Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss and Tell Hold 'Em ❯ Interlude 9: Bakura/Mandy ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

ML: All right, last interlude of the first round!
Bakura: You're not going to…
ML: I might not. I might end it. Anyway, don't own squat, but I do own my original characters. Last time, Valon and Lily managed to pass the time by having sex on a train! ROLL IT!
As Tristan shuffled and dealt the cards, he asked Bakura, “So Bakura, what was the sexiest prop that Mandy and you ever used?”
Bakura blushed, and answered, “Well there was this one time when Mandy brought over a Polaroid camera…”
Bakura was tired. Actually, tired was an understatement; he was EXHAUSTED. His yami was out on the town, so he wasn't worried about him, but he was finishing up an all-nighter for history. After finishing up, he heard the doorbell ring. `I wonder who that could be…' he thought, half-hoping it wasn't his yami, since he was known for bar-hopping. He opened the door for a peek, and then opened the door wider. It was Mandy.
“Hey Baku, are ya busy?” Mandy asked.
“No, not at all. Bakura answered. He let Mandy in, and saw the bag. He thought, `What the heck is in that bag…'
As if she was reading his mind, Mandy opened the bag, and took out a Polaroid camera. She said, “I wanted to spice up our sex life.”
“We spiced it up plenty after I crashed your little girls-only party.” Bakura reminded her.
“That was mild spicy. This is real spicy.” Mandy said, as she kissed Bakura. Then she handed him the camera and said, “I'm gonna strip for you. Then you take some pictures.”
He may have been hard, but after hearing that, Bakura got even harder, if that was even possible. He set up the camera on a tripod that he had near his mirror, and Mandy got on the bed, stripping for him. As she stripped, Bakura took pictures, smiling as he opened the shutter. Then when Mandy was completely naked, she lied on the bed, with her legs open, and started to finger herself while Bakura took more pictures.
“Oh Baku… this feels so good…” Mandy moaned as her fingers went in and out slowly.
Then as she was about to cum, she got off the bed, and told Bakura to get on the bed, and strip for her. He did, and as he did, Mandy took some pictures, enjoying it all. Then Bakura did the same thing. He knelt on the bed, and jacked off for Mandy like she did for him.
After a few minutes, Bakura stopped. Then Mandy got on top of her lover, and straddled him, riding him up and down and hard. After a good ten minutes, both teens came together, and they enjoyed the slight afterglow that their bodies emanated.
“I love you, koishi…” Bakura said, rubbing his lover's head.
“Aishiteru mo… anata.” Mandy replied, as they both fell asleep.
“That was the hottest thing we ever done.” Bakura said, ending his narration, just as the cards were being dealt.
Téa and the girls were just nearby, after they had gathered to watch a movie. She had this idea, and told the girls just as they were leaving, “Hey! Let's go to the game shop! I wonder if the guys are there!” When they saw the cars, they knew they were there, and they decided to knock. They didn't even bother to curb their giggles.
Yugi heard the knock and the giggling and said, “I think the girls are here.”
Duke, who was in another chair, watching the game go on, said, in between bites of pizza, “So what? Let `em in. The more the merrier!” Yugi opened the door, and his intuition was right. The girls were there.
“Téa! What a pleasant surprise! I didn't know you'd be here too!” Yugi said.
“We figured we wanted to see how you boys were doing.” Mai said. She saw Joey and the rest of the boys at the table, and said, “Why don't you let us join?”
“Sure, but there isn't enough room.” Yugi said, truthfully. He decided to move the game over to the living room.
Then YF said, “Hey… let's make this game a bit more interesting.”
“How can we?” Yami asked.
Yugi said, “If there is a showdown between two people, the girl and guy who loses has to strip, and answer a question from the dealer!” Everyone was shocked, but the girls were smiling.
Each one said, “You're on!” and the game began again. Valon and Lily decided to fold after Tristan threw in the flop. It was the four and jack of spades with an ace of clubs. Then a few rounds later, Kaiba and Ishizu and Yami and YF folded, leaving Yugi and Téa, Joey and Mai, Tristan and Serenity, and Bakura and Mandy to play. Then Tristan dealt out the turn card. It was the ten of hearts. Then Tristan and Bakura dropped. Tristan then dealt out the river, and it was the four of clubs. Yugi and Joey both checked.
“Two pair, Yuge!” Joey said, revealing a pair of queens.
Yugi said, “Oh man!” revealing his cards. They were a pair of twos, and both Yugi and Téa had to strip. Then Tristan gave the deck to Valon.
“So mate, what was the wildest sex you guys ever had?” Valon asked.
“It happened during spring break…” Téa began…
Well, sorry to rush it, R&R!