto pointing to a cabinet, "Get the bandages and disinfectant. There should also be some stitches in there."

The blond nodded and walked to the cabinet, finding the mentioned equipment and taking it out, heading back with it. Kaiba looked up at Jounouchi, taking the stuff and setting it down next to him; he took a brief moment to clean up Jounouchi's wounds and ensure they wouldn't get infected. With that done, he removed his jacket, wincing as the cloth pulled away from where it was stuck to the wound by dry blood. Picking up the disinfectant he started soaking the bite mark; choking back a whimper at the stinging sensation.

"Here...let me.." Jou murmured softly. "It's gotta be hard to treat yourself.." He tentatively took the material and reached up, helping Seto treat his wounds carefully.

"I can admit that much at least." Kaiba grimaced with a frown, "But at least I heal fast." Which was true enough; his serious wounds would take a day or two to heal.

"One advantage." the blond replied, then winced guiltily. "I'm really sorry I got you into this fix..."

"It could be my fault. . ." Kaiba said thoughtfully, watching as Jounouchi finished cleaning up the wound. A horrid sight; his muscled exposed in a hideous display. "We are very territorial and when someone makes a move on what we want we tend to lose our cool. Maybe they considered you there's." Suggest Kaiba with a smirk.

At that, the blond's nose wrinkled up in disgust. "Hardly." he snorted as he lowered the disinfectant to the table. "I'm not gonna be some wolfy-boy's prize when I didn't even know 'em. Yeesh. Talk about greedy."

"What about if you knew them?" Kaiba starting inching closer to Jounouchi, a wolfy grin gracing his features.

At that, honeyed eyes blinked at Seto in surprise, before Jounouchi blushed and leaned back a little. "Er..um..you tryin' to tell me something, Kaiba..?" he muttered. That grin... He didn't quite know what to do with that. He felt his cheeks turning red, and at the same time, felt like he was being eyed for the main course.

"Actually I asked you something." Kaiba answered as he got closer to Jounouchi, sliding off the table. "But if you must know, Yes I am saying something."

That caused Jou's eyes to go wider, and he 'meep'ed under his breath, blushing a bit more redder as he eased back, unknowingly placing himself right up against a wall again. "Um..er.." Lovely time for his brain to go on a picnic, he chastised himself mentally. Kaiba...THE Seto Kaiba, the one that couldn't speak one word without insulting him...was definitely flirting with him. "Um...if I knew th-them..? I...I dunno.."

"You don't know." Kaiba spoke softly, leaning in close. He adored his pup, the way the blond blushed and became nervous. "Would you give 'em a chance? Particularly, would you give me a chance?"

"Eh!" came the tiniest of squeaks from the blond at the heat that seemed to swallow him up from the CEO's nearness, and he growled mentally at himself for blushing like an idiot, ducking his head. "I...uh...I guess. If they weren't, You weren't.. playin' head games.."

Kaiba leaned in until his brow was resting on Jounouchi's, looking his pup right in those amber eyes with his own blue ones. "Is that a yes or a no puppy?"

Jounouchi gasped, feeling as if he was going to catch fire at any moment, even forgetting the usual insult in place of his closeness and those eyes, and nodded mutely, licking his lips absently.

Seto leaned in a little closer, brushing his lips against Jounouchi's briefly in a light kiss. Pulling back with a smile, not a smirk or grin, but one of those rare smiles that meant something special. "Good, and as much as I would like to continue and explore this; I'm hungry and tired." He pulled back some, "and though I'm sure you taste great, I don't want to scare you off."

Jou sputtered and turned bright pink, his eyes wide as he gazed at the brunette. "Y-yeah.. o-okay.." he stammered as his heart leapt around in his chest. He kissed him! He smiled at him! He reached his fingers to his other arm, pinching himself lightly, blushing when he didn't wake from this unbelievable dream.

"Come on puppy," Kaiba said with a grin as he put his arm around the blond, finding Jounouchi's antics amusingly cute. "Let us find sustenance . . . . You can cook for me like a good little mate." He licked the blonds' ear, ensuring Jounouchi smelled like him slightly.

Jounouchi squeaked and was about to retort about the cooking like a good little mate comment, but the lick made him forget what he was saying, and he turned a vibrant pink. He wasn't dreaming...but oh gods, if this was real, he felt like he'd fallen into the Twilight Zone! He finally found his tongue as he followed Seto, and nudged him lightly with his elbow. "Hmph. I'd take offense at that comment, but I'll let it slide 'cause you're banged up." he retorted lightly.

