Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Life Inside the Chemical Heart ❯ Chapter 2; Turning Inward ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! Or the songs mentioned.
Note: The Chapter title is Turning Inward by Boy Hits Car (Yes that really is the name of the band.)
Warning: This Chapter contains sexual overtones, swearing and descriptions of female nudity, read at your own risk.
Chapter 2: Turning Inward
Dawn neared in Domino Japan, as was the normal hustle and bustle of morning life. The Wheeler residence was mostly quiet, save for the sound of breakfast being prepared.
“Hm, wha, what da heck, is dat sound?” Joey Wheeler mumbled rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He sat up in bed listening. He glanced over at the left side of his bed, it was empty. He smiled slightly and got up grabbing a blue robe that was hanging on his closet door wrapping it around himself entering the living area.
The Wheeler household wasn't exactly spacious, but it was ok. The bedroom on the left wall was Joey's and the Master Bedroom, it lead as did both the other bedrooms which were parallel to Joey's directly into the living area, which consisted of a three seater couch medium sized TV and a beaten up old pine coffee table. The main feature of the living area was the glass sliding doors that lead out to the concrete balcony. It wasn't exactly romantic, which is the reason Joey had avoided it the previous night.
Joey, now in the living area heard the unmistakable sound of sausages sizzling on the stove. He walked around to the counter that acted sort of like a window into the kitchen. He heard someone rattling around in the cupboards beneath the counter and smiled.
“Hey der sexy, what ya up to?” Joey asked smiling arrogantly.
“Oh nothing honey, just making breakfast.” A very male voice responded from under the counter. Joey's arrogant smile turned to gapping shock seeing his roommate emerge from under the counter placing the three plates he was holding onto the counter.
“Wha? Where's, I thought… Wha?” Joey replied still gapping.
Nick chuckled, “Your girlfriend whom you were expecting left earlier, that's your girlfriend, seriously?”
Joey leaned across the counter with a none to happy expression on his face, “What da heck is dat supposed ta mean?”
Nick held his hands up, “Whoa, take it easy Joey, I didn't mean it like that, I'm just asking because she's so dam hot… and she's going out with you?”
Joey slumped and face faulted, “Watch it rich boy…”
Nick sighed, “We have a couple of million and a Newspaper, that's not rich.”
“Ya not serious…”
Nick laughed bitterly, “Look Joey, trust me compared to some people from my hometown, my family is middle income.”
“Did Mai…?” Joey asked hopefully changing the subject.
Nick pointed to the end of the counter where a note with Joey's name on it sat sealed with a kiss. Joey grinned and sauntered over to read it. Nick returned to cooking breakfast as Joey read the note grinning the whole time.
A few minutes later Serenity dressed in a over sized shirt, panties and not very much else entered rubbing the sleep from her eyes, “Morning Joey.”
“Morning Serenity.” The boys said simultaneously.
Serenity grinned leaning over, her hands together forming her arms into a V-shape making cleavage poke out at the top of the shirt, she smiled sexily, “Morning Nick.”
Nick stared for about ten seconds before clearing his throat, “Breakfast!”
Nick set out two plates each holding eggs, sausages and toast, in front of the Wheeler Siblings. They blinked simultaneously.
“How come you're up so early Nick?” Serenity questioned suspiciously.
“Me, no particular reason, why?” Nick questioned hurriedly.
“Because every day before dis I've had to drag ya out of bed, why's…” Joey stopped and grinned, “I know why ya so chipper dis morning, ya wanna see her before class, don't ya?” Joey said with a smug smile.
Nick's face became beet red as Serenity scowled, “Her who?”
Joey laughed at the look on Nick's face, “Her, is sweet lil Téa.”
Serenity's scowl deepened, “Oh, her.”
