Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Joey's Slumber Party ❯ DoL vs Hellfire ( Chapter 21 )
Joey's Slumber Party
Chapter 21
DoL vs Hellfire
DoL: Well, I'm here for Chapter 21.
Serenity: But, you're dead.
DoL: Just wait for a bit.
Karen: Let's just start to make this a quick opening.
Previously on Yu-Gi-Oh!: Joey's Slumber Party:
*the other two duels are played out, but contain no YGO characters*
Bill vs Stephen Winner: Stephen
Sylphie vs Tuffer Winner: Sylphie
MC: Round 2 will commence shortly.
Suddenly a warp rift opens up connecting to the Flaming Underworld, and lo and behold, the demon llamas ESCAPE!
Joey: *within 2.948 second* there are exactly 1273 of them.
Demon Llama 239: *puts Duke in a Deathgrip*
The Hellfire dies down, and DoL has spiky, bright-green hair, as well as a green luster from his body, with Hellfire eyes.
Serenity: You're voice sounds so… evil.
***in DoL's mind***
DoL: Let me out!
???: You cannot overpower me!
***in Tsa***
DoL: *appears in transparent form like normal* HELP! This guy's taken over my body:
Joey: *pokepokepokes DoL (the transparent one): ^-^ Hey, you can't be touched.
Serenity: CYBER SHOCK! *directly hits Hellfire*
Demon Llama 666: I AM THE KING OF DEATH!
Every other non-llama: O.O
Demon Llama 666: O.OU Oooooookay.
DoL: *is sent to the Egyptian Underworld*
Osiris: Oh, my! You weren't supposed to die!
DoL: DARK ENERGY SHOCKWAVE! *smashes into Anubis*
Anubis: X.X
Osiris: O.O B-b-b-b-b-b-but… Anubis is Immortal.
DoL: That doesn't mean he's Invincible.
***In the Egyptian Underworld***
DoL: Can I go back to take down Hellfire?
Hellfire: *warps in* How 'bout we do this here?
DoL: Hellfire, I challenge you to a Shadow Game!
Hellfire: *warps us to Shadow Realm, along with the rest of the people… except Téa*
DoL: Okay, in this Shadow Game, we'll each use only 50 cards, but the Shadow Realm provides them, so we can use any 50 we want.
Hellfire: Fine!
Note: (XX) means the number of cards in the deck.
D-8000 (50) H-8000 (50)
DoL: (44) My turn. I set 1 card and play one card in defense, go.
Hellfire: (44) I play Pot of Greed. (42) Now I set 1 card in defense. Go.
DoL: (43) I set 1 more defense card and set 1 more card. Now I activate Swords of Revealing Light!
Hellfire: My monster, Needle Worm, now discards the top 5 cards of your deck.
DoL's discarded cards: Injection Fairy Lily (3/0400/1500); Spirit Message "A"; Cyber Transformer (5/2100/1300); Man-Eater Bug (2/0450/0600); Left Arm of the Forbidden One (1/0200/0300).
Hellfire: HAH! There go Destiny Board and Exodia Victories for you!
DoL: (38) Exodia, maybe, but I have 2 more Spirit Message "A"s in my deck. Go.
Hellfire: (41).
DoL: I activate Destiny Board! (F)
Hellfire: I set 1 more monster. Go.
DoL: (36; F-I) I play Card of Sanctity. I draw 3, but since you have 6, you don't draw any. (33) Now I summon Small Fire Phoenix* (4/2200/0000). Now my Phoenix, attack his facedown!
Hellfire: It's another Needle Worm!
DoL: (28) *discards Exodia the Forbidden One (3/1000/1000); Blue-Eyes White Dragon (8/3000/2500); Right Leg of the Forbidden One (1/0200/0300); Destiny Board; Raigeki* Go.
Hellfire: (40) I offer my Needle Worm to summon Jinzo (6/2400/1500). Your Board is now negated, so you can't use it. Now I activate Hellfire Ritual.* I sacrifice Red-Eyes Black Dragon (7/2400/2000), Kuriboh (1/0300/0200), and Hane-Hane (2/0450/0500) [7+1+2=10] to summon Hellfire Dragon (10/3800/3450). It's effect lets me draw until 6 cards are in my hand. (35) Now I play Return of the King.* This let's me take 5 cards in my Graveyard and shuffle them into my deck. I choose Red-Eyes Black Dragon, both Needle Worms, Kuriboh, and Pot of Greed. (40) I'll end with Gift of Grace.* With this, you draw 2 cards. Go.
DoL: (25) I set 1 card and play Card Destruction!