"Not in a good way," Kaiba muttered as he directed Jounouchi into the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator door, his eyes locking onto the steaks that had yet been cooked. He growled hungrily, "You can cook steaks right?" Eating it raw in front of Jounouchi wouldn't be a good idea; probably freak the kid out. Seto hoped he wasn't drooling.

"Yup. I do know how to cook, Kaiba." he replied with a little teasing smirk, before he blinked and tilted his head, gazing at him. "But I get the feeling that you would eat them, no matter what condition they are. If you're that hungry, hell man, you need your strength. If you wanna eat 'em.." His nose wrinkled slightly. "...raw, go on ahead, you're the one that needs to get his strength back up t' speed."

"It's okay pup, I have patience." He grinned as he added, "I want to see how well you can cook." He patted the blond's bottom as he grabbed up sandwich fixings.

The blond squeaked and blushed at the pat to his backside, nodding slightly as he absently tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. "Uh.. Yeah, okay.." he murmured as he tried to stop blushing as red as the ketchup in the CEO's hand, and searched around for a frying pan, finding it and the oil and starting up on the cooking.

Kaiba fixed up a sandwich, watching the blond from the corner of his eye with a smirk. He was barely paying attention to what he was doing, more intent on the blond, but at least he got the sandwich made; more or less.... Sitting down on the far side of the bar, where he could watch Jounouchi work, he tore into his sandwich, reminding himself to chew first. Damn; he was eating like Jounouchi these days and when not in public.

Pushing his hair back from his shoulders so it wouldn't get in the way of cooking, Jou hummed to himself absently as he banged around a little--kind of klutzy, as always, when it came to working in the kitchen--and started cooking up the steaks, the sizzling of the steaks interspersed with yelps from the blond as grease popped up, and random snatches of a song he'd heard on the radio, not really paying attention to the fact that he was being watched.

Seto raised an eyebrow as Jounouchi got popped with grease several time. "Are we having troubles puppy?" He couldn't help but smirk at the way the blond jumped.

"Hardy har har." Jou replied with a snort as he glanced back at him and stuck his tongue out at him. "So I'm a klutz, so sue me."

"That can be arranged." Seto returned as he took a bite of his sandwich; his eyes locked on Jounouchi almost possessively. Well he was very territorial, so he could afford to be possessive. After all he was an animal....

"I'm sure." Jou replied with a wrinkle of his nose, and blushed as he turned back to the steaks. That look was enough to make one breathless, he'd never had someone look at him like that. He licked his lips absently and paid attention to his food, humming softly as he speared one steak and turned it over, hips swaying lightly as humming turned into words, his low, soft voice pleasing to the ear, surprisingly.

Kaiba continued to watch the blond, finishing off his sandwich as his heat was rising. The way Jounouchi moved was enough to entice him, and the sound of his voice bewitching unto to the brunet. He had to admit, he was very good at choosing, though he had liked the blond long before he had it set in his mind that this was the one he would spend his life with. Seto silently slipped out of his seat, padding up behind the blond to wrap his arms about his chosen mate.

The brunet was indeed quiet, for Jou about jumped three feet into the air when the arms wrapped around him, and the body pressed to his. He yelped slightly in surprise, nearly losing his fork, as he blushed. "Oi, Kaiba.. Warn a guy when you're gonna do that, 'less you want really, really well-done steaks and a fork in your head.." he joked, to cover up his heart racing zero to sixty in his chest.

Kaiba chuckled, nuzzling the blond locks of hair atop Jounouchi's head affectionately. "But I enjoy knowing I'm the one who's making your heart race." His hand slid up to cover the spot that housed the pounding organ as he spoke, leaning down a little to play his head games as Jounouchi would say. "It's hard to tell why though; fear, nervousness, anticipation; which makes your heart race the most."

Jou gulped audibly as he felt the hand on his chest, shivering at the breath against his ear. "O-other than you scared the shinola outta me..? Wouldn't you like t-to know.." he stammered slightly with a toss of his head.

"Two out of three then." Kaiba murmured as he stood behind Jounouchi to watch him. After a moment, he broke the silence though, "If you need me out of your way let me know." Though he didn't want to let go of Jounouchi for the life of him. He liked standing there, holding his soon to be mate; though he rather would have been holding Jounouchi in a more intimate manner. He growled as he buried his face in Jounouchi's shoulder, the pangs of passion flowing through him at his thoughts.

The blond fairly squeaked and turned the color of a strawberry at the growl and the brunet nuzzling into him, his breath hitching. So warm and strong, he felt as if he was sinking into him, and he wouldn't mind it all that much. He licked his lips and replied, "I don't mind...just don't distract me, ne? I don't think you want a fire in your kitchen." he chuckled lightly as he turned over another steak.

