Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ KUM ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: KUM
Author: Dvorak
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Kaiba/Jounouchi, mentions of Jounouchi/OC
Beta: Jennie B, with the help of Rienna Hawkes
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, or any of its characters.
Summary: Jounouchi is just your regular, ordinary journalist, trying to make it in today's cruel world. But that world gets even crueler when he finds himself interviewing one of the most dangerous men ever known. Halloween is no longer a matter of tricks nor treats, it's a matter of life and death in Kyoto Underground Maximum.
Chapter Two
Through the camera, Tristan could see everything that played out between his best friend and the infamous murderer, Seto Kaiba. He saw Jou's nervousness, but he knew that the blonde could handle himself. Jounouchi had conducted dozens of dangerous interviews - but still, they were nothing compared to this one.
“How are you doing today, Mr. Kaiba?” Jou asked, trying to maintain eye contact.
“As good as one can, being in KUM.”
“KUM?” Jounouchi questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Kyoto Underground Maximum,” the murderer said nonchalantly.
Jou tried to make light of the situation. “Someone had a good sense of humor when they named this place.” Kaiba merely grunted in response. Jounouchi didn't know how to respond to a mere sound, so he decided to take a different approach. “Mr. Kaiba,” Jou said, turning serious as he began his questioning. “Everyone knew your name, even before you became the convicted murderer you are today.” The blonde knew he had to keep his questions perfect; he couldn't let his voice slip because of his nerves. Kaiba would see right through that. “What changed?”
Seto Kaiba didn't answer him. He just sat there, totally enthralled by the blonde's features. In all his life, his blue eyes had never witnessed anything so perfect before. `Someone has to carve into that face. It's flawless; too pure.'
“Mr. Kaiba?” Jounouchi repeated, taking a quick glance at Tristan.
“What changed? Nothing did.”
Jou was taken aback by this. Something had to have triggered his madness - the murders, the raping of children. “Could you elaborate?”
“I have not changed since the age of five - when my mother and father molested me.”
Tristan literally gasped, almost knocking the camera down. If this was true, everything that the psychologists had theorized was wrong. This could be the biggest breakthrough of the decade. And it was in the palms of their hands.
“Your doctors say that it was when your brother, Mokuba, was raped and murdered that you started killing.” Jounouchi knew he was onto something. Kaiba was a smart man, much smarter than he and Tristan combined. But, Jounouchi had intuition on his side. He could read people like they were an open book; he only needed to wait for the words to be spilled from the pages. However, Kaiba ~was~ proving to be more difficult than the rest.
“Mokuba had nothing to do with my `hobby',” Kaiba whispered, looking deeply into the brown eyes across from him.
“Yes, that is what I call it.”
`Bastard,' Tristan thought. The things he did to his victims could never be called a `hobby' to anyone with a heart or a conscious. This man was a monster.
“I beg your pardon, but calling what you did a `hobby' does not justify anything or clarify why you did it-”
“Have you ever eaten human flesh?” the brunette asked, interrupting him and squirming a bit in his heavy bonds. In truth, Kaiba just wanted to see the reporter's reaction, and see if Jou could handle the truth.
“No, it's usually not on the menu at McDonalds. Close; but the hamburgers come with pickles and bread.”
The inmate chuckled, giving Jou a small glimpse of his perfectly white teeth. “I see. Well, we should have dinner together some time. Maybe you could try some with me.” Kaiba looked dead serious.
“Are you hitting on me, Mr. Kaiba?”
“Please, call me Seto.”
Jou had seen this before in the deranged people he'd interviewed. They would try to intimidate him with lame tactics such as sexual innuendoes and the like. He always knew how to counter them effectively, but Seto Kaiba seemed totally serious about his statement. It was as if the brunette believed he could actually escape KUM and dine with the blonde like ordinary people. That would never happen. So if Kaiba wanted to mess around and tease Jou, then he would do the same.
“Sure, I would love to…Seto.”
Kaiba's cock twitched at the answer. `Oh, how I want to suck on that mouth - and then bite it off. That would teach him not to go toe-to-toe with me.' Blue eyes remained fixed on the man before him.
“But, as you know, we must get this interview done. We only have ten minutes left.” Jou raised his arm, looking at his mediocre, golden watch. Kaiba nodded his head, patiently waiting for him to continue. “Do believe yourself to be sane after what you did?” Jou shuffled through his mountains of paper, trying to find the background information he needed.
“It's all relative. What is considered sane in today's world, anyway?”
Jounouchi became angered by the apathy he saw. “So, you say that killing a thirty-three year old man in front of his children was justified because of its relevance?”
“I was doing them a favor. That man was raping his children.”
“Killing him is a crime according to Japanese law, and the way you did it tells the doctors that you are not in your right mind.”
“Manson killed his victims because he was educating his family. In his mind, he was helping people and committing a selfless act. Who is to say he was insane by doing so?”