Meanwhile the said girl was rising from her slumber; she looked over at the mirror sitting on her desk. The most noticeable feature were her puffy red eyes, a relic of crying herself to sleep the previous night. Téa rose and walked into the shower stripping off her bed shirt and white cotton panties as she went. Téa turned on the water letting it wash over her soft ivory skin, the remnants of her tears swirling down the drain.
Almost mechanically Téa washed her body, the soapy sponge drifting over her taut stomach, long legs and firm stubble breasts. Téa quickly turned off the water and dried herself with the towel. She put the towel around her midsection and looked into the mirror frowning, she could see the redness in the whites of her eyes and the puffiness around the eyelids.
Téa opened the medicine cabinet and placed a make up kit and some eye drops on the counter. She knew that if her friends found out she cried herself to sleep every night they'd want to help. But she didn't want their help; the only help she wanted from them was help re-uniting her with Yami. However she knew as she put the eye drops in her eyes and applied the makeup that they'd never help her in that fashion.
Téa replaced the eye drops and the make up in the cabinet, as she closed the door she saw herself in the mirror, the puffy redness had disappeared. All that stared back at her now were a pair of sad lonely sapphire eyes, they screamed to be loved, but Téa turned away.
`There's no one else, there was only him, and he's gone…'
“I have no one else to love…” Téa whispered as fresh tears slowly appeared.
In the Wheeler household, the two boys, were farewelling a still scowling Serenity as they made final preparations for their own departure. As they grabbed their coats Joey decided to speak.
“Hey Nick, I know I was joking around before, about Téa, but seriously, ya might want ta look in some other direction.”
Nick looked at Joey, “Why?”
“Téa lost someone she cared about recently, she hasn't gotten over dat loss yet, she's very fragile at da moment…” Joey explained his voice trailing off.
Nick nodded, “Joey, I appreciate your candour, I admit I'm not exactly new to the dating scene. But I left my life as a playboy in Adelaide; I'm not looking for a fling. I'm enchanted by Téa, I saw her and I was spellbound. I'd like to spend a lifetime getting to know the personality behind those beautiful sapphire eyes. Then I'd like to wake up one morning and do it again. Respectfully I decline from looking in another direction.”
Joey nodded, he knew it wasn't a line he was being fed, Joey could tell from the sparkle in Nick's eyes when he was talking about Téa. It was the same sparkle he'd noticed reflected in Mai's eyes whenever they were close, which was often.
“Ok Nick, just go gently man, because if ya break her heart, I'm gonna break ya legs.”
Nick coughed, “Good safety tip…”
“Yup.” Joey agreed with a smile on his face.
The two grabbed their jackets and walked out. The sky was still cloudy, but at least, from their perspective, it had stopped raining. Although the streets were still very wet from the rain that had fallen the previous night.
As the two approached the school Yugi and Tristan hooked up with them, Tristan and Joey looked eagerly towards Yugi.
“Before you ask the answer is already no.” Yugi said holding his hands up.
“What da ya mean no Yug, Ya don't even know what we're gonna ask.” Joey said defensively with Tristan nodding.
Yugi sighed, “Ok, ok, what were you going to ask?”
“Can we copy ya math homework?” Tristan asked eagerly with Joey nodding.
“OH! I KNEW YOU GUYS WERE GOING TO ASK ME THAT!!!” Yugi yelled as Nick laughed.
Joey was about to protest, but a loud noise, a yell of pain from inside the school gate drew their attention. The group ran forward, as they approached they started to hear voices.
“…Come on, hand it over!” A male voice ordered.
“But, but, I don't have any money…” A second smaller voice stuttered.
“Bullshit, your old man is loaded ain't he, so hand over ya doe!” The first voice demanded before another yell of pain was heard.
Yugi and the gang spun around the corner and saw immediately the situation, Yugi reacted first, “HANASAKI!”
Yugi's short blonde blue-eyed be-speckled friend was being held by two thugs in school uniforms, a third thug was standing in front of him just now removing his fist from Hanasaki's gut. Hanasaki wasn't looking that great, his glasses were eschewed on his face and he was quickly developing a bruise on his right cheek.