Kaiba chuckled, waiting patiently for Jounouchi to finish, moving with the blond when he had too. He kept reminding himself not to ravage Jounouchi, despite the fact they both would enjoy it. Even if he was injured, it wasn't as bad as it was earlier, and he was a beast of sorts after all.

Seto's soft breath against his neck as he worked kept causing him to shudder, and goosebumps to go sailing down his arms; but he kept on diligently, even though he was fairly breathless when he announced that they were cooked, and slid the steaks onto a plate, sticking his finger into his mouth when the oil popped at him again.

"Here, let me." Seto pulled Jounouchi's finger to his mouth, licking at it gently for a brief moment. Laying a kiss on it he added, "You are hazardous to yourself in the kitchen." Before taking his plate over to the counter.

Jou blushed at the lick and kiss, his breath trying to hitch into a squeak before he stamped it down and turned off the heat and took the pan off of the burner. "You think that's bad, you oughta see me in a smaller kitchen..I'm a klutz when it comes to cooking, though I like to cook." He chuckled, trying to stop blushing like an idiot.

"You're a klutz anyways, it's only natural." Seto smiled mischievously as he looked at Jounouchi. Seto had to keep control of himself as he started eating; one the food was hot and he didn't to just tear into it with a vehemence of a starved animal. Second, when he got excited he had this habit of his ears and tail popping out sometimes; and to top it all off, He made Jounouchi blush! But his outer appearance was cool, calm and collected; nothing like the over exuberance he was feeling.

"Heeeey.." Jou drawled at that, before he laughed. "Okay, so I'm a klutz, I'm just having growing pains, Mr. Graceful-and-never-klutzes-out." he teased lightly as he felt confident of himself to glance back at him.

Kaiba smirked, his wolf ears popping out of his head; flattening slightly as he gave Jounouchi a narrow stare. "Shut up and get over here." He went to muttering, tearing off another bite as if brooding. If Jounouchi ever saw him bounding around the woods he would laugh and think twice about that statement. He was all paws in wolf form, not yet accustomed to his abilities in that form.

Jounouchi had to blink at the sight of the ears popping out at Seto's head, as dark as his hair, his head tilting slightly in curiosity as he sat down across from him. "What causes that to happen?" he asked as he motioned to his ears.

Kaiba's ears twitched for a second, "Emotion," the CEO answered. "And when you're happy you get hyper, or you get mad, or affronted, you have expression, I have ears, and a tail, and sometimes paws." Kaiba admitted, "After your first transformation your emotions become linked to the transformation. Even though I can throw a mask up, it doesn't mean I have control over my emotions."

"Wow...then how in the world do you control something like that? I mean.. there's been plenty of times that you've gotten upset an' such, and I haven't seen anything like that pop out before." he murmured as he sat down with him.

"I think the fear of what people would do to me should they discover what I am out weighs my emotion." Kaiba admitted as he forced his ears to disappear. "Though I much prefer letting my body do what it wants, I can control it. After all, today I had very little control if you failed to notice."

"So I could tell. Though I can't quite understand why you would get so upset? I mean.." He blushed, flustered, and waved a hand. "Besides what you've said an' all. Am I worth all that trouble?"

Kaiba appeared thoughtful for a moment as he chewed, then swallowing, "Hell yes." He answered with a smile, "You are worth all the trouble. I decided long ago I would have you as my mate." He grinned at Jounouchi's look. "Though I have no intention of cursing you."

The term 'mate' made the blond blush further, if that was possible, though he blinked at both the knowledge that he wanted him as his 'mate', and wasn't going to 'curse' him. "Okay, back up a little. Um.. When did you decide you.. uh.." He ducked his head lightly. "...Wanted me for a mate? Why? I mean.. 'sides knowing what I know 'bout you, I know even less now that all this has come out. I mean.. I'm not like.. in your same... uh.. species..? Or whatever you call it.. wouldn't you get in trouble?"

"I Decided I wanted you as my mate when we were back at Duelist Kingdom." Kaiba answered. "You're brave, beautiful, opinionated, determined and unique; all the good things that one looks for in a mate." He watched Jounouchi, admiring the curves of the blonds face that was aflame with his blush. "And no, I don't have to take a mate of wolf-kin, most of our mates are human; some get cursed and others don't. Simple as that really; the Goddess doesn't care so long as we are happy." Smirking Seto added, "Though I don't think it's often males take males as life mates."