“Society does.”
“Ahh, but there are many societies, and most are very different. So if what you say is true, and society ~does~ depict what is right and what is wrong, then are the terrorists of the Middle East justified in killing innocent civilians?
“No, that isn't right; killing people isn't just. It's selfish.”
“But their society believes that they are doing the right thing in the name of their God, and the martyrs think that they are committing the most selfless acts for their people.”
`What the hell is going on?' Tristan thought, unable to keep up.
Kaiba looked directly into Jounouchi's eyes, pouring out a tiny glint of emotion, and leaving the blonde speechless. “So, you're contradicting yourself now. You said society tells us what is right, what is wrong, who is sane, and who is insane. The Middle Eastern people believe their martyrs are national heroes. Of course other countries disagree, simply because they are of a different society. So who is right?”
“Of course you do not know, because there is no right answer. It's all relative, as I said.” Kaiba knew he had Jounouchi cornered, just like all his previous victims. They had no way out, and that was just how the brunette liked it.
Then, the blonde gave him an odd look, tilting his head to the side as if trying to understand something so simple. `He looks like a dog. Hmm, a collar wouldn't look bad chaffing his pretty, little neck, either.'
“I see your point. But I have more questions for you than just that.” Jou looked seriously into the blue eyes across from him. “Your last victim was Tea Gardner, an American dancer here in Japan on tour. What was so special about her? She was different, so you performed differently in executing her murder. This ultimately led to your capture. What happened?”
A heavy silence descended on the room. Tristan zoomed in on the brunette's face, noting that everything about him was perfectly shaped and well kept.
“She was the only person I've ever known that could turn any bad situation into a good one. She didn't see the reality, the cynicism in society. To her, everything had a purpose. I had to show her how wrong she was. I needed to demonstrate that life is pain, and nothing you can do can heal that.”
“How did you know her?” Jou found himself engrossed in Kaiba's speech. He spoke so well, as if telling a story. Jounouchi had to remind himself that this man was a serial killer, and he was his interviewer.
“My corporation sponsored the tour, and she was their top dancer. So we got to know one another on a first name basis,” Kaiba stated as he eyed the blonde's torso, secretly wondering what it would smell like to burn his skin.
“That was the only odd thing about your killings. The others had no connection to you or your company. So why take the risk?”
“As I have said, I needed to show her the pain she was supposed to feel. And I believe I did that quite well.” He remembered that night vividly. After years of working, he finally felt a sense of accomplishment when she died - like he had taught someone the true meaning of living. “You should have heard her scream; it was very annoying, but satisfying. Why? Because I knew my point was getting across. She wasn't that tight, either; she was probably fucked by every producer in New York City.”
Jou didn't speak; he wanted to stop Kaiba, but the CEO had never opened up to anyone about his murders before. This would shoot the ratings through the roof! Besides, they could always edit out the graphic parts later on. “Go on…”
“She had strong legs from her dancing; she even tried to kick me off a few times. I took a knife that I had brought with me and sawed most of the leg off so she wouldn't struggle. But I wanted her alive, so I kept the inside of her leg attached so I wouldn't cut the main artery.”
“What else did you do?”
“After that, she just lay there learning life's lessons as I shoved my dick into her. She begged, oh how she begged. After realizing that life was pain, that wench finally gave up all hope.”
“How long did this go on?”
“I tried to keep her alive for as long as possible. I thought she needed a more thorough lesson. No, actually, I was just having too much fun. I think she died right after I cut her clit off. That was intense to see.”
Jounouchi and Tristan were totally silent, watching as the brunette relived the event, a smirk settling on his lips. “You ejaculated in her. That is how you were caught. You hadn't done that to the eighteen other victims. Why her?”
“I lost myself, I suppose. When I felt her realize her fate, I became overwhelmed. Ms. Gardner always was a fast learner. I realized that I had accomplished so much more than I had to. I was through teaching life's lessons to other idiots who were too naïve to understand. So after her, I gave up. I needed the solitude, and this place gives me exactly what I need.” Kaiba shifted in his bonds. “Though, there is a downside to everything.”
“What is it you regret?” Katsuya asked, keeping a serious tone to his voice.
Seto Kaiba paused briefly, closing his eyes. After a few moments, Jou was beginning to wonder if the prisoner had fallen asleep. “My only regret,” he said as he opened his blue eyes, “Is not meeting you before I came to KUM.”
The blonde gasped lightly. `Oh God, he was thinking of me. That whole time his eyes were closed, he was envisioning my body.' If Jou didn't have an iron stomach, he would surely have vomited all over the floor.
There was a loud knock at the door before Jounouchi could respond to Kaiba. “Time's up, Mr. Kaiba.” Three security officers unchained the murderer, leading him out of the small room.
“Tomorrow, then?” blue eyes challenged.
Jounouchi swallowed hard. “You bet.”