“Leave him alone ya freaks!” Joey demanded looking as menacing as possible, Tristan stood beside him looking equally as menacing.
“Oh look, the dork patrol, get lost, this has nothing to do with you.” The lead thug said turning his attention back to Hanasaki.
“It does have something ta do with us creep, he's our buddy, and you'll leave him alone, go pick on someone your own size, a dung beetle sounds about right!” Joey yelled angrily spitting on the ground in front of the thug.
The thug spun around, “GET EM!”
Immediately the lackeys dropped Hanasaki and went for Joey and Tristan. The two were ready dodging and weaving like professional fighters. Each blow they sustained they shrugged off, and they gave as good as they got. While this was occurring Nick and Yugi dragged Hanasaki away from the fight.
“We need to find a teacher.” Yugi proclaimed looking back worriedly at Joey and Tristan; he knew they could handle themselves in a fight, but if…
Yugi wasn't able to finish his thought as a paunchy balding man in a suit came running towards them, “STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!” He yelled.
The fight stopped immediately in the face of the rage of the Vice-Principal. Joey and Tristan had a couple of bruises but nothing major; the thugs they were fighting were already developing dark bruises on their faces.
“What exactly is going on?” The Vice-Principal demanded angrily.
Before either Joey or Tristan could speak the lead thug stepped forward, “We found these two beating up that Hanasaki kid, my buddies and I stepped in to stop them.”
Joey growled, “Hey, dat's not what happened at all!”
“SILENCE!” The Vice-Principal yelled at Joey, “Commendable, most commendable, you'll be rewarded for this mark my words, as for you two.” He said turning towards Joey and Tristan, “Two hours of detention every afternoon for the next week.”
“But sir…” Hanasaki tried to protest.
“Now, now my boy no need to thank me, its part of my job to tend to the well being of students.” The Vice-Principal said talking over the top of Hanasaki.
“Sir, I don't think…” Nick started.
“Mr. King, since it's your second day I'm going to let you off lightly, however, a piece of advice. Stay away from Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Taylor, or you may find life becoming suddenly difficult.” The Vice-Principal said before walking away, while he'd talked the thugs had snuck away; the three were now in an alley way nearby.
“Damn those pricks, another few seconds and we would've had that money!” One of the lackeys complained.
“Forget about that pipsqueak, we've got bigger fish ta fry.” The lead thug said with a gleam in his eye.
“Who's that?” The other thug asked.
“That Mutou kid's Grandfather runs a games shop right, that means the kids gotta be loaded, and his muscle is gonna be otherwise engaged.” The lead thug explained smirking.
“I dunno I've heard that whenever that Yugi kid's in a jam freaky shit happens.” Thug one said worriedly.
“Chill, I heard some even weirder shit went down a few months ago, and he lost the ability ta do freaky shit.” The lead thug explained his lackeys smiled with renewed confidence.
“By tonight we'll have all the money we need…”
After leaving an apologetic Hanasaki with the school nurse the four ran to class 2-A just as the bell rang. The morning class dragged, the only highlight came when during the teacher's lecture/cure for insomnia on Shakespeare Joey began snoring loudly.
Finally the lunch bell rang and everyone retreated from the classroom. Yugi, Tristan, Joey and Nick collected their food and retired to a table to eat. A minute after they sat down a bruised and bandaged Hanasaki walked over carrying a tray of food.
“Hi Hanasaki, how are you feeling?” Yugi asked with a tentative smile.
Hanasaki shrugged, “I'm ok.” He turned to Tristan and Joey and bowed low, “I'm really sorry I got you guys into trouble.”
The two smiled and shrugged, Joey patted him on the shoulder, “Don't worry about it lil buddy, ain't your fault, right Tristan?”