The blond was silent for a bit taking it all in, before he blushed and muttered, "I bet" as he fiddled with a napkin on the table absently. He couldn't believe that the other had had these feelings so long, nor that he'd even noticed. He bit his lip lightly, then replied with a sheepish smile. "Then, if you felt this way after so long; why all the names and insults?"

Kaiba said nothing for a long moment, his face stoic as he poked at his food. Finally he looked up at Jounouchi, a slight frown gracing his features. "Hoping that you would hate me forever and I wouldn't have to reveal my nature to you. Scared you would fear me. . ."

That caused Jou to frown as well, before he tilted his head. "You startled me at first. And sure, I was scared. But I'm not now, now that I understand. Why would I hate you? Sure, we've had our sessions, but I can't hold a grudge, not when I don't want to. Your nature's not so bad."

"Thanks Pup," Kaiba spoke with a smile, "for giving me a chance. Truthfully I think I was more scared." He admitted. It wasn't like he revealed his nature all the time, and not having a pack, unless you counted Kazim and Mokuba, gave him no place to run too if he needed it. "I suppose I can explain what I can over time, it's a lot to take in once. I can try though."

"I'm willing to listen." Jou replied with a smile. "Sure, everything's spinning around in a mismatch right now, but hell, it's the same way with Yugi an' the others. If I can take that, I can do this." And if he couldn't; he would just deal with it!

"I'm sure you can." Kaiba murmured as he chewed some more food, talking around a mouth full. "I'll try to explain what I can, all you need do is ask. As I said, it's a lot to take in at once, especially the histories and the way things work with my kind."

Jou nodded in understanding. "You don't need to explain now, but; when those guys attacked.." he shuddered for a moment before he continued. "...I think the head guy was trying to make me his mate.. at least, that's what I figure when he was gonna bite me. Is that what happens, when you make someone your mate?"

"Only when the mate is unwilling, The Goddess forbids such a thing." Kaiba admitted, silently thankful he was there. He had the sudden urge to see Jounouchi and ordered Kazim to drive there; that was when they had picked up Jounouchi's scent and the tainted scent of the others wolves. "But with an unwilling mate you have to curse them to keep them with you. Particularly when they would have no one else to turn to. They were tainted, unlike most of our kind. We are neither good nor evil, just animals trying to live in a world being taken over by humans. When one of the were-kin are tainted it upsets the natural balance of things."

"Kinda like a ying-yang sorta thing." he replied. "But in trying to.. uh.. claim me, wouldn't that have made things worse?"

"Yes. It's hard to explain pup, but. . ." Kaiba trailed off, collecting his thoughts. "It would have made you unhappy, but then again the Balance is always shifting like the tides of the ocean. Like scales that can never be balanced out; so you take away or add to either side, the scale is always tilting until something is added or taken away again. At least that it how it was explained to me, and it makes an eerie sense when you think about it."

"Life's kinda like that, too, sometimes." Jou murmured as he rested his cheek against his hand, having been listening intently. "There's good things, and bad things, and you hope the good outweighs the bad."

"Yes, then add in the philosophy of 'Everything happens for a reason', and you get the basic concept." Seto added with a smile. He finished off his food, thoroughly stuffed.

Sometimes he had to question the 'everything happens for a reason', but Jou smiled. "Feeling better?"

"Besides the whole healing part, much better." Kaiba stated as he looked up at Jounouchi. "I'm assuming Kazim is keeping Mokuba away for awhile, so we will have the house to ourselves tonight."

He nodded in understanding. "I Should call my dad, he'll probably be wonderin' where I headed off to."

Kaiba pointed to the phone that was hanging by the doorframe. "Call away. Then when you're done I'll show you to your room."

"Thanks." Jou replied with a little smile as he got up from the table and went to the phone.

Kaiba watched Jounouchi for a moment, admiring him. He stood up a moment later and gathered up his dishes to toss them into the sink, they would be cleaned later of course.

Once everything had been straightened away, and he'd calmed down his father enough and assured him he was fine, Jou hung up the phone with a grin. "There. Problem solved. Yeesh, though he about blasted my ear off with his yelling about me not calling.." he chuckled good-naturedly as he put the phone back where it belonged.

Seto Tackled Jounouchi, wrapping his arms about the blond to nuzzle Jounouchi's neck. "You want your own room tonight or care to share mine?" He teased, trying to get Jounouchi to blush. His ripped shoulder protested the sudden movements but went unheeded as he got to hold the blond.

