Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Life Inside the Chemical Heart ❯ Chapter 1; Voices ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, or any of the songs mentioned, if I did, this would be an Anime and/or Manga now wouldn't it?
Note: The song used for this chapter is Voices by Disturbed.
Chapter 1: Voices
Nick walked in taking a position in front of the class, he smiled and surveyed them. At the same time Téa who'd snapped out of her trance when the class was ordered turned her head to take an uninterested look at the new Student, just as he looked in her direction…
For a brief moment something stirred inside Téa, a warm tender feeling that made her want to smile and take a bright outlook on life again. Even though the rain was falling even harder outside. However the instant that feeling appeared, it went away as she noticed he'd looked away. Téa dismissed the feeling; to her it wasn't worth exploring.
On the other side of the equation Nick's eyes had travelled the room; he registered Joey's presence, along with a couple of other note worthy people. However when he arrived at Téa's eyes something sparked within him, he looked into her eyes and suddenly didn't want to look away. He'd always had an attraction to brunettes with blue eyes, but hers, hers were the most beautiful eyes he'd seen, and yet the sad loneliness he saw within them made him want to gather her in his arms and cradle her until what had caused that pain was only a distant memory. Nick grabbed hold of his senses and looked in another direction before anyone noticed.
“So Mr. King, why don't you tell us a little about yourself?” The teacher encouraged, Nick cleared his throat and looked slightly uncomfortable, while in the past teachers had told him he was a good public speaking voice (It's true, I've been told that.) he still got nervous talking in front of groups.
“Well, I was born and raised in Adelaide, Australia; my parents own a medium sized newspaper there. I'm an only child; my interests are Duel Monsters, reading and Anime.”
The teacher nodded, “Very good, thank you for that Mr. King, why don't you take a seat, the one beside Mr. Kaiba is free.”
Nick nodded and walked to the back of the class, several students gave him a look of pity all knowing that Kaiba should not be inflicted on a student in his first day of class. As Nick sat down he noticed the book on Nihilism sitting on Kaiba's desk, he smiled filing the info away for later.
“We will begin today's lesson by turning to page one hundred and ninety of your textbooks the chapter entitled second level Romanji, now, copy the sentence written in Kanji on the right side of the page into Romanji using the lines on the left side of the book.” The Teacher ordered writing the instructions on the black board. However by this time even the most diligent students had tuned out. The class had the highest average grade of the school, helped mostly by the fact Seto Kaiba was in the class. But also by the fact the teacher was a dotty old fool by his own admission, in jest but the students took him seriously and graded leniently.
As the teacher began to nod off students began passing notes around the class. The notable exceptions to the note passing were Téa and Kaiba; one was caught in her own gloom, the other the students avoided on principal. Nick was quietly reading Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum when a note dropped onto his desk he picked it up and read.
`How's ya first day?' - Joey.
Nick blinked and sweat dropped seeing that his blonde room mate persisted with his Brooklyn accent to his writing. He wrote a response and passed it back. Several minutes and two pages later a second note dropped onto his desk. Nick read the note noticing that Joey was looking back at him; Nick nodded in response to the note and returned to his book. `I'm going to have to have a serious conversation with dad about what he defines as `Great learning opportunities.' Nick thought continuing to read.
The monotonous lesson broke up with the ringing of the lunch bell, Joey stretched and yawned, “It's about time, damn dat was a long lesson.”
Yugi smiled getting up from his desk, “It was only as long as our usual morning lesson.”
Tristan groaned working the kinks in his neck, “It felt twice as long today.”
Yugi shrugged, “So are we going for lunch?”
Tristan and Joey grinned, “Lunch!”
Yugi chuckled and turned to Téa's desk to ask her if she wanted to join them. But he knew before he turned around she was already gone. “She's becoming more and more withdrawn…”
Tristan and Joey became downcast, “I thought she might be starting to get better, ya know, it's been months since the Pharaoh left.” Joey said.
“But she just seems to be getting worse.” Tristan observed.
Yugi nodded, “I've been trying for weeks to get her to talk to me, I've invited her around, tried to get her to see a movie with me. She doesn't even return my phone calls anymore.”
Joey grinned slightly poking Yugi in the ribs, “Better not let ya girlfriend hear ya inviting another girl to da movies.”
Yugi gave Joey a stern very Téa like look before continuing, “I'm just getting worried, she becoming so withdrawn, and cut off from the world because she misses the Pharaoh that she might…”
Both the other boys picked up on Yugi's voice trailing off, “She might?”
“Do something, to try and get back to him.” Yugi said quietly, the three became silent contemplating the very unpleasant scenario Yugi had just alluded to.
Nick who'd finished packing away his desk for lunch walked over to the three, “Wow, you three are the poster children for cheerful.”
Joey shook his head, “Hey, oh Yug, Tristan dis is da Transfer Student that's rooming with me and Serenity, Nick dese are my best friends, Tristan Taylor, and Yugi Mutou.”