D-8000 (19) H-8000 (36)
Discarded Cards:
DoL: Left Leg of the Forbidden One (1/0200/0300); Right Arm of the Forbidden One (1/0200/0300); Spirit Message "A"; Spirit Message "L"; Spirit Message "L"; Kuriboh (1/0300/0200).
Hellfire: Vorse Raider (4/1900/1200); Megamorph; Dark Magician Girl (6/2000/1700); Silver Warrior* (4/2000/0000).
End Discarded Card List.
DoL: Perfect! Now I activate the card I just set: Contract with Exodia. First I pay 2000 Life Points…
D-6000 (19) H-8000 (36)
DoL: And summon Exodia Necross (4/1800/0000)!!! I switch my Phoenix to defense mode and end my turn.
Hellfire: (35) I set 1 card. Go. *SorL is destroyed*
DoL: (18) That was odd. Exodia Necross gets a 500 ATK power boost during my Standby Phase. (EN: 1800 --> 2300 ATK) Now I summon Magician of Doom* (4/1300/1400). With it's ability, I get do discard 2 cards from my hand and deal you 700 damage. So I'll discard all 4 of my cards: 2 Spirit Message "N"s, a Chaos Sorcerer (6/2300/2000), and a Graceful Charity.
D-6000 (18) H-8000 --> 7300 --> 6600 (35)
DoL: Go.
Hellfire: (34) I draw. Now, Hellfire Dragon, attack Exodia Necross!
D-6000 --> 4500 (18) H-6600 (34)
Hellfire: What?!? Exodia's still there!
DoL: Yes, because it can't be destroyed in battle.
Hellfire: Well, I can still hurt you! Jinzo, attack Exodia Necross!
D-4500 --> 4400 (18) H-6600 (34)
Hellfire: I set 1 card and end my turn.
DoL: (17; EN: 2300 --> 2800) Exodia, attack Jinzo!
D-4400 (17) H-6600 --> 6200 (34)
DoL: I switch my Magician to defense. Go.
Hellfire: I draw. (33) Hellfire Dragon, attack Exodia Necross!
D-4400 --> 3400 (17) H-6200 (33)
Hellfire: I Flip Summon Needle Worm to discard 5 cards from your deck.
DoL: I hope my Destiny Board will still work! *discards Destiny Board; Spirit Message "I", Mirror Force; Magic Cylinders; Spellbinding Circle* (12) Whoa! That was a close one.
Hellfire: I offer my Needle Worm to set a card in defense. Go.
DoL: (10; EN: 2800 --> 3300 ATK; F-I-N) I offer my 2 facedown cards, Cyber Jar and Morphing Jar to summon Seiyaryu (7/2500/2300). Exodia, attack his facedown card!
Hellfire: Reaper of the Cards (5/1380/1930)! This let's me destroy a Trap! Bye-bye Destiny Board!
DoL: NO!!
Hellfire: And with it go Spirit Messages "I" and "N"!
DoL: Go.
Hellfire: (32) I set a monster in defense. Go.
DoL: (9; EN: 3300 --> 3800 ATK) I use my Magician's effect by discarding Spirit Message "A" and Dark Blade (1800/1500).
D-3400 (9) H-6200 --> 5500 (32)
DoL: Now I place all of my monsters in attack mode. Seiyaryu, attack!
Hellfire: It was a Cyber Jar (3/0900/0900)
DoL: NOOO! THAT DESTROYS EXODIA, TOO! *draws Kuriboh (1/0300/0200), plays in defense; Spirit Message "L"; Jirai Gumo (4/2200/0100), plays in attack mode; Mr. Volcano (5/2100/2300); Monster Reborn* (4)
Hellfire: *draws Needle Worm, plays in defense; Dark Hole; Change of Heart; Monster Reborn; Raigeki* (28)
DoL: Now my Small Fire Phoenix returns.
D-3400 --> 2650 (4) H-5500 (32)
DoL: Go.
Hellfire: (31) I Flip Summon Needle Worm!
DoL: NOOO! *discards 4* (0)
Hellfire: You have no cards left in your deck, and still need to discard. That means: YOU LOSE!
DoL: NO WAY!!!
Hellfire: *takes Millennium Rod and sends DoL to the Shadow Realm*
DoL: *disappears*
Serenity: WHAT?!? First he dies. THEN he goes to the Shadow Realm forever?!? I'll kill you Hellfire!
2 B Continued…
Karen: Weird chapter.
Serenity: *hitting Hellfire in any way possible*
Hellfire: *taking 0 damage*
Karen: Just stop.
Serenity: *falls asleep*
Demon Llama 893: Hey! What about us?
Karen: I'll get to that soon.
Malik: So what, are you in charge now.
Karen: Well, I'm DoL's yami, so yes.
Malik: -.-0