Jou yelped in surprise when he was tackled, stumbling a little as he placed a hand on the wall to balance himself, then blushed furiously at Seto's words. "Uh..I..er.." he squeaked instead.

Seto was smiling, if he smiled much more his face would split in two. Chuckling he licked Jounouchi's ear playfully. "Don't worry, I don't bite. . . Hard."

He shivered at the lick and sputtered incoherently at the teasing words, flustered beyond flustered. And when he got like that.. well, he either blew up or went mute. It appeared it was the latter as he gaped at him, only managing to squeak again.

Kaiba gazed down at his pup, "When did I get a mouse that can only squeak?" He teased, Picking Jounouchi up in his arms bridal style. "So that was an agreement to my room right."

The blond yelped as he was picked up, his eyes wide, before he sputtered, blushing brightly. "K-Kaiba..! You...er..uh..." He growled. "I sw-swear, I can't think around you.." he grumbled.

"Good," Kaiba returned as he started carrying Jounouchi Upstairs, "Then I can make all your decisions for you." He ignored the pain of his shoulder, at least he hadn't ripped it open again; yet.

"You...shouldn't, you've still gotta heal up.." he replied, wanting to whack him for that remark, but refrained from doing so on fear of hurting him.

"It's doing fine, this is good for me. Helps to make me heal faster." Kaiba said, though half way up the stairs he had to admit, picking the blond up wasn't the smartest idea in the world.

"How in the hell d'ya figure that, you're straining your muscles when you should be relaxing 'em." Jou replied with a snort. "An' they call me stubborn."

"Uhh; No pain no gain?" Kaiba asked with a grin as he topped the landing of the stair case, putting Jounouchi down. Checking the wound to make sure it wasn't bleeding again.

The blond snorted again, before he looked as well, chewing on his lip absently. "There's fresh blood there.. you baka, you shouldn't have carried me.."

"And you were going to stop me; how?" Kaiba teased as he shrugged it off. "I suppose you can properly chastise me if you want." He pulled Jounouchi along (with his good arm) towards his room.

The blond stumbled, sputtering along behind him. "You're impossible. An' thick-headed, too."

"So are you." Kaiba returned as he opened the doors into the spacious chamber of his room. Seto's room was huge, with a mix of culture that seemed to blend well, the most dominant culture American Indian. Above the four poster bed a gold wrought hook was embedded in the ceiling, the drapes strung through it to fall around the bed in blue and black sheers; but that's not what caught ones attention. It was the dream catcher hanging inside that caught ones attention.

The blond's eyes rounded at the spacious, decorated room, his breath catching in awe as he gazed around, before he found the dream catcher. "Hey! One of those Native American doohickeys..umm..uh..a dream-whatsis.... dream catcher! Hn..never would've figured you to have all that. I thought it'd be Blue Eyes through and through." he chuckled teasingly.

"That's the office." Seto said as he closed the door, shrugging as he admitted, "Wolf-kin originate from two places in the world. Africa and America. The Native American culture being far more in tune with the Goddess allows for a better understanding of our purpose." He hugged Jounouchi, "You have to admit, they have some very awesome stuff and ideas too."

Jou blushed, but nodded in agreement as he leaned into him.

Kaiba nipped at Jounouchi's neck playfully with an affectionate growl as he scented the blond. He knew damn well he shouldn't be moving as fast as he was, but he couldn't himself. Jounouchi was just so.... Crave-able!

A quiet gasp of surprise stirred from the blond, and Jou shivered as his neck tilted absently to the side. "Heh, i-if I didn't know better; I-I'd think you were a vampire, Kaiba.." he teased, trying to calm down the four-alarm fire his cheeks could pass for.

"No, Vampires are much more suave than my forwardness." Seto returned with a chuckle. He reached up to turn Jounouchi's mouth to him, locking the blond in a kiss. Kissing Jounouchi made Seto want the blond even more, his passion barely contained.

The blond's eyes widened at the kiss, and he gave a sound of surprise, before his eyes closed, and he shuddered, leaning into him as he hesitantly tilted into the kiss, returning it carefully. It was warm, and very nice, he felt pleasure hum through his body, leaning into him with a murmured sound of approval.

Seto pulled back after a moment, panting for breath as he did so, his puppy in a similar state. "If you want to continue this. . . We can. If not we won't." He spoke in a husky voice before licking and nipping at Jounouchi's throat.

Jou shuddered, giving a low, helpless moan. "How'm I..gods..s'posed to..say no to this..?" he gasped as he arched his neck.

"Your not." Kaiba responded as he gently directed Jou to the bed, tugging the blond's school jacket off as they went.