Nick blinked for a moment after shaking hands with Tristan, “Yugi, not the World Champion Yugi Mutou, King of Games, Battle City and the KC Grand Prix?”
Yugi went bright red at hearing the listing of his own accomplishments, “Ah, well yeah.”
Nick shook Yugi's hand firmly, “It's an honour, really, I'm a big fan of yours, I'm a duellist myself, although not nearly to your level. The best I've ever done is become regional champion.”
Yugi nodded eagerly, “What's your favourite…”
Joey interrupted them, “Look, I love talking about Duel Monsters as much as da next guy, can we do it over lunch please?”
Yugi and Nick nodded, although they didn't have entirely much choice as Joey and Tristan pushed them out of the classroom down to the eating hall. The hall was a large room with dozen's of tables scattered around. The three grabbed lunch trays and headed to the food serving area. Each of them got some food and sat down at an isolated table in the corner. Nick looked around to get a feel for the students when he noticed Téa sitting alone at a table nearby.
“Do any of you know her?” Nick asked indicating to Téa.
Yugi nodded, “She's one of our other best friends, but we haven't been speaking much lately.”
“She's certainly beautiful.” Nick commented with his eyes fixed on Téa.
Yugi eyed his new friend suspiciously, though he no longer had romantic interest in Téa, he still loved her as a friend and was very protective. Yugi didn't exactly like the way this conversation was heading. He liked it even less when Nick stood up carrying his tray.
“Thanks for lunch guys; I'll see you back in class.” Nick said smiling before walking away from them.
“Where da heck is he going?” Joey asked, Tristan shrugged but Yugi had a feeling he knew exactly where Nick was headed.
`Another day of this, why do I do this every day, it's just the same pain over and…' Téa thought bitterly, her thoughts suddenly interrupted by a voice.
“Hi, is there room to sit here?” The voice asked.
Téa looked up and around seeing several empty tables within spitting distance of hers.
“But those are empty.” She said indicating to the other empty tables.
Nick nodded looking around, “True, but if I sat at one of those tables I wouldn't be able to watch a beautiful girl while I ate, it always makes the experience that much better.”
Téa caught herself blushing at the last comment, she nodded reluctantly and he sat down. Suddenly she recognised him, she'd been so caught up in herself she'd failed to notice the boy whom she was speaking to was the Transfer Student from that morning. “I'm Téa.” She said extending her hand for him to shake.
Nick smiled and did something unexpected, he took her hand and kissed the back of it gently, Téa's blush deepened as he smiled subtly, “It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Téa, I'm Nick, but my friends have been known to call me Phoenix.”
“Why Phoenix?” Téa asked interested.
Nick smiled again, “If we get to know each other I'll tell you the story behind my nickname, let's just say for now that it's something that suits my past.”
Téa smiled back, she was beginning to like this guy, and he seemed nice. She sensed that he was a charmer, but his eyes seemed genuine. And she had to admit he was kind of, `No, I can't, he, no, I have to, I have to.'
Téa pushed back her chair and stood suddenly, “I'm sorry, I have to go, I'm suddenly not hungry.”
Before Nick could respond Téa had walked from the table, Nick breathed out and slumped slightly, `She seemed into me, but then she suddenly went cold.' Nick thought feeling sort of dejected.
He started picking at his food and smiled slightly, `There's always tomorrow.'
Twenty minutes later the bell rang signalling class resuming. The day continued with another long mind numbing session. As the class broke up for the day Joey and Tristan coaxed Yugi into agreeing to take time out to hang with them tomorrow afternoon after school. Yugi rushed off to his date and Tristan, Joey and Nick rushed, through the still bucketing rain, home. Téa again walked slowly through the rain, in no hurry to get anywhere really.
Later that night, after dinner and homework Nick laid down in his bed staring out the window. The rain had finally stopped and the sky had cleared some to reveal the stars. He smiled watching them, he rested his head on his hands, the day replaying in his mind, many interesting things had happened, he'd made new friends, but the thing that kept replaying over and over, the only thing he was concerned about, was the name on his lips.
“Téa Gardener.” Nick said with a chuckle.
Meanwhile, the said girl walked into her room and closed the door, she didn't bother turning the light on. She simply stripped herself of her clothes and collapsed onto her bed. She crawled under the covers and let her body slump, the stress and pain of the day melted off her body. She reviewed the day in her mind, but she kept going over seeing the Transfer Student, she felt something stir inside her whenever she thought about it.
`I can't go there, he's, I'm, I can't do it. I can't be that way.' Téa thought grabbing hold the bed sheets tightly.
Téa felt a few tears roll down her cheeks, “Yami, why, why did you have to leave me?”
As with every night since that day under the desert sand, the seventeen year old aspiring ballerina girl cried herself to sleep.
To Be Continued…