Hanasaki smiled and started to walk away, “Hey don't walk away, have lunch with us.” Yugi urged.
“Here have my chair.” Nick offered getting up.
“Where are you going?” Joey asked already knowing the answer.
“Just to see someone before class…” Nick said walking away.
Meanwhile in a corner of her own Téa picked at her food. She was never hungry anymore; she'd added it to the list of things she didn't care about. As she picked at her food she noticed that someone had suddenly sat down opposite her.
“Hey, there are other tables you know.” She snapped expecting the person to leave.
“Now let's not go through that again.” A voice said.
Téa's head shot up and her heart skipped a beat looking once again into Nick's brown eyes. `What, I, I, can't be feeling that… I mean he's kind of cute, and, and sweet… but I love Yami, I, I…' Téa's thoughts trailed off, she'd looked away from Nick blushing, he waited in silence for her to speak.
Téa cleared her throat, “Is there something you wanted?”
“Well frankly I wanted you to say yes to seeing a movie with me on Friday night?” Nick said with a smile.
Téa blushed again, “Did, did you just ask me on a date?”
Nick smiled, “Indeed I did.”
Téa's face went even redder, “I, ah…” Téa stuttered trying to think through a wave of conflicting emotions, the side of her rekindled by Nick's presence was desperately fighting the side of Téa still in love with the voice that said Let's play a Game all that time ago at Burger World. Just as the side that wanted to say yes started to win a mental picture of that day, under the Egyptian sand replayed in her mind, breaking her will.
“Sorry, I'm not free on Friday.” Téa said standing, her hair obscuring her face.
Nick turned in his chair watching her leave, “Well when might be a better time?”
Téa bowed her head lower clenching her fist, “Try never!” She spat not turning around running out of the dining hall in tears.
Nick slumped in his seat, `Maybe I should quit now, it's not worth investing my emotions in.' He thought staring at his food. He felt far from hungry now, so he dumped the untouched tray and walked back to class.
A couple of minutes later Nick sat down in his chair at the back of the class and started berated himself. He'd actually deluded himself into thinking a beautiful girl could take a interest in him. It wasn't that he was unfamiliar with having hot women interested in him, but the girls who wanted in his pants, always had the ulterior motive of wanting in his wallet. Nick had never felt love, or experienced the act, not sex; he'd practised that often enough. But the actual act of making love, the merging of two souls whom shared the same heart into one.
Nick thought he may have found that person in Téa, given enough time. But as Téa entered the class keeping her head deliberately turned away from him, he knew he wouldn't get to find out.
“Don't worry; I won't start hitting on you again.” Nick half mumbled, as she sat down at her desk.
“Look, I don't, I can't, just leave me alone ok!” Téa snapped finally turning around to look out the window. In the reflection she could see the pained expression on his face. She hid hers so he couldn't see the same expression on her face.
A short time later class resumed, it seemed to go painfully slow for the two both wanting to be anywhere but where they were. Finally an eternity later, the bell rang and class ended. Téa left immediately. However Nick hung around for a minute with the boys, they decided that Nick and Yugi would go on head to the games shop where they would meet up with Joey and Tristan after they'd finished detention.
As Yugi and Nick walked across the school courtyard in the shadows of the buildings to the gate Nick's eyes widened as he checked his bag, Yugi turned around realizing Nick had stopped.
“What's wrong?”
Nick cursed under his breath, “I forgot my book, must still be in the classroom.”
“Is it important?” Yugi asked.
Nick sighed, “Not really, it's going to niggle at me is all.”
Yugi nodded, “I'll wait here.”
As the two talked, three pairs of eyes watch impatiently, they were eager for their quarry to be alone. Finally they saw their moment when Nick ran around the corner back towards the school entrance. Yugi started walking into the shadow of the main building.