"You...p-play dirty, Kaiba.." he accused as he stumbled backwards with him.

Seto chuckled as he slid his hands under Jounouchi's shirt, which was never tucked in anyways. "How so?"

"I c-can't...think with you..nn..touching me.." Jou gasped, arching his back. "You're..u-using that to your...a-advantage.."

Of course he was using it to his advantage! Kaiba said nothing as he kissed Jounouchi, lowering the blond to the bed with him. His tongue snaked out to lick at Jounouchi's lips, a slight growl as he tasted his soon to be lover.

Jou whimpered under the pleasurable assault as he fell back, hair splaying about him like a wild halo as he parted his lips to him. He couldn't think, couldn't breathe almost; the pleasure just spun his head around, until he wasn't sure which side was up as he lifted his arms to hold onto the CEO, the only steady thing in his whirling world.

Seto let his hands wander up to Jounouchi's chest, his fingers smoothing over the little nubs of flesh as he felt the blonds hot and smooth skin. Breaking the kiss he started to trail his along the Jounouchi's neck before pulling back to get rid of that damn shirt that was in his way. He popped a couple of buttons off, but it's not as if he cared that much. He wanted Jounouchi like nothing before. All the craving for the blond that he had suffered through; and now he had Jounouchi!

Dazed and flustered, the blond squeaked in surprise as a button went pinging past his nose and bouncing off the wall, blushing as his skin was bared. "Heh..i-impatient, much..?" he whispered breathlessly.

"Not that I can be blamed." Kaiba smirked as he leaned down to tongue bathe the blonds torso, paying special attention to the small little nubs on Jounouchi's chest. His hands trailing down to the blonds' pants to work those open.

"H-hah--ah!" Jou gasped sharply, arching into that warm, wet touch as he squirmed, writhing under him as his hands came up and dove into Seto's hair, holding on as his head arched back.

Seto smiled at the response he was receiving from his lover to be, very pleased he was the cause of it. With Jounouchi's pants open, Seto's hand dove in to grasp the blonds' arousal, stroking Jounouchi's passion. He continued his work on Jounouchi's chest, intent on taking the long path to his real prize.

The blond cried out, bucking his hips upwards as he moaned, fingers sifting through Seto's hair, tangling and holding on tightly, his body quivered at the sensations brought to it. "K-Kaiba..!" he whimpered softly, his back arching up off of the bed.

Seto was extremely pleased with his ability to make Jounouchi squirm in a good way; finding himself becoming even more aroused at the scent of the blonds arousal. He dipped his tongue into Jounouchi's navel playfully, nipping at Jounouchi's sides as he continued. When he reached his prize he glanced up at Jounouchi, "Remember, my name is Seto within these walls," as he teased the head of Jounouchi passion with his tongue.

What had started out as a sound of confusion ended up as a yelp when the slick tongue slid across already-hot flesh, and he squirmed some more, trying to decide if he wanted closer, or farther as his hands let go of Seto's hair and dug into the blankets instead. He didn't want to scalp the CEO...

Jounouchi tasted exquisite to the brunet; Smelling like an aphrodisiac to his heightened sense; and all around Kaiba was surprised he hadn't just taken the blond yet. Kaiba let his tongue guide the blond's manhood into his mouth, taking in the solid flesh as he started sucking on it. His head bobbing up and down as he every so slightly let his teeth ghost across Jounouchi's hot flesh; then pulling back to blow cold air over the blond's arousal.

"Gaaaaah..!" The blond groaned out at the pleasurable torment, arching his back as his legs splayed open further, His entire body trembling with desire and unspent passion. "You.... gods..! ...tryin' to.. dr-drive me insane..?!"

Kaiba took the blonds' arousal back in his mouth, with an "Mmm Hm," for his response. Then just to be cruel, he pulled back and went rummaging through a drawer in the nightstand next to the bed.

Jou gave a moan of protest at Seto's movement and scowled up at him, executing the world's most adorable pout. "Oooooh... y-you're... a tease.." he panted faintly, his face flushed with pleasure.

Kaiba just smirked as he tossed a bottle of lube next to Jounouchi before kicking his pants off in a rush; not that he had much pants left. "I do try." He admitted as he slid the ruined cloth to the floor, giving Jounouchi a nice view. Hell the blond was giving him the best view of his life; why not return the favour!

The intense blue gaze pinned to him caused him to blush further, though he looked his own fill, his eyes running like hands over the strong, lean body, and shivering slightly with approval. "You...s-sure you're up for this...? You should be resting..."

