Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ i am looking ❯ Introduction ( Chapter 2 )

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i am looking

>by cody saoyrn


i have heard many voices. some soft, some loud. some harsh, some kind. never a kindred soul.

it is my burden. i see into their hearts, and it is overwhelming. the brightness of some turns me away. i gravitate to the others; the ones being devoured by their own minds. i flirt with them, invite them into my space, and pull them down with me. i play with them for a while, then, growing bored, i send them to their deaths.

sometimes i come across a light that attracts me. i follow it. i watch for its strengths, its weaknesses.

then i annihilate it.

once in a while it destroys me.

then i wander through the shadows of my soul, waiting.

after an eternity of dust, i hear a voice.

i reach out to it.

and the cycle begins anew.