Yugi had his head down as he walked, he was trying to focus on the things that made him happy, like his beautiful girlfriend, but his mind kept returning to Téa. The only time he regretted defeating Yami was when he thought of her. Yugi wanted Téa to be happy, but sometimes he felt he'd caused her nothing but pain. Yugi didn't notice until the last moment that someone was standing in his path. Yugi bumped head long into the person stumbling backwards.
“Oh, sorry, are you ok?” Yugi asked quickly getting up.
“I'm fine, but you might not be in a minute.” The person he'd run into said with glee.
Yugi swallowed and knew before he looked up that the person he'd run into was the lead thug from earlier in the day. As their eyes meet Yugi felt a looming presence from behind him. Two pairs of hands grabbed his arms while the lead thug smirked watching.
He walked up on Yugi's left side, “Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. The easy way you give me all your doe, the hard way, we beat the cash out of you.”
Yugi spat in the thugs face, “I don't have any money.”
The thug wiped the spit off his face and hit Yugi, “That was for spitting on me.” He drove a knee into Yugi's gut, “And that's for feeding us a load of bullshit, now hand over your doe you little piece of shit!”
Yugi coughed and spluttered from the knee to the gut, he glared up at the thug, “No.”
The thug became enraged, “WHY YOU LITTLE SHIT!” He exclaimed driving his foot into Yugi's stomach hard.
“HEY!” A voice yelled, Nick had just returned from getting his book to see Yugi getting beaten up. At the same time near the gate a sapphire eyed girl was just now stumbling across the scene.
“LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Nick yelled dropping his bag charging the lead thug.
The thug smirked, cocking back his fist anticipating the move. However just as he threw the punch Nick ducked and rolled behind him. The thug spun around to be met by a kick to face so hard that he left his feet for a few seconds before crashing to the ground in a heap. One of the thugs holding Yugi dove for Nick. Launching himself from his couching position Nick used his momentum to drive a fist into the lackeys gut, removing his fist in time to drive an elbow into the thug's spine between the shoulder blades.
The sapphire eyed Téa Gardener watched the fight hidden in the shadows of the school gate. She was worried about Yugi, but her eyes were locked on Nick. The way he came to Yugi's aid, so strong and tough, standing up to them even though it was three to one, `That's so much like Yami…' Téa thought blushing slightly.
The final thug cast Yugi aside and attempted the same tactic as his boss, this time Nick ducked in behind him, the thug spun around to meet an extremely hard fist to the face. Nick smirked a little hearing a satisfying snap indicating the thug's nose had been broken.
Nick growled staring down at them, “Get lost!”
The three thugs nodded bidding a hasty retreat under Nick's glaring eyes and waiting fists. Once they were gone Nick helped Yugi up resting him against a wall, “Are you ok?”
Yugi coughed and smiled, “I'm ok, I've been beaten worse.”
“Wait here.” Yugi said with a gleam in his eye standing up.
“Wait… for what?”
Yugi smiled, “I'm going to see the Vice-Principal.” He explained adrenaline overriding his pain responses.
Yugi sped off in the direction of the main entrance, Nick was about to pursue when a feminine voice cleared her throat behind him. Nick spun around to see Téa standing just a few feet from him.
“Oh, hi Téa.”
Téa walked closer to him placing her hand on his arm moving her weight to the balls of her feet to kiss him softly on the cheek. Nick turned pink in response.
“What was that for?” He asked confused.
“That was a thank you for sticking up for Yugi, only a genuine friend would do that when they had nothing to gain from it.”
Nick smiled, “He's my friend, I could do no less.”
Téa smiled demurely, “Oh, and about the other thing, yes.”
Nick blinked, “Yes, to what?”
Téa grinned and kissed him on the cheek before walking away slightly, she stopped turning her head half towards him, “Yes, I will go out on a date with you Friday night.”
As Nick stood silent in shock Téa skipped he way out of the school grounds, feeling lighter than air. Nick snapped out of his shock and smiled watching her go, joy filled him, she'd actually said yes…
To Be Continued