"What can I say; I'm an animal," Kaiba murmured as he leaned down towards Jounouchi, snatching the lube up, "And it's mating season." He smirked as he took the blond back in his mouth, distracting him as he got some of the KY out of the damn tube.

The blond eeped at his words, before he cried out at the renewed touch to his pulsing length, squirming as his eyes closed, his fingers clutching at the blankets as he cursed under his breath at the rush of heat that shot through him.

Finally getting some of the greasy stuff on his fingers he probed at the blond's entrance; a single digit slipping past the tight ring of muscle. His mouth working on Jounouchi as he prepared the blond, distracting him from the discomfort that was sure to follow.

A hiss of breath shuddered from his lips as Jou's eyes shot open, the honeyed eyes dazed and not quite focused as a mix of pleasure and a sort of half-pain that wasn't pain made him squirm and his brow furrow. "Nnn.." he whimpered faintly, shifting before he took a deep breath and relaxed when the uncomfortable sensation eased.

Seto continued to prepare the blond, adding two more fingers until he thought the blond was ready for the rest of him. Pulling his fingers from Jounouchi's entrance he straightened up slightly, kneeling between the blond's legs as he grabbed the tube so he could grease up his equipment.

Shifts and jolts of pain had fluttered here and there, but the CEO working on other parts of him had distracted him pretty well. He panted faintly, a small protesting sound at the back of his throat when the fingers left as he gazed up dazedly, and blushed furiously. This was really going to happen. A part of him was protesting it was too soon, but the rest of him wanted it, and not just his groin. He licked his lips nervously, gazing up at him hesitantly.

Kaiba looked back at Jounouchi steadily, his eyes burning with passion and an animalistic lust for the blond as he finished preparing himself for this. He moved closer to his soon to be lover, reminding himself that marking Jounouchi was not allowed at this point in time; maybe later, not yet. He pressed the tip of his passion to Jounouchi's entrance, sliding in slow but steady, not wanting to hurt him. He had to control himself for the tight heat he was incasing himself in; just wanting to slam in and have at it, but he restrained himself with a growling groan.

"Nnn.." Jou groaned out, wincing slightly at the stretching sensation. He bit his lip, his eyes closing again as his hands moved automatically, seizing onto Seto's arms as he shuddered, took another deep breath and lifted his hips, purposely relaxing himself and focusing past the flashes of pain as his back arched.

Seto growled as he was finally sheathed within his lover, his hand reaching up to caress Jounouchi's face, leaning close enough to rain kisses on his brow and eyes. "Let me. . Know when I can . . . move." He panted out between kisses.

Jounouchi blushed and nodded in understanding, relaxing more with the kisses brushed to his face as he nuzzled into his warmth, his fingers loosening from their grip to slide up Seto's arms. He took a few deep breaths as the jolts faded, getting used to the sensation of being so filled, before he kissed him softly and arched his hips. "M-move, already.." he chuckled hoarsely.

"As you command." Seto pulled back before slamming back in, starting a slow pace that he had to force onto himself. He let his hands roam freely on the blond's body down to his hips to hold Jounouchi in place and pull the blond closer with each thrust. Seto knew he would lose control soon enough, so he was trying to let the blond adapt before he just 'has at it'.

Feeling a little awkward, the blond was a little clumsy with his attempts at following the rhythm, nerves and the new sensations flustering him, before he whimpered softly and arched his back. That caused something deep to be struck in him, and light to flash before his eyes as he cried out, his eyes widening, as he arched up into him, hands settling lightly, but firmly on his back. "Aaaagh...! M-more...!" he stammered out huskily as his body quivered.

Seto complied with a moan, slamming into his blond pup with a passion that was becoming unbridled with each passing second. He shifted as took Jounouchi, seeing what got more screams of pleasure and finding out what the blond liked best. One of Seto's hands gripped Jounouchi's manhood to stroke it in a counter rhythm to his thrusts as he hit the blond's pleasure spot repeatedly with supernatural force.

"S-Seto..!" Jou cried out sharply, his head snapping back and sending his hair flaying back as he arched into him, his arms tightening around him, before long legs shifted and wrapped fluidly around the brunet's waist. Mewling, he quivered and bucked his body upwards, gasping as he squirmed and writhed.

Seto growled, any restraint he had gone with Jounouchi voicing his name. He could feel his passion rising, threatening to over come him; but he ignored this for the time, more intent on his lover screaming his name actually. Leaning down, Seto started to nip and lick at Jounouchi's neck for a brief second, ignoring the urge to mark the blond. He took to kissing Jounouchi passionately instead as he pounded his lover, starting to stroke the blond in time with his thrusts.

