Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ In the Palace ❯ Stairs ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


*Yugi's POV*

The next morning I woke up by Malik attempting to wake up Ryou. "Wake up, Ryou. Wake up I say!" Malik yelled.

"Let me help. " I said "Bakura, breakfa-"


"Oh, shut up. You know that you don't get up otherwise. And you DO look like that Tomb Robber. What was I supposed to do? Go get some cold water and dump it on your head? No, that takes FAR to long. This is MUCH faster."

"Hmph." said Ryou

Malik chuckled "Do you do that EVERY morning?"

"'Course we don't." said Ryou "Only when Yugi forgets to get a bucket of water ready before bed"

"..." Malik couldn't say anything to this he only chuckled again. "Let's go. We're going to miss making breakfast. You don't want to do that..." he left, still chuckling.

I ran to catch up with him. "Why not?"

"Isn't it obvious?" said Ryou, hopping down the hallway, putting on his clothes. "We'll get in trouble, it is soooo obvious." Ryou was putting on his sandals, he fell down the stairs "Ow, e, o, ah, ouch, ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled as he thudded on every step.

"Shhh..." Malik and I said at the same time.

"What the heck am I supposed to do?!?!?!" he yelled from the bottom of the stairs "Say quietly owie as I'm falling down the stupid stairs?!?!?!?!" he said all of this with his clothes half-on because they had fallen off going down the stairs.

"What is going on here?" said a voice behind Malik and me. I jumped and also fell down the stairs. It wasn't THAT bad. I managed to keep MY mouth shut as I landed next to Ryou, who was gapping at me.

"How did you keep your mouth shut?" he muttered with amazement.

"That's ONE way of getting down the stairs. Get some fruit while you're at it." she said. I was grateful that she wasn't mad. "And next time, don't make such a racket. And, Ryou, put your clothes back on." She left taking Malik, who was giving us an encouraging look, with her.

"Come on, Ryou." I said, picking up a basket that was at the bottom at the stairs. "We should load these up"


*Y ami's POV*

"Sorry for being late to breakfast, father. I had trouble getting up." I said. In reality, that was a complete and total lie. I didn't get to sleep at all.

"It's alright, son. You aren't so late."

"That's a relief." I muttered sarcastically.

"You have a lesson with Seth today." my father informed me.

'Oh, joy' I thought. I hated these lessons. Heck, I hated Seth in general, always acting high and mighty. When I am pharaoh, then he will show me the proper respect.


After days of cooking in the kitchen, I finally learned my way around and who everyone was. Malik has been getting more and more open. It has probably been 3 weeks since I first got here, and I like it a lot better. I don't have to see all those sad faces every day, and I have another friend! I've never had that many...

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*Yami's POV*

Off to Seth's lessons again...it's not like I don't like learning how to control my shadow powers...it's just...Seth. I long for the day when my father starts to teach me. Starting on my 15th birthday... only a little while now.

"Hello, Prince Yami." said Seth's mocking voice accompanied by a fake bow.

"Hello, High Priest Seth." I said with forced courtesy and a bow of my head.

"Let's begin, then. Try to read my mind." (I'm going to make Yami's powers slightly different, because 1) I don't know EXACTLY what his powers are and 2) He forgot some of the things that he could do when he lost his memory and 3) It's my Fan Fiction ^_^)

I focused on an ugly picture of Seth and opened up his mind the way he had showed me. I heard something 'Stupid boy. Why did I have to be stuck with him?' I came out of my trance. "You shouldn't be thinking such thoughts, High Priest Seth. You could get in trouble."

Seth looked disgruntled. "It is easier to read the mind of someone with Shadow Powers than with out. Let's see if you can read this ones mind." He motioned and a defiant looking boy with blond hair sticking straight up came into the room and sat down on a stool with his head down to show respect.

I concentrated on this boy in the same way. I tried to open his mind but he resisted. I tried harder and eventually succeeded. I listened and heard 'I'm hungry. Soooo hungry. Bread, lettuce, grapes, figs, berries, fowl, (chicken) fish...'

"Go get this slave something to eat. He's making me hungry" The slaves face lit up at my words.

"Thank you so very much" he said bowing to the ground and was then led from the room.

"Your lesson is over for today, you may leave now." said Seth. I left and went back to my chambers to rest. For some reason, working with my Shadow Powers always made me tired. This was increased by the fact that I hadn't slept last night. I lay in my golden bed and, in contrast to last night, sleep came instantly.

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