The waves of pleasure brought by both movements made him cry out into his mouth, his cheeks flushing, his whole body actually, as he kissed him back; holding onto him tightly as he surged up to meet every thrust. Warm, tight, hot, so much, too much...he moaned helplessly, his body tensing more and more.

The arm wrapped about Jounouchi's waist (The one he nearly had torn off.) pulled the blond to slam them together as Seto broke the kiss. Leaning back a little to watch Jounouchi through sapphire blue slits that were his eyes, biting his lip to keep from nipping the blond. He growled holding back his animal instincts, but the concentration taking away from holding back his climax. . . He howled Jounouchi's name as he spilt his passion within his lover, marking him within as his claimed mate.

Jou's body jerked, and he arched his back as scorching heat shot through his body, and he wailed out Seto's name not a second after, climaxing in a furious rush into the brunet's hand as he closed his eyes, arching his body to press into his for a few dizzying moments, before falling back to the bed, panting harshly as his grip slackened.

Seto too was panting, a fine sheen of sweat covering his lithe frame as he held himself above Jounouchi. It took him a moment to catch his breath, the whole time looking at his spent lover and the aroma of their mixed passions mingling in the air to add to the affect. Seto leaned down, nuzzling at Jounouchi's neck as he disengaged himself from his lover; ignoring the fact that once again his arm had been bleeding, not that he noticed it until that moment.

The blond moaned softly and leaned into his nuzzling, tucking his head to nuzzle him back as he dragged his eyes back open, gazing up at him. "Seto.." he whispered, his body shivering lightly in the aftermath, before he noted the blood, gasping softly as his dazed eyes widened. He didn't know what led him to do so...but he gently licked the small trickle of blood away, before he pressed a kiss to his arm.

Seto let loose a loving growl as he gathered Jounouchi in his arms, still showing his affection. He suddenly didn't have any desire to let go of the blond, so fierce was the feeling it was almost scary. He tensed slightly at the strength of the emotion; protectiveness, adoration, love, all mixing together to create something almost tangible. "Jounouchi, stay with me?" He asked licking at the blond's neck and ears.

He shuddered at the warm wetness against his skin, feeling like he could tuck himself into Seto's arms and never come out. "You mean... like for keeps..?" he murmured.

Seto smiled gently, making himself calm down after such a . . moving act. "Like forever, all of eternity and even after." Seto added, just to make sure he got the point across; he knew puppies could be difficult.

Jou blushed at that, but grinned widely. "Heh. After what happened...? How am I to say no..?"

Seto chuckled, "As if I'd let you anyways, we've been mated. You are mine." The brunet growled, nipping playfully at the blond. "I will do whatever it takes to keep you," He paused before adding; "That sounded just a bit obsessive. . ."

"Just a wee bit.." Jou agreed with a laugh, blushing as he kissed his chest. "Mated, eh?" he purred, laying his cheek lazily on his chest. "Wasn't expecting it to happen, but I'm sure not complainin'."

"Better not." Seto returned as he held onto the blond, settling down. He could howl at the moon any other night, it wasn't often, at least not yet, that he made Jounouchi howl instead.

Jou grinned, feeling warm and content with the other's arms around him. "I... um... er..." he fumbled, turning a faint pink color in his cheeks as he absently twirled a fingertip over Seto's stomach. "I didn't...disappoint, did I?"

Seto opened eye's a little thrown by the question; then with a grin and chuckle he returned. "Not even if you tried. I found our mating very satisfying." He growled the last, nipping at the blond's lips to kiss him.

He squeaked slightly at the nip, then grinned sheepishly and replied, "Good ta know" before his lips met his. He moaned softly and twined his arms around his neck, kissing him back.

Making the kiss slow and languid, Seto half growled, half purred his affection. Pulling back just slightly he smiled down at Jou, "You should get some rest. I'll wake you up in about an hour for the next round." He teased.

Jou couldn't help but laugh at that, amber eyes shining contentedly as he gazed up at him. "You oughta get some sleep as well." he replied, poking at his chest lightly. "I don't know how your healing works, but sleep's the best solution."

"Yes, sleep does help immensely." Kaiba returned with a grin, practically insuring Jounouchi would fall asleep on top of him. Snuggling into the warmth of his lover, "Sweet dreams," he murmured before he let a light sleep claim him for the night.

For a little bit, the blond watched him, his eyes tracing over the handsome features relaxed in sleep. He smiled softly, then kissed his chest lightly before he nestled into his side. "Sleep well.." he whispered as he closed his eyes.